I Animated Your High Stories - THE WEED GOBLIN

I Animated Your High Stories - THE WEED GOBLIN

Bro What?

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@sanctumlord2985 - 22.11.2022 00:48

Thought I'd share an experience I had with edibles, so I work at a lodge and it was a co workers birthday and the chef baked him a weed cake and I was offered a slice, being a tough guy I accepted even though I wasn't used to having weed in my system for months since I had cut down on smoking and so my tolerance had almost completely gone down to zero, I ate my slice of cake and some hours passed then I had to do a museum view for two people and pretty much when they showed up that cake kicked in and hit me real hard but I decided to persevere.. thinking back I should probably have told my boss I wasn't feeling well but anyway I took them to the museum and as they are talking to me I can feel their voices fading away as if they were getting farther away from me even though they are literally right next to me and I start getting this rush of anxiety like oh crap they can probably tell I am super high and then I had to sit down cause I felt my vision fading like I was about to pass out now I'm sitting there sweating profusely watching these two look around and just barely keeping it together but I made it and they seemed happy with their experience kinda wondered why they didnt say anything lmao. I am pretty sure they knew I was high as fvck cause when I went to the bathroom afterwards my eyes were red as the devils d*ck and I was sweaty af and shaking like a fricken rattlesnake.
I asked the chef how much weed he put in there and he said that slice had to contain around 300ml of thc no wonder . Was one of the worst experiences I had while being high.

@cashclothes9947 - 22.11.2022 03:32


@fawniiz - 22.11.2022 08:31

one time i had got high with my cousins abd i had gotten high before but this one time they had this thing called like a cake or something and they was like “this is really strong btw we are warning you now” and i was like nahh it can’t be that strong bro i’ve smoked before when i tell you i sat on the couch TWITCHING 😭 it was so scary bro then i remember being on the floor bc my head felt like it was shaking and i was telling everyone to help me bc i thought i was about to die 😭 then when everyone calmed me down i just stared laughing so much and i remember i was laughing so much for no reason, i eventually went to sleep

@reeseblount6647 - 22.11.2022 09:28

I got a bunch, so me and my buddys decided it was a good idea to buy weed from this dude we don’t know at all. He was sketch from the start and sent us another persons snap and told us he was gonna deliver to us bc he was busy. We all hop on bikes and ride down the road from the house we were staying at. As we’re otw our friend’s grandparents are also otw to his house to drop his sister off. So as we were going their way they were coming our way. We saw them coming and ditched off in this that seemed to be an abandoned yard. (It was not) we waited and his grandparents passed and then that part was over. Now we have to deal with the headlights that turned on pointing our direction a good 60 - 70 ft away. We all hop on the bikes and take off. Another detail I forgot to mention is I was given a tiny ass bike that was for his little brother. I soon realized that the bike wasn’t meant to be pedaled as hard as I tried to pedal it. I got on the little bike and started to pedal when my pants got caught in the chain, these were good pants too. My friend said fuck it rip em so I just started going ham pedaling I had a good pace going until the chain popped and the momentum of me pedaling made my feet slip off and I flew over the handlebars. I got up threw the bike in the ditch and hid, They kept going. Abt 20 minutes go by and my friends come back with smiles on their faces. They said they got it and it looks pressure af. We got back to his house and started walking back to our smoke spot when he opened the bag. The smiles quickly vanished when we realized we just paid $40 for 4 grams of grass and leaves crunched up and packed into a bag. I wasn’t finna waste $40 so grabbed that shit rolled it in a coffee filter and smoked it. I still have the video of me smoking that grass and leaf pack to this day. Rip to all those 7th grade memories with people I’ll probably never see again. (Hope I was able to supply a good enough story 😂)

@monkeyman1346 - 22.11.2022 09:42

Okay so the one time I got high with my friends and thought going on a walk would be a good idea bc my mom was home. So we decided to walk to the church down the highway, as we were walking we heard sirens and thought we were screwed. So my friend screamed “FUCK, WE ARE TO HIGH FOR THIS SHIT” and then we teleported to church and hid in the bushes.

