What EVERY Bronze & Silver Player NEEDS To Know For Climbing To GOLD

What EVERY Bronze & Silver Player NEEDS To Know For Climbing To GOLD

Coach Curtis

3 года назад

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@fdyjt - 30.12.2023 23:35

lower then gold dont even watch mini map.Yeah they do when its to late xD

@TheDarknessFR - 04.11.2023 05:48

they need to know to turn on the screen

@katieandchadpharis9034 - 30.09.2023 15:20

I've honed my champ pool to 2 champions for 2 roles so 4 total, in your opinion is tht stretching the pool too thin?

@erynpimentel915 - 18.09.2023 01:54

It’s seems so simple, but all of this advice goes down the drain if your teammates are consistently bad, you have random bots, you have Smurfs and alt accounts everywhere. It’s not a matter of just following these things because I’ve done all this for years. The system is rigged to matchmake so that when you climb up, it puts you back down

@coolbrotherf127 - 28.08.2023 06:52

My advice for getting out of low elo is really focus on not being complacent or lazy with your play. Really focusing on the things you do know to do, even if that's not much, is usually more than what the opponents are doing. I climbed to high elo in season 12 as an ADC player and learning to focus on key details like wave states, enemy positioning, and optimizing item/rune builds made the climb surprisingly easy after being stuck in silver for many seasons. I knew more than I gave myself credit for, I just was lazy and would just let myself get tilted instead of playing well and keeping a positive mindset.

@neverendingparty2060 - 22.08.2023 04:49

My sister tried to get into league with me and she just was awful and she was having a miserable time, game after game but once she started picking it up we had our first successful team fight and she shredded tanks like a monster. The pure amount of joy on her face, just her lighting up and gushing over how cool and rewarding that was made me so happy to give that to her.

She hasn't played in a long time but I know what you mean by there is a kind of innocence to it

@detheccus1132 - 15.08.2023 12:56

"Climbing to Gold should be fun."

Yeah, tell that to most of my team that thinks I should play like Faker 24/7 while they're 0/5 :P
Just destroys my mental after like 2 or 3 games, and yes mute all exists but that doesn't fix everything

@okguzelce - 07.08.2023 16:45

With the changes to ranked system, what should be the first goal for a low silver player? Does aiming for gold still have a meaning, or should they move the goalpost to plat now?

@vampir6286 - 01.08.2023 03:43

for example, you are very good and experienced in painting using oil paints, acrylic paints, drawing with graphite, you have studied a lot of books in the field and you need to teach all that to your students ... and now the students reject every proposal and every attempt to explain something to them. and they just retaliate, that's pointless and not true... and it's the same in this game, you try to move to a better rank, but your team persistently fails, doesn't listen, ignores every attempt to help them and so on... also there is mmr that was created to freeze your acc. and it makes the job even more difficult.. at least they should throw it out completely

@defdani - 25.07.2023 22:35

So, are you saying if someone is unable to climb to gold by themselves than they are hopeless and dont worth to spend time on anyway? Thats really great to hear as someone who cant improve and stuck in bronze/iron :)

@eyo8766 - 25.07.2023 15:57

I accept the reality that im shit

@em8452 - 12.07.2023 11:59

Old video but still, first video that actually made me accept I belong in bronze for now. So much content out there that made me believe climbing would be so easy before I started ranked, that not climbing was frustrating. I just want to have fun in ranked same as in normals. Thnx

@nekoblackout - 12.07.2023 10:43

Dodging is absolutely nessesary. Ever had someone on ur team who banned ur prepicked Champion and then locked in Darius Support ? If you don't dodge that Game you are going to lose.

@ErnestOfGaia - 07.07.2023 23:24

Turning off chat has been my best advice, learning pinglish makes focusing on these guidelines easier. Great vid

@xbelz_ - 02.07.2023 16:12

Never lock counterpicks if you are not familiar with them, if your enemy is otp, he probably played a lot against that counters.

@SiOfSuBo - 02.07.2023 15:36

As for the point of "its boring" you could make the analogy of peoffesional soccer, or any sport for that matter. You either play for fun in your neighborhood and dont improve, or take the same ball every day, go to the same court every day, practice the same menouvers every day, do the same pushups every day. Eat the same diet every day. Its boring, but thats what you do to improve no way around it.

@jqlmanufacturing9129 - 28.06.2023 23:45

This is a Riot issue and has been for many many years

Riot allows people to play ranked games who are not ready for the level of competition in Ranked

@biofreak03 - 03.06.2023 05:45

I think the respect part makes a lot of sense. It's hard to respect a game where your teammates shit talk you more than your enemies do. It also doesn't help that almost every time I find I character I like to play it gets reworked into one that I don't like to play. I think people don't really want to learn LoL because the "correct" play is usually really boring. People just want to play characters they think are cool and kill the enemy team. Of course these are just my assumptions based on my point of view of the game and the MOBA genre in general. Edit: Anyone know what the "Compensation" box means in the REVIEW YOUR DEATHS part of the video?

@Whitewing89 - 28.05.2023 01:07

I find it really hard not to just use anivia mid at this point. With over a million masters I feel more adept with her than any other midlaner. You're telling me I'm just going to be hard stuck on her because I didn't learn on an easy champ like Annie?

