Sonic the hedgehog-Revvin' up by Crush 40

Sonic the hedgehog-Revvin' up by Crush 40

Floresbella Da Fonseca

55 лет назад

707 Просмотров

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Esta descripción está disponible en español e ingles.

Hi everybody this is a video of the song Revvin' up by Crush 40 but I'm not sure in wich game appears this son, so if someone knows please coment an I'm goning to put the information in the video. Thank you and enjoy it

Clips from: Sonic X, Sonic colours, Sonic and sega all stars racing, Sonic the hedgehog 2006, Sonic unleashed, Sonic chronicles the dark brotherhood, Sonic riders zero gravity, Sonic and the secret rings, Sonic riders, Sonic heroes, sonic adventure 2, Sonic generations, Sonic free riders, Sonic and the black knight, Mario and sonic at the olimpic games.
Song: Revvin' up
Artist: Crush 40

Hola a todos este es el video de la canción Revvin' up de Crush 40, lamentablemente no se exactamente en que juego sale asi que para no darles información equivocada ya no lo puse, asi que si alguien sabe en que juega sale comenten y yo actualizare la información del video. Gracias y que lo disfruten

Videos tomados de: Sonic X, Sonic colours, Sonic and sega all stars racing, Sonic the hedgehog 2006, Sonic unleashed, Sonic chronicles the dark brotherhood, Sonic riders zero gravity, Sonic and the secret rings, Sonic riders, Sonic heroes, sonic adventure 2, Sonic generations, Sonic free riders, Sonic and the black knight, Mario and sonic at the olimpic games.
Canción: Revvin' up
Artista: Crush 40
Sonic the Hedgehog and related characters and indica © and ™ 1991 - 2006 (e.g. present) SEGA, Sonic Team. Sonic X is, respectively, produced and animated by SONIC TEAM, TMS, 4Kids Entertainment and Jetix. Sonic X © 2003-2006 Project SONIC. No copyright infringement intended


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