Use These Ship Building SECRETS in Starfield

Use These Ship Building SECRETS in Starfield


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Thrillbo - 11.10.2023 04:29

There a glass port hole that can go on the bottom of hab structures, though I find it removes the furniture in that section of the interior (i.e the dining table in the captains quarters 1 x 3 hab )

Andrzej Ferens
Andrzej Ferens - 11.10.2023 03:31

Amazingly useful vid!! The arrow thing showing you where you can physically move around saved me sooo much frustration!!

sparkleybitz - 11.10.2023 02:47

the docker, landing gear and engine tips helped heaps. Ta.

DD123EE - 11.10.2023 02:41

My ship is asimmetric, L shape, enemies can't hit it because the center of the L is in the outer space and the bullets miss the target!

Nate Schweigert
Nate Schweigert - 11.10.2023 02:20

I respect this video, normal gamer,, not lol 9000 with everything done and making it sound so easy, appreciate the info man! Been playing since day one and just learned about the unconnected module trick, +1 follower

Evil Twin
Evil Twin - 11.10.2023 02:05

The majority of the fun is figuring out how it all works.

MrMusic - 11.10.2023 01:53

That unattached modules Error was one of most annoying thing i found in this game !!! 😐and simply with selecting all parts revealing error item!😐🥲😑 also later found landing gear and downside dock is missive helpful!! but one question is there any video about special unique parts that need to buy one by one from ship services around ? 🤔

Another thing about mass to maneuver Ratio i realized lighter unique parts make ship faster and agile at least in my knowledge and logic! but maybe there is another trick in game to not lose 100% Mobility i hoped to be detailed in your videos 🤔 by the way thanks about head up! Good job i'm satisfied some🙏👍

sword of war
sword of war - 11.10.2023 01:29

im not the best at ships but i certainly love building them, most recently i captured a Varuun ship and turned it into a big bulky class c warship with the hardest hitting weapons i could find and named it the Jormungandr. probably gonna go after the legendary ships with it

Clarence Wilson
Clarence Wilson - 11.10.2023 00:25

Thanks for the video.

SPΛΙΝΤΞR CΞΛΛ - 11.10.2023 00:24

Nice video. You ships are weird 😂

Mike McDaniel
Mike McDaniel - 11.10.2023 00:13

Colors tip: After you've added all your new parts, select all parts at the same time. When you go to edit the colors, do the one pixel back and forth like Darkdally did here in the video on all three colors while all parts are selected. It will update the new parts to match.

Mike_D_Melb_Music_Fan - 11.10.2023 00:07

Don't make my mistake ! I dragged the old cockpit off to the side, attached a new cockpit in the correct position, and I STILL get the "cockpit not accessible from the landing bay" error. Couldn't work out why. Turns out, its not talking about the new cockpit, the error is referring to the OLD cockpit off to the side. The very presence of a second cockpit anywhere confuses things. A better error would have been " you cant have two cockpits" THEN did the connection error check.

James Perkins
James Perkins - 10.10.2023 23:52

I've heard, and semi confirmed that its1 thrust per 200 weight of the ship.

Lee Halford
Lee Halford - 10.10.2023 23:35

The top speed of your ship is affected by the class of your engines.

Class A, all go up to 150, apart from the Whitedwarf S3015 (with Rank 4 design skill).
Class B, only goes up to 140 max speed.
Class C, only goes up to 130 max speed.

Also. Crew skills, map across to exactly the same as your skills if you have them assigned to your ship.
Some of the skills give you more reactor energy, and more cargo space (payload specialist), like an extra 50% with Rank 4 skill.

Lee Halford
Lee Halford - 10.10.2023 23:25

With regards to max power, 6x Vanguard Obliterators equals 12 power. With 3300 range and 6+ firing speed.

Lee Halford
Lee Halford - 10.10.2023 23:14

And good thing to remember, 1x thrust from a landing gear lifts 200 mass of your ship.

Lowraith - 10.10.2023 23:11

Power usage is a double-edged sword. You have 12 power units per category determining your maximum allowed count, but that also means that you're power requirements become higher. If you only put 3 points in a 6-engine build, then your top speed will be 25% (3/12) of their listed speed of your engines. This is a big problem for dogfights.

Same problem for shields: partially powered = a percentage of protection.

