4 (More) Lies Theists Tell About Atheists

4 (More) Lies Theists Tell About Atheists

Genetically Modified Skeptic

3 года назад

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@GeneticallyModifiedSkeptic - 29.12.2020 10:46

What misrepresentations of atheists do you hear most often? Any that I haven't addressed in my videos?

@TheIronDonkey - 25.01.2024 19:53

I can almost hear "I don't have enough faith to be an atheist" in Kent Hovinds voice.

@Truth-Be-Told-USA - 04.12.2023 17:53

Anyone who actually believes a loving God exists in today's real world is living in a fantasy and not looking around at what is happening in the world. Evil is totally clearly winning and God is blessing the evil itself. Wake up. God is an evil jackass monster or does not exist at all

@riverrat5822 - 13.11.2023 23:23

At this moment you have 666K subscribers and the thought of that giving the Christians a stroke makes me smile 😆

@Imbrium66 - 07.09.2023 18:20

I sincerely appreciate that you present things in a way of "yeah, a lot of people say these things, it's kind of annoying," and not, "all theists are stupid." A position which I see all too often.

In my experience, these issues aren't only directed towards Atheists either. Many similar misconceptions are directed at any faith that a person doesn't personally share (or share something very similar such as different sects of the same overarching faith). Satanism is a great example for those misconceptions. The number of people who believe Satanists worship Satan, for instance, is overwhelming in comparison to people who have any clue about it.

@Theospeak1 - 07.09.2023 07:13

In response to the video, every atheist I've met believes the universe started without God. And every atheist I've met believes the universe began or has always existed somehow (belief = faith, and indeed everyone believes something about origins). I've also never met an atheist who was neutral towards moral and ethical issues, and indeed in the name of "separation of church and state" (a phrase that does not occur in the U.S. Constitution) atheist secular humanism has become an official national religious denomination in exclusion of all other religious viewpoints and in violation of the First Amendment. Finally, many people become atheists because of A) their abiding faith that the cosmos is their creator, or B) their moral judgement that God is unjust, could not exist and have allowed something to happen. The first position does not recognize objective, absolute good and evil. The second position is a logical non sequitur because it amounts to saying, "because I know objective, absolute good and evil exist (and deem God to be in violation of it), therefore objective, absolute good and evil do not exist". In other words they are borrowing God's morality to morally condemn & reject God. Either position results in faith in a morally ambiguous universe, and from there it's a short step to rationalizing all sorts of ethical violations in the name of a personal or corporate "greater good".

@stephenbouchelle7706 - 24.06.2023 14:04

I have run into many people who can’t believe in rational science because they don’t understand it. As if - “If I can’t understand it, it can’t be so.” They promote themselves to expert on the basis of ignorance.

@kennethgee2004 - 11.06.2023 06:57

From all my interactions and experiences, all atheists are confused as what they believe.

@Nicole-jj3hi - 09.06.2023 20:50

I volunteer at an annual church event but I’m an atheist. A kid told me once he doesn’t believe in evolution because how could we have come from monkeys? I brought up common ancestors but had to cut it short because his mom gave me a look. I’m not against religion but when you blatantly lie about stuff, especially to kids, it bothers me. You don’t need to believe in science over religion but you can’t just make up dumb, fake arguments.

@squ4drat - 14.05.2023 11:27

You're getting dangerously close to bothsideism there at the end, when you're urging atheists to also talk to theists in order to understand them. Many of us have grown up in a theist environment and have ideed already talked to plenty of theists, and have also retained plenty of trauma from it. We know exactly how they think. The opposite is not true for most theists. That fact puts us on entirely different footing that cannot be overcome by "we should all just talk to each other".

@davidaward82 - 11.05.2023 00:59

Ah... the 'everything from nothing argument' ...
i must say that the whole thing does throw creationism's flaws open for all to see. (it's HEAVY projection)

where did god come from? what happened before the first day of genesis?
by creationism, both answers are 'nothing'

@JaceDanielFilms - 03.05.2023 18:49

Why do you spend so much time in your life talking about something you don't believe in? There are other things to be skeptical about than just religion. As a fellow atheist, it's annoys me to see atheists dedicate so much time to atheism because it becomes a religion of disbelief. True atheists just don't believe in god... and move on with their lives.

