Education minister takes on the Unions | Daily Friend Wrap

Education minister takes on the Unions | Daily Friend Wrap

The Daily Friend

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@rinetteenslin4589 - 10.09.2024 18:21

You go girl

@AndrewMcFarlane_1 - 10.09.2024 18:23

Gwarube is a legend

@maseratifittipaldi - 10.09.2024 18:29

Teachers, Nurses and Policemen should undergo rigorous training and should be paid very well for their professional services. There should be NO union involvement in these speres of education, health and security services. No strikes or any so-called "industrial action" allowed. Promotions should be on the basis of merit/ service record and should be fraternity driven.

@kambrose1549 - 10.09.2024 18:30

From now people need to beware of the Anc trying to wrest their money pensions insurances and tax gir their own nefarious purposes

@dienar3717 - 10.09.2024 19:06

Jy is op die regte pad!

@tonitappous2422 - 10.09.2024 19:25

The young and very capable DA Ministers of the GNU are shaking things up and bringing positive change and progress to our beautiful country!!

Well done DA!

@JennySanderson-st7kv - 10.09.2024 19:26

Hands of my pension, that's my money invested after tax Mine not for the black hole of SOEs

@biggiebig7602 - 10.09.2024 19:57

I hope she breaks the barriers and union infrastructure built around education department for 30 years corrupting and destroying education system
These corrupt sadtu leaders and members alike took it upon themselves to drive the bantu education system lower to 30 percent pass mark while their children attend model c schools in town

@paulreed3716 - 10.09.2024 20:21

If the fsca would back off, the various institutions, brokers and agents would be able to do something about the non existant savings level in SA.

@irenemaitland9318 - 10.09.2024 20:35

What about the Bella Nill? It's an iniquitous Bill.

@dylanatkinson1426 - 10.09.2024 21:31

I’m convinced SADTU is single handedly responsible for the collapse of basic education in SA.
What collapse? I have been running an inner city aftercare for +_70 kids/day since 2001 and I have watched how the literacy and basic general knowledge of the kids has deteriorated. Gr7’s who cannot read for meaning the most basic things. Eg. A school worksheet with written instructions is too difficult for them to understand. A simple project rubric is way beyond comprehension, our it is so badly written it’s beyond my comprehension.
If I was a conspiracy theorist, I’d be convinced that the ANC has a secret marxist agenda to deliberately keep the ‘masses’ illiterate in order to subjugate and gaslight them easier.

@richardcompton2639 - 10.09.2024 21:48

Garube. What a breath of fresh air. Thank God for the DA fighting back.

@helenduplessis4166 - 10.09.2024 22:19

May the force be with these ministers!

@pvs3334 - 10.09.2024 22:38

Due to schools still operating within the Apartheid race-based system, schools in White areas don't appoint educators from other racegroups although the demographics of the learner population have changed for decades.
Applicants to vacant posts have the right to request their respective unions to sit-in to these recruitment drives to assure their members are not unfairly treated by these racist gatekeeping structures.
If the minister doesn't have power to change the constitution to nullify the rights of workers to join and or form unions, than this is just hot air of a new broom.
We need transformation of our institutions, not political expediency and media PR campaigns, which seems to be the new trend.

@5801160052086 - 11.09.2024 08:22

How on earth does a union get to deploy teachers and principals?? This is a commue trick, cadre deployment. The deot if education is compromised.
When l was at school the teachers were PROFESSIONALS, not eekkers like mine wekkers. Vuka wena!!!

@dienar3717 - 14.09.2024 15:17

Sadtu is also an extortion ring, those appointed though their abusive ways have to pay protection money to those that hold the Sword of dismissal over their heads.
