Farmers protest against government ban on live sheep exports

Farmers protest against government ban on live sheep exports

Sky News Australia

1 месяц назад

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@DaniMacfarlane - 06.06.2024 14:00


@Bennie32831 - 04.06.2024 06:24

Sad this has been shadow band for 3 days

@peternash284 - 02.06.2024 07:24

I am a conservative voter. I also own a small flock of sheep. As a sheep owner I believe that the live export trade is a business based around the misery of animals. Their treatment in the middle east is often appalling.

@Thisisnolongerajoke - 02.06.2024 01:54

An industry that put terrestrial inbred creatures that live on and in dirt in the middle of the ocean for weeks or months at a time doesn't sound good to me

@lesleyosborne9319 - 01.06.2024 14:12

BAN CITY POLITICIANS from Making Decisions they Know NOTHING ABOUT. THIS is the GREENS as Well. We NEED REGIONAL Government SEPERATE. So they CANT Do this to the Countryside and Our Farmers. IF Some people actually LEFT the Cities they Would be Horrified at What Govt have done to our Beautiful Country and our INDUSTRIWS. Dont Worry they will be GONE NEVER to be seen again.

@craigwhite3724 - 01.06.2024 12:45

Another attack on Australia's future by the Albozealot labour loonies God Save Australia

@mariafewster4127 - 01.06.2024 11:37

Why can't they process all those sheep in Australia. Keep jos on shore?

@credenza1 - 01.06.2024 10:59

Well done those farmers. I would have been there had I known about it.

@99bevo - 01.06.2024 09:58

Banning live stock exports is the labour government pleasing the animal rights side of the greens party.

The facts are these animals are going to be slaughtered for human food .

The inhumane transportation of these animals has been highlighted many times .

Many improvements & laws have been made & changed for the better conditions of transportation to benefit the welfare of the animals.

But like all industries sooner or later a rogue in the industry will get caught doing the wrong thing by an animal rights group .

Not saying there's anything wrong with them calling out a rogue importer or exporter for cruelty to animals ..good on them.

But the lively hood of farmers - exporters & importers here and abroad should not come under threat because of the action of a few bad apples ..

When a corrupt police officer or politician is caught do we shut down the entire police department or expel a political party for the actions of a rogue officer or politician.

No we don't only the persons doing the wrong thing are punished.

Yes a few rogue persons in the live export industry have been caught out dong the wrong thing .

The labour government is wrongly persecuting the Australian farmers & exporters that have done nothing wrong by stopping the exports of livestock an taking their incomes ..

The labour government has done nothing since taking government except put more pressure onto the industries doing it tuff & the families trying to live life day to day in Australia

This current federal labour government couldn't run a lemonade stand let alone Australia .

@Matt123a - 01.06.2024 09:41

These Greens and Labor communist psychos must be stopped.

You know that this isn't the end for them. They wont stop banning your freedoms and contolling your life.

@indica8510 - 01.06.2024 08:40

Live sheep exports give opportunity for spying and artificially create a meat shortage in Australia to raise prices.

@Ellio88 - 01.06.2024 08:11


@wyndhamhewlett8223 - 01.06.2024 07:58


@annabrewin3034 - 01.06.2024 07:44

It is time to put the treatment and welfare of animals before profit. You can try to talk rainbows and butterflies for the live export trade when it is far from the truth. Not to mention the countries treatment of our animals when they are processed and handled out of Australia. Maybe if lamb prices go down here sales will go up. I had a friend recently overseas show a photo of a tray of Australian lamb and price and he paid not much more over half the amount Australians are being forced to pay. How is that?

@Father-Grandfather - 01.06.2024 07:07

Proves we are in a dictatorship

@anthonys439 - 01.06.2024 07:04

Laziest protest I've ever seen. Didnt even leave their vehicles, plodded around for a couple of hours and then vacated the CBD before midday in single file not really causing much disruption at all.

@KIA-MIA-POW - 01.06.2024 07:00

A wonderful decision and one the animals concerned would no doubt welcome...

@DismasisaWhingingCockHead - 01.06.2024 06:44

The left only care about this because it's perceived as conservative. The LNP could propose this and they'd want it. The left's standards are entirely selective and fluid. Not based on morals or rationals.

@panayotisdamianakis3658 - 01.06.2024 06:34

I would call this Labor government run by AlboWokey 'poultry' except I fear that anything to do with the livestock industry in Australia now runs the risk of being shut down. Bugger the feelings and well-being of the farmers, they are secondary to the needs of the misguided ego of Albo, a wolf in sheep's clothing.
The irony, Albo is killing the sheep industry in Australia whilst simultaneously trying to create a nation of sheep.

@tomjones5338 - 01.06.2024 06:31

Ban politicians from interfering in people's lives

@zorkcuckburger3631 - 01.06.2024 06:24


@ThePresidentOfAustralia - 01.06.2024 06:21

Did they fkthem?

@LexWellington - 01.06.2024 06:18

Freedom 🇺🇸
