CPTSD vs PTSD - How are they Different?

CPTSD vs PTSD - How are they Different?

Dr. Tracey Marks

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@vocalsunleashed - 21.02.2025 02:53

My list of trauma is LONG. As a kid DV from my dad towards my mum, bullied since age 4 until in my teenage years, my brother joined in and was violent towards me, mum did not protect me but blamed me saying I provoked him but I was just autistic and very particular about the rules. Besides not protecting me and instead putting the fault with me she also yelled at me a lot calling me horrible cause I was very forgetful (undiagnosed ADHD) and did other atypical behaviours that she claimed I did just to be annoying etc. Then my dad died when I was 13 and I was stuck in that abuse almost 24/7. Nobody believed me, my mum told my family how annoying I was and my uncle would scold me during family gatherings telling me to stop being rebellious and listen to my mum. But whenever I didn't listen it was because for me to be able to tell me what to do she first had to behave like my mum instead of a tyrant.

Anyway after I was an adult the trauma didn't stop and I feel like I am so broken I don't know whether I can still be fixed. I'm so angry at the world. At everyone who failed me including the cops who sent me away from the police station when I came there crying telling them I didn't feel safe at home, just because I had no bruises. The teachers who didn't think what I was going through was abuse. My family who told me to just be a better daughter and listen to my mum. And with the mental healthcare workers who didn't give the right treatment or stopped treating me before I was better making everything so much worse!

@RiRiEther - 19.02.2025 06:06

How does a therapist do exposure therapy to something like sex?

@claireamos8613 - 17.02.2025 17:48

I have cpdst. Life is hard.

@notthebrent420 - 17.02.2025 04:30

Cptsd is PTSD for narcissists. Hope this helps.

@AFLlight - 11.02.2025 10:56

CPTSD doesn't know who it's hurting, it's just hurting.

If God chose my children, my siblings, my parents, their parents to be strangled by the grips of CPTSD then I commit to unravel it, un pack it, shine a Godly light on it, expose it and put everything that comes with it in it's rightful place.

CPTSD is a hateful, reoccurring, unexpected master.

CPTSD exhalts itself over God.

The consequences of CPTSD feels like Israel in the Old Testament.

Those suffering from CPTSD have multiple broken versions of themselves inside them that they are babysitting without knowing it. Those versions act out unexpectedly unknowingly and hurt the host, the current adult self.

Exercise helps reduce the emotions of those children within who are trapped souls who no one ever helped out.

@angelag2 - 09.02.2025 04:23

Can ptsd come back

@karenh1272 - 06.02.2025 07:27

Thank you so much for this information, I was currently diagnosed with PTSD, which I knew there was a diagnosis for my symptoms, but thought only Vets got PTSD, my trauma was from my ex husband was both mental & physically abusive, now I'm experiencing some tremors which I now am seeking out help from a neurologist, & just so you know, I was told by my psychologist that one out of every 3 women will experience domestic abuse, all I can say is try to get out, or pray over your situation, I prayed and God found me a way out 🙏 Thank You God!!

@Janietoogood - 01.02.2025 03:23

Thank you Tracy Marks
While this video caused me to break down into tears feeling hopeless, by the end I felt like there was hope. Now I know some options for myself to get real help, instead of a standard therapist.

@M14r5z9 - 31.01.2025 01:14

Can you have both?

@Itsme_yaGuRL_ - 20.01.2025 02:21

I suffer from CPTSD and just wanted to request any noises (broken glass) not to be out inside I wasn’t expecting that sound and got triggered

@esthercohn5732 - 14.01.2025 13:22

I was diagnosed with Complex PTSD. I suffer from bipolar disorder
.I was in therapy for 4 yrs and EMDR really 😌 some of the traumatic memories.

@yaaraadrianavardi4163 - 08.01.2025 08:33

Amazing video

@alexwelts2553 - 07.01.2025 07:12

Cptsd hypervigelance transcends dimensions, time and space.

@GumnutsGarden - 03.01.2025 12:16

Thanks for sharing 🙏

@patrickboudreau3846 - 03.01.2025 08:13

I think i have lmnop.

