Anothert question is how did the CHINESE get control over so many Australian hotels?
ОтветитьI have had a family member pass during christmas, now christmas time makes me sad so could Australia please cancel christmas? Thank-you.
ОтветитьThe owner of the company that started the boycott turned out to be a CCP agent from China.
Ответитьwhat next - it is so disgusting - its Australia let them go somewhere else
ОтветитьThe anti Australia Day crowd consists of activists with coloniser ancestry who identify as aboriginal.
ОтветитьThese people with overseas In interests in our country should just put up a sign saying BOYCOTT THIS VENUE.
ОтветитьI've always said, well fine we'll all leave and give it back, but we're taking everything with us and leave it baron. Good luck.
ОтветитьAnd what about all those who sacrificed their lives dying for " Australia " in two world wars ????
Ответитьthey dont want another day
ОтветитьEnough ! Minorities have a voice until it tells the Majority what to do. We have a few in Parliament. Their days are numbered.
Ответитьgo woke go broke
ОтветитьAustralia ...settled by Britain.......not that long ago
Vast, remote
One country - so no civil war......YET.....though some appear to be hankering.
One language.
One vast seemingly superhuman effort over seemingly no time ....until Australia became a highly successful,
prosperous first world nation.
The Australian .......tenacious, tough, resourceful
My people...good people, hardworking, law abiding,
Christian from the English countryside........I am of them
I admire and respect them and could I not.
scintilating manufaturing industries built on cheap coal fired electrcity.
How did they do it I ask myself daily.....amazing, remarkable.......
Now hated despised for reasons which escape me...
or maybe not.
Lest we forget
if u hate Australia....leave. you wont be missed
ОтветитьSingapore can pull there heads in stupid arrogants of the woke communists in Asia . Let me tell you something about your history all of your current successes have been gifts from the West and that time is over and now starts the decline process. So pull yourself and egos in to check yourself before you start thinking that the White Man is finished then that’s a fools mistake 🐒
ОтветитьWaterson heard the word "boycott" and woke up to the foolishness of being woke
I'm not a pub person but I'd boycott his pubs anyway because of this stupidity
So tired of this woke nonsense. Why is it that the MINORITY rule?
We live in a so called DEMOCRACY!
Amazing how the almighty dollar makes them take a step back. Australians need to start boycotting these woke businesses as the Americans do.
Thank god Trump won the election. The landscape is changing.
Australia, regardless of the dummy spitters, is still the place full of true mates wherever you have come from and that includes the Australian Aboriginals. Everyone three cheers let's all celebrate that we are just here.
ОтветитьWhat a penis head company
ОтветитьCivilisation day
ОтветитьI've always wondered if it wasn't the Britsih Colony that came to Australia and say another country say like France or China would the natives get the say or chance to have a say as they do now????
ОтветитьWhy not the day Aussie reserves turned back the Japanese invaders at Kokoda. You pick a date that Australians realised that mateship or being a good bloke was enough. this right wing rubbish that has no knowledge but an intense hatred for change, that can't recognise indigenous, migrant and Australian born citizens, has no credibility when dictating their pro-colonial agenda. This nation was made livable by free settlers not convicts and soldiers disgarded from a morally poor country.
ОтветитьThe haters can stay home and be miserable like they do every other day of the year.
ОтветитьPlease name the pubs so I can avoid them
Ответитьand which culture is pushing the buttons of the pubs and clubs
ОтветитьPlease all of these creeps piss off out of our amazing country AUSTRALIA.. best in the world and proud of this great nation, the blood , sweat and tears our forbearers went through 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 be proud Aussies .. Oi !!!
ОтветитьI LOVE AUSTRALIA, I was born in England and lived in Australia 54 years, if anyone who comes to Australia 🇦🇺 and doesn't like this Nation, get on plane and PISS OFF.
ОтветитьJanuary 1st - Federation day, or.
May 27 - the day when Aboriginals were added to the constitution and recognized as Australian citizens.
