Beirut Lebanon Travel Guide: Best Things To Do in Beirut

Beirut Lebanon Travel Guide: Best Things To Do in Beirut

Island Hopper TV

1 год назад

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Z.Bellini - 18.09.2023 22:33

Nice video and great work,
I was 6 years old when my Oldman brought me to Beirut to see an eye specialist, and I remember the Marter Square, as we were going to take a taxi at the round about! And this huge Palm tree fall down right infront of me, May be 5 feet away from hitting me, I was dazzled and shaking at the same time as I still live vividly that moment seeing the car crushed by this gigantic tree.

Bahar Shahidi
Bahar Shahidi - 18.09.2023 03:33

Kumara Hkm
Kumara Hkm - 01.08.2023 08:16

dolar out go to puwar the canry

Raymolly Raymolly
Raymolly Raymolly - 28.06.2023 20:51

Lebanon has a lot to offer and Beirut is only one destination from hundreds of other beautiful places in Lebanon.

ZEE - 23.06.2023 23:29

Great video. A small correction, East Beirut was the Christian side and West Beirut was the Muslim side :)

Alex Varnado
Alex Varnado - 13.06.2023 02:39

single-handedly making American tourists seem so dumb

La Esperanza
La Esperanza - 31.05.2023 04:06

DUDE! It was NOT a bomb! It was an explosion of nitrate fertilizer improperly stored. It was NOT a bomb!

Murad - 29.05.2023 20:58

Beirut is a boringly and ugly city

jitu Ahamed
jitu Ahamed - 28.05.2023 18:12

Amy Jackson Neverland

Khalil & Co. Films
Khalil & Co. Films - 26.05.2023 02:25

Baku is the city known as the Paris of the East.

Fouad Khattar
Fouad Khattar - 25.05.2023 12:49

With all due respect, you just wasted your time in Beirut, you visited nothing in Lebanon, there's much more than meets the eye

Sammy Hamawi
Sammy Hamawi - 12.05.2023 23:32

The aruba episode should be added to the playlist of aruba tourist channel.

Hiwot Alene
Hiwot Alene - 11.05.2023 21:56

I❤️ Lebanon

Jad Hallab
Jad Hallab - 09.05.2023 22:15

2.4 million? We r coming up to 5 million bro. And thats the ones in lebanon

Destrica UK
Destrica UK - 03.05.2023 09:14

A bomb never went off in Beirut in 2020, it was a fertilizer explosion...

BPtravelshows - 24.04.2023 08:51

Great video of Beirut Lebanon- Could you please provide the car driver or guide info?

Jessica - 14.04.2023 13:38

Million thanks for your kindness ❤

JRE - 01.04.2023 14:38

You're big on shopping I guess. Hamra St is basically just shopping. You totally missed the creative artsy district of Gemmayzeh, with many cafes and interesting galleries, etc., on Gouraud St and some on El Arz/Pasteur St below it, only minutes walk from the Al Amin mosque.
Also, Badaro St not far from the national museum is interesting, and both areas have a couple of creative boutique hotels. Check out Hotel Lost on Gouraud.
And just to the west of the main mosque is a total huge ghost town of deserted old looking buildings. You touched on it, but this entire area around Place de I'Etoile square is fenced off and guarded, but they let you in to look around.

Isabell A
Isabell A - 29.03.2023 12:15

I really enjoy your travel documentaries. I love your calm no BS approach (I can’t handle these silly influencer ‘oh my god I’m so amazing having so much fun and I’m so into myself’ shows 🤮). One can tell that you are a very respectful person who is not afraid to show the good as well as the bad. I really appreciate it! Shukran

Sammakai Richards
Sammakai Richards - 20.03.2023 05:31

This video was very helpful to understanding what's on the ground in Beirut. Thanks

Phoenician Cedars
Phoenician Cedars - 12.03.2023 08:05

East is Christian And west is Muslim 🙏🏻

Lingda Tang
Lingda Tang - 07.03.2023 00:31


TouchofJade - 06.03.2023 05:10

My grandmother was from Lebanon and i really want to go to see where our roots are from. Thank you for sharing

No Al
No Al - 20.02.2023 20:30

Its beautiful but sad and depressing at the same time

goPlay - 13.02.2023 00:51

If you come to beirut visit some neighborhoods like burj hammoud where average people live and work

Jessy Jess
Jessy Jess - 10.02.2023 13:13

Best Travel Agency in Lebanon and All Over the World: Satguru Travels in Lebanon and in many other countries. Check their page for the best services, prices, and packages. A satisfied and happy client.

