6 Quotes From Orwell’s 1984 That Have Come True

6 Quotes From Orwell’s 1984 That Have Come True

Gabriel Monet

3 года назад

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@lastincarnate3240 - 11.01.2024 09:14

Americans are so dumb.

@em1mpo231 - 11.01.2024 03:09

I feel like this was published by an extreme right US citizen boomer or gen x on a mac. Some of those videos showed the left being individuals in their “tribe”, not along the government or a party. Some news channels like Fox have even said that a football player shouldn’t talk about laws, when every single citizen in the country is allowed to talk about it, should do it, and should learn the most they can of it.

The government can and maybe does spy you everytime you use your phone, like google does to give you a “better ad experience”; it has come to the point were you talk to a friend about something you’ve been thinking to buy and it suddenly appears as an ad when using instagram or else. And I’m not saying they can hear you when you speak or they can read all your messages, but maybe they can predict your behaviour. That would be an actual 1984 reference in our current world.

As a last thing: yes, I’m not from the US. US Americans tend to have less knowledge in global history and geography than other North and South Americans (that’s probably why that girl didn’t know about WWII history [or it was just a made up interview]), and also tend to pick a party which they will glorify and justify in every single thing they do. Y’all need to know that both parties may be incorrect and you need to choose your leaders by the people in candidacy (you should inform yourself about every single candidate, even if they aren’t from “your side”).

@acanadian80 - 10.01.2024 07:19

He was scarily accurate

@raymondhoyland61 - 09.01.2024 16:18

These kids are emotionally distudbed

@richardhockey8442 - 06.01.2024 17:36

the term 'corrective history' is all you need to hear to know this is a bad thing

@markhathaway4697 - 03.01.2024 16:54

Lets not forget about the book bannings in the wonderful state of Florida

@christianmetzler8990 - 02.01.2024 21:22

War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, truth is hatespeech

@shane5650 - 02.01.2024 19:18

Omfg getting rid of monument that were put up in the 60s is not rerighting history putting them up and calling them heros was.

@EthanS1481 - 31.12.2023 15:11

The most insane thing about 1984, was that it was written in the 40s’… Orwell was so ahead of his time.. what a brilliant and frightening mind…

@rikmichaels9233 - 31.12.2023 12:14

Brave new world is terrifying as well.
As for the parents one…. The boomers fucked all this up and it’s very well proven. This was right wing bs, most of it the issue is monopolies controlling everything. The best one is that War is never won - but that would preclude the right wing

@Something42068 - 31.12.2023 05:59

Eurasia gonna free the world

@thieverytree - 31.12.2023 00:12

True shit

@oneworldgovernment9548 - 30.12.2023 09:09

1984 is when black Peter Pan

@CelticChu - 29.12.2023 05:21

right-wingers stop comparing 1984 to small things in real life challenge (impossible.)

@jacqueboyce3176 - 22.12.2023 16:05

the new 2023 version of the famous Oxford Dictionary has removed the word SIN. they claim young people do not know what it means anymore.. Now that is odd - I thought that what dictionaries were for - to find out the meaning as well as the spelling..... Maybe the compilers of the new dictionary do not know what the word dictionary means?

@mechagodzillasson5367 - 22.12.2023 04:45

george orwell was a socialist

@gabrielbattais4185 - 21.12.2023 10:21

good, it's about time the USA come out with a language of their own, one that reflect the true nature of their culture, brits have been kind enough to lend theirs until now and the US had not respected it at all, that's a matter of politeness, you're supposed to give back what you've been lended in the same state it was given to you, they trusted you with the language of shakespear and you tarnished it until it's can make you lose IQ just to listen one of your citizen, please rewrite your history, your language and stay dumb enough to think the rest of the world won't remember what you try to hide, even if you successfully make the entire world forget your sins, history will play it's oldest tricks on you, and that tricks is "what you don't remember always come back to hit you until you remember it", so you can erase everything related to slaves in your books and public spaces until your population no longer remember it was part of your history, but at that moment, when enslaving won't be an "abject act of your past history" anymore, it'll become something much more dangerous, it'll become a new idea again, pitched to a bunch of capitalists to ask them if it can be a good way to make money, and then history will repeat itself

@Gruffelgangster - 21.12.2023 03:16

This is such a dumb video

@lucasmckenzie5006 - 20.12.2023 20:57

I see you’ve woefully misinterpreted 1894.

@scottyhehe5758 - 20.12.2023 06:52

Ahh yes the rewriting of history and destruction of the past, also called rebranding. And erasing peoples existance if they think un-satisfactory thoughts also known as cancel culture. Kids talking back to their parents? How could this possible happen? This is so strange and never could happen without the woke mindvirus! I would like to know how the (leftist) George Orwell would react to this video. There are plenty of examples of things from 1984 coming true but none of these are those.

@allemagallied4775 - 18.12.2023 12:18

Using Fox 'News' as a source of evidence in a video about 1984... you do realize how ironic this is, right?