@ClementGreen - 27.04.2023 23:17

The problem with faith is that it excuses child rape. Let's just get down to that, with Bishop Barron defending his end.

@JohnDoe-jn1gw - 25.04.2023 15:39

I heard the classic “oh you are an atheist how do you stop yourself from murdering and harming people” like bro it’s human decency

@brandiarmstrong2902 - 24.04.2023 16:14

As far as "Atheism takes faith," I believe that life itself takes some measure of faith, since anything you do takes faith that you can succeed, or at least that failure won't be an utter disaster. I know this is an oversimplified example, but since I'm running on zero sleep, I might be a bit odd today: I don't need to intimately know the science behind what keeps a plane in the air to trust that it won't crash. If I had no trust in that, I would never get on a plane. I don't need to intimately know the physics behind it. And most people don't. But people every day choose to fly, atheists included. So, even if they don't have all the answers, they trust that, though sometimes a plane does, in fact, crash, it won't be the plane they board that day. That takes faith.

@alexquintana1031 - 24.04.2023 05:55

I was born an atheist, and although we did attend a Christian church..they never got their hands on my mind with their Christian cult blood magic bewlsht. I was never convinced or converted.
Recently I thanked my mother that she never forced me and I was never indoctrinated into her disgusting belief system😂

@ambarlostinthewoods3080 - 11.04.2023 03:48

You are so kind and you explain your points so well, i thank you for this video en your content in general, as a new atheist , i've found so much love and opportunities to learn. I'm very grateful.

@danielbutler8103 - 23.03.2023 07:22

Saying “I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist.” Is like saying “I haven’t had enough sex to be a virgin.” Or “I haven’t stolen enough to be a thief. Or “I haven’t eaten enough meat to be vegetarian.”

@llwpeaches - 16.03.2023 03:51

In my experience, many, if not most, theists deliberately misrepresent atheism because it's far easier to knock down straw men than to argue for or against something bases on its merits.

@rudi1391 - 04.03.2023 17:39

I don't see the need to be tolerant towards theists, when they are the first ones who talk bad to us atheists and categorize us as unable to talk about morality or other subjects, I'm just gonna say it, religious people are dumb, and that includes even family of mine, religion is nonesense and there is no motive or convincing factor to follow any or believe in any, religion is a waste of time but paradoxically it's important to spend time fighting and talking against it so more and more people open their eyes, and stop being deluded, there is no god seeking for our well-being, there is nobody above, only us humans, gods are human fantasy just as simple as that

@JesusChristisLORD1020 - 01.03.2023 00:45

Millions and millions of ex-atheists HAVE found Jesus and now have a relationship with HIM. (Notice: Relationship, not just religion).

You people are denying the Truth, ignoring their Knowledge and Experience only because you REALLY want to be right. That's so foolish and dishonest. One day at least SOME of you will realize this after much regret and shame.

All those who are SINCERE and actually want the truth will find God. Those that are not, should expect to receive nothing but deception(of any kind), misery and great confusion.

The most degenerate atheists will try to find any excuse to deny even historical FACTS and reality, including the Knowledge and Experience of billions of people(trough all history, I'm not talking all professing Christians, of course), as Christianity is a LIVING relationship with the Almighty, Perfect Creator, not a DEAD religion of works and rituals, nor a blind, reality-denying belief like atheism is. NO EXCUSES

And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me WITH ALL YOUR HEART. Jeremiah 29:13 KJV

This Experience is not subjective, when every honest and truthful person can have it. That's the most beautiful part. NO EXCUSES ;)

@glenbateman5960 - 09.02.2023 05:36

The very reason I am an Atheist is that I have proven to be incapable of generating faith in anything.
Absent compelling, testable evidence for something, I just accept the absence and get on with my life.
I don't believe in Gravity. I just accept the reality of it because the evidence has been overwhelming and remarkably consistent.
If anyone doing high-iron work on a skyscraper had ever dropped a hammer and watched it float gently across the street to come to rest on another rooftop like a gliding bird, I couldn't just decide it was, for some reason, in my best interest to decide to "believe" in Gravity.
Show me Reality, I will accept it. No faith will be necessary.

