Why Do People Hate Homesteading?

Why Do People Hate Homesteading?

The Comments Section with Brett Cooper

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@user-no8wc9zl3v - 16.05.2024 06:11

Remember grow beans thay collect nitrogen at there roots helps when you grow other crops

@user-no8wc9zl3v - 16.05.2024 06:03

Problem to much government

@breakheartorchard4761 - 16.05.2024 01:21

It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. You can still have a regular job and have a homestead. You can make your own bread and get coffee with friends sometimes. Find your sense of balance

@OutWestHomestead - 15.05.2024 20:17

Growing a food forests in the desert plus having chickens.

@MyLifeRefining - 15.05.2024 19:18

Yes to all this. All. Of. It. Baby GenX/Elder Millennial/Xennial here born in 1981. Putting a double wide on a basement on our 2 acres across the road from my sisters and parents as we care for our two disabled daughters. Going to grow all the things and have a very small lawn for playing in. The rest will be beautiful food trees, gardens and flowers, and some animals for eggs and meat and compost.

@BackToTheGoodLife - 15.05.2024 18:15

We're from the UK and doin our own small and cheap version of "homesteading". Loving it! You don't need a lot, but the chance to be self reliant in just a little way is really rewarding. Enjoying sharing our journey :)

@michaelcochran8557 - 15.05.2024 17:57

Ther 2 fat and lazy cus the government from China makes them like that from copyright or shit

@gloriathefarmgirl3531 - 15.05.2024 16:32

I always wanted to be a farmer long before Covid. During Covid I got my first goats when I just turned 14. I’ve had them for 4 years now. Along with ducks and chickens. I milk goats and make cheeses. I also sell duck eggs. I applied for a butcher job at a near by farm, because I want to learn about it. I want to have a much bigger farm on my own property some day.

@bonzocleach2496 - 15.05.2024 07:49

The cost of Aderall consumed by Brett Cooper would bankrupt most homesteaders

@MisadventuresOfHomesteading - 15.05.2024 04:20

When you see headlines every other day about lead in chocolate or Lunchables or poison in wheat amd oats .. it really makes you wonder why they market this poison to us? Are we rats they are trying to exterminate? Be a smart rat and eat from the land and not a trapm

@theresaherfindahl5781 - 14.05.2024 22:23

Wow I get out of breath just listening to you! But Im old (72) so im out of breath anyway. I just listenined to your interview with JP. Love him, gonna love you too!

@uncagedbeauty3289 - 14.05.2024 19:45

I started with a front yard good forest and now looking for a homestead in my next home

@smyliejo - 14.05.2024 18:53

Funny thing is all people need is a single acre to become enough self sufficient, proper utilization of your space is key.

@civlwrbuf - 14.05.2024 10:15

I didn't know how big the community was or how much work went into a Homesteading until I watched Homestead Rescue on Discovery Plus. The Raneys are the GOATs.

@laurendamasoruiz - 14.05.2024 08:07

“Get activated people”

@laurendamasoruiz - 14.05.2024 08:06

That long comment 😂 I live in an urban apartment in the UK. Can I grow my own vegetables and raise chickens? No (well actually, YES, if I got an allotment, that’s just not my jam). Do I make my own sourdough bread? YES. Do I brew my own kombucha and kefir? YES. Do I make my own bone broth? YES

and I work full time so not sure what that comment was on about.

If you truly think something is important, you WILL make the time for it. And don't let your urban environment stop you from taking your health into your own hands. You can do more than the naysayers will lead you to believe

@laurendamasoruiz - 14.05.2024 07:53


@omega1543 - 14.05.2024 07:03

Becasue people are lazy

@BroScro - 13.05.2024 23:54

yeah more blaming everyone else for the fact that you can't grow your own tomatoes. dailywire is as annoying as the liberal media once you break away from society for a while. nobody is revolting, people are just trying to learn how to grow their own food now because the governments' responses to the pandemic exposed us all to how evil a government system is fundamentally.

this girl talking super fast also doesn't know how to grow a tomato. and shapiro has good opinions but he's annoying too and doesn't know how to grow a tomato. we should be ranking eachother on how prolific we are with a tomato vine, and the best of us should be kings bottom line

@tessakai - 13.05.2024 13:41

I'm an ex "bleeding heart liberal" who now identifies as a "spiritual and societal anarchist Gen X suburban gardener, living under tyrannical HOA covenants banning farm animals on my 3/10 of an acre". Does this count?? Great video Brett, I think the YooToob is shadow banning you I haven't seen you in my feed in months.

@realitypodcasthorror - 13.05.2024 08:48

I watch wildhomested and other few creators and I dream to be able to do hard work to build something I could say is mine.

@FarmerBrad - 13.05.2024 05:15

If you are raising chickens, need to give our automatic chicken waterer a try: Farmer Brad Automatic Chicken Waterer!

@berentsenhomestead - 12.05.2024 09:02

Homesteading is dangerous for the ruling class. It’s the ONE thing that unites the tribes.

@susannahlewis8464 - 12.05.2024 04:14

I have a sort of homestead. We have 3.75 acres in the country. I just put in my 20th fruit tree. I have 5 raised beds, a whole bunch of berry bushes, and my own herbs. I'm not really interested in having any animals, but you know, never say never. Yeah, it's a lot of work, but it's so fun and the food tastes incredible.

@Deucely - 12.05.2024 03:28

A free market is never fair, remember that, never, the whole point of the word free is I am free to jack up the prices and establish a monopoly, that's what it means.

