AVOID MALTA IN 2023 - It's Not What You Think

AVOID MALTA IN 2023 - It's Not What You Think

Alex Mark Travel

11 месяцев назад

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onlyred20 - 17.08.2023 11:53

For everyone saying how negative this video is, I am Maltese and everything he said was true unfortunately. Pollution, overpopulation, rubbish everywhere and the ever so wonderful traffic. You can get stuck for hours in traffic on a Sunday. So before you blabber try and see the facts for yourself.
Illegal immigrants have flooded our streets and cheap labour everywhere you go. Just sprouting some facts for all the keyboard warriors out there :)

Steph S.M
Steph S.M - 26.09.2023 20:43

I'm Maltese and at this point I wish I can avoid Malta! If it wasn't for my elderly parents which need help I would definitely get away. It's become unbearable. No wonder the suicide rates have increased dramatically. We deserve better

Jason Saliba
Jason Saliba - 25.09.2023 01:14

Well done ALEX. PLEASE PLEASE expose Malta for what it has become. A unbearable island. Polluted and filthy! There was a time about 20 years ago when Malta had the potential to be wonderful place. But the people on a daily basis destroy the environment. As I said go to Corsica far wonderful island.

Every time you go to Malta you are supporting a country that continually shoots at the wild life on a regular basis. They also generally treat third world labour like modern day slavery! As Alex stated they attract people from third world countries so they can be exploited.

Gem Baua
Gem Baua - 24.09.2023 15:23

I was planning to take my bachelor there because the tuition fee was economical rather than other EU countries, do you think it was a good idea?

cinnamon_me - 24.09.2023 15:14

The garbage trucks come late on Monday

cinnamon_me - 24.09.2023 15:13

Some of it is true but not everything is negative. Malta has its own beauty. I am from malta and not everything is “rubbish” some places are very nice

Raymond Spiteri
Raymond Spiteri - 24.09.2023 14:24

This man is showing you the negative side not the positive side which is way much better.

Lorraine - 23.09.2023 18:52

It is better than the little cobble stones everywhere in Portugal.
We have good big smooth paving
In the U.K., that you can wheel a suitcase, or shopping trolley on; and walk on comfortable.

Priscilla Muscat
Priscilla Muscat - 23.09.2023 17:23

You are such a liar

LOGAN LEE - 23.09.2023 10:12

What an advertisement to visit Malta! wow bravo, True that we are over populated and a lot of traffic everywhere and building developments. Garbage? as a Maltese citizen I've never seen rubbish like that in other places of Malta. The mistake that you are making is picturing Malta as a garbage place which is wrong it's the local council's fault and they should take responsibility who ever is in charge to clean the foreigners rubbish they leave before going to work. St Pauls bay is the place to avoid and not Malta. This is the only message i see that is a bit negative, i bet you will delete it as soon as you see it. Anyways peace and love from Malta.😘

Vince Jenabe
Vince Jenabe - 23.09.2023 00:12

there is a rat

Jason Saliba
Jason Saliba - 22.09.2023 21:37

Well done for saying the truth. The reality is that the Maltese are now treating foreign workers like modern day slavery. They shoot and kill all flying wildlife. I was in Corsica last week and I can assure I cannot understand who wants to go on holiday in MALTA! It has become unbearable.

Paul Manning
Paul Manning - 22.09.2023 00:46

And the war heroes of the past, of 1941-1945 throughout all the war, they gave their lives for this? really? The British Spitfire pilots of the RAF, they laid down their lives in fighting the Nazis to see this happen to Malta? Really? The poor Maltese woman and children hid from the bombs dropped by the Germans in underground bunkers for days on end, suffering and dying of disease watching their children drop like flies, without food or water... they died in their thousands back then, the war brought suffering and death. However, throughout all that destruction and death, the evil of the Nazi, the endless blinding dust and seeming loss of any hope, throughout it all the brave people of Malta fought on and stood by each other, they cried with each other. But then on seeing the battered ship "SS Ohio" come limping into the grand harbour the people rejoiced, the weak children somehow found the strength to clap their hands as the stricken ship met their tears. Did the Maltese people really suffer all this in the 2nd world war only to see this happen to their brave little nation? I shed tears watching this video and wonder if anyone out there still remembers the sacrifice given so that you can be free, so that you can stand by and watch your once proud nation is driven into the ground only to feed the rats! You Maltese won the George Cross for your courage and your sacrifice, rightfully so! Now it is time that you show that you still deserve it, by saving your nation from all this I have seen here, for it disgraces you and the memory of your forefathers who gave their lives for you... stand up and shout... no more! We do not approve of this evil done to our Island, we shall fight you! Save Malta from this!!

ddaddy1775 - 21.09.2023 21:53

Strange how nearly every comment on here is almost the same? As if they are Bots!

