Dufrasne Explains Fake Identity - The Shawshank Redemption (1994) - Movie Clip HD Scene

Dufrasne Explains Fake Identity - The Shawshank Redemption (1994) - Movie Clip HD Scene

Legendary Movie Scenes

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Phillip Payne
Phillip Payne - 22.09.2023 04:26

Warden is a jerk.

Casey Banter
Casey Banter - 11.09.2023 14:13

Horrible safe design.
The locking mechanism is external.. if you really want in, u can just cut thru it.

Hirndille - 09.09.2023 13:11

Guy''s name is Andy Dufresne, not Dufrasne

Ben Davidson
Ben Davidson - 16.08.2023 21:31

LOVE This Movie!!!!!!!!!

RockRebelfull - 16.08.2023 11:16

Surprised morgan freemans laugh st the end isn't a tiktok sound

Grimgore Ironhide 🇺🇦
Grimgore Ironhide 🇺🇦 - 31.07.2023 18:20

The more I rewatch these scenes the more I realise what a scumbag the warden was. He knew the Andy was innocent and still treated like scum. Total sociopath.

Andrew Gundy
Andrew Gundy - 14.07.2023 23:19

“Salvation lies within”

Intelligent Speculator
Intelligent Speculator - 01.07.2023 20:10

It's astonishing how much wisdom Morgan Freeman's characters project, even in a scene where he is the one being schooled.

Matt Watts
Matt Watts - 01.07.2023 19:28

I never could believe Andy would tell Red this secret he had over the Warden. It shows just how much he trusts his friend.

MAVERICK PLAYS - 01.07.2023 03:50

I had to come to prison to be a crook.

Daniel Pena
Daniel Pena - 27.06.2023 09:03

This was a trust moment in between to characters. One doubted his friend and the other said trust me I can do it. That is when we see them having a bond of trust leading to a beautiful friendship.

MJ Remy
MJ Remy - 26.06.2023 18:40

DUFRESNE, not DURFRASNE. Learn to spell.

ftd888 - 18.06.2023 01:16

Harvey the Rabbit is also a classic — a feel good movie. I highly recommend watching it.

R Herrera
R Herrera - 15.06.2023 06:36

Mr Stephens is the name of the man who empties out all the bank accounts at the end of the movie.

Conan the Based
Conan the Based - 23.05.2023 22:04

Throughout the scene with the Warden, Andy is meek and submissive, like a dog doing his best not to be beaten by his master.
But as he explains his con to Red, he has a very subtle smile at the beginning which broadens to a wide grin by the end. The defensiveness is gone and he can be himself again. I love that transition and it contributes to what a great actor Tim Robbins is.

M2M - 23.05.2023 20:06

"On the outside I was an honest person, straight as an arrow. I had to come to prison to become a crook!" - I love that line!!

Jack's Smirking Revenge
Jack's Smirking Revenge - 16.05.2023 01:00

It sounds like they had Andy Dufrasne find this mysterious "informant".
"He's a phantom, an apparition. Second cousin to Harvey the Rabbit."

acusterx - 13.05.2023 08:38

That hearty laugh from Morgan Freeman at the end always puts a smile on my face.

PavarottiAardvark - 13.05.2023 03:19

If there was ever and award for best laughter in a motion picture, Freeman would win it for this film.

Richard Etling
Richard Etling - 16.04.2023 20:47

This movie had some of the best dialogue and kept you glued for the next scene

Homeschool Time
Homeschool Time - 08.04.2023 20:40

fractional reserve banking = license to steal govern (control) ment (mind) if monopoly is illegal what the hell is government ?

Robert Blair
Robert Blair - 08.04.2023 11:57

Norton met with some king-size karma because he chose to be a hypocritical asshole towards Andy.🤪♍

Doron Stauber
Doron Stauber - 07.04.2023 13:01

""On the outside I was an honest man straight as an arrow, I had to come to prison to be a crook""
One of the very best lines ever in cinema.

daviel100 - 05.04.2023 20:55

It would have been nice if he would have actually explained the mechanisms he used to create a completely ficticious person instead of just some vague reference about knowing where the cracks in the system are. Obviously it would have easier back then as there was only a signature that had to match, no photo ID or proof of current address with a recent bill from the electric company or whatever, but even still they could have given a little more detail.