Shield output:
Shield value / Max power = protection per each unit of power you allocate.
Use that to figure out if a particular big-power big-shield unit at half power is better than a fully-powered mid-tier shield. Some are, some are not.

Weapons are slightly different. Percentage of weapon category power means:
Semi-automatic: rate of fire per shot
Full automatic: rate of recharge after depleting the full battery
Missiles: max missiles loaded + rate of reloading after firing

Weapon DPS:
Damage value * (12/Max power) * Fire rate = DPS at full compliment

This is why the rank A Vanguard Obliterator Autoprojectile particle beams are superior to all other weapons, even on a class C ship at higher character levels. You can have 6 of them (Max power 2), don't need to ever fully power them (full automatic), and they have better per-shot damage than non-Vanguard counterparts.

Corvus Dove
Corvus Dove - 10.10.2023 22:57

SAL-6840 x6 turns into the only engine configuration you use.

Lowraith - 10.10.2023 22:49

The SAL-6830 engines are unlocked by progressing partway through the Constellation quest line (doing Walter's quest, and finding the diplomatic solution at the end). It has nothing to do with your character level. They aren't "just available", and I don't believe there are any bigger engines in the game later.

Also, they'll only be available at the Stroud-Ecklund staryard in the Narion system.

Lowraith - 10.10.2023 22:44

If you're building extra copies of parts already on your ship, don't build a new one and then color it by hand. Just hover over the existing part and press Y to make a copy of the part, color and all.

Lowraith - 10.10.2023 22:40

You do not need to RB to select a single piece before you color it, just hover over it and click Left Stick. RB selection is only needed when you want to color SEVERAL pieces all at once.

RoyalGreen - 10.10.2023 22:37

The prerequisite for the SAL-6830 is a…SPOILER: small quest line you do for Walter Stroud of constellation. After that these engines will unlock

Evan H
Evan H - 10.10.2023 22:36

Some heros dont wear capes... they post videos like this

Jordan Moyes
Jordan Moyes - 10.10.2023 22:29

Nova galactic bridge is God tier, for no ladders. It has ruined the ship building for me.

Watts Ofwisdom
Watts Ofwisdom - 10.10.2023 22:16

I have the same crap with the cockpit and landing bay so I left it on the back tail 😩

James Bond
James Bond - 10.10.2023 21:55

I believe those Slayton engines can only be had at early level if you do a quest in a particular manner. Google how to do it.

Michael Cote
Michael Cote - 10.10.2023 21:32

Great tips.

Rick Shrout
Rick Shrout - 10.10.2023 21:28

WoW! Thank You so much! Head is Bruised from all the Banging against the walls i was doing. I stopped Building because i would SPEND HOURS being FRUSTRATED just to scrap it all and turn off my XBOX. I set a Goal to get to Level 60 when All Ship Parts are available and then Try Again. Interestingly, I just hit Level 60 this morning and stumbled onto your Video while eating Lunch just now. My half-Hour is Over & I've Learned so much! I also Appreciate the Frustration you speak of as I've experienced it but gave up in the end. There's so much to do in this game so I just moved on... Now I'm Ready again and so Much Thanks to You for your Inspiration. So many Great Tips... Custom Colors & the Non-Attached Fix...Brilliant. I can't Thank You Enough for the Time You've Invested. You are the Pioneer!

0311Devil Dog
0311Devil Dog - 10.10.2023 21:15

Nice information, thank you for clearing this up! 👍

Willy Lime
Willy Lime - 10.10.2023 21:12

For color matching when you add new gear you can just select all go into color and do that slide one way and then the other. You dont need to select individual pieces in recent. Thats what I do when I build craft (Im lazy)

Do All The Things !
Do All The Things ! - 10.10.2023 21:09

Lander Thrust is 200:1 ratio. 1 thrust for 200 mass.

As you level up, I found not so much more powerful engines got unlocks, as you got smaller engines with the same power. When I got to level 57, I was able to retool my massive 9000+ cargo ship from class C to class B and gains mobility cause of the weight savings of the lighter parts. It's like at early level you NEED class C to have a powerful ship, but in later levels you can build class A and B ships that shred.

