TS&TT: A Call To America's Pastors and Churches

TS&TT: A Call To America's Pastors and Churches

Founders Ministries

3 года назад

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@waldensmith4796 - 08.09.2020 23:44

Great information by Larry Taunton on Cultural Marxism not addressed by our Pastors in our Churches and Pulpits. Agree messages in the light of our changing Culture must be relevant to the Times we live in as a graduate in Evangelistic Theology. Pastoral Leadership makes a difference it includes Personal willingness to do the right thing making tough choices moral choices spiritual choices ethical choices and right choices to Lead the body of Christ. Keep up the good work at Founders Ministries.

@JrscottyIRL - 08.09.2020 23:46

Amen! See you in FL.

@systemrevolt7309 - 09.09.2020 00:11

Absolutely fascinating, I look forward to your book sir. Been reading up on Marx this year and I did not know that about his co author and Spurge.
Excellent episode brothers.
So very thankful for what you guys are faithfully doing. I pray every single pastor will educate themselves, wake up, and preach boldly against this wickedness. I’m very form.

@ndemi55 - 09.09.2020 02:28

I always click like on these videos but when Larry Taunton gave the quote about the man that Engels hated the most I had to click it earlier than usual. Take my likes! Take it!!

@warrick925 - 09.09.2020 03:53

Another Outstanding episode. Thank you for making the point that we as Christians need to be addressing issues in the marketplace of ideas. Being in the world, but not of it.

@jackuber7358 - 09.09.2020 03:57

Why are audio books only being offered through proprietary platforms? If music can be effectively marketed as mp3 files, why not books? That way we could all tell Amazon AND Audible to take a hike.

Once again, gentlemen, thank you for another edifying presentation. Maranatha!

@matthewjason6992 - 09.09.2020 04:00

“The church needed to repent in 1982.” It hasn’t since then, and it doesn’t in this video.

@papab.3397 - 09.09.2020 04:14

Pastor Robb Brunansky from Desert Hills Bible Church and pastor Jeff Durbin from Apologia church ,both in Phoenix AZ, are doing a great job exposing the lies of the cultural marxism going on. Highly recommend as well besides this program

@aparachitudu5983 - 09.09.2020 17:32

Praise the Lord in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. I request any Christian who is willing to help me out in stopping the persecution of Christians in South India and from Bible's being burned, how ever it's roots are from America as these radicals are sponsored by Indians settled in USA, it's a disgrace to your great nation which is known to be Christian nation, I can give you information if are able to put an end to the persecution of Christians here God will definitely bless you and it's your duty to protect the body of Christ, we are all one under his blood, I will be waiting for your reply, may the grace and blessings of our Lord God Jesus Christ be upon you Amen.

@lcunyus - 13.09.2020 02:53

Thank you for standing in the gap.

@srv1704 - 13.09.2020 21:48

This is excellent and much needed information> Wake up Church!

@tinaapostolou8375 - 14.09.2020 05:11

Outstanding and on point. 🙏🏻🇺🇸

@joeiiiful - 25.10.2020 16:07

We hear:"follow the money". That is one of the main reasons why so many pastors and churches are not addressing the cultural issues. Pastors see their livelihood as a pastor something more important than speaking the truth in love for fear that the church would lose members and revenue. Few are like John MacArthur and that is a tragedy. I have witnessed this for 35 years.

@JOB1925pk - 05.10.2023 05:28

Is this a calvinist situation?

@Thruevangelisteyes - 12.10.2023 16:55

Our message is not difficult to understand. But it does require some love and caring, and obedience ; to get it delivered. May God grant us those things we need to deliver His Good News ; into this dying culture and World. 🙏🏼🪖

@gentledove6804 - 08.11.2023 02:28

Excellent! Yes, the antichrists don’t like His word , and so-called Christians don’t want to hear it either (regarding being fruitful and multiplying, or wives staying at home and keeping the home, or teaching your own children at home the word of God, or witchcraft is evil—even if you like Disney so much, etc., etc.)

@gentledove6804 - 08.11.2023 02:34

Pastors lack courage, we must pray for them. If you read the communist manifesto, you will find the 10 planks are antithetical to God‘s word, and have taken place in the world and in the church. God’s word in counterpoint to the 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto is neglected when it should be emphasized by the pastors. Politics and the culture reflects the true, actual religion, spiritual beliefs, and worldview of the people.

@gentledove6804 - 08.11.2023 02:38

God’s word is the sword of the Spirit which we need for spiritual battle against the evil one and his minions. Pastors will preach on everything in God’s word, except what the people in the congregation are actually facing in terms of spiritual battle in their lives. They skip right over it, and don’t preach on it if it happens to be in a passage they are “exegetically” preaching on.

@gentledove6804 - 08.11.2023 02:43

Jesus said all authority in heaven, and on earth has been given to Him.

@gentledove6804 - 08.11.2023 02:46

Billy Graham was pushed and puffed in the public eye in exchange for pushing Z - eye- on - ism

@gentledove6804 - 08.11.2023 02:51

Z - eye - on - ism is also called Noo world disorder or Globalism or world Dom - in - nation or Won - world - gubmint. It is The Evil One’s end game