@satan8175 - 28.05.2023 00:27

i cant drive...

@AmarzzAelin - 26.05.2023 14:24

What kind of death is a compensation? English isn't my first language. Thx in advance

@SimonGrmm - 19.05.2023 16:12

Basically in bronze / silver you are playing a 1v9 game;
The only way to climb is to be able to carry 4 other (usually) idiots.

Until you get to the point where you can legit play well enough to carry the entire team you will not climb out.
Simple as that.

@ryanlund5303 - 17.05.2023 20:46

Mf is spitting! Keep it up coach ❤

@ZaikoNemesis - 01.05.2023 12:06

The first time i reached silverwas because i started to play only 3 champs, zilean janna and nami, its been a long time since that, i got bored each time i reached silver, last year i didnt played any ranked but started to oto akshan, and when asol got his rework i started to play it too so i decided to do rankeds again, silver 1 was easy to reach and now im in promo to gold

@Geckoo-eh7wq - 29.04.2023 07:48

How to move up mute everyone

@neridega - 26.04.2023 01:22

I reach gold 2 times and lost it.. and play this game 13 years, I gonna tell u its not so fun when u get afk trolllers always in ur promos for gold, litteraly riot match making stop me to enter gold million times.. and Im rly angry bcs of tht soooo much time lost!!!!!!!!! for litterali to stand silver u dont coach!!! or nothing >:( my friends literaly get free gold literaly who dont know even controls well! I dont gonna subrscribe this! and one more thing F OFF smurfs from my promos!

@rorysaurusrex - 25.04.2023 04:21

I started playing this game earlier this year and got placed low elo, this is a super comprehensive and well-thought out video. thank you!!

@zackkorth2410 - 22.04.2023 02:46

ive been playing only zyra for 3 years. still bronze

@franklinwhitsell2987 - 28.03.2023 20:44

"We respect the art of driving". Never driven through Texas before have we?

@greglane501 - 25.02.2023 11:34

I play ADC. All this shit sounds good, but you want be strong enough to kill the 5/1/1 Nasus after laning phase.

@paydayvideos4924 - 18.02.2023 05:37

At a 70% wr with 13 lp a game its not that i dont know how its that it takes FOREVER

@Brandwein42 - 16.02.2023 06:26

I mostly have the lowest kill participation in top lane, focus on farming, try to punish mistakes, but have a sub 50% win rate. I feel like a +0% factor but meta pick duelists sometimes zone me out of cs and later dive me 100 to 0 so i become a -5%. Doesn't even matter if they play suboptimal, the 5/0 duelist that roamed while i reset still kills me after tanking 4 tower shots. I think in the last 2 weeks not a single enemy did a bad dive on me they couldn't survive. Most of the times i die when the jungler wants to make a big play and the enemy jungler intercepts.

@christonchev9762 - 11.02.2023 22:40

y 2y ago i reached Plat 1 and that was my highest ever and now am stuck at silver for a long time and btw i got Plat 1 with old Nunu then

@noordpool7767 - 11.02.2023 12:30

Taking the game seriously is something I never really did because it will just make me miserable tbh

@ToxyBlack - 10.02.2023 00:10

I have a literal problem/addiction, I can’t just play 1 champion I enjoy too much playing different champions. I actually been trying to lower my champion pool.

@snowf6307 - 21.01.2023 12:33

Is Xayah an okay beginner ADC or would learning on Ashe be better for the long run and I can play Xayah later? Thank you !

@stonsamu - 10.01.2023 18:23

Started playing when volibear got released in 2011. Been silver ever since 🤪

@michaelhendrix845 - 10.01.2023 01:14

but trolls are in every game in bronze.. ive had a bot support in atleast 3 out of every 10 games

@worldboxvn8214 - 06.01.2023 19:20

I just got to gold after playing only maphite. Litterly just wait my R online,tele to team fight,Win,and repeat. My opponent somehow always stay near me enough for me to ult. I will miss the time i try to play Ryze,azir and zoe through

@dukewm - 03.01.2023 09:41

How to you stop being queued up with imbeciles though??

@Frankie541 - 19.12.2022 05:21

starting to watch this video at least 4 times a day, currently level 25 and i'm hoping to learn so i don't get placed in iron.

i'll be spamming akali + ahri because of how much i wanna learn

wish me luck on this season!!

@Jens_Heika - 10.12.2022 11:37

What about reaching gold IV (twice) then being unable to climb any higher?

@logajuice4429 - 05.12.2022 03:51

What is compensation death

@hunter515 - 08.11.2022 16:31

maintaining a 58% wr in bronze with +13 -17. makes it impossible

@Vacio721 - 08.11.2022 15:14

sorry i tried to apply what you talked about to one of my games in OCE and its wrong, in the oce server people mental boom so easily and its so hard to make smart plays when no one is cooperating, i climbed to s1 so many times and its just rinse and repeat, i recently had a lane where my adc was autofilled and proceeded to int all game because our mid wouldnt swap. i do hope your content helps others i really do but i just dont think i can apply what you said to the server i play on.