Derekloffin - 04.04.2023 22:38

The only issue with this scene, a necessary one I think, is conveniently, every book shelf they talk between is clear in the middle. Wouldn't be so suspicious, but every shelf behind them is practically full, so very convenient that just these one are mostly empty. Oh well, who cares. This movie is as perfect as you're likely to get.

Paul Williams
Paul Williams - 04.04.2023 14:59

"The funny thing is, on the outside I was an honest man, straight as a arrow, I had to come to prison to be a crook." my favorite line

6969SpAcE6969 - 04.04.2023 03:02

This portrays an infinitesimal fraction of the true corruption that is the government today. Why do you think it is there? How do you think it came about in the first place? And where do you think it is going? The cancer of the earth.

Atif Nadeem
Atif Nadeem - 26.03.2023 05:32

Please love all 🙏 family in earth 🌍 please pray 🙏 love all 🙏 please $$$ please pray

Hari Seldon
Hari Seldon - 26.03.2023 01:22

"I conjured him out of thin air." - and that's how he earned the callsign 'Merlin'.

John Jerrehian
John Jerrehian - 24.03.2023 21:32

One of the best movies of all time. IMO

Rob Leary
Rob Leary - 23.03.2023 11:11

Brill!. Nuff said!. 🙂

wolvesone - 22.03.2023 19:10

this is definitely an underrated movie

hdtvcamera1 - 22.03.2023 16:44

Spotted dick... I thought that had something to do with Morgan Freeman, Chris Griffith.

mrfester42 - 22.03.2023 07:07

It's Dufresne NOT Dufrasne.

NukE Puke
NukE Puke - 22.03.2023 03:15

It would have been real awkward for Andy if the IRS had changed some of its processes in the years that Andy had been in jail. For example, if the IRS had closed the loophole on spouse money transfer to avoid paying taxes...

Bloginton Blakley
Bloginton Blakley - 17.03.2023 16:46

I'll let you all in on a little secret. When you were in high school, there were people sitting next to you who read "A Brave New World" as an instruction manual.

McLean Edwards
McLean Edwards - 16.03.2023 19:33

Apple pie

AaronQ1222 - 14.03.2023 11:52

"On the outside, I was an honest man. Straight as an arrow. I had to come to prison to be a crook."

norma desmond
norma desmond - 11.03.2023 01:00

but just think about the fact that Andy was actually guilty for the murders..... it could be......

Colby Kanter
Colby Kanter - 19.02.2023 15:32

Just so I can get an understanding of this in the right way, let me explain these facts if I'm correct. Andy has set up a bank account, assets, and records under the name of Randall Stevens, and just so the warden's earnings would be sent directly to him, Randall Stevens' place of address was filed under the prison's main address. When the money came in through the mail, the warden kept depositing his money in his safe with the notion that his name was on the checks, but in actuality, the name of Randall Stevens was imprinted on the checks, and at the end, with one half of the money and account records that Andy takes with him, the other half of the papers has left the warden with nothing, because Andy finally took the money from the warden and didn't give him another chance to deposit the checks after that, so the warden has no money at all. It could be impossible for the warden to not notice that Randall Stevens was the wrong name on his paychecks after all of that time, so the warden must have never checked the name on the accounts, because Randall Stevens was the only name associated with the earnings, and there was no way that the warden and Randall Stevens could earn the same money both at the same time, so Randall Stevens was the only person with the account who earned the money, whether the warden bothered to notice or not, and there's a strong possibility that he never noticed the wrong name at all, otherwise he would have contested. Either way, Andy was just secretive and tricking enough to take the money away from the warden. Now, since Andy has posed as Randall Stevens the whole time that the money was sent to that account directly, he can gain access to the money and take it with him.

Anonymous - 10.02.2023 01:48

Great screenplay. Greater acting.

Hugo Nava Kopp
Hugo Nava Kopp - 23.01.2023 20:04

Plot twist : this whole movie is in Andy’s mind from Jacobs Ladder

Mr. Hush
Mr. Hush - 19.01.2023 04:05


John Davis
John Davis - 16.01.2023 22:47

I guess Norton decided to also save the inmate from being charged for fraud by killing himself to not answer about murder.

John Davis
John Davis - 16.01.2023 22:46

He walked out with the wardens money. It was under a million in 1966 dollars.

Ramal - 15.12.2022 00:53

I guess the murder of Tommy the kid, made Andy reached his breaking point in the effort of breaking out.

Marc Warren
Marc Warren - 25.11.2022 07:44

God bless Morgan Freeman 😁👍👍