@JesusChristisLORD1020 - 31.01.2023 16:49

Only the Truth can set you free:
Atheists deny reality and reason in their blind belief. They just REALLY hope to be right ;)

Imagine wasting your life on something you CLAIM you don't believe in and you hate. One day some of you will realize this after much regret and shame.

The empty, horrible, depressed, p--n-addicted, alcohol and antidepressant filled, degenerate lives that atheists live is also proof that God is saying the Truth about sin. They all check at least 2 or 3 of these things. And if you're a teenager living with your parents, you will become that way in the future, UNLESS you repent and give your life to Christ.

I used to be an antitheist too. I was deceived by atheist lies, strawmans, fake studies, fake experts and frauds for many years so I know all the atheist "arguments" very well. I despised all religions and saw them as plagues upon humanity but then Jesus showed me the Truth like He also did for many other agnostics and atheists too.
He'll do the same for you, if you seek the truth in a humble and sincere manner. I know at least some of you are able to do that if you truly want it. NO EXCUSE.

All those who are SINCERE in their seeking and actually want the truth will find God. Those that are not, should expect to receive nothing but deception(of any kind), misery and great confusion.

You have access to the same Knowledge and Experience that true Christians have. There's no excuse for those who don't find the Truth for whatever reason.

And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me WITH ALL YOUR HEART. Jeremiah 29:13 KJV

@aiya5777 - 21.01.2023 18:28

what is nothing then?

@WhiteDragon103 - 18.01.2023 00:22

I think Christians (and adherents to other Abrahamic religions) mentally equate a loss of faith to a loss of life, hope or a will to live. Holding onto your beliefs despite seemingly insurmoutnable evidence to the contrary is like not giving up despite insurmountable odds. In which case, it is easier to see how they view it as a virtue and could explain and predict their behaviour. You can take any situation where you can imagine it to be virtuous to keep moving on and to never give up in a general sense, and drop in faith in X instead to make analogies for peculiar faith motivated behaviour.

You can also see how faith has a flexible definition, similar to hope, in a similar way - from confident faith (they feel supported by reason, are willing to face doubts head on) to desparate faith (must not give up on belief, it must be right, doubt is the enemy). Perhaps people who have desparate faith see contrary thinking as listening to that voice that tells you to just give up, lay down and die.

Perhaps when discussing faith with a theist, to put yourself in their shoes, imagine a situation where you are not arguing against their faith but against their will to live, or their hope for the future, or something like that. How would your arguments, translated into the language of hope and willingness to live, posed against you make you feel? That could help make it easier for you to show them how the two aren't the same, and that being willing to subject their faith to a shift in perspective isn't necessarily a bad thing.

As a side note, if the willingness to keep living and not give up and drop dead or become a nihilisitic deadbeat wallowing in misery is a form of faith, it is probably the only form of faith that I endorse, even if it is contrary to evidence and reason. In this case, belief serves not as an accurate model of reality, but as a matter of behavioural strategy. When possessed, it'll increase odds of success in dire situations; when absent, it'll guarantee the undesirable outcome. Even if you're the 1 in 1000 lucky ones to get out of a bad situation, that number will drop to 0 without it. Perhaps this is the survival mechanism religions hijack to create devout followers.

@Cadambank - 03.01.2023 13:48

Religion is a perfect money laundering area as in a lot of countries they are exempted from tax and they hoard a lot of money.

More often they are more disgusting than the so called "capitalists"

@Pepper_JH - 24.12.2022 07:21

A single Christian says: You don’t believe God exists means you are evil and wrong.
Atheist: But we don’t even have material evidence that God exists thats why we ‘still’ don’t believe God’s Existence.
A single Christian says: But the bible must be right.
Atheist: So your saying that if I don’t know how to solve and absurdly complex mathematical problems means that I don’t believe math exists.