@idku6554 - 22.11.2022 12:51

The first time I ate edibles I was with 4 friends in a hotel room cuz we were gonna go to a concert the next day. Idk how many mgs were in the gummies but since we all had never done it before we hate 1/4 of a gummy each.
After 2 hours my friends are all high af. One of em started jumping on top of me and falling down to the ground and repeating lol.
I still didn’t feel anything so I ate another 1/4.
We started watching ninjago and my friends fell asleep after laughing uncontrollably for like an hour. AS SOON AS THEY FELL ASLEEP the gummy hit, and it HIT HARD. The green ninjago became rainbow ninjago. After 30 mins of enjoying it I fell asleep.
Woke up next morning and FUUUU I’m still high af, just gonna say the concert was lit

@haydenmiamii - 23.11.2022 01:29

high story: the time i got laced…

ok so once i was sleeping over at my cousin’s house who’s the same age as me and she planned to sneak out in the middle of the night to smoke some bowls with her friends. i ofc wanted to come because i am pretty heavy smoker myself as i smoked daily and it seemed like tons of fun. when the time comes around 12-1am we sneak out the back door and walk from my cousins house to the park nearby to meet her friends and then walk to her friend’s old house to smoke (let’s call this friend Marie). there was 5 of us me my cousin, another girl, Marie, and the one friend my cousin and i had in common we will call him Dexter (he’s important). after we all meet up, we walk to Marie’s old house. her parents haven’t sold the property so we could still enter and leave the house as we wanted but no one went there except for Marie and us. it was basically a trap house for all of us it smelt like weed and there was only a few pieces of furniture in the same area as a small kitchen with a counter we used to roll joints and pack bowls and a bathroom that had been graffitied. we start ripping bowls and Dexter goes into the washroom to rip his and puts a suspicious looking small bag in his pocket with a mystery substance in it. this was unusual not because of the bag, he was known to do hard drugs but because he went into the washroom instead of outside to rip his bowl which is what the rule of the house is. we didn’t think anything of it and we didn’t get mad as it wasn’t something we figured we should ruin the night over getting mad about. i go to rip my bowl after him and it seems he didn’t clear his ashes i figured it wasn’t a big deal since im smoking the same weed i’ll pack my bowl on top of his small ashes. i rip the bowl i packed to the rim in one pull and i wait for the weed to start to kick in. i sit down watching others take hits from the bong and then i realize i’m getting way too high at this point. i try to keep casual but slowly and slowly i can feel my vision getting cloudier and blacker so i go sit down on the couch to see if it’s just the light and i start feeling nauseous. i sit up and walk over to my cousin and say “i’m really really really really really high right now. i need water” and she responds going “omg ya hurry” so she hands be the water bottle and as i grab it i feel my consciousness fade away and my legs disappear. i have now collapsed onto the floor and i was unaware of this until i opened my eyes and my cousin who was dragging me across the floor trying to sit me up and give me water. according to my friends there when i hit the floor i was shaking and twitching like i had to itch everywhere on my body but i felt completely still even though i wasn’t all there. as i drank the water my cousin finally succeeded on getting into my mouth, i was fading in and out of consciousness and i was telling myself in my head “don’t green out whatever you do. DO. NOT. PUKE.” as soon as i finished thinking that all of the water i have just drank bursted out of my mouth and i was vomiting liquids like a waterfall all over my clothes and the floor of the house. at this point everyone is freaking out and out of all the chaos all i here is Dexter go “oh shit” and then dead silence. i knew at that moment what ever was in that bag of his he sprinkled onto his bowl and since i didn’t clear his ashes i basically ripped his spiked weed on top of the weed i put in the bong. ofc once he told the group what had happened they were not too happy and the night came to a quick end. my cousin wanted us back home by 3am incase her mom gets up and by now it’s around 2am in the morning so the group decides to let me sober up for a bit by letting me lie down as they cleaned up all of my puke. by the time we all parted ways it was around 2:40am and i had to basically be carried like an injured sports player off the field back to my cousins house by Marie and my cousin since i literally could not feel or use my legs without either falling over or walking into the middle of the road. at around 3am we got back home and my cousin said she would deal with all my clothes and the puke and everything and that i should just sleep. so i did and i slept like a baby even though i quite literally thought i was going to die the whole night. it was truly a wild experience

edit: i really hope this makes it into the next one of these vids :)) — sorry if it’s a lot to read !!