Alexander Ivashentsev
Alexander Ivashentsev - 08.02.2023 21:06

Great video, thank you

smart man
smart man - 23.01.2023 16:10

hi 👋🏻 welcome to Lebanon 🇱🇧

Mich - 23.01.2023 06:42

Nice arabian music towards the end

Gamini Kumara
Gamini Kumara - 11.01.2023 10:06

Sri Lanka house made 5. 000 dollar sending

Vergine Al-Tawil
Vergine Al-Tawil - 09.01.2023 02:38

Correction! During the war, the East was considered the Christian side and the West of the city became the Muslim side. How I know? I lived there. Things were not like that before the war, we all Christians and Muslims lived together. There was peace.

Charles83 - 08.01.2023 16:08

Well, whatever beautiful is left are gone. It now looks like a shithole. Almost like Chernobyl. I was born in this country and left when I was 4 years old. Never in a million year would I want to visit my country because of the fact that incompetent Arabs are to blame for the corruption and for the wars in this beautiful country. Instead of wanting to rebuild this beautiful country they focus on corruption and scamming. The truth is, Lebanon will never be what it once was and that is because the wrong people are in power.

dontbeadrone - 07.01.2023 02:39

Very reminiscent of Tel Aviv, although I think Tel Aviv has a much better beach area, with a plethora of cafes and restaurants on the beach itself. Ironically, I wouldn't be surprised if Tel Aviv's development was inspired by the heyday of Beirut back before the country's civil war. But I think Tel Aviv has surpassed Lebanon's former "Paris of the Middle East."

Yuval w
Yuval w - 04.01.2023 00:02

Does anyone know if it's possible to enter Lebanon with British passport that says I was born in Israel? I also have an Israeli passport, will it show up? I really want to visit Beirut but things aren't looking to get better in the region, peace wise

Clémentine Amen
Clémentine Amen - 30.12.2022 01:15

5 And also today, as the Angel of April 24, 1993 shows up to execute his judgments and sentences on the inhabitants of the earth and to restore holiness in his Church, rather than fleeing back to your Egyptian churches and religions, we can all pray and say to God, "O God, we commit ourselves today not to hide our sins. We will act according to everything You have written in the Book of your commandments for our time, for we want to be saved."

Catherine Kossere
Catherine Kossere - 26.12.2022 02:41

But it is not God who created the Catholic, Protestant, evangelical and Branhamist churches including Islam and Judaism. That is why we condemn them and that we do not call them brethren in Christ. It is because they have no right to exist that God prepared the last judgement and the fire for them

Gnaly Gnaly
Gnaly Gnaly - 25.12.2022 02:43

31 يخشى الزعماء الدينيون من الاستماع إليّ ويمنعون المؤمنين من الاستماع إليّ ، لكنني أستمع إليهم. وأوصي المؤمنين بالاستماع إليهم. أقول للمؤمنين: هذا خلاص. .بغض النظر عن مدى ثقتك ، استمع إلى أي نبي بغض النظر عن مدى سوء شهادتك لهؤلاء الأنبياء. الضمانات التي لديك ، البوذيين والهندوس والمسلمين لها ذلك أيضًا. وليس أمام الله في الدينونة أن تعلم أنك كنت مخطئًا عندما كنت على الأرض. ومن أجل الخلاص وصلنا إلى الأرض والذكاء والمال وحتى الصحة الجيدة يمكن أن يكونا أعدائنا. من الخوف والرعشة أن يلتقي الله بك.

32 وانت ايها البرانامان لم يكرمكم وليم برانهام. وكيف تكون في مجموعته في الحكم؟ لديك نفس مصير المسلمين. ولد محمد بعد أربع سنوات من وفاة والده عبد الله. تقول السيرة الحلابية أن الحمل استمر عامين ، ويقول السيوطي إنها ثلاث سنوات. إذا تمكنا من قبول أن يستمر الحمل أربع سنوات ، فيمكننا أيضًا المطالبة بنبي مات قبل ولادتنا. وإيمانه بالإسلام والهندوسية والبوذية والمسيحية واليهودية. الزنا بين حواء والثعبان هو الذي أنتج هذا.

Pkp Kouassi
Pkp Kouassi - 24.12.2022 13:35

17 Very well. Let’s come back now to our subject and I would like to take the example of Saint Martin of Tours, the messenger of the assembly of Pergamos. At twenty years old, young soldier, after his baptism, he was given a leave at his request and never returned to his post because he had just met, not a church but a man, Preacher Hilaire de Poitiers. One can never meet God in a church but with a man. And the Prophets are human beings. When you hear Isaiah, Jeremiah, Amos, Habakkuk, and all that, they are not church names but they are names of prophets.

