Thrawn explains what True Friendship is - Thrawn Quotes - Star Wars Lore

Thrawn explains what True Friendship is - Thrawn Quotes - Star Wars Lore

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@IsomP0P - 16.01.2024 23:54

Thrawn and Pellaeon have, both in Modern and Legends canon, one of the best professional friendships in fiction.

@lionguardant5468 - 30.12.2023 00:16

It would be very easy to characterise Thrawn as being mistrustful of friends, being unable to make any and viewing others merely as tools - but here, the alien actually understands the value of friendship.

@juancabardo21 - 08.11.2023 07:59

“For if one is remembered by a friend, one is never truly gone.”
Man i’m starting to root for the Empire

@quentinmwilson9837 - 15.10.2023 20:43

Thrawn is the mentor we all need.

@PaliceMidasTV - 05.10.2023 15:20

A fine speech

@Studmuf-Rockin - 05.10.2023 06:42

Can Thrawn be any more flawless? Spot on

@daniels7907 - 28.09.2023 20:25

Despite this he lacks friends. Actually, the Imperial officer corps looked even more uptight about relationships than the Jedi.

@oeckstei - 26.09.2023 06:13

We need a thrawn series if not a thrawn movie !!!

@TheAwesomeDarkNinja - 21.09.2023 06:23

An angel on the side of the demons.

@SnailSpaceWTF - 18.09.2023 10:24

Is this from the show, Rebels? or some Audio Book I overlooked?

@ytafan4068 - 25.08.2023 15:03

In Legends, Mara Jade considered Thrawn the most noble character amongst the Imperial leadership. She often wondered what the Empire could have been like if Thrawn had been in charge. We're getting a very good idea from his appearance in the show and these quotes. That kind of Empire, most of the Rebellion would have joined in my opinion. Don't know about extremists like Saw Gererra, though Saw joining Thrawn's Empire is 50/50.

@kingskelett6265 - 22.08.2023 11:58

I like that Thrawn doesn't just drop one of the best viewpoints on friendship, he also doesn't claim that this is the one truth. He just voices his own humble opinion.

@travismcnasty4239 - 13.08.2023 21:21

I'd hang out with Thrawn. Play poker, grab a good meal.

@madelinegarber7860 - 29.07.2023 15:52

I really love this outlook. Essentially he’s saying that even if you and the friend are only close temporarily, it doesn’t mean you’re not friends anymore. It just means they’re off doing their own thing gracing the galaxy with their presence and maybe you’ll reconnect one day.

@tracemacmillan9718 - 26.06.2023 17:29

The best character not created by Lucas

@garyscerri1263 - 25.06.2023 11:05

Thanks Thrawn… I really needed this

@jonathanrobison66 - 19.06.2023 03:31

He truly does have a great understanding of how intelligent beings work

@mihailmihaylov3012 - 29.05.2023 08:33

Guys may you tell me from which novel is that ?

@PJOZeus - 27.05.2023 23:39

Until the day they no longer grace the universe, even if they have left an impact on you
Worry is still ever present and wishing the best, hoping that they do not turn from their path, that they are not corrupted whilst you are not there to aid them
The strength of self determination is an equally rare trait, even more so that it should survive calamity

Personally this has always been a large problem lurking beneath the surface, and one that has time and again proven to be valid. I do not have an answer for it, wish someone such as thrawn existed so that I may ask, but it's one I would keep fighting for regardless of outcome.

@calcite.belemnite - 27.05.2023 20:50

Is this Lars Mikkelsen?

@naterksmr - 25.05.2023 03:58

This dude just explained friendship better in one minute than Tea did in the entire Yugioh series

@charlescresto1 - 23.05.2023 10:03

One of my best friends is moving out of state soon and this honestly helped me come to terms with it.

@arcticlaw9198 - 22.05.2023 00:19

This is surprising heart warming from someone as cold as Thrawn

@richardavelino7383 - 20.05.2023 02:26

Are you sure he's the bad guy?😂 I want to share a beer with him

@thomasaquinas1457 - 08.05.2023 22:30

Thrawn would have made a fantastic emperor after the death of Palpatine.

