How Khrushchev Fed the Soviet People

How Khrushchev Fed the Soviet People

The Cold War

3 года назад

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jakhva - 12.09.2023 22:45

Rand corporation data?...the cold war indeed.

aluisious - 08.07.2023 03:51

Holy shit, have you ever considered not talking over the entire fucking video when you have contemporary video footage?

Jakob Raahauge
Jakob Raahauge - 24.05.2023 21:43

I grew up in Southern Denmark - we watched East German television too 😄 there was one Danish tv channel, two West German, and that East German one.

Hugh Kramer
Hugh Kramer - 30.04.2023 15:57

Since this was not addressed in the video, I'm curious as to how the Soviet Union payed for all these pension, wage and other reforms.

Internasyunalè Mapping
Internasyunalè Mapping - 21.04.2023 09:05

Khrushchev was far from a perfect leader, but I'd argue he was infinitely better than Brezhnev, Fuckhead ignored the Soviet Economy to the point it became one of the several reasons the Soviet Union couldn't enact Gorbachev's Social Reforms in time, He shall never be forgiven for that.

jakemf1 - 04.04.2023 04:55


Bryant O'Connor
Bryant O'Connor - 05.03.2023 09:54

No other bloodline on this planet has a history like this bloodline of living creatures can't emphasize that enough ! Pretty much like a bacteria is OK with itself as a bacteria ????! The rest of the living world doesn't deserve this epidemic ! 🤨🤨🤨 !🚫

anirudha biswas
anirudha biswas - 26.02.2023 20:54

Interesting documentary on Soviet life during Khruschev's rule. But what I couldn't find till now any documentaries on the other great Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev. I would request thr channel to broadcast on Brehznev's rule of Soviet Union, and give an indepth analysis whether that period was really an age of Stagnation? We people in India will remember his contributions especially during liberation of Bangladesh 🇧🇩 , Goa and economic assistance in building temples of modern India 🇮🇳 I.e steel plants.

Just A Groundhog
Just A Groundhog - 07.02.2023 16:37

It is always fascinating to look behind the Iron Curtain

John Rudy
John Rudy - 30.01.2023 23:32

Nope, Communism is essentially totalitarian and a dictatorship. I dont care about ww2 effects. People suffered even before the war. Nope,
It WAS an evil empire that punished and killed its own people. China is the same. Hope it collapses too.

Shangmiao Hao
Shangmiao Hao - 30.01.2023 03:25

我是来看苏穗宗的 🌽

Zini Najid
Zini Najid - 22.01.2023 02:54

This is why communism never works

johnny zippo
johnny zippo - 18.01.2023 03:39

I have been watching your channel for some time now , note , I received my degree in history with an emphasis on Russian History , specifically , Soviet Russia , thus , really enjoy your channel , thank you for the incredible work, very much ch appreciated . Cheers M8t!

diecast jam
diecast jam - 16.01.2023 21:43

I bet life in the UK wasn't that much better in 1958, but I guess we were 'free' so I guess it was easier to stomach?

diecast jam
diecast jam - 16.01.2023 21:37

Can't believe that you ever had to pay for further/university education in the USSR, it was free until pretty recently in the UK, and still is here in Scotland, ahh sorry English ppl. Prescription medicines are free still in Scotland, I mention that for no other reason than you have to pay in England, 🙁. I mean there's a downside, and that is you have to live in Scotland but you know, can't have everything.

Fred Azbell
Fred Azbell - 14.01.2023 09:07

Khrushchev never got the credit he deserved.

Adam Churvis
Adam Churvis - 10.01.2023 17:43

There is a Russian folk music group named Kukuruza (corn), but most Americans don't understand just how dangerous it was to name themselves this as it was basically a smart-assed dig against Khrushchev and his failed attempts at using corn to solve all the Soviet Union's food problems. I haven't watched this video yet, so I hope it goes over how he destroyed central asian Soviet republics forcing them to grow corn when they didn't know how to do so successfully.

ProjecthuntanFish - 10.01.2023 01:09

FACT: Communism murdered 100 million people in its first 100 years...................