Martin Urry
Martin Urry - 20.09.2023 15:35

It's ovis that every country have same where a bit drtiy , other countries they are filty

the phoenix 315
the phoenix 315 - 19.09.2023 14:44

The west coast of the main island and Gozo are relatively underdeveloped.

Ale - 19.09.2023 01:11

I just returned from my holiday in Malta and I can confirm everything I heard in the video, certainly on a naturalistic level it is a gem but the cities, with the exception of Medina and Valletta They are full of dirt, dog shit, every corner is full of rubbish and insects, also there is really a lot of pollution and it feels like you are doing damage to yourself when you breathe. Very disappointed with my holiday, however, you have to travel to get to know new places and try to appreciate them. It seems that the Maltese government does not care about this degradation, if word starts to spread it will be harmful to tourism

johann debattista
johann debattista - 19.09.2023 00:17

Simple solution we need to get rid of all the foreigners living in Malta and we get back to normality , to beautiful clean places , no traffic , to traffic. As we use to be before

Leon Cutajar
Leon Cutajar - 18.09.2023 02:30

If your not Maltese or don't own property in Malta there is no reason to go or live there.
The majority of Maltese are unprincipled and uncivilized the state of the country reflects that.

Carlos Alfaro
Carlos Alfaro - 17.09.2023 19:15

Why in Earth you travel then? Stay in your house knitting in your rocking chair.

pete croxford
pete croxford - 17.09.2023 18:22

I think since they join the EU Malta has gone back in time were used to go to Malta a lot in the 80s and 90s like I said when I join the EU we used to drink and eat in Saint Pauls Bay farewell bar closed it down because EU rules lots of little bakeries, forced to close very sad to see it like it is needs to improve an awful lot. The Maltese government should look at them selves. There should be a massive improvement if they wish to survive as holiday destination pitiful to see this. What is Malta doing? 😡😡😡🥵🥵🥵😤😤😤🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧

tony cat
tony cat - 17.09.2023 00:11

How safe is it there for tourists ?. going in October this year..

Marim A
Marim A - 16.09.2023 17:18

I’m a new follower
Thanks for the video❤❤❤

Every country in the world has its positives and negatives. The issue is the person’s conviction. If he is convinced in this country and his work is good, he does not focus on anything.
For example, I am in Denmark. People here are not social at all and are dry and rough in style and personality. The simplest thing is that if you say good morning or try to speak after saying hello for a while, they consider you mentally unstable.
My neighbors, we have not known each other for more than two years
The weather here is dark, cloudy, cold and dreary
Work is also difficult
Health is like the rest of Europe

Most of the nationalities are Japanese, Sri Lankan, African, American, Indian, Chinese, Russian, and Brazilian Italian Bosnian everyone We all have similar characteristics in terms of education, family, friends, and lifestyle, except for the Scandinavian, especially Denmark.
Most of them suffer from society

I once happened to be talking to the neighbour, a danish who lives in the area, and we were talking about traveling on summer vacation with a group.

I asked him: Do you travel with a Danish group? He told me that he want to relax on his vacation, and the aim is to get away from the rough style of the Danes. How do you want me to travel with them?
I laughed in amazement

There is a saying that if you see the worst, you prefer the bad

The tax here is 40 to 60%, which is why Malta is much better in any case

And if the Dane is in a bad mood, I do not know how to express it. I advise you to move away into space, because when he sees you, he will transmit all the hysteria and spoil your day and your mood, because his mood is bad, and you, too, are supposed to have a bad day.
I'm sorry for this clarification, but unfortunately it is the truth

Countless mental illnesses in Danish society

The strange thing is that the Danes know and know that they are weird

I deliberately write all this so that you can notice the differences

S. Fischer
S. Fischer - 15.09.2023 23:57

It's the greedy tourist industry!😢 Why do they build such ugly concrete buildings... calls for a change!

David Azzopardi
David Azzopardi - 15.09.2023 21:35

I am from Malta and all this guy is saying is true and even worst in winter traffic is 10 times worst

Carmel Pintly
Carmel Pintly - 15.09.2023 21:10


Jake Magro
Jake Magro - 15.09.2023 02:42

The video itself is good and shows a lot of the problems in Malta. However, I personally felt offended when you said "1st world options". What you basically implied is that my country's history, culture, traditions and customs are not on the same level as other countries just because we are more faulty as a government than them. By your definition most African countries cultures should also be thrown in the bin because they are "1st world" as well. Look, my country is not perfect, and certainly worse than most European countries, but to say that we have a weaker culture than them is an understatement. Our country and culture, despite its faults, will always be beautiful, just like all other countries and cultures in the world, 1st, 2nd and 3rd world. All that matters is that we all respect one another, which you didn't.

