The Subtle Art of Acting Insane

The Subtle Art of Acting Insane

Du Cinema

1 год назад

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Avocado Kid
Avocado Kid - 14.10.2023 06:29

What category are these movies called

Pohor Debbarma
Pohor Debbarma - 04.10.2023 22:43

Villains are base for A Hero's Existence

you - 28.09.2023 18:05


you - 28.09.2023 18:04

The taxi driver

tushar - 26.09.2023 20:30

im mentally here

Snip - 22.09.2023 23:19

Jake Gyllenhaal does insane so well it scares me lol

Thomas Augustinus
Thomas Augustinus - 20.09.2023 11:33

Refers to Papillon, but uses the the very bad 2017 version instead of the original very under rated and much much better 1973 version. Sad to see this.

Michaela Amare
Michaela Amare - 15.09.2023 21:24

Why was Leonardo DiCaprio the thumbnail when he isnt in this video? I clicked on it becuase i thought it was going to be about shutter island!

Daniel Murray
Daniel Murray - 12.09.2023 11:55

Great piece … actually got a shock seeing that sequel to wizard of oz , but hadn’t seen it since childhood … must look it up.

Vernon Hardapple
Vernon Hardapple - 10.09.2023 22:17

the best performance regarding mental illness i have seen on screen is probably Joaquin Phoenix in the Joker. He captured it very well

Vernon Hardapple
Vernon Hardapple - 10.09.2023 22:17

having been insane at times in my life it’s quite rare for an actor to get it right. Bipolar is one form of mental illness that is often terribly portrayed onscreen and it only shows one side of it. Brad Pitt in 12 Monkeys only showed one side of the illness never the extreme crash. It was a bit silly tho fun.

Beatrice Granath
Beatrice Granath - 07.09.2023 00:26

You missed GIA and Girl, interrupted

hvitekristesdød - 02.09.2023 08:40

Sean Patrick Flanery in Nefarious. Do it

Sbirkk - 02.09.2023 08:15

there’s a difference between insanity and psychopathy, right?

Desiree McIntosh
Desiree McIntosh - 27.08.2023 23:26

Another movie that could be added is The Machinist. Great movie.

sofie goldie
sofie goldie - 27.08.2023 21:56

This was incredibly instresting to watch such a good video

JTATV - 21.08.2023 21:09

Looked up “Dutch angle” on Google but everything looks okay to me but then again I’m utterly insane

Dufoth - 18.08.2023 07:37

No country for old men truely terrified me.

Maura Schmenk
Maura Schmenk - 14.08.2023 08:53

What about Girl, Interrupted?

Boxsulint - 12.08.2023 03:06

I want to watch a movie tonight but I don’t know what movie anyone give me Any ideas

nazir ali
nazir ali - 04.08.2023 18:35

Can you please tell me the name of the move where there is remi malik in it i couldn't find it

user - 27.07.2023 19:44

Try Perfect Blue

Theothermarksman - 26.07.2023 22:41

Crazy? I was crazy once...

Sneferu Zefaya
Sneferu Zefaya - 25.07.2023 11:36

Very interesting. I am late commenting on this because earlier this year I spent a couple months in psychiatric institutions. Initially admitted to a specialist eating disorders unit, but due to my addiction to prescription medication (which I had been using to manage my symptoms) escalated out of control I was transferred to a general acute station where the environment was completely different. I did not know about shock corridor effect but describes very accurately what heppened to me and what I observed happening to other patients also.

The external environment (bars on windows, being woken up several times each night by the nurses shining a flashlight on one's face and sometimes additionally by the sounds of screaming and banging noises is enough, but that is just the baseline. There are plenty more stress layers) combined with one's internal environment, which is already sub-optimal if one is in an institution, is the perfect storm for deterioration of one's mental well-being. Conditioning to such environments happens very quickly.

I came out as a shell of my former self, I was detoxed from the meds but my physical and psychological condition was even worse than it had been on admission and some of my newly-acquired symptoms resembled several other psychiatric disorder but I have since been diagnosed with PTSD. I am receiving ongoing treatment for this but I am glad to say I am doing better now. It has taken a lot of fortitude, but alone I don't believe even that would have been enough. I don't think I could be where I am today without the support of good friends and family.

I'd seen a couple of these movies before, but after real-life experience/exposure what strikes me about these characters to be so accurate are subtle nuances to body language and facial expressions; and finally I will say that to circle back round to the shock corridor effect I can absolutely see how that can so easily happen.

Jebidiah - 22.07.2023 12:50

Bro forgot the first and second rule of fight club.

Dee Dwayne
Dee Dwayne - 19.07.2023 14:05

"Made it Ma, Top of the world" ~ James Corgney. White-Heat...!!!

