How the U.S. Government Broke the Everglades | Everglades National Park

How the U.S. Government Broke the Everglades | Everglades National Park

National Park Diaries

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About the Journey
About the Journey - 28.07.2021 17:59

Fantastic video! Very informative. I'll be looking forward to your next one.

Bob - 19.10.2023 06:42

The U.S. government does tend to ruin things

My AG Channel 2016
My AG Channel 2016 - 11.10.2023 13:34

I really appreciate this video! Do you mind maybe linking your sources? Id like to check them out more and really take a deep dive into this issue. Thanks for finally giving a voice to Everglades! :)

Beatrix Lister
Beatrix Lister - 11.10.2023 04:00

Thank you for this very informative video. As usual, the real problem is what is behind the developments: money. Do we need to disrupt a place like the Everglades for farming and to enrich developers and local governments? There are plenty of technological solutions for this without destroying our natural resources. We see the same problem everywhere in Florida: developers against natural habitats and governments that fail to protect them lured by money.

Jason Triple
Jason Triple - 06.10.2023 16:55

Man the everglades is just a nasty type of terrain anyhow. Marsh lands are just wasted space.

Hans - 06.10.2023 01:41

At least they didn’t break Cuba

Ranch Dressing
Ranch Dressing - 06.10.2023 00:26

This is one of the many reasons why having children should be considered selfish child abuse. The world they are coming into is going straight to hell.. which is good.. eventually the nukes will fly and nature can reclaim it's home.. but to bring children into all that.. it's like children are an accessory.. like a shoe.

Bung Hole
Bung Hole - 05.10.2023 19:56

wait the government ruined something !?

Hayward - 05.10.2023 18:14

I'm surprised there was no mention about the Sugar Cane industry just south of Lake Okeechobee and the amount of fertilizers, herbicide, etc. runoff into the Everglades. From what I've seen, the herbicide use has really speed rolled in the past 5 years or so and the amount of damage it's doing is appalling.

Ryan Darrah
Ryan Darrah - 05.10.2023 15:42

we need more draining, conservationists are making homes too expensive

StewieTinkTink - 05.10.2023 14:09

Ah another way our ancestors screwed up.

Ricky Weeks
Ricky Weeks - 04.10.2023 23:54

Never been a fan of alligators. To me, they're like sharks, just mindless eating monsters. But, just because i don't see it, doesn't mean that everything, including alligators and sharks, do not have their purpose in this world. Heck, maybe they are there to keep humans away.

Wekseth - 04.10.2023 21:15

This guy seems really angry lol

Guy - 04.10.2023 16:30

You can have people or you can have swap,make your choice.

smiley456 - 04.10.2023 13:16

Nah fuck the everglades drain em

D A - 04.10.2023 11:13

I would not let most of the morons in govt these days wash my car..

Maya Pastrana
Maya Pastrana - 03.10.2023 20:29

We need to protect what is left of wild Florida!!!!

Jerry Rivero
Jerry Rivero - 03.10.2023 08:11

Everything is fucked

Cornelius Praeda
Cornelius Praeda - 03.10.2023 06:46

Whenever I see a video EXPLAINING the Everglades to me, then the narrator can't even pronounce KisSIMMee correctly, I immediately shut it off. I can peruse Wikipedia just like you pal...

Nick Wolanski
Nick Wolanski - 03.10.2023 02:33

I would assume elevated roads in areas would do a strategic difference and allow more natural flow

Deez Nutz
Deez Nutz - 02.10.2023 21:39

There's a place called the Pine Rocklands within what's left of the Everglades. There is a subspecies of slash pine known as "Dade County Pine". It is almost completely resistant to rot, moisture damage, insects or mold. You can't drive a nail into it. Due to it's fine grain pattern, beauty, and other obvious aforementioned attributes, it's rare today to say the least. I had the privilege of being a renovation worker on a Palm Beach home some years back that was built in the early 1910's. I got my hands on (3) 6' long sections of what used to be floor joist. Instead of tossing it as construction trash or allowing it to become firewood, It's my most prized possession. I'm now in the process of making a dining room table from it. It's petrification will make it outlast me and my family for generations to come, as a priceless heirloom. I welcome anyone to look up on google. [Pinus ellioti var. densa]

Florida Mike
Florida Mike - 02.10.2023 16:47

I would like to first ask where and to what extent is the damage from such projects ? Did we lose a few alligators and wildlife for the cost of housing and city growth ?

Dee Just Dee
Dee Just Dee - 01.10.2023 23:55

"Ta-mee-am-ee" trail. Not Ta-Miami.

gheenoe51 - 01.10.2023 23:28

The US Government ? Oh no, blame it on the local government. Big sugar and big money play a major role. Of course more development has hurt the Everglades as well as invasive species. I've lived here a long time and all of Southwest Florida is changing for the worse.