@ruminate5102 - 23.11.2022 03:38

One of the first times i got high i happened to had led lights in my room at the time and so since i was so baked bc i was a newbie i started tripping out and seeing shit but the most noteworthy is a monkey that is part demon who I simply refer to as demon monkey when i reminisce with my friends about me calling them freaked out bc an imaginary monkey was staring at me from everywhere

@AlpacaArmy2507 - 23.11.2022 12:32

I’m a pretty big person so my first time trying weed my friend and I figured I would be somewhat of a heavy weight. We were very wrong. He insisted I take 3 big hits and I feel nothing but then as soon as it starts hitting my dad walks in and shows me a dumb video, so me and my friend are doing our best to keep it together but it’s starting to kick in. My dad left and I immediately was just nonfunctional, I started staring at my hands and thinking I was looking at a tv screen of my life and my friend was trying to help me out and keep me engaged but I had zero brain power, so I start getting paranoid and checking the time and asking him when this will calm down and he struggles to give me an answer and decides on thirty minutes, at this point my vision felt like it was on a piece of paper being shaken in front of my face. So he decides the best way to not get caught by my parents was just for me to go to bed so I’m sitting there paranoid and twitching looking at my vision becoming a cartoon and I robotically sit up, look at him, and then check the time, and it had been exactly thirty minutes so I’m just excited to be normal again but my mouth is dry so I go to get some water and he says we should go upstairs and get some food but the moment I step away from the sink I’m just zooted again so I try to go back to sleep and I’m just freaking out noticing every detail in my body when my mom calls and I sobered up so fast, I held that conversation and then went to sleep, and then my mom called again. At that point I just tried to go to bed and it ended up lasting several hours and I was shaking the whole next day. Cool experience.

@freddybro1998 - 24.11.2022 00:39

i’ve always wondered what it’s like to go out in certain public places while baked. one time i was baked in front of my mom at the mall but it was nothing special

@Pickle_-qq8gn - 24.11.2022 07:07

Ive never been high i din do drugs or smoke

@xeavor9177 - 24.11.2022 14:33

YO, try to colab with goblin !

@MangoCake5 - 25.11.2022 00:49

Your cool

@T0keman - 25.11.2022 01:36

Story 1: Me n my best friend that was my plug, I bought 4 phoenix tears n I knew to take one but I said fuck it n took two n ended up in the hospital n mind you I’m a heavy user but this where dispensary tears. And my 2 story is I took two full eye drops of 1,500 mg n a full eye drop is 50 for 1ML n it’s the type of eye drop where it goes up to the squeeze part so I’m assuming I took 60MG or near 70MG n on top of that I was hitting my dab pen too n was knock out for 2 days. Srry about the grammer don’t care about being correct on it n stoned af rn. N from Canada

@Shadow-Calypso - 25.11.2022 08:15

So I do edibles on the regular right? this one time I had taken 10mg edibles and I was in the call with my friend and my boyfriend. My boyfriend was the only one who was sober at this point. So I state I need food, stand up, T-Pose for a SOLID like 30 seconds (which felt like 3 hours) then went downstairs and made a sandwich(American cheese, bologna, and garlic... yes garlic) then proceeded to choke on it because I FORGOT HOW TO CHEW!!!

@BlooB6493 - 25.11.2022 10:59

I have a story but Idk if this counts as interesting? Im a person who uses edibles regularly because of my asthma, in fact im currently getting high while writing this. What i didnt know was how different smoking was compared to taking an edible, I was out oif edibles and i just wanted to relax so I decided to take some bong rips but because i was so used to the intensity of edibles i didnt know how much to smoke. I hit several rips in one go and when i didnt feel the same I just stopped thinking my tolerance was too high for smoking. Fast forward about 30-45 minutes im in my partners car and it hits me, I was definelty high and hitting so many rips in a row wasnt the best idea. I just remember staring out the window and thinking the world was beautiful for about 15 minutes before we got home i dont remember what happened after that though.

@cumcutter - 25.11.2022 21:09


@SampsonWrestling - 25.11.2022 22:49

okay yeah that last story was absolute cap. nobody stays high for 4 days especially off "weed strips"

@donville7879 - 26.11.2022 04:06

Dude my first time on an edible was a 300mg gummy idk how I’m still alive

@dustindungey9538 - 26.11.2022 22:11

i smoke hella whether carts bud concentrate or ed i do it and i gotta say mg isnt shit ive had about 2k miligrams of edibles yes i was unable to drive within 30 minutes and had to have my gf drive the rest of the way home but that was a normal night rest of the night played some videogames and the next day high was gone now the first time i made edibles i cooked about a zip of some shake and i mean shake into some butter and i used bare minimum on butter and put it all into a chocolate pie. i ate it. the whole pie. and i shit you not i slept for the next three days them homemade eds you gotta watch lmfao