We are supposed to be one people, I remember arguing with bolt about this at a pub xD
How about you get your facts straight about why Australia Day is held on the 26th of January. Cook arrived 28 April 1770 and the first fleet arrive at Botany Bay on the 18th January. On the 26th January 1949, the Australian nationality came into existence when the Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948 was enacted. One year later the Act came into effect. Australia Day celebrates Australians officially becoming Australians and not being called British subjects. On that day, the 26th of January 1949, we became our own people.
ОтветитьWhat Australia Day, celebrating the slaughter of the aboriginal people? The attempt to try and wipe out the aboriginal race?
ОтветитьYou can't change history but you can change the Racist attitude of people who hate Australia.
ОтветитьBoo Hoo .Who cares if Australia Day upsets a few people. Get over yourselves and move on. Stop using the day just so you can milk it for everything you can get. Get a life !!
ОтветитьWell said. These 'activists' want to tear the colonizers & their culture down. Just curious what they are planning to replace it with. Aaaah, nothing! That's what! Angry & half smart with no plan or substance.
ОтветитьYou carry on about overseas companies when the Australian cricket captain doesn't believe in Australia Day
ОтветитьThere is no end to human ambition land money power throne army governance they don't want to share so why have it on the bridge we say together they say more.
ОтветитьGot your back Bolty with you all the way
ОтветитьPaul's a university dick head send to Koda track he won't b back
ОтветитьSome people just don't get it . IF AUSTRALIA WAST POPULATED YOU DICK HEADS WOULD NOT BE HERE ????
ОтветитьThe ALP/GREENS TEALS really have destroyed Australia. It's a very divided country run by activists Marxists. Very bad people.
ОтветитьAlbo is very divisive and this disease is spreading to society
ОтветитьIt is insensitive though do you think other countries would celebrate the day another country invades but I think it's the fact black activists talk like they want their aboriginal thanksgiving at our demise,there had to be a meet in the middle.
ОтветитьSo you dont think a business is free to make its own choices?
ОтветитьRight! Here's a date for you, 1st Feb. Its a random date to celebrate being Australian and the cultural diversity it holds. Also a flag is a symbol, 3 flags or 100 flags can be just as symbolic. To those who actually love Australia instead of just hating on minorities your like yourself, your childish tantrum over the choices of others exposes your ignorance and unseriousness on these topics.
ОтветитьThis is really not that hard to sort out, Stop talking about them, giving them what they want, free advertising.
ОтветитьTHE biggest LAUNROMAT in OZ dosn't SPIN THIS MUCH
ОтветитьBan naidoc week
Stop all indigenous funding
Let them find bush tucker and live in a bark hut
They soon behave
It's all all the different nations they brought into the Country who refuses to assimilate . Australians go about your Day and fuck the rest.
ОтветитьUs colonial Aussies are told to be tolerant of other cultures and their beliefs, but not one of these cultures have any tolerance for the culture of the country they all rushed to move here for a better life. And if they want to call Australia Day "invasion day," well there's an invasion happening right now with the millions of immigrants coming into that's an invasion
ОтветитьI see nothing holy about celebrating a day on which a mob of pommy toffs raised the UNION JACK at Sydney Cove in front of a bunch of half starved enslaved convicts and claimed the place for the British crown. Celebrate Australia and the people who created it on whatever day you like, but don't tell me that January 26th has any special meaning. I've no doubt that those who were witness to the event while living under the lash would not have shared your opinion.
ОтветитьWow andrew.... my comment just got wiped a second time..... aren't I allowed to hold this opinion. The jews in the early 20th century started pooling their money buying factories buying mansions driving mercedes owning germany owning the banks lending money to ordinary germans at high interest rates and if they had kept on going owning germany by 1960 and changing the name to zion. This is a distinct possibility the way it was going. Aren't I allowed to have a this opinion andrew?
ОтветитьIt seems andy that when we talk about the holocaust.... you're not allowed to talk about the other side of the coin.