Ranking Ever Far Cry Game from Worst to Best

Ranking Ever Far Cry Game from Worst to Best


1 год назад

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I'm ranking every Far Cry ever made, which is harder than it sounds. These are some of the best video games ever created, so it's hard to pick my favorite. That being said, someone had to do it and that someone is me.

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0:00 intro
0:38 Dishonorable Mention
1:20 8
1:52 7
3:03 6
4:08 5
4:55 4
5:54 3
6:41 2
8:55 1

#gaming #videogames #comedy #pc #fps #funny #farcry
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happygosunday - 03.02.2023 11:18

I didn’t add blood dragon on the list but for those asking I would have put it right behind far cry 3

jealousy888 - 17.09.2023 04:21

I respect your opinion and thanks for the effort in making this video. I just don’t agree with placing the first game so low because it’s getting very hard in the second half.

II M4X II - 17.09.2023 03:11

"Ever Far Cry Game"

PoTAToTAToman114 - 16.09.2023 21:20

My fave is either primal or Farcry 2. Primal is up there because it takes a break from the normal "Shoot everything."
cliché, its unique even among other survival games because rarely do games involve the human orgigins and fun mechanics like riding a FRICCEN SABERTOOTH. It gives you the ultimate feeling of power and savagery to club in the skull of your enemy. You don't have to worry about being gunned down by unseen enemies 200 meters away anymore. Instead you have to get up close and personal more often than not. Farcry 2 however is brutal. You still feel powerful, as mentioned in the video, but its just the anger and frustration you go through to get that feeling. The game makes you feel hopeless, like your actions does not affect the world around you, only your own survival. The game won't go out of its way to make things easy for you. And thats why its so fun for me.

Ivan Zagreb
Ivan Zagreb - 14.09.2023 21:29

far cry 6 nr.1

Pratik mahajan
Pratik mahajan - 14.09.2023 17:08

One of the worst game far cry 2 🤮🤮

Pratik mahajan
Pratik mahajan - 14.09.2023 17:04

Open world beauty of far cry 4 >>>>>>> any other far cry game

iieagle85eyeii - 14.09.2023 05:38

New down is the second best far cry for me i play it co-op woth my brother The best one is far cry6

Korgez23 - 12.09.2023 06:02

I loved fc6 it has my favorite villain in the game, Anton Calstillo was menacing whenever he was on the screen and I loved the amigos you can have a dachshund in a wheelchair and the addition of boomer being back was great, l like the leveling system I gives you a challenge sometimes, instead of being the same, some enemies require a certain type of bullet I don’t know how you could put it so low ya there isn’t much enemy variety but helicopters and tanks would be sent after the more soldiers you killed I loved it but that’s my opinion

Levi - 11.09.2023 07:31

i like farcry 5 because i feel like it could actually happen? like someone starts a religion and they go crazy and stuff it just adds a extra level of like... realism? or something like that

akombalasau - 11.09.2023 07:24

They can make a terminator post apocalyptic world game!

The Batman of Neo-Gotham
The Batman of Neo-Gotham - 09.09.2023 23:17

Damn, your ranking list is almost identical to how I would rank these games. The only discrepancy is that I haven't played the first Far Cry, Far Cry 2, nor Blood Dragon. Other than that, I mostly agree with your opinion.

PrestxnGG - 09.09.2023 00:06

I remember buying farcry 3 for the xbox 360. God looking back farcry 3 was the best looking game ive ever seen. I look at it now and still kinda feel that but through my eyes back then it looked like a triple a ps5 game. By far my favourite map and villian in farcry.

Bearded Badger
Bearded Badger - 07.09.2023 21:29

I HATED New Dawn it.was hot.garbage

Cam - 06.09.2023 00:27

Far cry 3&4 are my personal favourites. I absolutely DESPISED far cry 5 and still do. For me, a waste of time, really didn’t enjoy it.

Myth M
Myth M - 04.09.2023 11:53

Far cry 4 is my favorite, the game really make you travel to Himalaya, amazing experience

Markus - 04.09.2023 10:41

Im 40 and my PC struggled with FarCry and Crisis. I often adulten the settings so often just to play it on the highest settings possible. For its time it was mind blowing.

