Increasing Your Milk Supply and Weaning off of Formula

Increasing Your Milk Supply and Weaning off of Formula

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@casandrapayne3708 - 27.01.2024 04:11

Thank you for this video! Currently trying to get my supply up for my 5 week old so we can make the switch to breastfeeding only. Does comfort nursing help increase supply? One of our main struggles is him falling asleep as soon as he latches. Any advice is greatly appreciated!

@EmilyHarrietStrange - 21.01.2024 22:54

Baby is 6 weeks old and still combi feeding, I've been pumping in-between but he is always hungry after a breast and still has a full bottle after breastfeeding and it makes me feel useless.

Swapping breasts and giving half a bottle is such a good idea. I'll be trying this tonight.

Thank you all the way from the UK.

@sharanyarajup - 20.01.2024 03:48

Your video was Godsend, as i eas having difficult time to finslise what process is going to help me.
My baby birth weight was3kg, discharge weight: 2.740
i was having oversupply snd clogged and very heavy breasts at that time. she was latching good which was confirmed by the lactation consultant at the hospital itself. i was feeding jer on demand. she would feed for 30-45 mins and would leave the breast herself,once done.
But would start showing hunger cues 10-15mins after put to bed.Also she started longer at night time6-7hrs. All this happened in the first month. We went to her check up post-1month, the weight was 3.040kg. I was shocked and shattered. Doctor asked to start formula immediately and also continue Breastfeeding. Sfter the formula, shr would sleep quite immediately so despite breastfeeding her, breasts weren't getting emptied and after two weeks now the dupply has gone down.
Afyer seeing your video, now I understand that i should have offered breast first and then the formula/bottle. I started your method from today. But she is fussing a lot. During yhis gew times she rrfused bresst and bottle both. Now i afraid as what am I doing wrong. Please help as i wanted to breastfeed exclusively.

@miRanDa16s - 29.12.2023 16:08

I just discovered your channel and I'm binge watching all your videos! My baby is 2 months old and I have been struggling with low supply since the beginning...she had jaundice from day 3 so we were heavily supplementing with formula, then a few days after when i went back to exclusively BF she wasn't gaining weight so we went back to mixed feeding. I've tried everything to get my supply up, pumping after BF, supplements, motilium, teas and nothing seems to have worked. I am triple feeding now for over 2 weeks and exhausted. She only seems satisfied after her first morning BF, all the rest i need to supplement with 2-3 there any hope at this stage?
My thyroid is fine, any reason why nothing is working?
After an hour of feeding i get around 20ml, the most i pump is at 3-4am without nursing before i get 2oz 😢

@MGWashington - 19.11.2023 01:06

ive been struggling with low supply. i did have a hard delivery. i hope ill be able to breastfeed

@fatimaarfhain8500 - 12.11.2023 18:36

Hi mary!
My baby is 15 days old, since i had latching issues, sore cracked nipples. I had to supplement her with a lil formula as i was in excruciating pain. Now pumping about 40ml from both breast together. Along with putting her on the breast as and when she wants to be fed but still shows hunger cues all the time.
Formula has uped as i feel im not making enough? What do you feel am doing wrong.

@ferdousmohamed5116 - 08.11.2023 22:39

Hello my baby is now 13 weeks old and in the beginning i gave my baby formula a few times because my baby lost too much weight in the beginning. And i was having lots of pain from breastfeeding so i was told to pump after feeding him to get my supply up. I pump about 4 to 5 times a day but started power pumping and my supply has increased. But everytime i stop pumping to just breastfeeding i notice my supply decreases. I wanna know what im supposed to do once i have a good supply so that i dont have to pump anymore and just exclusively breastfeed without having to supplement with anything and not have my supply drop.

@malsawmkimi1458 - 26.10.2023 12:45

Hi Mary, can I re-train my baby to proper latch and suck after 6 weeks old

@jd4262 - 25.10.2023 07:17

I alwaysbstruggle with not enough milk for baby. My baby is 1 month today and i atarted supplementing at 1 week already cuz i was afraid of letting her hunger. But now i really want to try weaning off of formula. I give her formula through a tube thing that the lactation consultant recommended. Wish me luck😥

@elvirav7017 - 21.10.2023 07:18

Breastfeeding it’s harder than I thought thank you for the video

@atlantic5215 - 21.10.2023 04:53

Hi I am 7 weeks postpartum. I had to supplement for the last two weeks because my sons weight was very behind. He is not catching up quickly. I mainly breastfeed but at work I am pumping 2-3 oz a pump but need to get up to at least 4 oz. Do you think it possible to increase milk production at 7 weeks PP? I heard it hard to increase supply after 6 weeks.

