5 Things I Wish I Had Known Before Starting Calisthenics

5 Things I Wish I Had Known Before Starting Calisthenics

Lucy Lismore

1 год назад

106,929 Просмотров

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00:00 How I started calisthenics as a complete beginner!
03:25 Does calisthenics training ever get easier?
06:00 Why you need calisthenics friends in your life
08:54 How long does it really take to learn calisthenics?
10:37 Why you need to grease the groove!
13:30 Do you need to lose weight to start calisthenics?

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How I Went From Overweight to Personal Trainer: https://youtu.be/O0CmGx9FSK4
Beginner Calisthenics Tips: https://youtu.be/JeuatD35wEQ

#calisthenics #beginnercalisthenics #calisthenicstips


#5_tips_for_calisthenics #how_to_start_calisthenics_as_a_girl #how_to_do_calisthenics_for_beginners #beginners_workout_tutorial #how_to_start_exercising #strength_training_for_women #can_i_do_calisthenics_if_i_am_overweight #grease_the_groove_training #calisthenics_motivation #calisthenics_transformation
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@vennelavellanki3386 - 31.01.2023 22:40

Not sure if it was our consultation that sparked this, but regardless, this was a great reminder of everything we discussed and I love having this video to continuously refer back to!! Excited to officially begin my calisthenics journey and hope to keep you updated with my progress :)

@jacquelinen5059 - 09.02.2024 08:50

I did pole dancing as my main strength training g work out and I loved it so much, but I couldn’t keep up with the cost of going to the studio and had to leave. I got into a slump and stopped working out because I hate the gym. I don’t know how I first learned about calisthenics but it drew my attention because of all the strength skills that I see people do which reminded me of why I loved pole so much. I started my calisthenics journey this week and I’m looking forward to see where I’m at in a year’s time.

@mphoonamoema1135 - 22.01.2024 12:29

Thank you! I love your positive, free spirited energy, I've learnt so much from your videos.

@NerdAdventurer85 - 14.01.2024 20:10

I understand what you said about it feeling amazing building up competence in a skill. I used to do Knee Pushups quite a lot, and thought,"Wonder if i'm strong enough to do a full one?" I did 2, then weeks later 5, then 7, then 10 and now i can do 15 in a row with good form. I did 16 the other day, but i was squeezing every ounce of effort out of myself to do that last one! 😂 I love the fact that i can drop down onto my knees when i'm 'burnt out' with full pushups, and carry on with the 'grind'. Such a Wonderful Empowering feeling isn't it? 👍🤝

@Texashogmeister - 07.01.2024 00:27

I am just staring at 54.. LOL.. any good tips or videos for beginners? I mean I am watching your stuff, and I already sorta fit, but not perfectly..

@b_un_boxed - 04.01.2024 22:14

Reallyinteresting points! Lovely to hear your passion and your smile shows your love for calisthenics, hope thie fun carries on! 💜💫

@TroupeGoal - 28.11.2023 17:15

I'm enjoying your channel, you have such a friendly and relatable style. I do a fair bit of exercise already but one thing I notice with many of the calisthenics exercises is the strain they seem to put on the wrists. Perhaps not pull-ups, which I need to try, but a number of the others. I'd be interested in calisthenics exercises that are easier on the wrists personally, as stuff that involves bending my wrist and putting a lot of weight on my hands, eg the classic push-up, tends to aggravate an old injury.

@rosionmaharjan4690 - 24.11.2023 19:13

What is different between Calisthenics and Cardio?

@madda5133 - 19.11.2023 13:25

Yes! I have "a lot to such weight" and I began calisthenics 2 weeks ago! I already see progression! And it is very challenging. I know that it will be a great great achievement to do a pull up or a push up with my weight. But it feel so good to understand I can move. I can progress. I can do sport. I do already 3x40 push ups on my kitchen counter! 2 weeks ago I didt can do it! I am in love with calisthenics!

