What is Dark Matter and Dark Energy?

What is Dark Matter and Dark Energy?

Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

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Saifeldeen Emad
Saifeldeen Emad - 14.10.2023 18:48

Thank you.

This video really helped me understand what dark energy and dark matter are and also help me figure out what both of them are, thank you for providing my theory

ام سيف وقفت اليوتيوب Sleyman
ام سيف وقفت اليوتيوب Sleyman - 13.10.2023 01:19

This is a theory I made it might be confusing but I believe something called dark energy is an invisible object which doesn’t have light and isn’t dark but the universe is expanding for some reason and I think dark energy is expanding the universe and making stars move away from eachother and it is white holes ok it might sound stupid but I’m a beginner and white holes are the opposite of black holes they emit out energy and force and the particle has as much energy as a black hole but is the opposite

Kelly - 12.10.2023 23:37

Hard to place thoughts with the rest of the video talking about us free falling in an unknown could explain more of gravity and the space curve created by matter. My thoughts are that time is a by product of matters in motion. Then we get into dimensions which interact with each other. Like 3 dimensions and then you have inner space which could be dense so size isn't the only thing that matters. Then you have outer space dimensions and quantum entanglement. The earth and the moon have the same materials and could be part of a bigger orbiter and then we could have quantum entanglement with this large orbit from a great distance. So perhaps we have something like an entanglement going on that is dimensional which can blind sight us on observation.

Kelly - 12.10.2023 22:37

My thoughts from the start with a radiation background what and how does anti matter exist? We know energy creates both matter and anti matter right? From my understanding a reaction occurs that blinks out both if they come into contact so how is it possible to even see anti matter? Energy is that dual reality that crates both so maybe what we see is the outcome from matter and anti matter coming into contact and we have dark matter created. For every force there is an opposing force so with energy like our radiation background we have the opposing force which is dark energy. My thoughts on how black holes are created is with stars or space weather and its hot and cold pressures from the sun and cold space creating vortexes which is similar to how twisters or tornadoes are created. I feel vortexes can be used like worm holes.

Nicolas Planard-Luong
Nicolas Planard-Luong - 11.10.2023 23:49

What if we are in a Blackhole and darkmatter is actually the pressure from spacetime itself. Blackholes are supermasses free falling in the sheet of spacetime and bends it. Just like filling a balloon in water (the balloon applies pressure on the water but the expansion accelerate), the sheet of spacetime might be applying pressure on our universe as it fills a hole in it.

Naveed Aijaz
Naveed Aijaz - 08.10.2023 18:25

Am i really dumb that I don't get it? I got more confused. lol

Gilgabro 🟨🟦
Gilgabro 🟨🟦 - 07.10.2023 21:50

Maby someone just said I need more space and the universe compiled.

Miller - 04.10.2023 15:54

I think dark doesn't matter

Noah Kirkpatrick
Noah Kirkpatrick - 04.10.2023 06:40

Dark matter is actual material that's thousands of light years away, and it's the directional velocity of the big Bang that creates dark energy. Everything Can be everywhere all at once. But has to start from a singular point.
Or just a point in part of the universe.That in turn Produces gravitational waves which affect light. Just like black holes. But I have no idea what i'm talking about

Needlemouse - 03.10.2023 09:25

I liked that one Doctor Who reference

Mime Mouse
Mime Mouse - 02.10.2023 00:11

Something, something Dark Matter.

Small Talks
Small Talks - 28.09.2023 10:51

Nice video 👍..In our channel also we post videos related to historical wonders, scientific mysteries and advance technologies. Do visit!

Sam Borroci
Sam Borroci - 27.09.2023 03:51

Let me tell you what dark matter and dark energy really is and they already know this.
The explosion from the big bang was so violent that the mass it spit up was spinning unbelievably hard and that warped space around it is permanent
It rolls over dimensionally so it's difficult to observe the existence of permanent dented space time but that's all it is

DUFO476 - 25.09.2023 01:00

Another amazing video, thanks!

Fábio Silva
Fábio Silva - 20.09.2023 05:50

Ocean Singh
Ocean Singh - 18.09.2023 21:51

Can we get an updated version of this topic???? Dark Matter and Dark Energy*


Jar Jo Binx
Jar Jo Binx - 18.09.2023 19:55

Very interesting! The empty space idea was the best explanation I’ve heard dealing with dark matter

Bang Rojai
Bang Rojai - 17.09.2023 04:59

I lost interest in astronomy after hearing explanation about dark energy. It is over dude. We will stay in milky way for eternity or at least until humanity find something really breakthrough.

Jack - 14.09.2023 23:02


Shamrock - 14.09.2023 17:09

If it was the virtual particles idea and they spontaneously appeared and disappeared wouldnt it have zero effect? Or just enough effect with enough of them thay pushes them apart? With enough constant virtual particles couldnt they themselves create a form of matter that has an artificial gravitational affect that then produces a matter for the extra mass? Also why is this onlu happening in the outer regions of space and not inside our bodies?

