It's not worth degrading your brother on global view for trying to fix or explain a concept. This video will be seen as a clash rather than two ppl clarifying a concept... Forever.
ОтветитьTo be honest, Adnan behaves like a child. The way he uses clickbait headlines to attract people to his videos is so disrespectful. And when he loses debates, he resorts to playing dirty like that. It’s really not the kind of behaviour you’d expect from a Muslim.
All Danial is saying is to be careful when calling someone a "kafir," but Adnan seems so viciously eager to throw that word around.
Daniel just knows how to argue about something he is not educated about
ОтветитьI am a sikh so a non muslim. Why would you pray indirectly through a person whether prophet or some baba. Right way is to pray and do ibadat directly to Allah. Forgive me if i mispoke.
ОтветитьPalestinian resistance is foolish - Adnan Rashid
ОтветитьAccording to this deviant ,shirk hardly exist as long as person believes he is not doing,what is the difference between Hindus who also believe in supreme lord ,but to get close to him they create idols for adnan is showing and explaining clearly to him but he is not listening like the rafizi
ОтветитьAdnan your a liar and sponsored by the wahabi Saudi’s
ОтветитьIs this Daniel guy really that thick? Stupid schoolboy!
ОтветитьI think brother Daniel should stop this Dawah channel and go back to studying.! Its is common understanding not rocket science for one to understand, you cannot provoke anyone or anything besides Allah, clear cut.! Shirk Akbar or shirk bunker I don’t care and it’s irrelevant.! Such conversation may lead some people to questions and confusion.!
ОтветитьThe thumbnail is designed to cause fitna. Please change it. It won't help bring brothers together.
ОтветитьDaniel is Right 👍
ОтветитьWatch shiekh Israr Rashid can you ask help from other after asking Allah....Adnan you may be in for a suprise...
Daniel is making very important poins.....
who determins what is Shirk Allah or Man...
Adnan just interupts when he gets a reply he cant handle..he is used to to much speaker corner style of debate and not civilised real informative akward question reply debate/ convo sadly...
This discussion should have been private.
ОтветитьDo you know why it's taught that To be a Christian you need to keep repeating that Jesus is God? And why irani shia-rafizi says that Ali (R:) is God? And why pir-sufi says that to reach the highest level of spirituality you need to repeat that 'I'm God and prostrate to me' like irani shia Sufi monsor hallaj (pir of dewbondi, tableeghi Jamaat, berelvi (Rizvi)?
Because anti-christ dajjal will say that "I'am god/begotten son of God & prostrate to me!
True Muslims will reject anti-christ for blaspheming (death penalty by TRUE GOD's Law for claiming such divinity)
Because Eesa messiah (Alaihissalam) and Ali (R) never said that 'I am god or worship me.'
Because Our beloved Prophet (ﷺ) never said that “I am GOD or prostrate to me!"
May ALLAH Almighty protect us from this antichrist (dajjalik) fitna. Aameen
Rather our beloved Prophet (ﷺ) said
Do not exaggerate status of the Prophet: Umar ibn al-Khattab reported: The Messenger (ﷺ) of ALLAH, said, “Do not exaggerate my praises as the Christians have done with the son of Mary. Verily, I am only a servant, so refer to me as the servant of ALLAH and his messenger.” Source: Sahih al-Bukhari 3261 Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Bukhari
abd – ullah is also mentioned in Isaiah 42 (Bible)
Isaiah 42:1- Here is my servant (abd – ullah), whom I uphold my chosen one (Mustafa) in whom I delight (Habibullah’); I will put my Spirit on him, and he (Prophet Muhhammad) will bring justice to the nations.
But we need to ask this question Why Egyptian pyramid on one $ USA? There also written "in god we trust" so they believe in one-eyed antichrist?
Left-eyed antichrist symbol ?
Persian Shia sufi Husain bin Monsoor Hallaj also used to worship jin saytan to open his 3rd eye and he was possessed by the dev-ill (devi-iil) that's why these blasphemous words “anal haq (I’m truth/god) and prostrate to me” were coming out from the mouth of mansur hallaj.
kabbalah Jews, Illuminati & Freemasons, Christian saints, Buddhists monks, Hindu pandits, Persian shia sufis, dewbondi, tableeghi Jamaat, berelvi (Rizvi) pirs and Satanists also worship jin shaytan through meditation to open 3rd eye in order to reach the highest level of spirituality.
May Almighty ALLAH protect us from this antichrist dajjalik fitna Aameen.
