Justinian and Belisarius reconquering the lost Western Roman Empire [The Vandal War]

Justinian and Belisarius reconquering the lost Western Roman Empire [The Vandal War]


2 года назад

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Evan - 30.09.2023 12:25

Agathias Scholasticos (530-582 AD) one of the principal historians of Justinian's reign between 552 and 558, at some point in his work compares the bravery of Belisarius and his soldiers with that of Leonidas and the 300. The historian borrows a piece from the history of the Laconians, as he refers to them, in order to praise the general and his deeds.

Ned Ludd
Ned Ludd - 06.06.2023 17:39

I first heard of Belisarius from the novel by Robert Graves of the same name. I thoroughly enjoyed it as with the other novels and essays by Graves. Maybe you will have more on him.

Chris Tammaro
Chris Tammaro - 05.06.2023 22:56

This should be called "how a prostitute" changed the world!!!!!

Chris Tammaro
Chris Tammaro - 05.06.2023 22:54

I always think of what could have been . If another good emperor followed but that's always been the problem with Rome and any other empire they name there child who grown up thinking there entitled and are greed and lazy

CautionTime - 18.03.2023 23:52

Fantastic video. Love this channel, which helped rekindle my interest in all things Rome. Random question: you could no doubt make years of videos solely on the late Empire, but have you ever considered mixing in content on earlier time periods?

Jeff Smith
Jeff Smith - 04.01.2023 09:40


M S - 23.12.2022 18:48

Great video.

Lewis - 18.12.2022 19:19

My understanding is that Justinian destroyed the cities of Italy in his reconquest... This led to the dark ages...

Darham Mora
Darham Mora - 06.12.2022 01:02

Theodoric kingdom ruled Rome for 4 decades not 6

Mike Coolwind
Mike Coolwind - 05.11.2022 21:07

Time to destroy Federal Germany and restore HRE

Ball - 19.08.2022 06:43

why the gotic wars were more destructive than the previous roman civil wars?

Filip Opiela
Filip Opiela - 09.08.2022 16:57

Great video!

me2 345
me2 345 - 04.07.2022 20:18

IDK why Romulus Agustulus (RA)is still considered the last Roman emperor when he was installed by his father a barbarian chief employed Rome. I think of him as the first & last barbarian Roman emperor. Julius Nepos, (died May 9, 480) was the last legitimate Western Roman emperor (reigned 474–475).

iDeath MaximuM II
iDeath MaximuM II - 29.05.2022 04:31

The 5th Century was Rome on the defensive for most of it
The 6th Century was Rome on the Offensive

Daniel Catallo
Daniel Catallo - 13.05.2022 18:11

Carthage was finally abandoned after two major sackings. In the 10th Century the city was sacked by Genovese and Napolitan pirates, permanently ending Muslim attempts to conquer mainland Italy. In the 13th Century the city was sacked by the French under Louis IX during the 6th Crusade. The French King would not survive it, Carthage was abandoned.

Cosmic Mercury
Cosmic Mercury - 13.05.2022 14:16

underrated video

J M - 27.04.2022 03:09

I wonder if the Romans were sending aid to the Ostrogoths? Whats sad if Belisarius was able to do with barely a quarter of the forces Leo sent....so you can imagine if Leo's expedition succeeded with such a large force they could have probably retaken all the provinces.

Hector Arcelus
Hector Arcelus - 05.04.2022 06:16

Do you plan to cover Rome successors, Sultanate of Rum and the Ottoman Empire .