Note: I typed that as “A single Christian says” because not all Christians are like this.

Atheism is similar to Agnostic Theism, doesn’t mean you don’t know about a supernatural being and not believe due to lacking conceivable evidence banishes you to hell be damned with Satan

I’m a Christian, not a “Karen”.

@vinceearl4240 - 17.12.2022 01:46

It drives me crazy that theists can consider the big bang a something from nothing idea, but when you ask "where did God come from," "I don't know" or "it's beyond our mortal comprehension" is a perfectly valid response.

@VodShod - 23.11.2022 10:27

I have a hypothesis that the big bang was the result of an antimatter black hole and a matter black hole colliding. Both very very large.

@adriannedeforest8511 - 06.11.2022 20:43

It's not that you have to have faith to be an atheist. You have to faith to live life. There is no reason for me to believe that if I leave my house, I won't die in a car crash or from some virus (lol). There is no reason for me believe that if I take my next step, gravity won't fail me and keep me grounded. There is no reason for me to believe that living life is worth it, especially with all the suffering in the world, and especially if we're assuming that there's no afterlife of eternal happiness as an end goal for this life. There is no reason to do or believe a lot of things, but you see atheists walking around and doing these things and living life. Living involves trying to run from death. But why run from death if death is always going to win and get you in the end? I don't know, I just live by faith, in the hopes that death somehow won't win in the end. And so do atheists, whether they believe it or not

@hoochill - 08.10.2022 02:20

i feel some atheists are secretly praying to God

@uncreatedlogos - 12.09.2022 14:29

Interesting: every set of believes even that of atheist has an impact on how people act.
Even "fundamentalist" atheists - in the sense that they think religion is bad in itself - for example Richards Dawkins - have certain believes that imply action. For example on the part of proselytizing. It should be stopped. And he even says this in his mission to advertise atheism... How humorous and sad at the same time. Atheism is a Religion - a set of believes like every other religion. And what oppression has happened under the fundamentalist atheist governments like china and Russia.

Every religion has that tendency. Not just theist religions. (!)

And this tendency is not to blame on the religion itself. But on the people.

@glennjones6574 - 11.09.2022 15:32

this is all quite interesting because I don't know ANYBODY who's this invested in religion or the rejection of it. this is a foreign land to me. lol

@thenintendocyclops1074 - 07.09.2022 16:20

My favorite lie/accusation is: "Atheists worship Satan." I've had that one thrown at me quite a bit and it always confuses and gets a laugh out of me because no, no I don't, I actually don't worship anything.

@mr.painfultruth2771 - 04.09.2022 06:02

People who are secular, have no problem saying, "I don't know the answer to that". Christians tend to behave as if "I know FOR CERTAIN " that God exists, or that athiests , and libs are ALL wrong, ALL the time.....

@giantalligator9934 - 02.09.2022 21:30

Good video. There really are a lot of misnomers about atheist.

@jonathanalexander9881 - 25.08.2022 13:08

The way you spell "nihilo" really irks me 😂

@Autistic_Tarkov_Guy - 23.08.2022 06:53

damn, this made me realize how sad I am. Atheist, raised Catholic. sexually assaulted multiple times before I was 13. lost my faith when I thought why would god let this happen to me? I was innocent I didn't do anything to deserve this. So I stopped caring. So I wanted to know the truth, how the world actually worked. Looked at gore videos and even got onto the dark web and saw things noone should have to see. now I'm 23 and just couldn't give less of a fuck about life. No meaning, no drive, no motivation, no will, no push, just empty suffering waiting to stop existing. Typing this just for the hell of it. It does bring me a temporary smile knowing that people like drew exist. Truly good people.

@Ensaima - 15.08.2022 11:49

Well when i was a cristian i didnt have any meaning in my life. Right now i do.

@inyobill - 31.07.2022 23:31

Of course it says more about theists' ideas than it does about atheist belief systems.