Danny Bartlett
Danny Bartlett - 08.09.2023 23:33

so could there be a planet made from dark matter and dark energy

vikash kumar
vikash kumar - 04.09.2023 18:23

just think if we can control dark energy

Big Hoss
Big Hoss - 04.09.2023 03:00

I remember finding this video as a kid when I was 7. What a joy it's been to be able to enjoy this channel for 8 years

Kevin Jin
Kevin Jin - 03.09.2023 13:17

I don’t understand why we don’t ‘frame’ dark energy as creation of energy if it makes all systems in the universe net gain velocity relative to each other. Sure, we can simply say that it’s space itself that’s expanding at an accelerating rate, preserving the total amount of energy for the systems residing in space, but that sounds more like semantically dodging the issue than an honest confrontation of what’s happening. Which is that the total magnitude of possible “change” was once thought to be constant but actually it increases over time.

As a science consumer (not an expert), it certainly ‘feels’ as if we unjustifiably altered our standard as to what counts as energy. And it was done so not in the pursuit of a more accurate description of reality, but more so out of some sentimental attachment to the law of conservation of energy.

Now, both defining energy such that dark energy is not creation of energy and defining energy such that dark energy is creation of energy could still lead to conveying the same exact information as before (just ‘framed’ differently). Yet, I can’t help but think a creation of energy framing can convey the same information but with more concision, so is superior.

Raj Banwait
Raj Banwait - 02.09.2023 17:55

Fck Wrtrs...Data Story, Not Your Soon to be Deleted Opinion....

Jesvin Mathew
Jesvin Mathew - 30.08.2023 11:13

And some say God do not exist 🤡

no - 29.08.2023 09:59

Nobody knows.

NerdCat - 27.08.2023 18:54

This video taught me something even though it’s 8 years old great job Kurzgesagt

Joshua Miller
Joshua Miller - 27.08.2023 11:12

I wonder if it's really just the natural shape/curvature of the universe, the same way a gravel road isnt flat

Colin Christie
Colin Christie - 27.08.2023 04:47

And we spend our time yelling at each other over politics and who gets to control resources. Hold your friends tightly guys. That’s where it matters. 🤷‍♂️

AgedGraves - 26.08.2023 01:16

I believe the theory of Cosmological energy is correct, made by Einstein. Newton's Third Law Of Motion clearly explains that every object of matter has an equal and opposite reactions. Magnets are a great example, as in one side will never connect with the other. Taking into account the Third Law Of Motion, when you press together two magnets on an apposing side of force, your trying to push to opposite forces agents one another which doesn't work and makes it so magnets can never connect with one another. This is what the Cosmological energy source is.

However the more you push on opposite sides of the magnet, the more rampant the molecules become and harder it is to push. until eventually the molecules all just burst, and creating a force going outwards from the Cosmological energy. that exploding force is the creation of Dark Energy, from the result of trying to connect two opposite forces with one another. This is my theory on Dark Energy and how it works.

FreakMonkeyNG - 23.08.2023 15:39

This shit is written by chat GPT. The most basic boring explanation of physics u can get.

Jonathan D
Jonathan D - 23.08.2023 06:22

dark matter and dark energy is just scientists doing sensationalism

Elijah Black
Elijah Black - 22.08.2023 13:46

It mind boggles me that in people's search for the source of "dark matter and dark energy" is to look at the tiniest possible things in existence.

Seven Day
Seven Day - 20.08.2023 21:56

Short answer: We don't know. Long answer: We really don't know.

MarloTheBlueberry - 20.08.2023 04:13

Scientist: so theres this stuff called dark matter and dark energy
Me: oh cool what are they?
Scientist: no idea lol

Josh Foley
Josh Foley - 19.08.2023 16:08

I don't believe in dark matter. I think time space is like a gas and can be compressed. I think that compressed space is getting mistaken for dark matter and energy.

O.T.B Harmony Limited
O.T.B Harmony Limited - 19.08.2023 13:43

First of all, there is no big bang theory, and 2nd is nothing called dark matter ,it's just void empty

Shyphoenix01 - 18.08.2023 22:52


Saumyadipta Bhaumik
Saumyadipta Bhaumik - 18.08.2023 18:26

How to download the caption of the video

MrZomboman101 - 17.08.2023 00:36

i wanna play outerwilds again

Himbo Ghost
Himbo Ghost - 16.08.2023 13:51

At the start does he say tocks and dust? Or rocks and us?
Would love to see a geology book called Rocks and D(us)t

Abe Fikre
Abe Fikre - 14.08.2023 14:02

Have you considered that dark matter is matter in a form of existence that is in a higher dimension than ours and dark energy is a form of energy in a higher dimension than ours but what is intriguing is there will be a dark matter to dark matter when we go to the second higher dimension than ours it continues in chains from what I saw in your video I only have one concern because when matter is changed to dark matter it becomes invisible you won't know it ever excited there so what you are looking at could be light that passed through solar systems or around black holes giving you an impression that there is something there.

ST Jou
ST Jou - 12.08.2023 19:03

The more we know, the more we realize we don't know.

♅Øphite Demiurge𖤐
♅Øphite Demiurge𖤐 - 11.08.2023 22:31

What if dark energy is aliens that have ascended into beings of pure energy and they’re intentionally trying to accelerate the heat death of the universe because they came to some grand conclusion about existence that is impossible for humans to comprehend.

Thomas No Last Name
Thomas No Last Name - 09.08.2023 11:54

95% of the universe is actually in IKEA

G☥d is (') Woman
G☥d is (') Woman - 09.08.2023 07:11

Albino u miss me


What is Dark Matter and Dark Energy? Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
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