Learn H.264/AVC in 3 minutes with PlayClaw setup

Learn H.264/AVC in 3 minutes with PlayClaw setup

PlayClaw recorder

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@Vinodjain-zk1me - 29.07.2020 15:10

1...there are 3 options===i frame///b frame///p frame===so suppose i dont want one of this====so which one is less important
2...in other words==from p and b frame which one is important

@Vinodjain-zk1me - 28.07.2020 13:24

1.....so if ===p frame and b frame===both r compressed frames so why there is need of b frame==???????

@GamingMedCasper - 06.04.2016 22:19

hi I have written to you in the mail and on the face bock but did not answer back :(

@vgJunkyard - 06.03.2016 09:15

Love the updates you guys have been making to Playclaw. I used to have a bunch of problems with the software and could never have a good experience recording with it, but after your last few updates the software has worked flawlessly. Thanks!

@AstralsGamer - 02.03.2016 17:15

For Amd that's : VBR/LAt not VBR/Qp :)