@Randomly.assembled.molecules - 02.01.2025 18:17

Im afraid of leaving
Every thing happened with me before the age of 11 and i started isolating my self from friends and family at the age of 10 (now I'm 19)

All I wish for it to end and passing days till I die, this pain is going to end with me

@Shebrew4Life - 30.12.2024 05:12

I have experienced both I got therapy it definitely helped but nothing will ever eliminate all traces of trauma and abuse.

@ChristopherStockley-t5v - 27.12.2024 19:58

Now I ain’t genius by much measures yet my guess to the answer is probably a lesser identifiable function of this disorder….

@SgtChaseScott - 25.12.2024 12:02

My dad was verbally and physically abusive to me growing up. Granted I was the only boy child and had 2 younger sisters. When I tried to open up about it, folks just told me that was a way of life and to get over it. My mom allowed this to happen often mocking me crying. Since then I have isolated myself from any family function. I drink whiskey to drown out the pain. My sisters are both happily married with kids. I’m 36 never been married and no kids. Honestly I’ve given up on that ever happening and I’m ok with it. There are 2 things in life that are certain: death and taxes. I’m just 1 of those individuals that are hoping to die sooner rather than later. Sorry to be so dark but that’s just how I feel.

@kraazee - 22.12.2024 05:03

This was very informative. I was just diagnosed with CPTSD I was told that diagnosis was because I have multiple traumas at the same time. Now I’m not sure if that is true. Can you have multiple traumas and it just be PTSD? Also, I was also diagnosed with dissociate PTSD and Hypo-arousal and hyperarousal but I am not sure if these are all just part of PTSD

@DaUnforgiven1 - 20.12.2024 15:30

Raped as a child in Sunday school infront of the entire class then told by three pastor that I wasn’t good enough for God anymore. Father was military and gone a lot. Mom had multiple personality disorder and didn’t know. No one tried to protect me until I was a teenage kid and the damage had already murdered who I was. I married a narcissist woman that has abused emotionally verbally and physically like getting hit in the head with a metal rod while getting into bed. Told I’m worthless on a daily basis. Wife made a bogus police call and lied about there being a firearm involved. Almost got killed infront of my children. Was compliant unarmed and did not resist anything. As soon as they cuffed me I got a pistol the back of my head and one slammed into my ribs for a lung heart shot. They took my car keys. Went in my garage and unlocked my car to search it without permission or a warrant. When they found nothing to get me in trouble. They left pissed off that they didn’t get to shoot me. I have nightmares about that incident nightly. I only sleep for a few hours. Eat maybe once every few days. And if someone shuts off the lights unexpectedly it can trigger a somatic flashback where I relive the entire situation and end up in hypertensive crisis. I go into hypertensive crisis if the police even come near me. I can’t breathe and my entire chest and arms go numb. Sharp pains in the back of the head and blurred vision accompanied with an emotional breakdown when it ends and my eyes start to work again. It’s utterly terrifying

@Rebeccabecc - 19.12.2024 19:27

I've been diagnosed with cptsd 🙃

@CrystalKegg - 18.12.2024 07:28

Yea unfortunately my family think i have a few things going on with me. Cuz i was involved in a accident through know fault of my own a few years ago. I cant handle being ina crowded places or busy areas i get scared & i start 2 freak out nd then a panick attack come after that.. 😱🥴! I guess i get alittle 2 overwhelmed. When 2 people are around me.. it's something i cant control..

@LB83. - 13.12.2024 13:04

I did emdr theraphy for 9moths but i am way to active to get in my mind thats what the therapist said i have 9 trauma's from childhood and things and mistakes i made wich are graved in my mind and feel ashamed by it

@LB83. - 13.12.2024 13:01

Its very hard to have both for 90%😔

@AshleighWheatley - 12.12.2024 20:17

How do you get over it if you have All of them

@AshleighWheatley - 12.12.2024 20:13

Does anyone have need to these

@dr.jasont.hayesmdmbamsph986 - 20.11.2024 20:22

Excellent work Doctor.