@prashasti598 - 12.11.2023 12:41

Hey Lucy! Idk if you'll see this but i can barely believe that i lived near the calisthenics park of your friend (india) just a few months ago! I wish i knew more about calisthenics when i lived there lol, but in future I'll try to reach out to him! (I'm a 17 y/o newbie). It's awesome to be able to see a woman do this and I'm pumped to be able to do things like you! All the best :D

@keshajohnson4180 - 08.11.2023 02:51

Love this video. I’ve been really interested in calisthenics. I hate lifting weights and think it’s so boring. But calisthenics looks like a challenge and actually fun learning how to make your body do these things you thought was impossible. I’m excited to start my journey!

@LhFe16 - 25.10.2023 16:44

i was so ashamed that i still cant do floor pushups properly so ive been doing bench pushups for about 8 months now but even that i still struggle do 5 in proper form so thank you for sharing this it really helped me feel comforted

@zoubaidafe3118 - 05.10.2023 10:56

I'm 21 and i sure after watche your video that I'm ready for calisthenics

@amontanheiro - 14.09.2023 02:07

wow great
what do you eat?
i am always hungry , sleepy and when i try to start warming up i get tired very quickly

@JustinnePunsalang - 02.09.2023 01:13

You started when you were 27/28, I am currently 28 and a half, and you gave me hope that it is never too late. I know 28 is not really old but sometimes, it feels like it is especially with fitness.

@abrahamhadish2610 - 29.08.2023 18:59

You are inspirational, full of motivation

@warmteacosy - 24.08.2023 06:26

Is body weight training the same as calisthenics? Or is there a difference?

@MrZenGuitarist - 16.08.2023 01:48

Great video! Loved your intro on how you got into calisthenics - going from a 'coach-potato' to basically a Pro (I mean no offence - rather the opposite actually. And: spoiler-alert: English is not my 1st language! ;-) ).
Anyway, love your videos: they've shown to be quite inspirational and encouraging to me.
For me personally - I've been 'psyching myself up' to start to workout (again)....I've been severely depressed for 10-15 years: so bad that merely eating is a chore that's sometimes insurmountable for me (just to give you an idea). I also decided to get off opioids - painkillers, about almost 2 years by now....but STILL, I wake up each and every day feeling as if I just stopped taking them yesterday (and no Dr in the world has been able to neither explain how or why it is so - and even less so what to do about it!?).
Anyway - these 2 years of physical and mental torture (I'm not trying to be dramatic - that's what it feels like. Truly! Without trying to boast or anything - I am pretty sure most would've 'gone back' on some kind of opioid, or....well, the 'other way out'! The last one I've actually tried 3 times - but obviously didn't succeed.) have put me in the position that exercise is really the ONLY thing that I've not yet tried (and yes - I mean both legal, as illegal treatments).
One way I believe that all this suffering has in some strange combination both 'flattened me' (as in 'killed me': or, my "old, familiar 'me') - but at the same time also made me real unflinchingly determined...about this, calisthenics.
Before I got sick I've always gone to the gym, training boxing and yoga since I was between 14 and 20 (depending on which one of the 'workouts') at LEAST 4 days a week! (That is up 'til I was around 35 or so - when I suddenly hardly could sleep, eat, etc...).
But...well, I'm not going to lie - I feel a bit 'scared' going back to working out: Not 'only' since I know that I will of course not be as strong and fit as I was back then, but also trying to have to accept that my gains will be much, much, much, much slower now when I'm approaching 50 yo! As I feel as these 2 points, and especially just how challenging they may show to be, mentally....well, again - without being dramatic - I feel that I've 'invested' so much of my 'mental energy into 'this' task that I know for sure that it will either 'make or break me'! Literally...
(Not least so since no treatment, no nothing has helped in getting 'my body and soul' into "normal" - that is, 'this' is literally the last 'thing' I've not yet tried! And - if it doesn't work...well, then I've already picked up the song that's going to be played at my funeral at least. But yeah - that's where I'm at right now!).
And really, I've already begun. At least working out a couple of days a week [sometimes everyday though]....and, because of 'my situation' I've started really slow - and sure, I've gotten much stronger, a bit leaner and people say they can 'see the difference'.
But, in the end and after all - that's not what I'm after ultimately: I want to become the old, healthy person I once was - who doesn't suffer from opioid-dependence every waking moment!
Sorry for the novel. I believe that I've managed to get lose my 'point' here, now - so sorry again.
But, everyone who've managed to read all this (or some of it) - please: wish me luck. Bc "THIS IS IT!".....I WILL succeed in getting my mental health back, soon - or, I will be 6 feet under! (No, actually I've decided to get cremated - but that's another story).
Greetings from Sweden.

