FREE ProjectTime & BlindTest: Unique Hofa Plugins You NEED!

FREE ProjectTime & BlindTest: Unique Hofa Plugins You NEED!

Lanewood Studios

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@ThePlanarchist - 28.06.2024 16:49

Blind Test is great, have been using it for several years...nothing else like it out there as you say. Very useful, often use it for comparing mix or master versions.
Project Time less so, unless you remember to tell it you've stopped working...the full version obviously solves this with its intelligent sensors but not sure it's worth it?

@ErixSamson - 28.06.2024 19:12

I use them both!

@AMBIOSIS - 30.06.2024 08:59

Spitfire Audio's Air Studio reverb plugin, money well spent. It puts the instruments in the room. I am a reverb freak, and this made my Cinematic Rooms and EW Spaces II redundant. Well worth a review if anything.

@korkenknopfus - 02.07.2024 15:41

Seems to be great the Blind Test. And very good that it has loudness compensation included.

@LanewoodStudios - 28.06.2024 13:12

Have you tried these yet?