PapaPie707 - 03.09.2023 17:29

I’d rather play 4 than 5 but meh

God0fTop - 02.09.2023 12:29

nah bro really put far cry new dawn below far cry 1 and 2 🤣

Callum Clifton
Callum Clifton - 02.09.2023 06:43


Callum Clifton
Callum Clifton - 02.09.2023 06:41

I really like primal, coild be beacause it introduced me to the series

Callum Clifton
Callum Clifton - 02.09.2023 06:40

Honestly, when i played the campaign for 6 i was so bored after about an hour and started the dlc, which is actually really fun and i played the vaas one alot

Lanzawild - 31.08.2023 19:24

I really hope Far Cry comes back to Africa 🌍💪🏽

Kyle broflovski
Kyle broflovski - 29.08.2023 13:31

😅 I wanted to see whats number 1 and buy it but I am on Ps 5

THC Tycoon
THC Tycoon - 29.08.2023 13:23

I don’t know if they tried to make Jess funny, but when she was giving me the backstory on the cook where the hostages drank their own piss and force fed their children piss I couldn’t help but die laughing.

Lil Whoadie
Lil Whoadie - 29.08.2023 01:06

Where is primal

Nathan Unsted
Nathan Unsted - 26.08.2023 11:52

Nah nah nah, theres absolutely no way that far cry 4 is worse than 5 and 2... of course i understand people placing 3 at the top, i mean obviously, but 4 is far and wide the 2nd best in the entire series, some would say its by far and wide the best. 5 had no soul and was just an open nothing boring world, and 2 is a great game, but theres literally no way the mechanics and in game gameplay even slightly come close to 4...

İskender Çağlar
İskender Çağlar - 22.08.2023 22:26

Best far cry 3
Worst new dawn

Jays Ipad
Jays Ipad - 22.08.2023 19:14

Far cay 3 …my favourite

markini curtini
markini curtini - 22.08.2023 04:29

I personally far cry 6 is at 3, I really liked it

Diligence Humility
Diligence Humility - 21.08.2023 19:31

FC3 was the best

For The Country
For The Country - 20.08.2023 04:43

I bet Phantom Menace is your favorite SW movie. TD.

Sam Urai
Sam Urai - 19.08.2023 21:17

FC2 #1 really? 💀

Also way to go with the spoilers dish!t 🙄

Elrock | Hangshing
Elrock | Hangshing - 19.08.2023 07:36


MyBigFatJack - 19.08.2023 05:17

New dawn was absolutely horrible

DontbeaDolt - 18.08.2023 18:52

I have to say as one who has played the earliest of the series on Xbox with Far Cry Instinct and later again on 360 with Evolution, then Far Cry 2 and also Far Cry 1, then on to FC3 and the rest, this is pretty much on par of my own findings. Cant honestly say FC2 is #1 but these days it seem going back to the earlier versions of a franchise series is actually way more fun and enticing than all the new shite they have added in along with removing some EXCELLENT stuff which creates massive disappointments - aka New Dawn with its absolute horrific changes to the great experience that FC5 initially had and sadly the latest installment of FC6. Like why on earth would you add all these character options in FC5 - but no 3rd person view unless your dead, which I didnt have to much problem with, BUT in FC6 they remove those customizations whilst adding in the 3rd person aspect! How hard is it to just copy paste over the hair models from FC5 at least? I mean its not like FC6 looks that much better than the rest of the titles especially compared to FC5 - I experience basically all the games at some point in FC6 graphic wise, such as the long distance view is absolute shite with horrific textures that look like its from FC1 with some lemon zest added on top. New Dawn was done by a different team than FC5 thus the drastic differences. FC6 however had apparently MULTIPLE Ubisoft studios working on it, yet everywhere you can find copy paste effects and no randomness especially in trees. They have like 3 different varieties, in an era of superior engine advancements compared to FC2 an 3 - there is no excuse for not having a fully randomized vegetation placement with more than 5 different sizes and varieties. I dearly miss the buddy system too that was first introduced in FC2 and reintroduced in FC5, as they once again sent us back to the old days with only having animals as companions. I can imagine the future of Far Cry now - no more sliding options for crouch, no more hang gliders - OH wait! already gone!, no more skinning animals or checking bodies - oops, already gone, no more airplanes or helicopters, no more companions, etc. I mean FC5 didnt have horses but should have yet FC6 has horses. Dont forget the trademark staples like the Hang Glider that was around since birth, which they couldve added back into the series as a paramotor or something or the original - all these mountains in FC6 and not a single glider. I liked the fact in FC3 you had to obtain the wingsuit, not always have it like they do now which evidently is a cheap cut the corner option to remove the glider completely. Loved FC Primals use of companions like the owl dropping clay pot bombs of all types LOL. The airplane addition to FC5 was awesome and had a ton of fun doing crazy shite in them however in FC6 they changed the way the controls work or lack there of and I cant seem to fly the damn thing very easily, BUT did figure out the box needs to be checked for Invert Pitch for Vertical movement - I want to pull back on the mouse to fly up. The addition of helicopters though small in FC4 was also a huge bonus.

