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Heute schauen wir uns den Fiebertraum Sylt mal etwas genauer an. Millionäre, Touristen, Punks & Yuppies - alles auf einer kleinen deutschen Insel.
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Hier gehts zu unserem Hauptkanal
Intro: Tempa T - Next Hype (Thorpey Remix)
Outro: Three-Armed Scissor - You Live or You Die
2050 - Up the Power
Ariel Dahan - Fuego
dannyminus - Give It to Me
David Benedict - 8 Is My Favorite Color
HillTopTrio - Wellerman Instrumental Version
Ian Post - The One Eyed Captain
Jakub Pietras - Cannal Chase
Jimmy Svensson - Dark Blood
Kashido - Wedding March
Veaceslay Draganov - Oscar Winner, Pirates Treasury, Prestige Nomination
Zac Nelson - The Seven Seas
Epidemic Sound:
Grant Newman - Adventures of the Young Hero
Kikoru - Madame Pirate
Rockin' For Decades - Wild in Seattle
Sightless in Shadows - The Pit of Doom
Dream Cave - The Great Journey
Mike Franklyn - Pirates of the North Pole
Bonnie Grace - They Sold Theirs Souls, The Night Attack, Sea Adventures, At Enemy Lines,The Final Overthrow
Coma Svensson - Ringing In My Head
Tiki Tiki - In The Lounge
Harry Edvino - Fleamarket Boss
Arthur Benson - It's Not Me
Hampus Naeselius - Allegiances
Dz Moran - Ticking All the Boxes
Adua Blaize - French Party
Cercles Nouvelles - 17th Century Dance
Hell Nasty - Block Party
Blue Topaz - Wasted Education
Investigations, Doh De Oh, Maple Leaf Rag
von Kevin MacLeod ist lizenziert unter CC BY 4.0.
#Simplicissimus #2_Bored_Guys