@marcoantonioromeirojunior7001 - 26.11.2022 22:46

Please stop drawing your
Eyes far apart and then together. Just draw them together or put a nose in between them. Ur separated eyes are very uncomfortable to watch

@bingop7104 - 27.11.2022 04:52


@yourfather8865 - 27.11.2022 18:18

Ok my story is not as insane as most i've seen but I like it :

Me, a close friend and my girlfriend went to a spot my gf knew about, next to a beautiful lake and all.. Anyway, we start smoking on a tiny ass bong we had just bought and figured out how to take massive hits by opening up the air vent, inhaling and closing it again to fill the bong again. Let's say my friend did it a little too well and ended up completely stoned. At one point he stood up, walked for a second then suddenly said "i'm not feeling great" then straight up fell on the ground like a stone (on his back, thankfully). He was tremlbing and had his eyes wide open looking at me and was kinda throwing his arms around to shake us off him. Turns out he thought he was in his bed, sleeping and us screaming and shaking him was his alarm so he was trying to turn it off.

@unlikelysuspect5491 - 28.11.2022 11:08

My friend and I kept gliching to the edge of the map when we would smoke. My friend and I like to go on drives to find a nice place to take a walk and the first time we were walking for 20 min ( real time not weed time we both had watches ) before we relised we were in some kind of giant pit that when for a couple of miles with rock cliff wals and paved concrete on the ground and at the end was a giant concrete wall. We found out the next day we were on the other side of a giant damn

@Rockstar-ub6em - 30.11.2022 01:58

I got a 700 milligram nerds rope snd ate almost the whole thing in one go, I ended up feeling like I was in bikini bottom as I watched spongebob and started to feel one with the characters

@charles-antoinebeland5760 - 04.12.2022 02:38

Ahhhh edibles... you know that moment when you take one, 45 min later nothing.. you take another one.. the first one hits and you realised "oh I'm FUCKED"

@Amy-wp3hh - 22.12.2022 03:32

the last one is messed up... that guy didnt smoke weed it was defo spice or something...

@Pyrdex - 24.12.2022 05:44

Hey dont forget about the google doc from discord lol

@dylanthebiguy - 27.12.2022 04:35

Tbh I thought ya was gonna animated people's high stories while being high yourself lol

@rekayrovera - 27.12.2022 15:27

Bro weed got me into falling in love with The Cranberries - No Need To Argue album❤

After a couple edibles I was walking in the rain playing the whole album and I shared some of the songs with this girl I ate the edibles with and she was not vibing with me at all😭

@manyttaggy7778 - 09.01.2023 07:27

My first time doing dabs was at work. My co-workee brought her dab straw and wax and offered it to me and our other co-worker before we started closing. Me and the other girl only took one hit. We were both havung trouble walking and the girl went mute after it hit. She couldnt move and was so freaked out she greened out. I was so high I was hallucinating little movies in the air while putting away the food for the day. A few weeks after that I stumbled into a psychotic episode with even worse hallucinations. Im better now, but you should never do dabs with a girl who keeps ouji boards in her car.

@tornadodee148 - 11.01.2023 07:54

funny stories man.😜 pretty sure saying the strength of a drug AFTER the person you gave it to takes it is.....illegal tho?? Like, consent-wise??🤔🤔🤔Even if it isn't its still a dick move anyway Idk let me know in the comments😅🤷‍♀

@kmk-9422 - 12.01.2023 03:47

Once i got so high off a penjamin, i grabbed a frozen block of leftover tomato pasta and started to heat it up with my fan heater in my room, slowly eating it as it unfroze. 💀

@xxharuchanxx8093 - 15.01.2023 14:24

I think i will make my high stories videos as well but animation seems so hard what do you use to animate ?