@itsraahul - 04.07.2022 12:24

Simply put Atheists = those who believe in Science

@kpopbests8643 - 29.06.2022 09:45

believing Christianity without justification is ok
but believing anything else without justification is not

that's exactly what you get from at least Islam and Christianity( i don't know about any other religion ), that blind faith in their own god will be rewarding but any other faith is bad and makes you suffer :D

@leventemolnar3125 - 24.06.2022 18:26

I listened and tried to...compress tge responses needed to maybe make a decent comeback if needed...what I came up with, prolly not perfect ones

"Atheist belive everything came from nothing"

We dont know where everything came from, we suspect what could have happened

You also suspect where everything came from, from a book wrote sometimes in the past compromized of hand selected stories and named The Bible which even the translation is, scrolls, books

"You have to have faith to be na Atheist"

I have faith in myself and I have faith in those I put my faith into. Meaning I put my trust into myself and those I want to put trust into, these can of course vary on what kind, ehy and how strong. Examples showing that I have faith in the fact that youcan follow that claim up with an explenation as to why you say that

"A true Atheist wouldnt talk about religion so much. They would just move on with their life"

What do you think an Atheist is? This amplies that since you dont belive in the principle of a group, you are not allowed to observe the group's activities or defend your self image from said group

Kinda feels like you shouldnt intrude on the matter of science since you dont belive in it anyhow

"Atheist have no meaning of life"

What is the meaning of life for you? To pray to god on the weekends? I guess that is a nice goal to look foward, but just sounds more like a group annual event...something we also have...cause it is a normal human thing to do...to be part of a group an dhang out

@flightforlight157 - 24.06.2022 06:17

The reason creation scientists oppose evolution so is because the schools have it in the text books to indoctrinate children.

@kevincurrie-knight3267 - 23.06.2022 20:52

Also, a few of these mischaracterizations just involve category mistakes on the part of theists. Did something "come from" nothing? What can thing "mean"" without God? Category mistakes, in my view. Here's how.

When we ask what the world or universe "came from," we are asking to make a universe intelligible to our human consciousness in a way that the universe is not obliged to be intelligible to our human consciousness. That is, since we humans think in terms of causes, and in insistence that everything we've encountered exists from some sort of cause (that we can understand), we insist that this MUST be true about everything, even something so much bigger than us than the universe or existence itself! Same with what "meaning" things can have without God. Meaning is the result of authorship: I can ask what a song means because it has an author who I know must have intended something that instantiated meaning, or I can ask what a sound means because I know that the sound signifies something more than the sound itself (that the sound indicates). So, since I am used to thinking that way - as a creature used to seeing things as symbols that 'mean' something - I insist that this must be the way everything should be seen, even something as big as existence itself.

But those ways of thinking - that everything must have an intelligible cause, that everything is a symbol with a meaning behind it - is a human way of thinking, and it really might just be domain specific. Because cars and trees have causes and beginnings doesn't mean that EVERYTHING must have causes or beginnings. Because songs, sounds, and signs have meanings doesn't mean that everything must have meanings.

@kevincurrie-knight3267 - 23.06.2022 20:43

There's another source of the complaint that atheists (can) have no meaning in their lives without God: many theists get that impression from (usually second-hand and biased) accounts of Nietzsche. Nietzsche did proclaim that God was dead and that without God, nihilism would be afoot. But Nietzsche didn't STOP there, but only STARTED there. His concern, atheist that he was, was that the reason God's death would lead to nihilism is precisely because Christianity so hitched the meaning of everything onto God that in God's wake, people wouldn't know where else to find meaning. But, Nietzsche argued, there WERE other places to find it... and that's what literally the rest of his body of thought was about: convincing us that other sources of meaning - ones grounded in life rather than an afterlife - were possible.

@WHATTHEHELL666 - 20.06.2022 04:53

I as a atheist think that all religions and lack there of are equally valid and that theocracies should not exist because a legitimate government is in favor of human rights for all of its citizens. I define human rights as the right to physical and mental healthcare and the right to the pursuit of happiness(the right to chose how to live your own life without fear of discrimination).

@ivans4035 - 05.06.2022 15:13

Great vid Drew