@churder6788 - 17.04.2023 05:06

Good new boys, the person who wrote thrawn is helping out a bit with Ashoka

@eduardolflores3481 - 17.04.2023 02:53

Wow Trawn also understands the magic of friendship. Maybe could recruit him

@SupaSillyThyme - 10.04.2023 08:26

Eli vanto reading this, as Thrawn sent him off to defend his home, and all those he loved back at the ascendancy

@AZNXXXful14 - 31.03.2023 22:49

I have lost my wingman. We knew each other since we were 13. I may never see or hear from him again. Buy I would like to know he's still out there. I wish he came back.

@hamzakhairi4765 - 06.03.2023 06:21

Thrawn is more cold hearted than any jedi but also values friends more than the jedi council members

@Archedgar - 08.02.2023 18:02


@JagoShogun - 21.01.2023 19:51

I went "aw" outloud at the end.

@Ctrekoz - 19.01.2023 19:51


@naterk9460 - 16.01.2023 02:16

Amazing that a character not known for "friendship" would give a far better speech on friendship than any kid's show I watched growing up. Take lessons, Tea Gardner.

@k-nator1737 - 14.01.2023 12:28

That kinda hits even more when you know, he said this to Eli Vanto, his first (and probably even only) friend in the Empire before he left to work with the Chiss.

@Celestial_Wing - 14.01.2023 12:06

Friendship? That's the part that comes before betrayal right?

@kazemizu - 13.12.2022 14:20

Thrawn is quite the emotional character

@lepershing1902 - 17.11.2022 15:10

"It is said that one should keep ones allies within view, and one's enemies within reach. A valid statement. One must be able to read an allies strengths, so as to determine how best to use him. One must similarly be able to read an enemy's weaknesses, so as to determine how best to defeat him. But what of friends? There is no accepted answer. Perhaps because true friendship is so exceedingly rare. But i have formulated my own. A friend need not be kept within sight nor within reach. A friend must be allowed to find the freedom to find and follow his own path. If one is fortunate, those paths will for a time join. But if the path separates, it is comforting to know that a friend still graces the universe with his skills, hos viewpoint, and his presence. For if one is remembered by a friend, one is never truly gone."

@warriorofspectra8208 - 17.11.2022 04:05

"If one is remembered by a friend, they are never truly gone." A philosophy that I try my best to follow, even with my friends who I may not be as close with as I used to be. One such friend I care about deeply, dare I say I love like a sister. Even though our paths have started to diverge, she with her friends and me with my own, I fondly remember the times we spent together and the closeness we once shared. I will not lie, I miss those days and a part of me wishes for them to return. But, as Thrawn points out, true friends allow each other to follow their own paths.

@danieltobin4498 - 09.11.2022 00:37

This is oddly comforting. We’ve all made friends but then lost contact with them for a myriad of reasons.

@albireotheredguard1599 - 30.10.2022 10:13

Someone should have taught Griffith that lesson.

@whalecove1283 - 30.10.2022 03:04

Thrawn never disappoints.

@ghosters1072 - 27.10.2022 05:50

This was rather wholesome for someone who's supposed to be a villain.

@Lovellyoungwolf - 27.10.2022 01:07

Someone should've told Griffith this lol

@guyver441 - 24.10.2022 20:26

And yet STILL sounds deeply menacing, while describing the true meaning of friendship...

@tomhans9207 - 24.10.2022 14:32


@samfisher9413 - 23.10.2022 15:57

Thrawn was one of the most well put together and we'll written characters in this entire series.

@chissstardestroyer - 23.10.2022 06:43

I respectfully disagree with the officer speaking about friendship on one critical detail: you read both strengths and weaknesses of true friends: if you knew he was your adopted stepbrother through some circumstances in an alternate reality, and you knew he had a weakness that compromised him: you'd keep him away from his "kryptonite", but if he was strong in another field, you'd let him loose, especially if he couldn't be "hacked" into doing something treasonously dumb... you watch your friend's "six" and make sure he's doing the same thing regarding you, much like a rolling scissors tactic in USA airforce and naval history of WW2 in the Pacific Theater. It is an entirely different mentality of why you're analyzing your friends: you do not seek to attack your friend, unless you and he are in a sparring match- that's a mock fight- and you pray daily that a real fight is going to be completely unnecessary- and that if it does come up, you and he will work through it, rather than blow up completely.

@chissstardestroyer - 23.10.2022 06:38

This alien man could make a living as a truly great philosopher; especially today- his words are solidly Conservative in nature: focused on traditional values and their strength. Well, as a frontiersman of his people, that makes perfect sense.

@Halo1138 - 22.10.2022 23:36

That was actually surprisingly wholesome.