@facelessdorito - 10.02.2023 10:28

This makes me wanna share my funniest high story… so I will. Of course, this story was my first time; an unforgettable first time. I was bored so I decided to go over to my cousins place. We were staying at my grandma’s apartment for Christmas and my cousin lives right next to her in a different apartment. I go over and he’s playing call of duty in his room. My cousin has two pitbulls who are trained pretty good who were sitting on his bed behind him. I close the door so the dogs don’t get out. It should also be noted that the lights were off; this is kind of important to the story. The lights were off because it was late and he was playing games. You know. I ask how it’s going, but he didn’t know that I came in and he jumped up, “bro, what the hell! You scared the crap out of me! What are you doing in my room?” “I got bored so I wanted to watch you play games.” “Okay man, just sit on the bed.” I sit on the bed and the dogs jump up and start licking me. I sit at the end of the bed so I can watch him and he’s making call outs and stuff and then he asks me. “Hey Jack, grab me that pen over there.” I look around a bit and see a colorful pen and give it to him. He grabs it and takes a hit. “Yo jack, take a hit off this and grow some balls.” I thought this was a vape and didn’t really have a problem with taking a hit because what’s a vape gonna do? Get me high? … Now I want you to imagine this: it’s your first time smoking weed and the pen thing is at the max setting. He told me to take a big hit and then hold it for a few seconds. I listen. I breathed all the air in my lungs out and sucked that pen for like 10-15 seconds and Held it for a second or two like he said, but then it just shoots out of me. It was almost like when you go to McDonald’s and order an iced tea and your buddy orders a coke, but you drink out of the wrong drink and you’re choking on coke. I started wheezing and coughing like a chain smoker outside a 7-11. My cousin says: “that’s how you know it’s workin’.” I could not speak because I was just coughing on what I thought was vape. It felt like I had swallowed a gas grenade. After a few minutes of coughing, I calm down. At this point he finished his game and left the room. I’m just sitting in the dark room by myself and then I feel my heart rate gradually increase. I was like okay I just need to calm down, but it just got faster and faster. I was like: “am I gonna die? This is getting a little concerning.” Trying to calm down, I place my hand on my chest, then I feel like my arms are cutting through thick air, or water. Then I realize: “oh damn… I’m high!” Then moments after that I realize that I was waving my arms around like an idiot. I of course stop and then my cousin comes in again. I’m like: “he’s gonna know I’m high. What if my mom comes in because she wonders where I am? Just act natural!” I then stupidly ask: “Is my heart rate high? Feel my chest.” He touches my chest and says: “yeah, it’s a little high,” he chuckles a little bit. He knows I’m high. I know I’m high. He tricked me! He tricked me. That’s funny. My perception of time started to go wack and I started laughing at the fact that I was tricked and then I laughed at me laughing out loud. I laughed at myself for an hour apparently in an infinite laughter spiral. After a little bit, the dogs jump up on the bed with me and attempt to lick me, but they better watch out because I know kung fu! I start flailing my arms around perfectly hitting the dogs away from me before they can lick my face. I of course subconsciously made sure not to hit the dog too hard as not to anger the dog or hurt it. Then I sit in the corner of the bed and and think about how to break free of this weed feeling. For some reason I think that if I can comprehend all that’s happening and what’s going to happen, I can transcend reality itself and break out. I then notice EVERYTHING that’s going on around me and I try to find a pattern. I can’t put into words what I was thinking because it’s too complex for me to understand, but I just remember the pattern of events getting infinitely more complicated as time passed. Then after what felt like hours of just thinking, my cousin says: “what do you think jack?”… What was he talking about? Am I that baked right now? I realize that he’s probably just as high as I am and don’t answer. Then I have to let out a fat pee string. I crawl to the side of the bed and stumble to the door. I open the door and tell the dogs to stay in the room in the most high tone that was humanly possible. I walk to the bathroom and look at my self in the mirror. I see my eyes are pink and then I do another infinite pondering about reality; again, I can’t put this into words, both because I partly forget what happened because it felt like hours and because the concept was unfathomable and stupid. I walk back to the room and hop on the bed. The dogs get excited because I was probably in the bathroom for an hour and their friend was back. They both jump on me and scratch me. I get a little nervous because I of course know that pitbulls can be dangerous without knowing it and their trainer wasn’t paying attention. I do that one thing where you can see your body from a different perspective and I was like dang this is cool and then I see a white portal open in the roof and was like: “I’m like a ghos— I’m a ghost! Oh my god! Am I dead? I listen and I hear the pit bulls chewing on something crunchy and I was looking down where my body was supposed to be but I didn’t see myself because the lights were off. I then think to myself that the pitbulls must have eaten me and are chewing on my bones. After a little bit of questioning if this is what happens after death, my cousin looks back because he can hear the crunching sound and yells at me. “Bro, what the fu— what are you doing? Why’d you give them a coat hanger? Take it away from them!” Oh, I’m not dead! It was a hanger! My cousin gets mad and tells me to clean it up, but that’s not fun so I’ll skip that part. This is where the story gets super funny. After it got pretty late I went back to my grandma’s. She was still up and she was doing the dishes. I walk past her and she says: “hi sweetie! I’m just doing the dishes. Wanna help grandma dry them?” “Sure, okay.” My little voice in my head was like: “why would you do that? WHY?” Im like 90% sure I said this in my head, but I told my inner voice that normal me would help. My inner voice agreed and said that it was too late now to back out now so I was drying dishes while high just feet away from my grandma. I remember flailing around trying to use my kung fu moves to wash the dishes. My grandma then tells me to dry the ladle and put it in the container BESIDE the fridge. Everyone knows that ladles go in a tall metal container with no lid. Okay, it’s not that hard to do right? WRONG! I tuned around to look ON TOP of the fridge and grab one of those purple metal cookie containers with a lid that all grandparents have random stuff in and open the lit and proceed to look inside the container for a full minute and then ask: “is this the right container grandma?” She looked at me and chuckled. “Ah… no. Beside the fridge there.” I then finished drying the dishes while doing it the most unethical way possible. And sit in the living room. I wanted to test if my mind could watch a video on 2x speed so I put on the stupidest video I could imagine for some reason, like wall painting tutorial or Jerry-can reviews. Also, for some reason I had the volume on really really high. So I was just a kid sitting on the back of the couch like a psychopath watching the stupidest video on 2x speed when my grandma comes out from her room and says goodnight. That’s it. That’s my story. My grandma probably caught on, but I’m not too sure.