@katharineelizabeth7689 - 11.05.2024 02:45

If you like the homestead trend. Look up the urban farming

@annebird9195 - 11.05.2024 02:14

Ive wanted to get land sense i was like 8. Now as an adult i looked at it and GEEZ yeah we need to do something different!

@rotteneffekt4416 - 10.05.2024 23:01

Now that the video is done. How can I make more likes?

@rotteneffekt4416 - 10.05.2024 22:55

Both sides are a part if the system. They're supposed to serve us.

@user-hi2jt3tg3k - 10.05.2024 17:58

Imagine coming home from work to Beth cooper tending the garden.A man can dream.

@SkipsenPB - 10.05.2024 13:07

I would love this lifestyle, and here in Denmark homesteading has been a stable for hundreds of years. But since the democratic socialists really came to power in Denmark in the 1950's, they didn't want people to be so independent. So they made a law requiring all farms and homesteads to pay tax (and quite a bit of it) on everything they produce, making homesteading life just impossible and leading to all the smaller farms and homesteads starving and eventually having to give up the lifestyle. The only farms that can survive are the big industrial ones. So yeah, would be amazing, but it's just not a possible reality in Denmark anymore. Really sad, I would love it.

@schwedr - 10.05.2024 12:23

Everybody would be better off if they were homesteading however the government is now attacking regulating and outlawing just growing a garden and any self support way of life. And they’re just getting started

@gavendb - 10.05.2024 05:52

born and raised in texas by a family of farmers and ranchers. I moved to miami florida for a few years for work and had a potted garden on a 4th story apartment. it can be done. this millennial has a green thumb.

@jms9057 - 09.05.2024 18:00

All that time spent looking at phones and being on social media gets you nothing. Spend that time caring for chickens (they don't require much) and a garden, and you get food. The idea that it's 'privileged' people who find ways to make this work is just the grasshopper being jealous of the ant.

@brandenschoeberl7615 - 08.05.2024 19:53

Only negative I'm going to say is the cost of "homesteading" is expensive as well. Yes it be beneficial but not sustainable to rely on only what you can grow. The infrastructure to get you going is not cheap in anyway. You can't homestead with out a full time job.

@nanablue3748 - 08.05.2024 16:25

Or American commune

@nanablue3748 - 08.05.2024 16:21

Check out the movie “kiss the ground”

@nanablue3748 - 08.05.2024 15:35

This is going to be near impossible soon for people as the government has been cracking down on their “ farmland”usage , ex) mom n pop garden nurseries..

@kaptynssirensong2357 - 08.05.2024 15:26

I’m 40 and have been practicing the craft of homesteading for years until I got a house. It’s not a real homestead but it’s a heck of a garden this year! Chickens next! Its peaceful, addicting, healthy, beautiful, real, void of politics….

Its not the aesthetic sourdough and cool jars in handmade baskets some Tik Tokers might make it look like but it is worth it and can have moments that you’ll never share in a call center, a drive thru, a movie theater. You get to know the local birds and some of them will make friends with you if you feed them! I can’t get enough of it. We call it backyard homesteads and friend, yes you can start on the porch.

PS. Garden bags are fantastic. Start with those! I still I use em.

@dieselbourbon3728 - 08.05.2024 15:25

Some of us realized the dollar is on borrowed time years ago and decided to prepare accordingly. We were called crazy but here we are.

@janovmi2 - 08.05.2024 14:40

Homesteading is mainly a way to save money AND get a hobby since many are now hobby-less without any goals or meaning to life

@southernyankeehomestead3230 - 08.05.2024 02:18

"Do something you love and you'll never work a day in your life" ~unknown. 4 years homesteading, happier and healthier than ever!

@cobococreek1224 - 08.05.2024 01:42

Please first, pursue local native and vegetable plant knowledge/gardening for a few seasons before jumping into keeping animals if you are thinking about creating a homestead! A lot easier to accept failure with plants than sick or dead animals. And fail you will! It's how you learn and pick yourself back up to build the resilience it takes to forge on making a positive difference for ecosystems and future generations of life.

@enigmasky1680 - 07.05.2024 21:24

Becaue the government wants us to be beholden to them and so they spew all this crap that it’s bad for the planet they don’t actually care about.

@bagelmonstah - 07.05.2024 19:27

it's a shame because homesteading at its core is non-political. There's definitely a tendency for conservative Christians to choose that lifestyle, but I follow homesteaders from both sides of the political aisle, because it ultimately doesn't matter. Like you said, self-reliance and treating the world with respect is something both sides can agree on, and society would benefit if both sides ignored the other stuff to pursue a smaller, more natural lifestyle.

But now that the internet is latching onto bashing the "tradwife" lifestyle, they're also bashing homesteading as well, even tho homesteading is for everyone. Also weird that they bring in race when I've seen a lot of black women in the homesteading scene as well, as I'm sure other races are into it too, since it's something for everyone. I'm convinced it's a psyop to keep us enslaved to urbanism and convenience, but maybe gen z liberals are really just that miserable lol.

@sylphienne - 07.05.2024 12:28

Solarpunk term should be pushed more. I absolutely love Solarpunk.

@sylphienne - 07.05.2024 12:22

One of my dreams is to own a family estate where i have so much land that can have multiple properties on it and family nearby so i can just walk to their house. I’d love to own mini-moos and chicky-doos make my own dairy, harvest eggs and produce as much organic produce as i can. Especially in this age of inflation.

@domingo2977 - 07.05.2024 03:40

I have no balcony

@eastonwilliams1722 - 06.05.2024 20:33

Capitalism is just as evil as communism
