Tom Kim vs An Byeong-hun | 2024 Genesis Championship

Tom Kim vs An Byeong-hun | 2024 Genesis Championship

DP World Tour

4 дня назад

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@tennnyyyyson - 18.03.2025 20:07

Love the school uniform boys

@꿘대 - 19.03.2025 01:24

I liked Tom Kim, but he played very slowly. But Ben An played smoothly and quickly, and he even showed great sportsmanship. And his driver shot off the deck was dope.
After Tom Kim lost, he smashed the locker door. He lost not only the game, also his sportsmanship.

@MegaNidhi - 19.03.2025 12:58

who is better : T Kim, SW Kim, M Kim or Sungjay Im (without kim).

@NicolasGUISSARD-z1m - 19.03.2025 15:17

What a magnificent duel between these two South Korean players, not forgetting the other players who were in the running for the win, starting with Rozner who was in the last game with them.

@Huntiker7 - 20.03.2025 19:59

한국선수들이 한국갤러리와 함께하는 모습이 다이나믹 하다. 파란잔듸와 고층아파트가 도시골프를 싱그럽게 하는군요.