@Ledzz_ - 11.02.2023 23:44

my boy wtf wrong w yo hand

@leighh098 - 15.02.2023 04:15


@smileykeyboard2721 - 20.03.2023 05:49

The first time I took edibles they were 500milograms I took 1 and I got stuck in place walking home.

@jamesfoster6036 - 30.03.2023 02:49

So I’m a dog musher and I was on a race I was at my 6 hr mandatory lay over and this native lets call him Dempsey for the story so I was eating he said wanna smoke brutta and I was like shur and he pulled a a dab pin and these thc crystals 95% thc and im in the middle of a competitive dog race so I took 3 hits and luckily I got on the trail before it hit so I ended up 50miles off trail and just talking to my dogs

@ianharrison5758 - 01.05.2023 08:56

Me and my friend sometimes play a game and just slam as many edibles as we can and leave our fates in the hands of the weed deities. Back in highschool we couldn’t afford more than a couple that would add up to like 500mg. Still a lot but nowhere near the story I’m about to tell y’all.

Picture it, mid June 2022, and In the bustling streets of DC, 2 goons with fresh paychecks and a valid ID(mine) had plans to get devilishly high for no real reason.

We grab our edibles from the dispensary, totaling 2500MG per person of various edibles ranging from 100-300Mg each. We did it in this format bc the plan wasn’t to just eat a couple big ones, it was to slam one every street block until we ran out on our way back to the metro. The game today was to see if we could make it home before these edibles absolutely destroy us.

Spoiler: no, no we could not. We didn’t even reach the metro before it was like we were thinking in 5fps. We didn’t even get on the right line. We should have taken the silver line back to a station literally across the street from my apartment complex. I don’t even remember what line we wound up on originally because at one point we decided to get off an get munchies, in some random ass stop in who knows where.

We are faltering, stumbling around like zombies from the walking dead. I’m basically on autopilot bc 99% of willpower is being put into both keeping me awake and finding somewhere to slake the maddening munchies these edibles had wrought upon us.

Next thing I remember is that I was home. I have spotty memories that feel more like dreams of what may have happened, but I was so booted there was no way this experience could ever be recorded by mortal memory. What I do know is that I did not metro home. My friend told me he was more sober than I was so he ordered us an Uber before his memory failed.