18 And the Word of God comes to the prophet because God is with his prophets. And to meet God, it was Hilaire that Saint Martin de Tours needed to meet. And when Hilaire died, the town of Tours requests Martin as the bishop. Here is what Rome answers: "We cannot make a man of so insignificant an appearance, so badly dressed, so badly combed a bishop…" To conclude that such a thin person is unworthy of so high a rank! That is in The history of the Church of the Apostles and Martyrs, Daniel Rops, page 243.

Charlie Agtv
Charlie Agtv - 24.12.2022 02:51

1 Like the prophets of the Bible, in April 1993, I, Kacou Philippe, a man who had never been in a church, I receive in a vision, the visitation of an Angel who commissions me for a Message destined to the whole earth in fulfillment of Matthew 25:6 and Revelation 12:14. This is the account of my conversion, as well as the three great visions of the call and commission as I received them: 

6 In a third vision, we were sitting in an examination room for the Advanced level test and the examiner was distributing the test-papers. I said to myself, "But what am I doing here? I do not have a good school level and what am I going to write?” And later, It was said to me: "The same way that Mary conceived miraculously, without knowing any man, the same way that Moses received in details what happened at the creation, you too, you have received the Words of eternal Life on this April 24, 1993 and it is decreed by God. At the appointed time, you will understand and you will teach what you did not learn in order that whoever believes has eternal Life". [Kc.9v34] [Kc.30v1-3]

14 This Message says that the Protestant, evangelical churches, including the so-called revealed or restored churches and the missions and ministries are the image of the beast that is the Catholicism and have received its mark, its spirit that they call "holy spirit". Even if they speak in tongues, baptise in the Name of Jesus Christ, resuscitate the dead and preach the whole Bible, the spirits that animate them and which they call “holy spirit” are the spirit of python, the spirit of divination. This Message says that a baptism for restitution is necessary for all the inhabitants of the earth.

22 And every man must understand that no one can get up, by himself, and burn tens of bibles, strongly condemn all those churches, their leaders and their followers with the authority that belongs to God alone. In such a case, no matter who will stop you, you are required to seek to know what is happening, for, at the judgment, everyone will answer for himself.

Lisette N'zi
Lisette N'zi - 23.12.2022 18:58

4 Since 2002, more than five hundred times I have been confronted with decisions, and I did not fail once. For example, Sister Mireille from Belgium wrote this to me: "Brother Philippe, a new company wants to hire me with a better salary and enough free time". I prayed and I told her: "Sister Mireille, stay there in the company where you are" and she obeyed me. And later, the new company was closed. You cannot imitate that!  

5 An eagle, it is the ability to fly very high in the sky above all the earth. A prophet, it is the ability to see visions in broad daylight with open eyes, the ability to announce things in advance, before they come to pass. A prophet, it is the seal of infallibility. But cheating or plagiarism, it is when a chicken or a parrot puts on eagle feathers and starts insulting the eagle. And in the A levels exam room in the third vision of 1993, there were cheaters sitting next to me.

essoh lath harris landry
essoh lath harris landry - 23.12.2022 10:52

14 The Word of God comes only to a prophet. And therefore, a ghost voice cannot say to an Ephesian 4, on April 2, 1962, "My servant, I give you three keys… Your time is over in this city". And in this time of scams, can an unknown voice say to you, "Honey, where did you put the key of the bedroom?" and you will tell him where you put the key? When scammers send you emails, text messages or call you, you are careful, but when it comes to Salvation, it doesn't mean anything to you because you are children of Satan.

54 And when you have rejected this end-time Message, know that on the day of your death, whether you are a prostitute, a murderer, a homosexual or a member of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Shintoism, Sikhism, Confucianism or Taoism, you will also see a white light very far away but in a tunnel formed by fallen angels, demons. That light will draw you to it as the Angel and the Lamb drew me to them above the waters, and when you get there, it will be Satan, the ruler of the abyss. And the tunnel will close behind you so that you may not be able to come out of hell anymore.