@sarahshelton636 - 14.08.2023 18:13

After doing yoga for years to keep active and toned, I have been wanting to do more for strength training in the last few years. My partner has been showing me calisthenics videos for a long time, and just last week, I came across one of your beginners' workouts. Now what used to be my workout, is my warm-up. I am looking forward to being able to do a pull up for the first time and now I have a plan. Thank you for so much great advice.

@TheCornDavis - 12.07.2023 08:02

I'm 27 now and just randomly found calisthenics and very much in the same situation you were those years ago and now I'm excited to see an example of who I can be and that it is possible 😊

@stephencharlton2024 - 18.06.2023 19:40

Just brilliant, thank you... like talking to a best friend

@meliB32 - 17.06.2023 16:08

I got into calisthenics around a year or so ago from a guy showing it on tiktok. I rarely get on there but just so happened to be this one time and I fell in love! I haven't been able to do a chin up because i havent been consistent and had surgery last fall that slowed me down a lot but im looking forward to learning a lot from you and sticking to it this year! Hopefully no surgical interruptions!! ♡ Loved this video

@geoffersat18 - 13.06.2023 18:05

Lucy thank you for posting this. I have only just started but am already wondering why I’m not making much progress.

You have laid it clearly on the line that it takes a long long time, none of the fellas state that in their videos. But now I know it can take a year to two and can reduce my expectations.

Keep up the good work thank you

@shawnette2713 - 08.06.2023 17:57

❤ Great info Lucy thank you. I’ve been giving up on push-ups, I was making progress however I was much further from achieving my fitness goals time-wise, and thought it was the wrong exercise in my routine :/ Meanwhile I always re-include them because well, they’re great. I’m learning that stronger shoulders will support stronger push ups. Step by step ❤ Definitely lifestyle change over aggressive weight loss goals these days. Thanks for this vid Lucy 🫶🏾

@jaythaosmiles - 20.04.2023 11:58

I am so glad I watched this video before I started any Calisthenics training! I was expecting results at least 4 months in but when you mentioned 6 month - 2 years, I was like 😧. It's good to know what to expect. Great video, Lucy! Also, love to hear how positive the community is.

@angelarutherford1840 - 16.04.2023 22:50

Greasing the groove is one of the most helpful pieces of advice ever. For me this looks like doing a few toe pushups on my island counter everyday when I walk past. I started able to do 4, I can now do 10.
Or sitting on the floor for kids bedtime story I’ll sit cross legged and lift myself off the floor with my arms several times. Silly little things that take no effort that are easily incorporated into your day. Progress is grandma turtle slow but going forward means you’re not going backward so there’s that!

@fleurInSwitzerland - 03.03.2023 13:37

Thank you so much for being a true inspiration 💫 I have 30kgs to loose and you motivate me so much to lose the damn weight and start calisthenics. I'm level 0 at sports, but I want to challenge myself and be proud 💥

@jamieashton7285 - 01.03.2023 22:23

It’s amazing what you can learn through different journeys 😊

@Awakening07 - 22.02.2023 09:14

I'm 16 an d I want to start calisthenics at home

@miacirignano9929 - 12.02.2023 02:05

Hey Lucy! Idk if you will see this or not but my English teacher is actually your brother lol. I live in Indiana and he is one of my favorite teachers!