Bear Bones
Bear Bones - 01.10.2023 21:27

These bastards broke more then the glades. They destroyed the world

MooseMelon - 01.10.2023 16:15

The everglades have such a sad story, most of Southern Florida was swamp land, even where I live, the evrglades went up to Okeechobee and even had influence as far as Orlando, so sad that the everglades are being wiped off the map :/

Joel Threatt
Joel Threatt - 01.10.2023 13:29

When arrogant “public” servants get involved everyone and everything else suffers

Richard Beckenbaugh
Richard Beckenbaugh - 01.10.2023 08:53

According to the United States hydrological survey, Miami is sinking at an increasing rate. Without the groundwater, the soil under Miami is contracting while also being compacted by large buildings. As a result, even without sea level rise due to global warming, Miami has sunk several inches over the last fifty years. With sea levels rising, buildings will have to be replaced every twenty years and the foundations raised by at least several feet to keep ahead of the rising ocean. At some point this will become economically unsustainable.

Walter Thompson
Walter Thompson - 01.10.2023 02:30

Sad 😢

Brandon - 30.09.2023 20:16

For the love of money is the root of all evil.

Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne - 30.09.2023 02:43

Florida is a smoking crater. I’m surprised the ghouls that run that place haven’t killed every animal there by hand

Adriel James
Adriel James - 29.09.2023 23:06

You think it's broken now let em fix it

Jason Martin
Jason Martin - 29.09.2023 21:58

Everything the U.S. Federal government messes with they destroy.

Mitch’s M240
Mitch’s M240 - 29.09.2023 21:14

I think the government did a great job turning a baron wasteland into a great place to live. I don’t normally thank the government but thanks!

Alan C
Alan C - 29.09.2023 21:06

People in the government are so stupid like why are they deciding these things when they are not experts in any way?

Higher Quest
Higher Quest - 29.09.2023 18:27

Wonderful presentation. It is sad that man has chosen to redirect this eco system. Having lived in Florida 62 years I have always love natural beauty of the Everglades. And I would prefer to stay in it verses the city anytime!

Nannette Huffman
Nannette Huffman - 29.09.2023 18:08

Men just can't leave nature alone. They have a selfish, and power & control problem. Mother Nature will conquer man in the long run....never underestimate the power of Mother Nature.

Gonzo - 29.09.2023 16:08

The flaw of Humanity is that in order to flourish, we have to control any and all ecosystems that are beneficial to our rapid expansionism.

If we come across an ecosystem that does not benefit us, we will make it benefit us. Regardless of the number of lifeforms that already rely on that established ecosystem. Humanity overall, pays very little to almost no attention to the wildlife and local fauna of this planet. We are the dominant species and our word is law.

However, it DOESN'T have to be this way. We can come up with solutions to benefit not only our lives, but the lives that we share this planet with. Humans do not have to be this ever-expanding blight that just consumes and leaves nothing behind. If we can put men on the moon and take photographs of black holes, we can definitely figure out how to conserve our planet while also making it a flourishing home for humanity.

Pliny Elder
Pliny Elder - 29.09.2023 14:14

I think it humans’ destiny to destroy nature. We are its virus.

clint8u - 29.09.2023 13:26

Great video! Floridian born and raised to think it’s possible we could restore the Everglades as you said, but it’s going to require that big money like sugar, etc. does not get in the way and prevent that from happening seems like all the destruction humans do boils down to money apps could be over development in Real Estate at this point. We’ll see

N B - 29.09.2023 00:26

Interesting history and information! Thank you!

Nicalos X_X
Nicalos X_X - 28.09.2023 23:44

I am a 16 year old who has grown up in Ocala, Florida (central), where we have the silver springs everglades park. My whole childhood, it was well taken care of; having tons of cool creatures, animals, and of course alligators. We even had a water park that was also part of the same company that took care of the springs park. The park use to thrive, having many visitors year round to see the unique agriculture, gators, monkeys, fish, giraffes, birds, and even ride the glass floor boats that would take you through the springs. Unfortunately they closed down the waterpark and I'm not to sure if they do tours through the springs anymore. You can also see old black and white movies filmed in the springs, a classic old movie you've probably heard of is "creature from the black lagoon" that was filmed in the clear water springs in 1954.

EliWild1 - 28.09.2023 21:25

Mac Stone has done a great job speaking out on this issue, infact it was at one of his talks when I first understood how human centered this problem was and that there is still hope to recover the ecosystem. He used hurricane Irma as an example of what the glades could look like with the water it once had. With all the flooding caused by Irma, the wildlife populations skyrocketed, particularly of birds, in the Everglades. It just goes to show you that its not too late if we just fix our mistakes.

Joshua Green
Joshua Green - 28.09.2023 19:50

The government screws up EVERYTHING they touch!

Sanity Island
Sanity Island - 28.09.2023 18:31

And people still think government and the kleptocratic oligarchy care about ecology. Or people, for that matter.

Johany Madrid
Johany Madrid - 28.09.2023 16:01

The US government broke everything by attempting to decimate the indigenous populations of these beautiful lands

ALEX CIOCCA - 28.09.2023 12:34

The government breaks everything it touches just look around you the only thing is there is no bigger dog to confine it to its cage

send it sammy
send it sammy - 28.09.2023 09:02

What does this have todo with gta 6?