@carmelr3994 - 16.10.2023 00:44

Hi there thanks for all your videos
I am a mum of six and my baby is nearly 7 weeks old
I BF exclusively for four weeks but i started to offer 60 mls of supplement milk after each feed
This was due to i only put baby to breast on one side as i couldn’t perfect the latch on my left side due to cracked nipples and sharp pain and stress and anxiety also mastitis twice when i knew i had to put her on the breast it was causing me to cry and my baby was feeling it too.
I now feed her on my right breast and hand express my left breast my nipple was flat and to big when drawn (just bought a pump because i thought it would save me time but not getting as much milk with the pump. I always massaged more when hand expressing so i would get 50 mls or more which i would offer baby as soon as it was taken out. I do leave baby on breast for a long time it helps
I would like to to back to exclusively BF just need more advice if possible.

@jeanelleg7542 - 13.09.2023 17:04

Thank you for this helpful video! My question is how long (suggested minutes) do you suggest for baby to feed? You mentioned keep on one breast for as long as possible, and then let baby suck on the other breast for at least a few seconds. Then let them drink 1 ounce of formula. After that, start on the breast that has the least amount of time, then transfer to the other breast, then give the other ounce of formula. Did I understand correctly?
Thanks so much for your help. I really want to be able to only breastfeed if possible and not need to supplement with formula.

@ericag3325 - 12.09.2023 07:53

Thank you , I will try to put him on the breast more

@gabriellakorda7477 - 10.09.2023 13:02

What about using SNS while breastfeeding? My baby started refusing the breast after using bottle for 2 months. He is 15 weeks now and since a week I'm using the sns system from medela and I feel an increase, my breasts were nearly empty, at night feed he swallows loud and sleeps afterwards again so I removed the bottle feeding at night. My boy sucks his lower lip in though and he gets off the breast often so it's hard to get him to latch good. We started supplementing because he was not gaining enough weight and only slept during feeds and I couldn't wake him enough to suck effectively. My milk came in on day 6 and he lost 10% of his birth weight but regained it at day 12, but was constantly on the breast and cried a lot, he slept mostly during feeds and stopped gaining weight completely after 3 weeks from birth... 😢 I really want him to be breastfed exclusively but is it possible to increase supply after 3 months to get a full supply? He drinks about 24 ounces in 24 hrs.
I tried to Pump in the beggining (when he was 3 weeks old) and did so for about a week after first few pumping days it was 6 oz daily, than I was getting 10 oz in 5 pump sessions a day after feeds but stopped as I can't stand it mentally to just watch the clock and to have the baby cry while I pump. Can you help me to get him back to breast fully with SNS only?

@MariesHour - 08.09.2023 09:10

Hi Mary, I need help. 2 months ago I caught Covid for the first time and was sick for 2 weeks. I had to stop breastfeeding because both me and baby was not well. Instead I decided to pump, but could only manage to do 2-3 sessions a day. I also took flu/cold medicine as well as Halls/Ricola cough drops throughout the entire time to combat symptoms. I had no idea medicine could decrease supply at the time and my supply through pumping showed evidence of that. My baby was now on mostly formula on top of solids. Now that I am recovered, I went back to breastfeeding but baby seemed frustrated and would stop nursing after 5 minutes. I decided to pump in place of breastfeeding so I can have an idea of baby’s intake. That’s when I discovered that my supply is almost all gone. I am only able to produce a total of 2oz a day from 4 pumping sessions (no breastfeeding). Baby is still on formula for the meantime until I am able to get my milk going again. But here lies the problem, I can’t seem to get it going even after power pumping daily for a whole week, my total output for the day is between 1-2 oz. I’m so sad and I really want to breastfeed again. What can I do to get my milk producing again?