Tarnished 4934
Tarnished 4934 - 12.07.2023 23:01

The most accurate depictions of madness for me, two types of madness in particular, are from Game of Thrones. Numerous characters exist in the series that represent, in my interpretation and knowledge, the two types of antisocial personality disorder, Sociopathy, and Psychopathy. For the Sociopathy spectrum, we have Joffrey Lannister, Viserys III, and Stannis Baratheon. The key defining characteristic of sociopathy is that sociopaths use a lot less subtlety and don’t use any kind of facade. They openly show their lack of empathy, sympathy, rationality, or remorse to others. Joffrey does this by having his guards commit vile acts at his behest, Viserys does this by abusing his sister, and those below him, and Stannis does this by ordering his close ally, Melisandre, to burn people at the stake. On the spectrum of Psychopathy, we have Ramsay Bolton, Daenerys Targaryen, and Cersei Lannister. On the surface level, Ramsay seems like a decent person, with mildly unsettling undertones, but his kind charismatic persona hides his obsession with torture and dominance. Daenerys wears the mask of a sort of maternal figure guiding the realm into enlightenment, but in reality is a cruel dictator that orders the brutal deaths of anyone who defies her. Cersei Lannister at first glance seems to be the wise and noble matriarch of House Lannister, but has far darker intentions of manipulation, torment of enemy factions, and willingly murdering thousands to achieve her goals. All of these characters are great depictions and performances of the two types of APD, among other mental illnesses like pyromania, schizophrenia, and extreme sadism.

Oleksii Konovalchuk
Oleksii Konovalchuk - 10.07.2023 00:40

Thank you for the content, it's very entertaining and informational! 😇

Raine - 09.07.2023 09:44

This guy has to be Luna he sounds exactly the same.

Oishi - 08.07.2023 01:25

Blue Jasmine is one of my favourites like Cate Blanchett is so amazing and sublime

Lily W
Lily W - 07.07.2023 00:55

Great video, but I would love to see some coverage of women's portrayals of madness too, instead of men only'

ben - 06.07.2023 05:41

Jake Gylenhaal definitely the king of this

katchupp - 03.07.2023 23:17

i think its interesting how attracted we are to films like that

4sField - 03.07.2023 19:21

Love you videos. Hurricanes do not come in contact with Kansas, which is where Dorothy is from.

local kauf
local kauf - 02.07.2023 23:07

eeeehhhhh I mostly agree with you apart from the American Psycho part. The point was definitely not that he was going insane, but that the world around him was insane for either ignoring/dismissing/covering-up his acts of brutality for the sake of superficial virtue.
But I would say this confusion comes from the film being strangley and unintenentionally ambiguous in the way that it was edited. The director has been quite clear that the inference to Bateman's insanity is a mistake

mustangalex66 - 02.07.2023 19:43

Shutter island goes hard

Hostile - 30.06.2023 05:39

People thought i was switched! and I was a trick!

Hostile - 30.06.2023 05:25

I kept on elevating my stunts too!
I went on irc. I loved it. I thought I crushed at characters. People in person said they couldn't see that in me and I was just acting there. Multiples tried to call me out.
I kept on getting people and crushing over and over.

I thought csis was insane. I was trained to be top there son! what?!
I crushed whole crowds and didn't even flex. I saw faces change from happy they are going to call me out and gleeful, to angered and then wrecked.
I knew people in person for years!
I travelled the world with some.
How is it possible to be that tricked?
Naw..he doesnt see it.
He is always buying into what we say. we are pros. Dont even bother with him
how are we that good? He keeps falling for the girls we send him that keep calling themselves out over and over.
people around me had conversations in group about being actors.
how are you all that crazy to believe me?

Hostile - 30.06.2023 05:13

Well sort of.

Psychosis is tough and is can be very scary when you don't know what it is and it is constant. It is tough as a young child as few have it or relate to it and no one can really help you.
You can get high to feel better with some things, but it costs and it is not a good answer. Current medicine doesn't really help it and you can feel costs.

What is the purpose to acting tricked or playing to the script.
So you blend in with people that don't know about it. You play to someones acting. It is easy. It is a lot like talking to regular people that just lie.

Why go through a long term thing when calling out and acting like you were fooled by previous conversations.

Because the call out was so delayed, people would flex and gloat and feel safe when I was calling out. It was a theory to help people get into position and see who was talking about it and laughing at it. A lot of people wanted to be in my position (im here, i dont have one) and be in line for training / to be the head of the market / intel. They would feel proud that they were able to trick a person that showed a lot of potential and skill early on. As if their skills increased and my diminished.

Intel is a large group. It has a small group dominating the direction and forcing others to maintain their system even though it is obsolete. It is not the most economical. They know this but changing it and even having them go into a successful business venture and remain there would cause them to lose power. They leverage that power over others for profits, with ups and downs, buyins in different ways that cause they to profit huge.

They do this with threat and perceived threat and stay due to the no call out system.

Most people don't see it. You only get a fraction of what is there when you go to the eye. I know it is known as an international hub for intel, but it doesn't depict the gravity of what is out there a lot of people are paid to keep silent and only a few have seen what actual happens. Some businesses are onboard but most are just in the mind set of, my competitor is here, there are good deals here, we need it to remain competitive.

The system can be changed there without them and still affordable as there is an epic shitton of loss as the cost for the infrastructure to support it is huge. It is supplemented by the power position people have over others in industry. So it is shit for industry in more than one way.

Patrick Woods
Patrick Woods - 27.06.2023 12:08

I work at the surf shop that not only made the board for the movie (and currently have one for sale. It literally flew on the undercarriage of the Huey in the movie) we sell t shits that not only Lt. Kilgore himself wore in the movie "Apocalypse Now". We also sell another shirt with Renny's "signature" on the front and on the back being a Huey graphic with the boards on the undercarriage with the phrase "Charlie Don't Surf printed beneath the graphic. If you'd like either of the shirts or even a classic SBSS shirt reply to this and I'll make it happen. Cheers

oli - 14.06.2023 01:30

can you direct me as a film

hooDio - 08.06.2023 12:59

just drink a glass of milk like me
