Do you make these mistakes with your feet?
It's easy to be misguided when it comes to your foot health, especially when you consider the punishment we put them through. We visited barefoot osteopath Jamie Lauder in his Essex clinic to learn about the common foot problems he come across regularly and how we can fix them.
In the video we find out about the cause of bunions, why isoles or orthotics may be bad for our feet, how the shoes you wear can give you back pain and why most runners tend to suffer with a myriad of injuries like plantar fasciitis, shin spints and runners knee.
We're the home of Vibram FiveFingers in the UK. Those strange toe shoes that might look odd but connect you to the ground like nothing else you’ve ever slipped your toes into. We're also big on education. Helping you to understand where we may have gone wrong with the choices we make for our feet and how to fix them.
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Video production by: @MonokiMedia
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