Who are the rightly guided is described in Surah Al-Baqarah 📖 2:156 Those who, when a disaster befalls them, say, "Surely we belong to ALLAH (as His creatures and servants) and surely to Him we are bound to return." (And they act accordingly.
📖 2:157 Such are those upon whom are blessings from their LORD (such as forgiveness, answering their calls and satisfying their needs) and mercy (to come in the form of help in both this world and Hereafter, and favors in Paradise beyond human imagination); and they are the rightly guided ones.
6-7 verses of Surah al-Fatihah explained here and 📖 6:161[So] say, "Indeed, my LORD (ALLAH) has guided me to a straight path - a correct religion - the way of Abraham, inclining toward truth. And he was not among those who associated [others with GOD]
Making Dua other than Allah SWT with doubt of shirk is also Shirk, wheter it is in sufi, sunni, or Salafi etc if it is appeared in any of Sufie's writings is also wrong and incorect brother Daniel. May Allah SWT protect you and us from any of it's kind of Shirk ❤.
ОтветитьAyah an-Nisa` (Women) 4:64. We only sent messengers to be obeyed by Allah's Will. If only those ˹hypocrites˺ came to you ˹O Prophet˺—after wronging themselves—seeking Allah's forgiveness and the Messenger prayed for their forgiveness, they would have certainly found Allah ever Accepting of Repentance, Most Merciful
ОтветитьJazakallah khair Adnan sir ❣️🇸🇦
ОтветитьBy Salafi Wahhabi ideology (which has poisoned this Ummah to this day), they deal with idealistic theology to throw shirk-fatawa at Sunnis & deceive their followers- you must only ask Allah, but then you go to a doctor, plumber, electrician, dentist, DONT ask Allah (you ask humans for help) but this is strangely not shirk! The only shirk is asking passed away Ambiya, Auliya etc who are in their graves who they announce as "dead", but the Quran clarifies the Martyrs of Islam are alive (by definition all believers to Rasoolullah (SAW) must also be alive. The asking is Istighathaa/ petition (not Dua) for their needs to be fulfilled by Allah, & its a voluntary act/permissable but asking Allah directly is the best. Using a waseelah is also permissable (in the Quran). Daniel nailed it. Adnan Rashid had his Wahhabi takfeeri cap on & tried to make the issue black & white, which it isnt. Well done Daniel.
ОтветитьIn malaysia majority of the state muftis ruled istighosah to be permissible and its being used interchangeably with tawassul and its only being opposed by one mufti unfortunately.
ОтветитьWhy do I have a christian ad promoting Christianity? So if I understand somes Christians are giving some money to muslims channels for an ad..
ОтветитьUnc stop embarrassing yourself
ОтветитьSomeone explain to me how does such topics help the common Muslim. Spending all time to identify who is kafir or not.
ОтветитьIs DH trying to explain Tawassul or Istighaatha?
These are issues of fiqh not Aqeedah. No Muslim in their right mind would deny that Allah is the real doer of things. This issue has been spoken about and categorized for more than 1000 yrs now it's not something new.
If you call any one for help besides ALLAH your in disbelief pal
ОтветитьShirk is shirk and doesn't change with time
ОтветитьSo a person believes that eating pork is fine. Then he becomes a Muslim and find out it is prohibited. This is the before and after. Eating is the same exact thing. What has changed? Is eating pork before and after Islam the same thing? When you open the door with I think…you’re a goner!
ОтветитьPS : Read the whole comment before insulting me.
Both brothers are on different frequencies. Daniel is incomplete in his explanation which makes Adnan not understand what he is saying.
To make it simple, the ones who calls upon someone absent , ex : Jesus, angels, Muhammad (Peace be upon him), jinns knowingly, asking them help is doing shirk akbar. Out of the religion. The word here is "knowingly". If he knows that it's not forbidden to ask help to an absent person, whether it's an simple request (help me to move to my new appartment, cook me some rice) or a request worthy of Allah and he continues to do that, out of the religion. Let's call this sentence : POSITION 1
Daniel made an intellectual error that caused the dialog to drag on and he could have made it easy on both of them. To me, the one calling upon someone absent for any kind of help is either ignorant or insane. I exclude Allah cause Allah is Ever-living. What I meant by absent is
1. dead humans beings
2. Humans that are not visible to you (he is in another city, country, floor) and you can't contact them by phone, mail, sms or any other means
3. beings you can casually perceives with your senses. Angels and jinns are present around us but we can't see them and we can't hear them either.