T - 10.10.2023 21:08

Best tip I found is - always put engines on last. That way you can scroll through them and easily see what gives you the best mobility/top speed. This changes with a lot of factors and IIRC the “best” engine won’t be best for every ship.

raven saunders
raven saunders - 10.10.2023 20:34

My head hurt... i am not a designer of game ship in fact i bet i suck far worse then you.but good teaching of these sips in the game. i am mostly good of what best weapon to use on beast and people. A shame most players are using cheat mods now to make things easier in single player game. I also wish they made female body figure better like mod i use VBB and not have a men like body in the game.

Eugene Dabney
Eugene Dabney - 10.10.2023 20:28

No telling how much mass you can get I got 43 thousand with buffs on a hope tech steal.

Hayden Long
Hayden Long - 10.10.2023 20:23

Awesome vid for how small your channel is. No BS filler content, all great tips.

Poor Sausage
Poor Sausage - 10.10.2023 20:12

I built a Narwhal 2. It has zero manoeuvrability but with 8 auto turrets and 4 guns up front, the ship decimates everything in sight. The main reason I built it was for the 49,000 cargo space. I think it is around 42,000 without the cargo skills. It is a monstrosity lol

Lalleballe 2k
Lalleballe 2k - 10.10.2023 20:04

To further develop on your claim that storage doesnt matter:

First off, you actually never justified that exact claim.

Second, I can actually do it for you.
You dont need any storage modules at all. If maximum capacity has been reached, simply drop everything you wish to store on the ship floor. Get in to ship modification and simply move something from one place to another. Like a port hole or something. Accept, exit and everything you dropped earlier on the ship floor will now be placed in your storage, exceeding the maximum capacity. You'll never run out of storage this way.

Joe Graham
Joe Graham - 10.10.2023 19:44

I sincerely believe Bethesda purposely do not explain most of this stuff in game specifically to spur the community to create videos like this themselves. I appreciate all the insight and very detailed yet simplified explanation of shipbuilding. You just explained how everything worked and tips for building without saying "tHiS iS tHe BeSt DeSiGn EvEr. FiGhT mE!" Kudos

Hood Ninjaichi Gaming and Entertainment
Hood Ninjaichi Gaming and Entertainment - 10.10.2023 19:36

Here's a secret I discovered. There's a set of A class engines that if combined with a c class reactor will give you a 100 mob 150 speed start. The specific engine is the one that gives you a top, middle, and bottom version and only cost 2 power.

Jason Paulin
Jason Paulin - 10.10.2023 19:26

Click bait title. Nothing interesting or secret here. Literally tips for total noobs made by a noob.

Jason Paulin
Jason Paulin - 10.10.2023 19:24

Already using best engines “I know somewhere down the line I’ll find better engines”

BK4LF1 - 10.10.2023 19:17

Selecting all for color change is easier if you have one theme.

damian d
damian d - 10.10.2023 19:16

I wish if you already visit all ship vendors you can use one universal shop with all parts or have added parts from those vendors in every other place, is to much time consuming to go from vendor to vendor just to buy 1 part which will be best for your ship.

Andrea B UK🏳️‍⚧️
Andrea B UK🏳️‍⚧️ - 10.10.2023 19:09

Landing gear...
I always use 3 of the single leg Nova Galactic landing gear with 4 trust each, as adding more msss reduces speed & manoevreability. I never use farings, spines, ribs, storage etc for the same reason
The 2 ships i use regularly are big C class, both were A class, both have 6 engines, 40 reactor, 30 LY travel, 3,000+ storage, 8/10 crew with 8/10 crew stations, 1,300 weapon damage 150 speed & 100 manoeuvreability. They're not ugly either

Jason Paulin
Jason Paulin - 10.10.2023 18:59

Why would walking straight in from you landing bay to your docker be “incredibly convenient”?

They are separate ways to enter/exit and they will never be used at the same time.

crimsomreaf5555 - 10.10.2023 18:36

Oh god that engine look is gonna make me throw up

Jason Paulin
Jason Paulin - 10.10.2023 18:24

You are making a video about ship building and you couldn’t even figure out how to rotate your ships guns. The weapons in the front are pointing to the side instead of forward.

Jason Paulin
Jason Paulin - 10.10.2023 18:23

The ship in you video looks hideous. A mishmash of different pieces that don’t even come close to lining up.