Reilly wood
Reilly wood - 18.08.2023 11:35

farcry 3 is the only option for number 1, farcry 2 was great and the first one i played but yea it’s just not the best

epicfacepanda - 17.08.2023 07:27

Far cry 4 I loved the location villain and the arena side game I blew so many hours in that

Knight Life
Knight Life - 16.08.2023 13:23

Ohh by far FC5. Amazing graphics, Hugh open world. Incredible game play and stunning visuals. FC6 was such a let down.

Tekken Gamer
Tekken Gamer - 15.08.2023 18:36

He is promoting far cry 2 but I think Far cry 4 is no .1

soc ger
soc ger - 15.08.2023 17:17

When I first played Farcry 2 (a couple months ago) I didnt like it at the beginning, because its a game with many issues and most missions feel the same. But I kept playing it and I found out it gave me a feeling no other game has ever given me: you really feel like you are there living that African conflict. I also enjoyed how chaotic it is from a moral point of view: you do some really fucked up things for a greater good, until you end up wondering whether you are doing any good at all or you are just one more gun in a crazy place. And the place is crazy because its a war that makes no sense: just people killing each other, even their own, for riches and power at the expense of the civilian population. It gives you a very realistic sensation of what most wars really are like.

Paris Rose
Paris Rose - 15.08.2023 12:25

I feel that New Dawn fixes the game play issues of FC5. I keep wanting to call it red dawn though, incorrectly... but a bunch of angry...c'mon. FC2 was my doorway back to gaming since Doom2 came out for my Pentium90.

Bernardo Nunes
Bernardo Nunes - 15.08.2023 08:19

Farcry 6 is actually pretty good... If you never really played any other farcry game. It looks like they added the good mechanics of their last games into this one, but at the end, they're all the same, after 2 or 3 games you just get tired. So, even though this one was ok-to-good, i cannot stand another farcry game if they don't change the formula, i really couldn't push myself to play that game entirely.

Zach Hoy
Zach Hoy - 15.08.2023 06:54

Ah, I played them roughly in order and stopped after FarCry 5, and it's 3 and 5 that really clinched it for me, with 4 in 3rd

Christopher Young
Christopher Young - 14.08.2023 22:25

Just started playing Farcry 2 ....so good

Michael Clark
Michael Clark - 14.08.2023 12:21

I love playing FarCry 5 and I never finished 6.

jarnMod - KFP Sticky Note Service
jarnMod - KFP Sticky Note Service - 13.08.2023 21:49

I hate one part of Farcry 5 so badly. The kidnap squad. That alone run the game for me

𝙬𝙚𝙬𝙚 𝙙𝙤𝙜
𝙬𝙚𝙬𝙚 𝙙𝙤𝙜 - 13.08.2023 17:16

Nahhhhhh my first far cry game was far cry

Dustin - 13.08.2023 10:53

I loved far cry primal just something about being able ride a sabretooth then actually send him in to fight for you is so fun. Although i think the game could of been better. I think it deserves a sequel to improve on the first.

The Rat Pope
The Rat Pope - 12.08.2023 19:51

6 was respectfully ass new Dawn was good so was 5