@catherineedwards4314 - 29.08.2023 20:05

Defiantly amazing information… I have spent hundreds on supplements, different pumps and flanges and everything when honest I wouldn’t even pump 5 times a day . I was really going thru a lot and fighting with me husband about supplementing… I would go to breastfeed the baby he would run and give her the bottle I had just gave up . But 9 month later I’m struggling to pick up my supply

@ariadnhkati2985 - 26.08.2023 03:45

Hello thank you for your video, my baby is 3 months old, i stopped breast-feeding her cause of sore nipples and then my milk dropped dramatically, i started giving her formula and less breast since to stop breast-feeding her since my supply dropped and she was hungry and now is been a month almost 2 that shes been exclusively formula fed with few breast-feeding attempts.
My milk is almost dried up ,I'd like to ask if you believe i can get my supply back with your steps of relactation?

@PoleCulture - 25.07.2023 03:59

Solid video. Thank u

@sabiji1984 - 17.06.2023 00:24

My baby only feeds for about 5min on one side few min on other. She gets super fussy and that I went to formula. I also have an 17month old and a 6 year old. Formula feeding just made it easier for me. I want to go back to breast feeding and am stressed out by the it. I just pumped today for 20min on each side and I didn't even get 1oz total. Hmm. I'm frustrated and think I'm losing my supply. My baby will feed good at late night or early morning pretty good. But with formula she sleeps longer. Please help and I will see if she will take the breast every feeding and then cut down on the formula. Like you said formula is expensive.

@artkedahunt6056 - 02.06.2023 23:54

I want to know just taking one glass of wine will be alright because I'm kind of scared and I didn't drink through my whole pregnancy I didn't drink at all nothing this is just like one drink on the celebrate and that's it then I'm not a big-time Drinker I just want to let off some steam you want to have some fun with family I just want to know if one glass of wine will be fine

@elainekeith7516 - 20.05.2023 10:03

This video actually answered all of my questions 🥹 thank you 🙏🏼

@missf8294 - 03.05.2023 16:17

Hi. I was given my baby formula milk and at the same time breastfeeding her when she is 1 week old because I want to lessen her jaundice. Now I really really want to full breastfeeding her, and it so exhausted that she keep on crying hunger no matter how long she getting breastfeed. This is so frustating that I have to add on formula milk at last. How do i want wean off her from formula milk 😢

Sorry if my english is bad, I hope you can understand and help me.

@GaaraSands16 - 11.04.2023 02:29

thank you! was looking for an actual game plan of order of boobs and formula

@roxannesagcal-ez6sy - 08.03.2023 18:53

Hi.. i am a first time mom and 1 week post CS. The baby was first given bottle feeding during our hospitalization, at home I really want to start breastfeeding but my baby is not latching at all, ill put my nipple in his mouth then he will forcefully push his body against mine, I even tried giving my pumped milk thru bottle but he’s spitting it out. I hope you can help me I really want to breastfeed my child.

@roxannesagcal-ez6sy - 08.03.2023 18:52

Hi.. i am a first time mom and 1 week post CS. The baby was first given bottle feeding during our hospitalization, at home I really want to start breastfeeding but my baby is not latching at all, ill put my nipple in his mouth then he will forcefully push his body against mine, I even tried giving my pumped milk thru bottle but he’s spitting it out. I hope you can help me I really want to breastfeed my child.

@roxannesagcal-ez6sy - 08.03.2023 18:52

Hi.. i am a first time mom and 1 week post CS. The baby was first given bottle feeding during our hospitalization, at home I really want to start breastfeeding but my baby is not latching at all, ill put my nipple in his mouth then he will forcefully push his body against mine, I even tried giving my pumped milk thru bottle but he’s spitting it out. I hope you can help me I really want to breastfeed my child.

@shruthilayaramanan7433 - 06.03.2023 05:10

My baby is 45 days old and have started breastfeeding just 5 days ago. Because the baby won’t come to the breast till then..
now am giving breast milk all the time but she is still showing hunger cues and cries a lot even after feeding for a long.. so i end up giving formula..
how to wean off from formula?

@missahmed7107 - 15.08.2022 04:03

this is so helpful but I have a question. my baby is really fussy and refuses the breast he cries and cries so it's impossible for me to empty the breast or nurse more often because he doesn't want it. how can I change this? he has developed a bottle preference. thank you

@rosebaby808 - 22.07.2022 05:16

Do you recommend paced bottle feeding?