John Greenhorn
John Greenhorn - 15.09.2023 01:24

I did leave a somewhat negative comment about Bugibba i have only ever been in November about 4 or 5 times with the lads for the darts,went once with the Mrs also in November and i was apprehensive but she actually loved it,weather helped mind you and she would love to go back,on another plus side we visited Valletta and Mdima and they are well worth a visit both stunning,back in this November again,but basically just for a piss up ( not with the Mrs lol )

John Greenhorn
John Greenhorn - 15.09.2023 01:14

No joke was in The Bugibba area a few years ago and there was big dead rat and i mean a big one,laying in the gutter outside a restaurant up near the bus station,i went past the same restaurant 2 days later and it was still there,the rubbish is terrible even actually lying outside shops and cafes etc ( for the life of me i can't understand why they just don't pick it up )and the building work is non stop,i actually liken Bugibba to Beirut as it was years ago,having said that back in November for the darts with the lads otherwise don't think i would go to Bugibba.

Ray Pizer
Ray Pizer - 14.09.2023 17:27

I have lived in Malta for 10 years having come from UK and whilst everything you saw in St. Paul's Bay may be true. the rest of Malta is not as bad, traffic yes, construction yes but rubbish is not as bad everywhere.
if you want to retire here go to Gozo, much better, not perfect but good!

𒀭𒂗𒆠 - 14.09.2023 09:39

Malta needs German-style regulations with Singapore-style law enforcement.

Bernadette T
Bernadette T - 14.09.2023 05:59

Where are you from Alex Mark?
Are you saying that where you come from, people don’t litter at all. Let’s not forget the many tourists that visit Malta. Perhaps they should start giving fines.

AXL - 13.09.2023 11:29

What a shame, Malta was an amazing place full of beautiful people, places and local food the last time I was there around 45 years ago, enjoying a grilled swordfish steak with a cold Cisk.

marisa schembri
marisa schembri - 12.09.2023 20:35

for some people, everything is happening in the last 10 years but unfortunately that's what we inherated

The Restoration Guy (UK)
The Restoration Guy (UK) - 12.09.2023 20:33

Do what I couldn't do as I booked my trip fourteen months ago.....avoid all the fa**ots at Europride. Absolutely pathetic the lot of them.

Traceva - 12.09.2023 19:03

I do worry about the Mental and Physical Health and Well-being of the Maltese and all those who chose to move there.

My mum told me about the Trauma that she experienced as a Child during the Second World War. All the Horrors that she saw. The great suffering that the Maltese people all went through.

When I see images of what is happening in Ukraine and the horrors being experienced by the Ukrainian people I think of my late Mother and all those that suffered during the 2nd World War. Many who still suffer from the Trauma.

I came to the conclusion many years ago that Malta is still a Traumatised Nation and this explains why the Maltese people have allowed Greed and Corruption to destroy both their Country and also their very Souls.

I used to think that the Catholic Church would help the Nation to heal but apart from a few exceptions the Maltese Catholic Church continues to act like nothing is wrong.

Denial is very strong in Malta. It is part stubbornness, part annoyance by the Maltese (who don’t like being told by Outsiders like me what is wrong with their Country) and part Learned Helplessness & Fatalism which comes from the past Trauma of WW2. Indeed it probably goes deeper than this. Malta afterall was occupied by many other Nations and this brought its own problems and great suffering.

I hope that the younger generation will break this Cycle and start to believe that another way of life is possible in Malta. One that is not focused on Money, Hedonism, Greed and Corruption

Although the Younger Generation are now facing an even great Trauma: Climate Breakdown. A Trauma which is not of their making but they, and Future Generations, will now suffer the worse consequences

Trauma is Generational

You can only stop it by facing it, healing yourself and then choosing another path

I Pray for my Maltese Brothers and Sisters

Emma Grech
Emma Grech - 12.09.2023 16:55

But why are you here if you disliked Malta so much? I am certain if we visit your country, we will find ugly spots as well.