So, the one doing that is insane cause whether you are religious or not, if you call upon someone absent according to the 3 categories cited, you know they can't answer you. If you need money and you raise your hands to ask money to your father, you'll never receive the money, whether you are religious or not. No sane person will engage in that.
But you are a revert muslim from catholicism, who loves Jesus you call upon him to help you, the scholars and the teachings of the Prophet concluded that it's problematic. It's shirk akbar. It joined the position 1 cited above. It won't be shirk akbar if you do it OUT OF IGNORANCE, meaning, you don't know any better and you think you are doing it right. If it's out of ignorance, you're still muslim. POSITION 2. Bear with me until the end.
To strenghten POSITION 2, you can recall the hadith where the Prophet (Peace be upon him) taught a man how to pray properly, cause the Prophet(Peace be upon him) told him 3 times that he didn't pray. The man didn't know better, so the Prophet stood up and taught him the proper way to pray. Now, if the Prophet didn't see him and corrected him and no humans beings saw him and corrected him, are those prayers valid ? Only God knows. His case is different than something who neglects willingly his prayers. Those who sin cause they are ignorant are forgiven by Allah (reference Surah 4 verse 17). But they are still muslims. Again, they act out of ignorance.
If I stop there, this whole comment would have had no sense, right. The only way to solve this would have been that Daniel adds to the position 2 a warning by saying that : Those who, having been corrected from the statement in position 2, continue to making du'as to other than Allah without taking into account the new information they have acquired, are therefore committing shirk akbar. And I specify in this case that these are du'as as worship.Not just requests for help. Requests to absent people, which would be in line with my point above, or whoever is doing it is being crazy. And ultimately would have join the POSITION 1.
I hope you have read until here. This is my two cents on this video. And Allah knows best. As salam aleykoum
Associating partners with Allah in worship (including making du'a to others besides Him) is shirk, the gravest sin in Islam.
"Do not call upon anyone along with Allah."
(Surah Al-Jinn 72:18)
Oh my
Its sad to see
Both of them lacking the basics of islam. Video is all about irja, shiaism and lack of wala n bara.. very less stances were of ahl e sunnah wal jamah
Dont know which scholar do they refer to, they lack the bacis of islam specially daniel..
Call on the beautiful names of AllahTa’Allah
Only AllahTa’Allah answers your prayers and no humans.
Asking people or from a jinn or even an animal like a horse or camel is NOT shirk. A jinn asking help from people doesn't do shirk.
Shirk is praying to another god, beside Allah or asking help from saints or prophets is shirk.
We pray only to Allah, but asking help from people, jinn or animal isn't haram.
Sorry bro Daniell...dont create things..its Shirk!! ..dua is ONLY for the Almighty. End of!!
ОтветитьDua دعاء
Istighatha استغاثة
Both are acts of worship that must be directed to allah alone. What is brother adnan saying here?
This made me respect brother Daniel EVEN more. Full of Adab (well-mannered), sincerity, honesty, unambigious, clear, outspoken, patient. May Allah guide him and keep him steadfast.
ОтветитьPlease Br Daniel and Br Adnan try to discuss privately. It’s better. Behind closed doors is better than to belittle anyone. Br Daniel And Br Adnan do great Dawah excellent work by both brothers.
ОтветитьI’m sorry brother Daniel, but brother Adnan is making more sense and understanding to the point as far as I am concerned. May Allah bring all students of knowledge and scholars alike united Ameen
Ответитьأشهد (Ashhadu) – “I bear witness”
أن (an) – “that”
لا إله إلا الله (la ilaha illa Allah) – “there is no deity but Allah”
وأشهد (wa ashhadu) – “and I bear witness”
أن محمدًا (anna Muhammadan) – “that Muhammad”
رسول الله (Rasul Allah) – “is the Messenger of Allah”
They both are wasting time i don't know what is wrong with them
ОтветитьThis must be up their with the top gentle roastings of all time lol
ОтветитьDaniel provides a more convincing argument here.
ОтветитьDaniel has confused the literal meaning and the shar'i meaning of dua, making all type of calling or asking, as the same as woship dua.
And he has confused between the issue of tawhid vs shirk which falls under the basic creed of Islam, and the issue of making a takfir muayyan which is a matter of fiqih under the chapter of Qada'.
It seems like there is very little comprehension in this comment section
ОтветитьHooooooooo..... 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьDaniels way of speech is just spectacle(childish), but also your posture towards him wasnt mature at all at times. Why didnt you speak about this in private? 2 Sunni men calling eachother names...really no need.