@apexdaimyo2535 - 19.11.2024 16:05

Thought the locked door thing was normal,checking exits when entering a room and thinking about scenarios how I need to fight everyone in the room if they they attack me

@ker_possible - 17.11.2024 06:53

My therapist said I have CPTSD like symptoms. This explanation video makes me feel like CPTSD isnt that bad.😂

@PaulFlint-po9jl - 14.11.2024 14:59

Thanks for the video. I keep getting horrible flashbacks from the trauma of being mistreated by staff during my sectioning I'm not mentioning too much as they might read this. That's how scared they made me. They headlights and tried to break me down. I was told off for even looking around. Every time I wanted to get an ecig I had to be nice practically subservient. They all hanged up on me and I had delusions of guilt which they believed were actual crimes. In have been severely traumatised and don't believe I'll ever recover. Nasty staff

@jessica22p1 - 09.11.2024 19:58

I’m suprised that u said ptsd wouldn’t happen from terminal illnesses

@g.w.hampton5525 - 05.11.2024 03:31

I wish i had someone to help me...

@mohnjarx7801 - 02.11.2024 05:52

They have a distinct name for everything these days. People do have problems but please address your lifestyle before taking pills – and there will be plenty of them pushed on you by your doctor.

Job/career, relationship, drug/alcohol issues, diet, and hobby/hobbies. Try to get these in order before resorting to changing brain chemistry via pharmaceuticals, please.

@ScarpiEsther84ever - 25.10.2024 06:32

Thank you so very much 🙏

@bg-si2cw - 16.10.2024 21:13

Do you do any consultations either by email or video conference? I am doing some research into PTSD in the black community.

@Ashley-xb1dz - 07.10.2024 20:01

I get the fun of having both of these, dad might have been murdered by his half girlfriend after I tried to get him to leave and I had the struggles of my parents falling apart in almost everyway when I was younger so I also know I would have to take care of them all my life, and I always had that pressure of thinking how I could afford them, while I failed for one I can still sorta help my mom when she isn't too dangerous (not the half gf btw my actual mom). A bunch of other things have given me problems too but these are some of the sometimes noticeable issues.

@IndigoHazelnut - 03.10.2024 22:27

@dr.traceymarks thank you for the work that you do. For helping us educate ourselves and assisting us on our healing journey

@jujubinks9935 - 25.09.2024 11:06

Hi please add content warning! especially on a video of this nautre, love your content super informative but please add little warnings :)

@DiamondTurtle - 20.09.2024 06:49

helper for supper at least once a week at my Dad’s house. We ate it so much that I got so burned out on it I would just go hungry on those nights. I never ate it again until well after I was grown. However, he never ran out of alcohol nor pot. He and my stepmother never had a shortage of topics to loudly and violently fight about, especially on the weekends my dad had visitation or if it was a holiday or if mine/my sister’s birthday was coming up. She would “forget” to pay bills around holidays and birthdays so my sister and I would have to go without a gift or celebration. She’s still a narcissist and it’s taken me a long time to learn to gray rock her and forgive her. It’s hard realizing you were neglected and abused in childhood. I never realized I had such a terrible childhood until taking psychology classes in my teacher education program in college. It’s been a slow realization process and I really need therapy. I have many symptoms of CPTSD from my rough childhood & many PTSD symptoms even 5 years after leaving a ~4.5 years long abusive romantic relationship.

@ayembic7933 - 19.09.2024 18:38

Love that shirt

@sicilibray9398 - 19.09.2024 07:18

Thank you for this:) I was just diagnosed at 50 with PTSD. I believe my therapist and I are a good fit, and she has many years experience, but C-PTSD may more accurately describe my feelings and actions, but I don’t know because I have experienced a lot of violence as well. Anyways I think I’ll ask her about the eyeball thing. Thank you for providing free research and data resources. We need them. I grew up in an environment that shamed those with mental health issues, it’s nice to have these conversations.

@JoshuaHewell - 16.09.2024 04:57

Epilepsy Physical Neurological Illness(such as cysts) etc couple with the sociological ecology.

@666-bo8pp6 - 11.09.2024 16:26

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaano!!!!it's me!CPTSD!!

@jaaferkamil1983 - 11.09.2024 13:19

as every human blessed with life i was born in iraq and lived all my childhood there, i never thought i was suffering from a mental illness, for everyone who is watching these video just take your mental health very seriously and i pray for you all for your healing journey 🙏

@MorseDempsey-s4k - 08.09.2024 13:27

Davis Robert White Jennifer Hall Jose

@TheElectricCheeseProductions22 - 07.09.2024 19:12

real as fuck