By the way, Orwell was a leftist who risked his life fighting against facism in the Spanish civil war (he actually got shot and hospitalized while there). He would turn in his grave if he saw how you are misinterpreting his writing.

@KarenLee-bs5ms - 17.12.2023 16:43

Guess what it's coming true right now as I speak..

@KarenLee-bs5ms - 17.12.2023 16:41

This is so sad and it's been going on for years.. I have known the evil since the nineties.. I think it's been going on a lot longer than that.. The corruption is so deep you're drowning in it..

@DeathCharmer359 - 16.12.2023 02:23

I think this book was used as a play book for the Biden administration of crime against America.

@Jed-yp8yg - 10.12.2023 01:51

Notice it's mainly women that are driving this bullshit. It proves that they are totally and utterly stupid and only reach the maturity of a 16 year old at best.

@glennsag5397 - 10.12.2023 00:35

These people are nuts these young kids that are whining about this stuff are full of crap and the adults that let them do it you need to have their heads examined as well but it's just stupidity it's not even there's nothing else to be said about it it is just it's just. Stupidity these people are all crazy over all of this stupid stuff

@inoscopedjfk09 - 08.12.2023 19:57

I agree but there are plenty, if not more, examples of this on the Republican side. Not acknowledging that makes this seem like propaganda.

@Mousy_Nano - 06.12.2023 21:33

PRAGERU.......oh my. PragerU is a disinformation campaign. The fucking irony.

@user-uj9cc5ch5p - 06.12.2023 04:26

There are powerful works at hand when people choose darkness over light. You can't be light and darkness and you can't have good while there is evil. Ryan X

@Dzulian - 05.12.2023 22:58

now for a challenge: find 1984 quotes that didn't come true

@OreoBoy7845 - 03.12.2023 03:04

How the finger pointing amuses me. Does either side see it? Does either side see that they're only contributing to what they swear the other is? Orwell created 1984 as a warning for both sides, not one or the other.

(I do agree what the left is doing here in the video is bad, although again, the right isn't anything better.)

@Marc816 - 02.12.2023 18:41

"War is peace!!!!" - IT CAME TRUE!!!!!!

@technicallynothinginterest5134 - 01.12.2023 09:36

Oddly strange how all of your examples of 1984 are from fox news

@DontOpen-re1bb - 30.11.2023 04:47

They didn’t know what Hitler did 💀💀💀

@nerdy_dav - 29.11.2023 12:41

Ahh Orwell.

The racist, rapist, nazi sympathiser of a douchebag from a wealthy white family paid by the CIA to spread false capitalist propaganda to the West, to beat fear and shovel his utter tripe down the throats of young Americans, so they will be great little anti commie soldiers.

Ironic now that the US should become a near carbon copy of the bullshit his books espoused.

@robertwalley6692 - 28.11.2023 22:32

I am finishing the book now and I see it clearer than ever the book is just like the world is today.

@ryanjohnson9526 - 28.11.2023 12:03

hahahaha yes omg your kids crying about you being racist on tiktok is totally just like your kids being radicalized by a totalitarian regime that convinced them to turn you into the secret police that jail people for political dissent omg totally literally 1984 you guys are so spot on.

@h.a.9880 - 26.11.2023 18:09

Truly these are the darkest of times, when there is cultural change and the maker of this video hasn't been asked if he's allowing it or not.

@PopeyeTheRed - 26.11.2023 16:03

People still consider 1984 as a piece if literature? Its red scare propaganda from a faulty writer who never had anything original or truthful to say.

@edwardschneider6396 - 26.11.2023 02:26

Orwell was not writing about brand names . Tne latest research demonstrates that puberty lasts until you are 30 years old. These questions are based on false logic.

@cjmacq-vg8um - 24.11.2023 20:14

how on earth was a video about the book "1984" become a pro-trump, pro-fascist video? orwell is rolling over in his grave! "1984" warned us against fascist authoritarianism which trump and tucker carlson BOTH represent. the problem is both the "right" and "left" have resorted to fascist tactics and strategies to take over the country. both sides have adopted positions so extreme, fanatical and absurd as to threaten what little freedoms we all still have.

the police-state isn't some future, sci-fi threat. its a present day reality. and its a corporate police-state. idiots continue to buy all this overpriced corporate technology which does nothing but track us, spy on us and and addict us. corporations invented social media to divide us and control us. our ruling elite pits us against each other SO THEY STAY IN POWER and we stupidly and blindly fall for it.

@barneyronnie - 24.11.2023 05:27

Big Brother is alive and well in 2023...

@MRBStones - 20.11.2023 21:37

Bro is onto nothing 💀

@densnow4816 - 20.11.2023 06:53

OMG, next they will rename New Amsterdam to New York!

@egorgrebenkov162 - 19.11.2023 11:33

Literally 1984

@kenfarley957 - 19.11.2023 02:31

LOL. Of course, they came true. Orwell was a eugenicist, a gov insider. 1984 is predictive programming.