CharlRay - 08.01.2023 11:44

48 hours a week mandatory work 6 days a week I would of escaped USSR or died trying

Damian McDonagh
Damian McDonagh - 07.01.2023 18:01

Fascinating channel, I've been to Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The research and presentation is excellent.

Istralt Reg
Istralt Reg - 07.01.2023 11:44

so you've purchased a 2nd camera, just to be similar to other video makers, who dont look into it, and is only used for 5% of the time. Congrats

ARUN SUBRAMANIAN - 02.01.2023 20:22

Khrushchev was a better leader with some humanity. Not like Stalin or Brezhnev who collapsed the economy.

Костя Лопунов
Костя Лопунов - 30.12.2022 22:02

Potatoes are still a staple food in Russia, especially in villages

m b
m b - 03.12.2022 22:42

Given what we currently know about climate change how can a nation having less cars be a bad thing? Has that been compared to access to transportation? They had different forms of transportation and more walkable cities

tokyosmash - 20.11.2022 08:28

A: he didn’t

Alex_69 - 18.10.2022 01:45

Enver Hoxha enters chat:

Kruschchev: Sweats profusely 😓😓

hoodvaavdooh - 29.09.2022 12:23

USSR 1929 Economic Environment:
1. Recovery growth in 1921-1928; 1913 figures exceeded (national income grew by 19%, industry, by 32%, agriculture, by 33%, fixed assets by 36%).
2. Sanctions: The country had not yet been recognized by many countries. They refused to accept gold as payment. The country was suffering from a credit blockade. Anti-dumping sanctions and embargoes: USA (1930), France (1930), England (1933).
3. External public debt and reserves: Debt more than $350M to U.S. private companies. Total reserves comprised $150M, including 138 tons' worth of gold reserves.
4. Modern industries and technologies: No competencies or technologies in contemporary economy sectors, including machine tool construction, non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical industry, aviation industry, automobile industry, agricultural machinery production, tractor industry.
5. Life expectancy: 43 years. Low-level healthcare and education systems. Population: 154M people.
- - -
USSR 1929-1955 results:
1. The largest economy in Europe and the second largest economy worldwide. The economy grew 14 times, by 13.8% annually on the average (the war years excluded). The country was the world leader in terms of economic growth in the 20th century).
2. External public debt: None. Gold reserves: 2,050 tons (ranking 2nd in the world).
3. World's leader in mechanical engineering in industrial production (100% technical and economic independence has been achieved);
1st in the world in terms of agricultural mechanization;
1st in Europe in terms of the absolute size of industrial production;
1st in Europe and 2nd in the world in terms of labor productivity in industry.
4. New world-class industries: nuclear, space, rocket, aircraft, professional equipment, radio, electronics, electrical equipment, chemical, machine tool construction, etc. The Russian economy has the youngest engineering and manufacturing system in the world.
5. Personnel: world-class engineering/technological/scientific school, education and healthcare are high-quality and affordable.
6. Life expectancy increased by 26 years. Population grew by 46M people, reaching 200M.
Real income grew over 4 times. People's deposits in savings banks increased more than 5-fold.

hoodvaavdooh - 29.09.2022 11:57

Stalin was an exceptional statesman, compared to whom most politicians back then and even today are incompetent retards.
Stalin took a backward agrarian country where the population lived de facto in slavery under tsarist terror. In 30 years made it a political, military and technological superpower. He significantly increased the standard of living, literacy and availability of medical care.
All that despite a devastating revolution and two Western invasions.
Krushchev - revered Stalin when he was in power, spread lies about him after his death. His biggest goal was to slur Stalin to get out of his shadow. His only legacy is Cuban missile crisis and his corn farming fiasco.

simon radowitzky
simon radowitzky - 27.08.2022 13:02

Man... Communism...

