Horowitz in Moscow - State Tchaikovsky Conservatory 1986 - Remastered

Horowitz in Moscow - State Tchaikovsky Conservatory 1986 - Remastered

Christian Reimeir

1 год назад

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saltburner2 - 07.10.2023 15:31

His low wrist technique enables him play with long fingernails that do not come into contact with the keys, while Alfred Brendel's high wrist technique means he has to put sticking plasters on his finger tips to prevent his nails clacking on the keys.

Alex Pratusevich
Alex Pratusevich - 06.10.2023 18:51

Я обратил внимание на публику в зале.Какие одухотворенные лица!А теперь,почти 40 лет спустя, их дети радостно гогочут,услышав о бомбежках Украины.Как же так???

Brigitte Klaua
Brigitte Klaua - 01.10.2023 00:17

Der Mann war genial und konnte mit jeder Musik überzeugen!

Brigitte Klaua
Brigitte Klaua - 01.10.2023 00:11

Ein Spiel ohne gr.Pathos, einfach wunderbar und berührend! Schön, dass es Aufnahmen gibt, damit auch die Nachwelt ihn genießen kann🎹🎶🎵

Владимир Солянин
Владимир Солянин - 27.09.2023 21:15

На этом историческом концерте был лично. Абсолютный восторг!

Наталия Иванова
Наталия Иванова - 26.09.2023 17:00


Charles Davis
Charles Davis - 25.09.2023 09:04

Go for it babe. Grow, and.... growing in the true depths of your own individual... god-born talents is to recognize that some part of the universe is living through us. too. Right? Right. So, what do we do now? 2023 A.D. Blessings where ever you are... in time or space. Charles. Hollywood, USA.

Daniel - 19.09.2023 05:38

Thanks for the HD upload.

Лёля Петькина
Лёля Петькина - 16.09.2023 08:39

Как он приласкал рояль, которого называл " малышом"

Eddie Beato
Eddie Beato - 22.08.2023 05:30

The zenith of pianism!

Сабина Юсупова
Сабина Юсупова - 16.08.2023 21:53

Эта эпоха слушателя.... тоже ушла... То, что мы видим и слышим сейчас, уникальное явление! Друзья, кто понимает о чем я, пожалуйста, отзовитесь, милые, духовные люди! ❤

Сабина Юсупова
Сабина Юсупова - 16.08.2023 21:49

Ознакомившись с биографией исполнителя, понимаю КАКОГО МАСШТАБА БЫЛ ЭТОТ КОНЦЕРТ! Какое счастье, мне 34 - летней дуре, слышать ЭТО!!! Вы только посмотрите на мимику, на глаза слушателей! Мёртвая тишина в зале! Я счастлива, хоть и не вживую, но в записи ( спасибо интернету) слышать эту великую музыку в гениальном исполнении! Это история! Это событие!
Царствия Небесного гениальному пианисту!!!!

Роман Перевощиков // Roman Perevoshchikov
Роман Перевощиков // Roman Perevoshchikov - 07.08.2023 21:42

God, Horowitz is God of Piano

Xyriak - 25.06.2023 01:27

Genius. Nimble fingers for such an old age

Alejandro Carrillo
Alejandro Carrillo - 24.03.2023 22:26

could somebody please help me identify the composers depicted in the walls? I can't find that list anywhere online

vincenzo iacomelli
vincenzo iacomelli - 08.03.2023 20:27

Il Dio del pianoforte

Patricia Topitzer
Patricia Topitzer - 04.03.2023 21:19

His 'Traumerei ' is worth the entire concert. Musical genius and unerring taste. I have watched this countless times and every time I end up in tears. He was in a musical universe if his own. I am just eternally grateful that I lived at a time to hear him.

Tak chi andy Chan
Tak chi andy Chan - 28.02.2023 07:20


Tsang Michael
Tsang Michael - 28.02.2023 06:23


Sylvia Michel
Sylvia Michel - 27.02.2023 13:24

J’ai toujours ressenti une véritable passion pour ce génial pianiste….et j’adore comme il « flatte » son piano en arrivant, je fais la même chose avec ma jument quand je la retrouve ❤

Tak chi andy Chan
Tak chi andy Chan - 26.02.2023 17:41


Rob King
Rob King - 17.02.2023 14:48

For me, his playing is so tender and sensitive. I always revert to a Horowitz performance wondering how he would have interpreted a piece. He took music to a heavenly level, a level of perfection and musicality matched by no other.

GG - 31.01.2023 14:55

Didn't he play the the polka by Rachmaninov?

Allan Fuller
Allan Fuller - 17.01.2023 14:45

The gold standard of Tone Poets of the Piano....

stupidwhoreads - 12.01.2023 00:32

I well remember the broadcast of this concert the following day on Italian state television. The historical character of this concert was very clear.
This was Gorbachev's Russia, not of that Putin's pig troglodyte!

lol smurf
lol smurf - 20.11.2022 00:02

great video

John Volodiya
John Volodiya - 29.10.2022 21:45

This is not complete video

Yashb's Piano And Compositions
Yashb's Piano And Compositions - 29.10.2022 11:47

Thank you for the upload. Wasn't Horowitz also playing Schumann's Traumerei in this infamous recital as well?

Yi-ching Yang
Yi-ching Yang - 15.10.2022 15:24

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Jonathan Gilmore
Jonathan Gilmore - 17.09.2022 03:04

One of the most recognizable and ideosynchratic pianists recorded, and in his later years one of the most tender. If he didn’t any longer have the old energy, endurance and brimstone, he still had most dynamic control and touch of any pianist alive IMO. He took liberties with composers, but it often worked, and when it didn’t, we’ll, he was always looking for new and different insights. You could forgive him. He was so “Old World!”

mrFalconlem - 15.09.2022 05:41

Deutsche grammophone did the recording, their best engineers! Cd is still available used I have the laserdisc of this too. so glad Digital recordings began in the late 70s, they capture his virtuosity.

Eli Guy
Eli Guy - 31.07.2022 10:39

amazing horowitz, chapeau to camera man, great job!

Daniel Vodenitcharov
Daniel Vodenitcharov - 27.07.2022 17:33

Wonderful Upload !

Meredith Foster
Meredith Foster - 23.07.2022 11:13

Thank you for this wonderful upload. This historic recital and his later Viennese one are two wonderful examples of how this amazing artist had matured rather like a great vintage wine.

Andrea Maggi
Andrea Maggi - 23.06.2022 16:03

Horowitz married Toscanini' daughter ...Legends of music