@Carina-24 - 11.02.2023 14:07

I always feel motivated after watching your videos. Thank you Lucy for sharing your experiences and your positive and healthy attitude 🥰

@benoitarteau2078 - 10.02.2023 23:01

You are so much more hotter and sexy than pornstars. Your lover is so lucky to have you!

@ranjanagundumane5949 - 08.02.2023 13:07

I just love listening to you. You're doing a great job. Lots of love, Lucy ❤

@annababinska3648 - 08.02.2023 10:00

Oh wow, I want to be at your level! This sounds fun to me.

@pamelacarden2426 - 05.02.2023 18:59

Thank you, this gives me hope! I'm a 57 year old woman and am just getting started. Trying to stay positive. My goal is 58 push ups by my 58th birthday, not sure I will make it, but I'm going to try!!

@beverleynoble190 - 05.02.2023 14:07

So helpful, you inspire me to take calanetics up for sure, I will let it complement what I'm already doing fitness wise which is Triathlon , thankyou x

@andreahargitai3591 - 04.02.2023 10:51

I love the quote:-) and your videos are sooo inspirational! I saw in one of them that you mentioned herniated disc and I had the same problem that was extremely painful. I found a spine specialist lady, Esther Gokhale and her method, The Gokhale Method and it helped me tremendously. I haven't had the pain for almost 3 years now.

@MoiUndMyself - 04.02.2023 10:35

Thanks for everything you're doing on the internet, Lucy! I appreciate it so much, you keep me motivated! Lots of love from Germany. (:

@wesleylewis7063 - 03.02.2023 12:11

Hi Lucy how are you? Lucy hope you don't mind me saying this but you are one very attractive lady, who has the most beautiful smile and eyes. Love 💕❤️❤️ Wes

@han-mg9eq - 01.02.2023 17:04

Just want to say, I’m on week 7 of your beginner calisthenics e-book and I’m having a really good time! And I’ve already noticed improvements, the biggest one is how long I can hang on the pull up bar. Before, the longest I could hang for was about 20-25 seconds. Now my max is 1min15secs! Just wanted to say thank you for everything you do, I’m having a good time getting started with calisthenics and am excited to see how far I may go!

@nicolettablankley262 - 01.02.2023 14:05

Do you have to lift weights alongside cali?

@anna7276 - 01.02.2023 13:47

Such sound advice! You are definitely a great motivator Lucy! I’m off to do some exercise now! Lol

@michelacampaner6192 - 01.02.2023 11:15

Please, please, more tips on how to strenghten arms and shoulders, especially for older people who would like to start but risk injuries. And what alternative exercises if one does not own a pull up bar and cannot install a door pull up bar nor can afford to go to the gym? Many thanks!

@Liberationgirl25 - 01.02.2023 10:28

I just started out two days ago so this video came with perfect timing! Weight training always scared me so finding this type of training really got me interested in doing more than spending hours on my treadmill (which i also love). Thank you for yout thoughts and video's, they helped me a lot already and i can't wait to see where this journey takes me!

@mlouw8218 - 01.02.2023 08:53

Loved this! Thank you 😊🙏

@billwalton90 - 01.02.2023 07:02

Lucy thank you for another great video. Any tips on how to begin my pull up journey?

@JP-ve7or - 01.02.2023 06:10

I'm getting ready to do your beginner program download in February! I tried a while ago but I was having some back problems so eased off for a while. Still trying to get to that first pullup 🙂

@miahovinga7158 - 01.02.2023 04:57

Are you a Bastille fan?! They have an awesome cover of the song you're singing in the beginning "Of The Night" ❤️

@andreac.1350 - 01.02.2023 03:21

I haven't felt like weight training at the gym so I committed to doing one of your workouts every day instead. I do get bored easily with workouts so I do a different video every time just to prevent this. It's been less than a couple of weeks and yesterday when I went skiing (I ski once a week during the season) I felt stronger and more capable than I ever have and I have been skiing for nearly 40 years. I skied longer runs without breaks and more total hours than I have before. What is this voodoo? I'm thinking it must be the wall sits. But I'm quite enjoying the core work in general. Thank you!