Ares - 16.08.2022 11:21

Why did he think he was such an expert on agriculture

Vikingr - 11.08.2022 14:33

ok now lets talk about how stalin fed people

Markandeyulu prathivada
Markandeyulu prathivada - 09.08.2022 11:11

USSR have to be compered with third world Countries like india not with US .

the hillbilly gamer !
the hillbilly gamer ! - 02.08.2022 14:16

Seems like Nikita cruise ship was a better leader for the people than Stalin why was he kicked out

the hillbilly gamer !
the hillbilly gamer ! - 02.08.2022 14:09

I don't understand why Soviet citizen won't even have a child bringing them into a society where they're going to be nothing but a slave

the hillbilly gamer !
the hillbilly gamer ! - 02.08.2022 14:08

I don't even understand why these Soviet citizens won't even have children why would you want to bring a child into slavery I mean they're slaves and their slave masters are the elite high-ranking Soviets

David Losada Soler
David Losada Soler - 27.07.2022 15:48

Probably the best soviet lider.

Alexandr Radecký
Alexandr Radecký - 21.07.2022 21:39

There exists some illusion that the panel construction was/is cheaper than classical brick construction. In the communist Czechoslovakia these two models were for quite some time in parallel for flat housing construction. The last cost comparison was done around 1961 and the panel construction was 10 % more expensive. But it was decided on the ideological basis that panel construction will be solely used by the state for the apartment buildings construction never the less. You know, to look like more "cool".

Scott Johnson
Scott Johnson - 20.07.2022 23:21

The Corn Lord, really? This channel is a joke.

justaguy - 17.07.2022 23:24

good info, but i cant watch due to the fake background edited in. why not just make a cheap set?

Laurens Feijten
Laurens Feijten - 14.07.2022 21:41

Communal living was pretty normal also outside of the USSR so I think it's fair to note that it wasn't just because of Soviet decision making prioritizing other things over housing.

jasonc0065 - 14.07.2022 06:31

Richard Wurmbrand worked for the CIA. He gaslighted these reforms and weaponized the Pentekkkostal cults. He bragged about it in "Soviet Saints". Fuck martyrdom.

Goobfilm cast
Goobfilm cast - 14.07.2022 01:37

I remember a story.... In the early 1960s, 2 Russian college students were reading a Soviet magazine that had an extensive article about the horrors of Ghettos and Racism in American cities. It showed pictures of streets filled with poor (black) kids playing stickball or jumping around in the spray of fire hydrants. What fascinated the readers was, despite the criticism and inequality of the Capitalist systemic portrayed in the article, how did these poor people afford sooooo many of the parked CARS shown in the Photos? So many that CARS were doubled parked for lack of spaces. The pictures also showed lots of candy stores and bodegas, corner gas stations, etc .... their take-away was: If these are candid photos of "poor" does the average person live ???

Baassbooster - 13.07.2022 00:42

Well Crimea was Russian FSR till 1954 when Nikita Khruschev added it to Ukrainian FSR.

Taxi Rob
Taxi Rob - 12.07.2022 16:19

We sometimes call the US an "experiment in democracy" but the USSR actually experimented and evolved in bold and interesting ways. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't, but there were people who were really trying to make it work despite the authoritarian tendencies of the leadership and indifference of the masses.

Richard Graham
Richard Graham - 12.07.2022 09:19

In the 1950's we lived in Kruschov communal housing, we normally had a feces tax, sometimes a urine tax - If neighbours left their feces in the toilet, they would pay a feces tax of 10 roubles per offence - the urine tax was rarely enforced as it was usually comitted by men who were usually drunk and often wet on the floor. My family were eventually bankrupted due to the feces tax, my uncle was incontinent, but they never took this into consideration, he had to work in the heavy steel industry constantly soiled

Missis Miggins
Missis Miggins - 12.07.2022 08:36

Where did homosexuals and trangender people fit into this society? Was the term Cornlord associated with his liking of mens bottoms?

Gideon Horwitz
Gideon Horwitz - 10.07.2022 01:21

After watching this video you are now smarter than 90% of those who worked in the CIA at that time.

Brian Colson
Brian Colson - 07.07.2022 01:13

The more I learn, the more I can't help but like Khrushchev...

Tanner Lane
Tanner Lane - 06.07.2022 13:42

Which means the US makes dumb people feel good with flashy & fancy things but Other countries would rather focus on making sure everyone has necessities and things they NEED and want other than US who’s just straight materialism

Regdor - 06.07.2022 06:44

All this hoopla, see how hard we are trying to do good, stuff, ignores the communist determination to crush the West
and turn them into a Soviet Slave State .....They are STILL at it !!!