Good times

@toonlink1141 - 10.06.2023 07:42

In 5th grade I gave my friend who never had edibles 2 really strong ones and at lunch we each had 2 and that shit hit hard I was hearing a ps4 Nintendo DS kind of song with me seeing like that blue background of little big plant and someone's asked if i was ok because apparently my eyes where closed but i could see everything so i apparently could see through my eye lids but for my friend she told me she was seeing shit and got up to use the bathroom 12 times but just walked in and stud there for 2 minutes each time and I looked over at her and she was flying I think

@matthewsamsung6252 - 14.07.2023 07:32

i one time ate a 3,000 mg edible and pissed off my best friends roof lol i hope youll animate this shit lmao love your vids bro

@WasThatAFly - 20.07.2023 01:01

Not the first time in general but finally did it with a friend. I ate a couple like 200 mg gummies... Regrets. So my friend found out I smoked and I had stuff in me when he drove me home so in the end we smoked a lil and then began to joke around. Turned into a relationship advice time

@WasThatAFly - 20.07.2023 01:05

First time eatting eddibales I was alone... (Mistake 1) thought well they shouldn't be that bad (there where 20 250mg eddibales in the bottle) I ate 2....I thought well maybe it'll be fine... Nope. I was hungry and then I began to see shit...I was so zonked I ended up watching a screensaver my tv was putting off...in the end I ended up passing out and since I liked it I had taken like 5 more that weekend...(I literally am killing myself)

@NickBaker-zc9mo - 07.08.2023 06:04

I got a storyline my friend and I was going to the woods and he brought weed I didn't know that he had weed in he's pocket so we waer walking through the woods and he brought out the weed so I this point I didn't know bout weed at the time so he said to us so you want too smoke with me I said no it's fine but when my friends was smoking it I was like fucked it I can smoke with you so I didn't it and it's was pretty much fine at the beginning but when it's kick in I was like hole I was getting hungry af so we eat something at this one place I had pancakes but any way when I was done eating I was seeing stuff I was seeing like master and other stuff bc
It's was so dark so do you know what I did I ran outside screaming and my friends took me home and that was it I went to sleep and that was pretty much it

@LuminousBaguette8 - 21.08.2023 08:18

Bro when I got high with my friends one time I was adjusting my friends hands and head like an action figure. We were freaking out because of how cool it felt 😭

@MrBones-be7ry - 11.09.2023 23:53

one time i was on a end of the year school camping and uh well lets just say the first day went really good, we got there, did some activities then when the kids in the smaller grades went asleep it has begun
so there was this wooden big shack or house had some pool tables in it and a toilet and a big sofa and we smoked like 3 giant joints like 1 had 8 grams in it and we also drank some vodka, gin and tatry tea 72% and lets just say i dont remember it that well, what i remember is that i talked like half an hour to some random girl about politics who i thought was my long haired friend and that i somehow thought i saw an ufo turns out it was a bird, so then when we got to sleep i somehow walked in my small tent and im on the ground using my backpack as a blanket even tho i had a blanket and suddenly one of my friends just fall on my tent and my already bad shape tent just crumbled and i felt that someone was on me i was like okay he got up anyway and i was too tired to put up my tent so ima just, sleep like that THEN OUT OF NOWHERE my principal teleports to my tent infront of it and says:
Ákos, are you planning to sleep in that?
i instantly got so sober i never was not even when i actually am sober and i said yes of course mr principal since i dont wanna deal with that now however that will be the first thing i get to in the morning (thats what it sounded like in my head) and then he says
okay get out lets put up your tent, well i said yes sir got out and well i missed a few holes and made a few holes on my tent but i somehow did it, the principal vanished into the shadows i got back to bad and in the morning my friends said that i blew joint smoke into the english teacher's face
the one that will take away your beer if he sees it in your hand, however with weed he couldnt do much
and... well
i was scared for my life
though in the end nothing happend about it

@void-xe8ii - 01.10.2023 18:03

im high af right now

@YodalayHeeWho - 21.10.2023 13:53

You got my subscription 👍👍

@user-so6pw4iw5z - 15.05.2024 08:43

I remember like literally last night I took 2 40mg edibles and one of my bigger ones and I was like this sht is not kicking in and then 30 mins later it kicked in I was on ft with my bf and bsf and I said y’all can see me right and 5 mins later I relized my phone was facing the other way and I relized I was way to high and couldn’t explain anything properly so I was like ima go to sleep and sleep it off I woke up at like 4 in the morning everything felt so unreal and I was still high I went to the bathroom trying to wash my face I went back to my bed to sleep and felt like I was falling into my bed and then I started freaking out bc I couldn’t even move my whole entire body felt how when ur feet go numb my entire body felt like that I swear I was praying to god thinking I was going to die