@anaisc6678 - 12.05.2022 09:47

Thank you!

@aishwaryaseenivasan4115 - 11.05.2022 16:18

I am mon of 1.5 month old, started formula because baby is at NICU for 2 days... Then came back to breastfeeding but its not enough for baby so stuck in this formula feeding. I am putting him more on my breast it has been a month but can't wean him off completely. What to do mam

@aishwaryaseenivasan4115 - 11.05.2022 16:11

Thank you very muvh

@IamMinnie90 - 06.04.2022 14:09

I can’t thank you enough! This was so validating 💗

@musicbus84 - 03.03.2022 19:31

This is currently me. I dont trust my boob supply..🙈

@tanyagermain - 14.10.2021 02:21

Thank you for this content. This was very comforting. 1) to know that it will take days and you will not see results overnight. 2) to know that baby feeding for longggg periods of time/getting fussy is normal. I was starting to think something was wrong with her suction because I was certain my supply was somewhat sufficient.

Thank you again

@jennasee4105 - 29.09.2021 02:03

Hey 👋 I’m a mom of 7 that has always exclusively breastfed all my babies and I’ve been nursing for over 13 years straight… i was nursing my 2 year old on demand when I was induced early with my 3 month old who was a 35 weeker and he nursed right away but then was super tired n wouldn’t nurse so I was pumping in the hospital and then he got jaundice and lost more weight so had to stay 2 days in the nicu and started supplimenting. At 5 weeks he was severely constipated and had a uti and stopped supplimenting for a week but he lost a pound so he’s been back on supplimenting a lot ( around 4oz now). I haven’t pumped much cause I only get about 15 ml. I really want to get him off the formula and he’s been taking less the last couple days. Any help is appreciated

@dianac9613 - 01.08.2021 17:48

My baby is almost 10 wks . I only exclusively breast fed her for two weeks then began doing bottle feeds with formula and expressed milk. I decided to go back to just breast feeding and now she won’t feed on my breast she will cry and cry ! It’s so frustrating because I don’t have her to have an aversion to my breasts so I wait until she calms down then offer my breast and she will start to cry hysterically she won’t even suck

@caitlynmurillo2718 - 23.06.2021 10:11

Okay I’m at this video. Every two hours I’m starting her at breast she is on for about five min that’s all she will do then she takes a bottle of formula then I pump for about 20 min.

@faizakhan5805 - 04.06.2021 15:13

Your video was super helpful! Thanks a ton!
My baby is 2 weeks old, I was exclusively breastfeeding for first week but after that my baby would be crying n hungry even after breastfeeding for 1 to 1.5 hours.. he would end up sleeping while I feed him n would wake up crying n hungry.. I started to pump to feed him but I just have less than an ounce of milk coming out :( I started formula & baby drinks 2-3 ounces of formula milk at one feed.. I feel so terrible that im unable to produce this much milk for him :(
Will try the technique you mentioned..I realllyy hope it works for us.
Thank you again

@ja9766 - 20.05.2021 01:29

You have such a gentle spirit, so sweet. Thank you for all your help! God bless you dear.

@jenniferdreves823 - 15.03.2021 02:34

I’m trying to wean off of 2 oz of formula not every feed but a lot of them! Thank you for this information ! I’m gonna try it starting now! Baby is already at the breast! Should I do this all night as well? She is almost 5 weeks!

@thehealingdaughter - 28.12.2020 05:41

Very helpful! I was going to start a weaning process from kellymom. This makes more sense to me. So put baby on both breast, supplement with 1-2 oz, then put baby on your breast again and finish off with formula?

@mrsrebekahmcbride - 05.11.2020 20:08

I am in the process of weaning off of formula supplement and wasn’t sure how. This video explained how perfectly. I am so thankful for the information. I want to breastfeed so badly and have just felt like a failure. My milk didn’t come in until 6 days pp and she had lost 14% of her body weight so the pediatrician wanted us to supplement. Now we are at 4 weeks and passed birthweight again so I am starting the weaning process.

@kanmania6675 - 07.08.2020 14:09

Thanks for all the info . I have a query regarding nursing vacation. Is it ok to supplement during a vacation if the baby is fussy or demands for more immediately after feed ?
