Solo Camping & Fishing for Extremely Rare Trout

Solo Camping & Fishing for Extremely Rare Trout

Lost Lakes

1 год назад

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Paul Baker
Paul Baker - 14.09.2023 18:19

Get adventure! Glad I stumbled upon your channel.

Anthony Wolf
Anthony Wolf - 10.08.2023 20:13

Heavy rain... hahaa youre a loser. Naw, just joking, you're pretty cool.

Trudy Gentry
Trudy Gentry - 08.08.2023 02:14

Thank you I'm a happy camper and this is so refreshing to watch. God bless you and keep you safe.

Rebecca Dees
Rebecca Dees - 04.07.2023 19:03

Thank you for being such a great mentor to Xander 😂😂😂!

metalhead - 18.06.2023 01:10

You and Xander are hilarious picking on each other...

Nikos - 20.05.2023 01:25

does someone know where his hat is from?

judy everett
judy everett - 28.04.2023 17:26

thank you for teaching Xander so much. lol. this was a beautiful video. thanks for sharing.

North Canada Fishing
North Canada Fishing - 08.04.2023 04:29

Totally flopped - LOL jk brother. I enjoyed, thank you!

JHT Survival
JHT Survival - 03.04.2023 15:13

I would be fishing at midnight lol

billybrantd - 23.03.2023 15:29

I remember a fishing trip with my Dad and brothers for Aurora trout. It was nice to catch. We were only allowed one each. We couldn't do catch and release because they died almost as soon as we got them out of the water. The large ones are greasy. The purple colour also disappeared very quickly.

Jim Wilson
Jim Wilson - 23.03.2023 05:23

Why even eat them

NORCO4LIFE - 26.02.2023 01:27

I love all char species. It looks almost identical to a brook trout in every way. It’s weird, I’ve seen brook trout around my home in NB that don’t have the red dots, and also don’t have the yellow pattern on the back.

Hopefully they’re just as tasty!

Erik Reinhart
Erik Reinhart - 15.02.2023 19:30

What is with the rock throwing?

Hannah Munro
Hannah Munro - 09.02.2023 20:14

As a kid I always hated fishing at summer camp because of all the same reasons you don’t like to use bait or barbed hooks. I was taken deep sea fishing in the Florida keys as a surprise a few years ago by an ex who knew I loved the outdoors and I had to explain that I hate fishing but I would give it a try since he booked and arranged the entire thing. It was worse than I could have imagined we first caugh bait fish off the reef, that seemed harmless enough with the net. Until I realized they were going to be attached to a line and held down by a weighted line for the big fish….. I proceeded to nap the rest of the day below deck.

So I am surprised to say I actually enjoy your fishing videos. You treat each animal with so much respect and dignity. I really appreciate learning from you knowing that you appreciate everything in your surroundings equally.

Balloonviris gamer
Balloonviris gamer - 30.01.2023 08:03

This video indeed did not flop

Robert Heim
Robert Heim - 11.01.2023 00:43

Yea! I just walked a full mile without my shoelaces untying themselves. U da Man... Nice catches.

garth snidpick
garth snidpick - 08.01.2023 14:51

trout feed at night time bring a small , top water frog or mouse......listen carefully

Roman Varl
Roman Varl - 03.01.2023 04:26

Come over to fish Siberia. You can catch trout any time any number, you can keep, you can eat. You can even sell
It's amazing how communist Canada has become, much more than USSR never was

Tim Wagner
Tim Wagner - 01.01.2023 22:55

Very cool fish adventure!! Beautiful place. Nice fish.

Lad From The Woods
Lad From The Woods - 30.12.2022 20:05

The Aurora Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis timagamiensis) is a unique variant of the Brook Trout, distinguished by its colouration. It is a member of the Trout and Salmon family (Salmonidae) and has the following characteristics:

Looks similar to Brook Trout, yet adult fish lack the yellow marks throughout the dorsal region and exhibit few to no red spots with blue halos;
Dorsal surface is typically olive green to dark brown with iridescent steel blue and silver sides and silvery white underparts that are often tinged with pink;
Anal, pelvic and pectoral fins with a white leading edge followed by a dark stripe, the rest of the fins are reddish;
Caudal fin nearly straight or with a shallow indentation;
The largest known Aurora Trout was 3,500 g and 600 mm long.
In 2011, the Aurora Trout was determined by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) to be ineligible for assessment as it did not satisfy the discreteness and significance criteria that would justify its recognition as a designatable unit within Brook Trout. Similarly, it is no longer considered eligible to be designated as a species of risk under Ontario’s Endangered Species Act, 2007 (2011). Reassessment of the species’ status under the federal Species at Risk Act is currently underway.

Distribution of the Aurora Trout in Canada
Distribution of the Aurora Trout in Canada. Red dots indicate the native populations. Black dots indicate the introduced populations.
The Aurora Trout was native to a few remote, high-elevation lakes in the Temagami district of Ontario, Whirligig Lake and Whitepine Lake, located north of Sudbury. The original native populations were extirpated as a result of lake acidification in the 1960s. Using captive breeding stock, the Aurora Trout were re-introduced into the lakes in the 1990s following improvements in water quality, and have since become self-sustaining populations. It is also stocked in other lakes in northern Ontario. Natural reproduction by Aurora Trout introduced in two non-native lakes is limited.

