Truth be told the “wild bees” you caught are just some rookies bees that they let swarm. I not saying purchasing bees is a scam. But think of it this way if raise a cow up north then take it south bring it back is it still not a cow. It’s not about breeding a better bee or how it’s acclimated to the weather. In one season we have caught 55 swarms in Ohio. It’s always a treasure when you get someone’s marked expensive queen. There are not lousy bees just lousy beekeepers. Remember there are folks that don’t research beekeeping and assume just buying a queen will produce a whole hive if you can understand that. Seriously you can’t make this crap up. Once you really get the neck of beekeeping 12 hives soon becomes 20 hives and 20 hives will become 50 hives and before you know it you have 300 hives. You going to let them swarm or sell them. 😊
ОтветитьI found the "doc" from you in your videos about two years ago. I had just received my very first langstroth hive and was looking to purchase my first colony. After watching, i returned everything knowing somehow I was making the right decision only by the feeling of going back to natural and letting her be our master teacher is the way , the truth and the light of life.
Anyone reading or wondering. I have 9 colonies starting my second year with no treatments and no sugar feeding. I live in 9b fl. In Urban a neighborhood. Small hives , natural and or rotated out regularly comb in all layens hives. I modified my langstroth boxes when I got them with bees at first. Later after never going through with hanging swarm traps, I found doing the free bee removals on c.list gives me my local , free bees. Local bees with a chance of being wild.
The local bees are better overall to me and my treatment free vision for my apriary
I'm starting to select breed this year and only s.h.b. seems to be of worry right now but I want to see what bees do what about it as hard as that is not to get involved or a loss. Read the books ! Thank you Doug and Leo.
This channel is one of the biggest scams in beekeeping. You're among the worst I've ever seen anywhere.
ОтветитьWell, my bees all died in a 5° snowstorm in Dec 2023. This year I have a heating pad and a place to put them out of the weather.
ОтветитьAhhh I knew I should watch this video lol ! You always share the goods
ОтветитьI love you both together I don’t know why just like evolution it’s a good idea which sounds good
ОтветитьI’m coming back I see just to check if the size of the frame is correct
ОтветитьThanks for the FREE BEE
ОтветитьThis was so enjoyable to watch and learn from. Thank you and God bless you and your hives in Jesus name amen.
ОтветитьThis is so cool. I can now start beekeeping. Sweet! Thanks.
ОтветитьWe live in Manitoba. How do we keep bees warm in our fridged winter weather? And what should be fed to them besides sugar and water?
ОтветитьGreat video!
ОтветитьWhat do you think about ceramic bee hives?
ОтветитьI enjoyed watching this video. I learned so much from it. I don't think that I can have bees because the backyard has lots of high traffic areas.
ОтветитьNo such thing as local bees...not in usa. All bees came from Europe...or parts of asia.
ОтветитьExcellent, the natural way!
ОтветитьBeekeeping is slighty and significantly different according to your location. Here is LA we have Africanized bees which are strong but too fiercely aggressive so have anywhere near people. So every time you carch a swarm you need to replace the queen with one of known genetics. Usually we buy them from Apiaries from Northern California where they dont have the Africanized bees.
ОтветитьWould it be hard to work on that hive and collect honey so far up the tree? Seems hard to balance yourself on a ladder. Am i losing something here?
ОтветитьAmazing your bees' trap and pretty well explained, one question: what if ants are caught in the bees' trap, before the bees arrival?
ОтветитьHow many beehives do you have?
ОтветитьI’ve recently moved from 27 years of living in the concrete jungle of Houston, Texas to the coastal countryside, only 40 minutes away, but I can see the stars at night again❣️ I want to become a beekeeper, earnestly, I do. May I ask this channel’s audience: what school or method would you recommend for me to learn this critical skill? Thanks so much for any & all advice❣️
ОтветитьI get my bees from removals 😂
ОтветитьSave the egg carton to use as smoker starter !!
Ответитьwhat about the wasps ,if the box attract wasps and make colony inside before bees find it ?
ОтветитьStarted with purchased bees in 2017. Fed them syrup to get them started.
6 hives yielded 40 gallons each year. At the 5 year point, i lost one hive. I think it worked pretty good.
Great content. Thanks!
ОтветитьWatched this whole video while I was putting my bee hive frames together ❤❤❤ this is my first year thank you
ОтветитьThat's a heavy duty box made in the USA...
ОтветитьDr Leo sounds like a Tim Conway character….love it!!
ОтветитьSo, would planting lemongrass in my garden attract bees as well?
Ответитьcheers, will try that ?, i keep losing my one ths same ?
ОтветитьI've recently taken an interest in beekeeping because I've had a massive swarm show up
ОтветитьGreat video. One question, what are the chances of a different species occupying the box? And probably no way to prevent it I suppose? I'll be doing this for sure instead of buying bees. I get swarms through here relatively frequently!
ОтветитьGreat video, very detailed explanation! Thanks!
ОтветитьWhy not capture them in a normal brood box? Would save you and the bees a lot of work.
ОтветитьI like that concept it looks easy but I have a problem with you know climbing up that ladder and trying to strap all that in there like that and then trying to get it down when they're full of bees yeah maybe if you have it off away from your home and you put the the beehive underneath the bee catcher that probably will be better instead of moving it I wouldn't want to move it once it's there I'd rather just keep it in one place but yeah that looks good
ОтветитьYou didn’t answer the question about feeding sugar?
ОтветитьDear Doug my landlord wants me to move . My neighbor has an affair with her patient hes married and tried to chase the wife off using the husband. I became incolved feeling bad for the wife who has Aspergeres. The home health aid threatened me with incarceration using mind control . I fear this violent manipulative women using high tech to promote self defeating behavior using mind control in me. Because I spoke out against her and her violent behavior.
ОтветитьThe point of the sugar water is that the bees come in without a hive. They are like a swarm but with no food. They need to build comb fast to get established.
Buy an overwintered nuc instead of a package.
Nicely presented! You've made me want to give swam capture a try. But why would you think that you're catching "wild local bees" ? Isn't it just as likely, or even more likely that you'll catch a swarm that came from a nearby "store bought" hive? There are far more of those than there are wild colonies.
ОтветитьWhat do you use if you don’t have trees?
Ответитьcan you start a colony in the middle of the forest ? thank you for the video ! great channel !
Ответитьwow. it was amazing video. actually i was about to start beekeeping but i didn't know how to start. thank you very much
ОтветитьIm sorry but once I get an swarm in this way How do I get them to move to my hive?
ОтветитьI've been trying to catch local swarms but no luck so far.
Ответитьawesome guys