55 I am not telling you an imagination, but experiences as a prophet so that mankind may believe in me and be saved. I have told you how in 1993, through the wall, I entered the house where my body was lying. I could see this glowing cloud and my body lying on the ground. Sometimes my spirit was in the glowing cloud and sometimes my spirit was in the invisible. It was during the day and therefore, I saw people going here and there, but no one saw me because I was invisible. And in all of this, I did not see a tunnel with a white light at the end of it. [Kc.136v4] [Kc.140v8]

56 The tunnel is the path to Satan's paradise. The tunnel is the hole of the pit of hell, and the light at the end of it is Satan disguised as an angel of light. I say this to you as your prophet. You are free not to believe me but whatever your religion or belief, I am your prophet just as the president of a country is the president of all the people of that country including the opposition. Seeing visions in broad daylight with open eyes, telling people about the dreams they saw with details including what they forgot, if I am not a rasul, a maharishi or a prophet, then who am I?

SOUNAN JOEL KONE - 20.12.2022 15:18

10 Salvation only comes through the spoken word of God, that is to say, the word that comes out of the mouth of a prophet while the prophet is alive on the earth. As soon as I die, this Message of the end time will be devoid of its vital substance over the whole surface of the earth and will become a dead letter like the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavad Gita and all the booklets of William Branham. After my death, all you will have to do is to wash your wedding garments through your good lives and the public confession. You have known and loved the living prophet of your time and the living prophet of your time has known you and loved you.

Esther kacou
Esther kacou - 19.12.2022 10:26

1 I would like to preach on the subject: woman’s ministry. First we notice that God created man on the sixth day and in the last place, and there was no woman. Then He rested on the seventh day, in which you must see years and years. Then seeing that the man was alone, God decided to make him a helpmate. If not, in the original plan, God had not found it necessary. That is why the good reading of Genesis 2:18 is: "And Jehovah Elohim said, It is not [too] good that man should be alone; I will make him a helpmate, his like."

2 So woman was not in the original plan of God but she is a by-product of man. Female dogs, hens and the other females are original creatures of God but it is not so with woman. That is why within each animal species, the mating takes place per period, contrarily to humans. And you will not see a dog mounting on a pregnant female. You see? Which is not the case with humans. Even an elderly woman who is already past menopause still has some sexual relations. You see? I can therefore say with respect that woman is the lowest in the creation.

3 And it is God Himself who has sovereignly placed her under the authority of man. Thus, when she is not under the authority of her father, she is placed under the authority of her husband. Her father or her husband has the right to cancel her vows. See Numbers 30 ... You see! And the Lord Jesus Christ did not come to abolish these things.

4 So we understand, in accordance with Genesis chapter 2, that woman was not there when God was giving the instructions to Adam in the Garden of Eden. There is a reason to that! She was not there when Adam was naming the animals, the birds and others! You see? God did all that so that woman may humbly recognise her place.

5 And speaking of her ministry, if a man has not come on earth to fulfill a mission like Judas Iscariot, he cannot admit a woman in the pulpit; and if you are not a goat, born to be seduced, you cannot sit to listen to a woman preach or lead songs when men are there! Even if she does it well, it is the devil that is behind. Nature itself teaches us that a woman is not carrier of seed. She can therefore not preach and bring eternal Life. And only one boy among a thousand of women makes the "they" feminine change into "they" masculine because of the authority of man.

6 A child of God cannot go against what God has established; even without the Holy Spirit, he will be disturbed. The Bible cannot contradict itself. If Jesus had established a woman apostle or disciple, then he would have not been the Messiah. If Paul allowed woman to preach then Paul would be false. No matter his miracles, they would be miracles of seduction. [Ed: The congregation says: “Amen!”].

7 Woman’s ministry and the marriage of homosexuals are the two biggest abominations of the end of times. And a person who enters into a church where women preach, it is like a person who takes part in a parade of homosexuals. 2000 years ago, mankind did not know that one day, homosexuals were going to parade in Jerusalem. 2000 years ago, mankind did not know that one day a woman, despite her menses, was going to preach before people in some churches. [Ed: The congregation says: “Amen!”].

hoda nasrallah
hoda nasrallah - 18.12.2022 13:28

Beautiful documentary about an ancient history city 👍

Gamini Kumara
Gamini Kumara - 16.12.2022 07:57

labanon dolar out going gawarmant were loss

السوري الحر
السوري الحر - 02.12.2022 01:08

Lebanon was a part from my country Syria (biggest Syria) before the dirtiness convention of Saikes-beko which they've separate Lebanon and make it as country and founded the id Libanaise. Off course this shame convention will be ended one day. If United States or England accepted or not...and we know the system of Lebanon under guardianship of France maçons sionistes satans until now...

Ryker Club
Ryker Club - 25.11.2022 00:51

Lebanon is amazing~!