The Aurora Trout is a coldwater species found in clear, cool lakes. Spawning occurs in late October to early November over rubble, sand and gravel in water up to 4 m deep. Females construct redds and embryos are buried in the substrate. Groundwater upwellings are likely important spawning areas. Sexual maturity is reached at two to four years. Aurora Trout have a lifespan of approximately eight years.

The Aurora Trout was lost from its natural range due to acid precipitation that disrupted reproduction. Low pH from acid precipitation and runoff is a continuing threat to the Aurora Trout. They are also likely affected by limited habitat (particularly a lack of groundwater springs for spawning and necessary elements for thermal refuge). Inbreeding, resulting from the small genetic pool of captive individuals, is also likely contributing to long-term threats to its viability.

Chris Mason
Chris Mason - 28.12.2022 04:59

While on these campouts. Do u ever listen to music? And if u do. Besides obviously RUSH. S there anything else you recommend?

Wayne DeVrou
Wayne DeVrou - 24.12.2022 23:20

The thing I learned from this video was from Xander! Thanks for the knot tip. I love simple fixes. Also liked your vocalized inner dialogue. One I have had many times was releasing a fish, planning on eating one I would catch later.... yeah. Glad you got your lunch. Worked out in the end.

Encourageable - 16.12.2022 19:19

Did it scare you when Bigfoot threw those rocks in the lake?

Kevin Brooks
Kevin Brooks - 15.12.2022 14:52

Rare indeed ,the non pressure . The only person on a lake not a lot of cabins and other man made boxes some call paradise. The time alone to reflect and recharge. Life can be beautiful if you can avoid Mankind.

Al S
Al S - 02.12.2022 05:10

1st time seeing an Aurora trout, what a beautiful fish ! Such a tiny lake, I guess they won't grow to much size in there?
Perfect summer day in the north !

t j
t j - 01.12.2022 03:24

did beavers like your rocks?

bixby9797 - 29.11.2022 00:22

Try a Mooselook Wobbler on those trout. I've used them on Lakers, Brook, Brown and Rainbow. Oh, and that lake all to yourself is priceless even without fish.

Greg Bowden
Greg Bowden - 27.11.2022 15:50

Love your adventures John, need to know your scotch of choice. I am a big fan of Glenlivet and Johnny Black.
Congratulations (a bit late) with you and Erin's nuptials.

C C - 27.11.2022 12:54

That fish looked soooo delicious

Against all ads games
Against all ads games - 23.11.2022 23:52

Beautiful fish!

originalshadowfax - 23.11.2022 15:40

They look like Char rather than trout ?

Trump2024 - 23.11.2022 06:52

Lame video

Bob Baker
Bob Baker - 22.11.2022 13:46

I bet the local beaver were wondering what kind of giant beaver was whacking its tail.. and all were thankful it was the four slap message

Bob Baker
Bob Baker - 22.11.2022 13:43

That trout is obviously part of the large salmon family of fish. Only a few evolved into the ocean cycle. Even less became landlocked after developing that aapect. IE: Rainbow trout and Kokanee .. The paler flesh trout are likely an even more distant cousin.

R V R - 16.11.2022 06:50

How did the canoe magically appear??

Steve Hogan
Steve Hogan - 15.11.2022 06:58

Ah, it's late. I'm subbed and quequed this for tomorrow.

Dean Dee
Dean Dee - 13.11.2022 20:40

hooks a lil' large for such small fish no?

Walter Pen
Walter Pen - 13.11.2022 01:02

Truly a beautiful and ultra rare trout species.
Jon a true sportsman and another awesome vid. Packing up and realizing that someone else is out there. However I think that you were not always alone. Four huge rocks thrown out causing big splashes had me thinking that Sasquatch doesn't want you there. LOL!
Thanks for sharing and ☮️.

Mark Kubiak
Mark Kubiak - 07.11.2022 21:52

A man after my own heart, as the saying goes.

QUEEN KHIA LIVES - 05.11.2022 01:05

How did you get your canoe there

Branson RC
Branson RC - 19.10.2022 18:00

What is your rods length and power?

Branson Reed
Branson Reed - 19.10.2022 03:26

Does anyone know how he cast so far? I have the same reel, but its smaller and on an 4,6 ultralight rod. Does that have anything to do with it?

Arachnophilia - 06.10.2022 03:04

You taught Xander well in the force😉.

Jameson Hardcastle
Jameson Hardcastle - 05.10.2022 18:26

Oh no, a fisherman that absolutely knows how to tie knots didn't know that he was supposed to be tying his shoes with a slip box knot??? 😂 Love it, it was my daughter that taught me that very same lesson on a fishing trip when my boots kept coming untied 😂

Gary Ellington
Gary Ellington - 05.10.2022 13:20

Great 👍 video as always Jon. Be safe out there buddy.

Andrew Mars Jr
Andrew Mars Jr - 05.10.2022 01:00

Thank you for making these it helps relax me

Kyle - 03.10.2022 23:46

I wasn't sure about this then you started cooking nice choice for food.

Beachy - 03.10.2022 15:23

723984 views def not a flop jon ....heavy rain not needed lol

Krypto Pheonix
Krypto Pheonix - 03.10.2022 10:23

Isnt tht just a brookie
