WEST'S COLOSSAL MISTAKE: US Decline, Rise of BRICS, Tariffs Damage US Economy |Prof. Richard Wolff

WEST'S COLOSSAL MISTAKE: US Decline, Rise of BRICS, Tariffs Damage US Economy |Prof. Richard Wolff

Lena Petrova

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@youtubetebie7799 - 20.05.2024 18:02

Wow, very good, Lena please make part 2 of this series 🎉🎉🎉

@CSGATI - 20.05.2024 18:01

Sanctions are backfiring lawmakers are too dumb to see it coming.

@poodleinadoodle3270 - 20.05.2024 17:59

Every great power is a bully until it is no longer that.

@anniemihn - 20.05.2024 17:43

Wise man and his wise words. We're counting on GenZ for a REAL change in this god forsaken world. ❤❤❤

@achekholbeckal889 - 20.05.2024 17:27

US society were declining too

@sc150000 - 20.05.2024 17:20

Outstanding interview. Thank you both.

@PSUJerseyGirl - 20.05.2024 17:18


@josephlau9585 - 20.05.2024 17:10

TQVM to Lena and professor Wolfe for the very interesting and informative discussion.
I wish to commend you Lena on being the excellent host and for you personal elegance.

@user-cu9wm5jz5c - 20.05.2024 16:44

Lena you are the best intrevewar I have watched
Your commeness, shiy smile hlep me enjoy the lecture. So thank you very very much.

@luism007 - 20.05.2024 16:39


@krishna-e-bera - 20.05.2024 16:33

In a subsequent video, perhaps you can ask Dr.Wolff for some suggestions to solve the problems.
If you were to invite Yanis Varoufakis on, i think he might have a similar analysis.

@gigi-9999 - 20.05.2024 16:33

Excellent talk. Many thanks.

@levesqueemily9724 - 20.05.2024 16:33

The west needs to stop provoking Russia, and stop feeding wars and pushing for a Nuclear war, and should focus on their own countries, and realize they are destroying the people of tgeir own countries.

@quietstorm483 - 20.05.2024 16:31

What are some solutions?

@barrymcconathy3028 - 20.05.2024 16:28

Really great video, very enlightening, hard to imagine how clueless our politicians really are

@user-km5zv3xx3p - 20.05.2024 16:22

Excellent interview

@chestergerber7125 - 20.05.2024 16:06

Very great explanation.

@jeffarielly2353 - 20.05.2024 16:04

Amazing interview...Great Job Lena!!

@giliamverster2004 - 20.05.2024 15:59

Biggest Truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@Scottiepups - 20.05.2024 15:57

Excellent listen. Gifted interviewer.

@gloucesterjet1 - 20.05.2024 15:54

An honest professor with great insights!

@theswordofkings7549 - 20.05.2024 15:51

Professor Wolff is a great guest to have on your channel 👍

@suekunkel8620 - 20.05.2024 15:21

All need to know about BRICS..

@tfite8461 - 20.05.2024 15:21

Very enlightening. Great guest.

@ankHank-fs1zr - 20.05.2024 08:12

Prof Wolff is correct.
Tariffs are short term solutions. Tariffs are in violation of " the law of comparative advantage " . Other countries are taking the advantage from China which in turn benefit their product sales. America misses this which ends up favouring the auto sector but hurting the rest due to inflation.
Also the industrials become complacent because they are protected by the government. They are not punished due to inferior products.

@krikorbabikian4769 - 20.05.2024 08:12

Hi Lena. I live in NJ, and if I want to go to Manhattan it costs almost 20 dollars, and if I want to go to jfk airport you can double the amount. I don't understand how come the government sends billions of dollars to other countries and I have to pay all that tolls.And now they have congestion toll in nyc. God save us

@Alberich5335 - 20.05.2024 08:11

A good example to squeeze out the masses and transfer to Wall Street is or was Obamacare, a privat organisized Health Security System according to governemental parameters. Unfortunately and for me as an European unbelievable is, that the parameters only regulatet the premiums to be paid without providing a system of infrastrcture of service delivery for the insured performance. Not one affordably hostpital, not one affordable doctor's surgery dentist and so one was provided in the PPACA. So the 17 millions Obamacare insured overrun Medicaid and Medicare, the public health systems, as I now federal organized. National health went down, in the "fly over states" more than in both rich(er) coast strips, where the benefits of globalisation used to come in. Biden stopped the globalization with protectionism, so that the masses in the rich US-Staates will also deplete.