Traceva - 12.09.2023 16:17

I hope your Vlog finally WAKE UP the Maltese People to the fact that this did not happen overnight. It is a consequence of Greed and Corruption that began to become obvious to outsiders like me back in the mid 80s and just got worse EVERY SINGLE YEAR

Now Malta is about to become the Go To Place of 24 Hour Partying People from the U.K. They have heard about the Cheap Booze, Legalised Cannabis, the Parties, the Gambling and the willingness of your cops to turn a blind eye to their outrageous behaviour

I am so sorry that this is happening to Malta. Particularly as it was once such a Beautiful, Peaceful and Unique Island. Sure! There were problems back in the day. Particularly with your water supply and also your refuse CollectIons and the poor state of your roads. But things began to improve when you joined the EU. Malta cleaned up its act. At least on the outside. Buildings were cleaned, flowers were planted and Trees began to be planted. But then it all went to SHIT! And it has been going downhill ever since.

Your Pre-History may as well no longer exist to this new generation of Tourists

I pity the Maltese people. The Pollution, the Noise, the Crowds, the Cars, the poor Public Transport, the Refuse and the Anti-Social Tourists. But it is also up to the Maltese people to recognise that things can’t carry on like this.

Corruption, Greed and chasing the Tourist Euros will destroy Malta in the end

As much as I love my Maltese Extended Family and I have always found Maltese people to be friendly, kind, funny and caring I have never understood how so many of the Maltese people could let this happen to their Island.

I just don’t understand it.

Just because Greed and Corruption have been a part of Maltese Life for so long does not mean that it should continue to rule your lives.

The Maltese people need to come together to stop this rot from completely engulfing your Island. Your Politicians have failed you. Your Church has failed you. Now it is time to come together and take back your Island from the people who only care about making money for themselves and their families

Malta is far too precious

She needs saving

Malta deserves better

But, more importantly, the Maltese people deserve so much better

Love, Hugs and Peace

A C - 12.09.2023 15:22

Totally agree, I live here, it's a dump ( noisy, dirty , never ending construction ): avoid

Isaac - 12.09.2023 00:06

I live in this area, and this guy is either exaggerating or just straight up lying like a kid

Rika L
Rika L - 11.09.2023 07:45

Thanks for sharing!

Kieran Falzon
Kieran Falzon - 11.09.2023 05:42

Malta's just Aryan

Anon074 - 11.09.2023 04:43

appreciate your content but at the same time it really gets old seeing people placing judgment on countries that arent their own. Accept it as it is, and appreciate it for what it is. Wasting energy focusing on the negative defeats the whole purpose of enjoying somewhere new.

I could be in the slums of India or the Philippines and would not have a second thought about any of the things you mentioned. Take it for what it is, not for what it isn't.

Traceva - 11.09.2023 00:42

Thank you for your Honesty

Traceva - 11.09.2023 00:35

I remember when the Construction Madness began: the late 80s

I assumed that it would eventually calm down.

How wrong I was

Traceva - 10.09.2023 23:43

Such a shame!! Particularly for those who live in Malta permanently

The Maltese Government should now limit the number of Tourists who can enter Malta in the Summer. The island just can’t cope with the increase in numbers. But Greed is getting in the way of common sense and common decency.

So glad I had all my holidays in Malta in the 70s and 80s. Not so many crowds back then. So many wonderful memories of that time. Less Pollution, Cars and other Tourists back then.

The Maltese Tourist Industry need to think of better ways to attract Tourists throughout the year and not exclusively in the Summer months.

If things continue to deteriorate Word of Mouth will destroy Maltese Tourism and people will simply stop visiting.

The Maltese Tourist Industry need to adjust soon because Climate Breakdown will be another reason why people stop visiting Malta in the Summer month

Malta is dear to my Heart. My Mother was Maltese and most of my Extended Family live in Malta. My Cousins told me about the Power Cuts in July. I really hope a long term solution is found soon. But pretending that there isn’t even a problem, which the Maltese Government clearly is doing, will be disastrous for the Maltese Citizens and Tourists alike

It’s the Air Pollution I worry about most. I hope Malta is on a fast track to switching all the Cars to Electric because otherwise infant mortality rates will rise, life expectancy will fall while ill health due to Pollution will keep on increasing

Julien B
Julien B - 10.09.2023 23:32

St pawls Bay is not the best place to visit in Malta for sure

EDIcoN - 10.09.2023 21:30

Looks like egypt alexandria

Marcus Caruana
Marcus Caruana - 10.09.2023 18:41

Mate I travelled 75% of the world. I have visited some of the most naturally beautiful places on Earth and the seediest ones too. Malta is my country and I may concur with some negatives you said but there's a great deal of positives which you obviously omitted. What I would never do on any country I have visited is to put a video with a lot of bitchin after my visits but as they say, everyone to his own 😏