So Obamacare was a huge shift of wealth from the middle lower class to the lowest lower class and up to the upper middle class and higher. The deal ist done - tody no democrat remembers Obamacare. At least in this point Trump had better ideas - no chance to get trouh the neocons of the Democrats AND the Republicans in Congress. 2016 Trump promised to reinstall the Glass Steagall Act. A good idea, a beginning I thougt, but impossible to break through with the Donors. Meanwhile Trump gave up this plan even in rhetoric.
As an European I think, it would make much difference, ist Biden or Trump will become president 2025. With Trump the USA were more respected in the world than with Biden, with Biden is more war than with Trump - but the insanity, that Prof. Wolff explains in the show, rests the same. Who want change, will not be elected and who is elected, cannot change anything. "Every man elected is our man." That is the law of US-Oligarchy today. The USA are de facto gouverned by his not elected superiches. That is more feudalism than democracy. In Europa that is not much better, even worse, because the European states are more vassals the allies to the USA.

@123456snowey - 20.05.2024 07:55

protecting the manufacturing industries is very important, Don't be like us here in australia. We have trouble manufacturing toilet paper. In a world conflict He who manufactures WINS, All major wars have shown that.

@shahidulislam4636 - 20.05.2024 07:50

We refer the west to mean basically the United States of America and its Western allies including Australia. After WWII, all these countries just followed the United States on every minor or major international issue forgetting its right or wrong sides; it helped the USA to become the world champion in terms of power, authority, and jurisdiction over the international affairs, thus building American Empire! The American empire is now facing rebellion from all around the world in different forms and kinds, and the overextended empire cannot overcome the challenges from the World! The situation further deteriorates because of the colossal mistakes, mismanagement, and incompetence of the leaderships and its Congress!

@t-lm - 20.05.2024 07:48

In contrast to Hungary - a small nation with high intelligence - that has already witnessed the mismanagement of the US-led Western world. They do not let lose everything due to their mistakes. Instead, Hungary is fully open up to China, which is progressing and advancing rapidly. China has no intention of changing our political system. Hungary has recently welcomed three Chinese electric car factories, bringing job opportunities and technological advancements. Interestingly, the Hungarian words for "China" (Kína) and "offer/sell" (kínál) are almost identical, reflecting the country's close ties to trade.

@PotapychM - 20.05.2024 07:47

It would seem that the professor should know who the state owes, but no. It is common knowledge that the government owes the Fed. Debt to China and Japan is nothing compared to this.

@UnordinaryIzz - 20.05.2024 07:44

Very Simplistic way of Explanation.

@michaelloong964 - 20.05.2024 07:43

Adam Smith said the wealth of a nation is when there is work done in a real economy by the people. When the US 'wealth' is built on virtual economy using borrowed money from foreign countries to support a war in Ukraine is NOT THE REAL WEALTH.

@rajuyogihalli3889 - 20.05.2024 07:41

Why are the croney capitalists afraid of a country like Iran which according to G7 nations is a backward country.

@Nobilangelo - 20.05.2024 07:39

1 Timothy 6:10 KJV 'For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.'

@CanadaCantRecover - 20.05.2024 07:37

Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter

@johndohner1206 - 20.05.2024 07:36

The plan is to destroy the financial system and bring it all under the control of the banksters

@michaelloong964 - 20.05.2024 07:34

The US politicians say to the American people << we lie, we cheat, we steal>>.

@user-qv4ej7ru5g - 20.05.2024 07:32

Corruption killed not only capitalism but America as well

@mirkosavik6920 - 20.05.2024 07:29

All is happening by design...

@jaimepicaseno5332 - 20.05.2024 07:25

Lena… most of the ideas expressed by Prof Wolff already exist in countries like Germany… we do not have to question the enterprise, just adapt them to successful models that work…

@mailtojarriya - 20.05.2024 07:24

You are telling the truth. Your channel might be gone soon.

@sjaw100 - 20.05.2024 07:23

Chinese car buyers have to wait for months for their new cars. There is no overcapacity in China EV industry as Prof Woolf said! Great video!

@isaac634 - 20.05.2024 07:23

Profesor W is the man!!!

@AnnieT369 - 20.05.2024 07:20

The big American companies (Walmart, Tesla, Amazon etc) made obscene profits from China but they didn't share their wealth with ordinary American people.

@sdrc92126 - 20.05.2024 07:19

The western monetary system was instituted by an unnamed person who belonged to an unnamed organization whose stated purpose was to destabliz world through sufersion. As well as president of other organizations. What would you expect to happen? 🤣 He was also quite wealthy despite being much opposed to wealth 🤔 funny how these two thins often go together

@NavM23 - 20.05.2024 07:19

Brilliant conversation

@portagepete1 - 20.05.2024 07:17

America doesn't educated it's people it wants to keep the slavery going by selling the most gas to its people it can,.... you could ask 1.000 people on the street How many miles can you drive on a dollar of electricity and you won't find anyone that has even thought about it.

@baer4547 - 20.05.2024 07:16


@dugalug1795 - 20.05.2024 07:16

Excellent, thought-provoking program. Thank you Lena for inviting Prof Wolff on. He has the ability to explain difficult problems & economic issues in easy-to-understand everyday language.
