Can Fossils Last Millions of Years? | The Creation Podcast: Episode 16

Can Fossils Last Millions of Years? | The Creation Podcast: Episode 16

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@mrgod679 - 30.08.2023 20:02

Bias against the flood. Like that’s just a fact, just because the Bible says so. Yeah you feel your mind with what you want to hear. 😮

@benjaminfalzon4622 - 31.08.2023 07:06

Fossils don't support evolution, and cave paintings don't support the Data that cave paintings are 40,000 years old.
Fossils and cave paintings data can easily be faked by deliberate means or by total ignorance.
But man-made structure data are much harder to fake.
So, If humans have evolved over millions of years. Why haven't any man-made structures data been discovered that date back over 6,000 years?.
{Please don't mention the "Gobeleski Tepe where the data says it's 10,000 years old.} Even if it was 10,000 years old, there's still a vast gap between 10,000 and millions of years.
The Data of the Gobelski Tepe was based on the junk science called carbon dating.

@natashagonzales4831 - 31.08.2023 16:42

Thank you so much! That is so interesting.

@binderdundit228 - 03.09.2023 11:41

We also do not live on a ball. It's flat with a vaulted sky. NASA is continually lying to us.

@chomnansaedan4788 - 03.09.2023 16:10

Most modern scientists are just Priests. Darwin founded a new Satanic religion but he called it Science.

@PortmanRd - 05.09.2023 22:06

....and the crucifixion never happened, because Jesus didn't exist.

@smokey7142 - 10.09.2023 13:20

Let us children know this. Agree

@billb3673 - 12.09.2023 09:19

The earth is millions upon millions of years old and God's word declares it!

@Shytot-1 - 16.09.2023 20:19

Can anyone tell me a question "God did it" can not answer? Who would invent a God that could not do everything?

@davidkubasiak9093 - 17.09.2023 01:37

He said it. If you don't go along with the status quo you don't get the money. You don't publish. So people that want the money do as they're told.
God is truth. Know God know truth. No God. No truth.

@davecorrigan3912 - 21.09.2023 07:50

Scientists are people too, and they need your forgiveness. You meed to forgive them. It's not the only way, but it's the best way. Idk how forgiving the Jews were of their wartime sciencists, but I suspect they weren't only because they didn't know for sure what they were up to. They didn't have the internet. You do. And this should impact your interactions with your wartime scientists. Do not doubt the war that is on, it's on dude. It's on

@dewayneweaver2744 - 27.09.2023 18:01

Tree rings is the only Scientific method. That is accurate and verifiable . It doesn't go back more than a million years.

@nibiruresearch - 30.09.2023 18:22

The geological time line is a relative time line. They like numbers of millions of years. When we look at the Grand Canyon we see many horizontal layers on top of each other but close-ups of these layers also show that they are completely separated from each other and the layers look rather homogeneous. How is this possible? Each layer is the effect of a recurring natural disaster, a huge tidal wave that is pulled over the planet, that is caused by a celestial body that circles our sun in an eccentric orbit. A thick layer of homogeneous mud remains on our planet. Fantasy? No, ancient knowledge that is available in books, legends, myths and religions. The many earth layers are solid proof for this recurring disaster. No scientist will agree to this because they all are focused on their small part of science. They know a lot about a little. Those natural disasters occur in a cycle of seven and create a cycle of five civilizations. The longest living civilization lives no more than 10,800 years. Nonsens? No, ancient knowledge and that knowledge is supported by many depictions that we find in museums on statues, cylinder seals, coins etc. The last time that this celestial body, planet X or nine, was seen and depicted and commented was just before our era. To learn much more about planet 9, the recurring flood cycle and its timeline, the rebirth of civilizations and ancient high technology, read the e-book: "Planet 9 = Nibiru". This book answers many of your questions about ancient history. It can be read on any computer, tablet or smartphone. Search: planet 9 roest

@danievanwyk6379 - 06.10.2023 06:28

Accepting evolution means you don't believe in God.Evolution is a myth.I can't believe that so many educated people believe in evolution.Glory to our God Almighty,Creater of Heaven and Earth.

@KirkDavis1966 - 09.10.2023 20:41

Yeah, when they found soft tissue ( marro) in T REX bones I was like, no way are they 65 million years old..

@danieljones3413 - 23.10.2023 06:55

You can't find truth making the universe fit your beliefs.

@adelinomorte7421 - 25.10.2023 17:42

**you are right, fossils are not old, the proof is you, a younger fossil, and living. But some are very old, like millions of years, like today's years, not the biblical years that can not be more than 6000. How ridiculous some people can be liking to be ignorant.**

@MarkJones-fw3mo - 26.10.2023 05:40

If dinosaurs can fossilize in 6000 years why have they never found human fossilized remains?

@PsychNurse. - 30.10.2023 11:07

Do human remains fossilize?

@hamodhossain4261 - 31.10.2023 17:46

i totally agree that these fossils are not from millions of years & its possible that they are from thousands of years .. however i strongly disagree that these creatures has any connections with Noah's flood if that's what you are referring to .. simply because its 100% fact that these creatures was way before human created .. while Noah's flood was way after humans created ,, we all know that these creatures extinct from asteroid impact ( or meteoroid .. what ever you wanna call it ) from space to earth .. not by the flood .. and you definitely never gonna find human fossils along side with dinosaurs fossil .. there was a long period of time happened in the earth before Adam or human was created .. so its not just 6 thousand years .. that's totally a false claim .. the bible doesn't even mention any word about dinosaurs it mentioned animals in general which the ones available that time .. you supposed to use science to support the bible .. not use the bible to support science .. and yes the bible does have alot of mistakes .. & one of them is ( god is all powerful he doesn't need to rest in day 7 like humans ) .. so if the bible said God toke a rest then that is a false claim .. its not the original words of god .. that is just a collection of mark, Luke, john & Paul words .. which are anonymous people .. its a mixture of true claims & false ones .. but you are just defending all of it based on emotions

@rogerclyde2720 - 27.11.2023 01:29

Your guest is suffering from serious vitamin and mineral deficiency.

@GreenTea4Me - 30.11.2023 23:16

I hope someone will talk about the White Sands footprints sometime. They dated them at 23,000 years. I would love to see a Creationist talk about it.

@leonardgibney2997 - 11.12.2023 15:45

It takes millions of years for marine life to fall to the bottom of the ocean and form fossil fuels.

@Ohmy1956 - 23.12.2023 16:40

Somehow I had the idea that the Flood in Noah’s time was approximately 3500 BC

@josephmiller997 - 25.12.2023 23:39

You guys need to learn to conduct interviews. I'm a YEC, and these just make me cringe. I feel like your content is aimed at third-graders. You're producing 80s-era scientific apologetics in the digital age. This just doesn't cut it anymore.

This guest was a golden opportunity squandered. Ask this gentleman how he came to change his stance and why. Ask him if he can account for the ice cores. Steel-man the opposing views a little. You're leaving all the meat on the bone by not making the interview robust. I know, you're playing to the choir. But when the choir decides to venture out into the scientific world and hear the rebuttals, they're devastated because YOU HAVEN'T ADEQUATELY PREPARED THEM.

This is your job. Do it.

@isaiah5399 - 26.12.2023 14:54

Imagine you can travel back to a time before printing was invented. You ask a scribe how long it would take him to copy the entire Bible. I'm sure he would say several months without any hesitation and he would be right because his answer was based on observable and calculable facts. It would take great leap of his faith to believe you if you tell him that you can copy the entire Bible in a matter of seconds and that you can put the entire Bible on a thumbnail! Both scenarios are correct because they were viewed through different technological lenses. If we believe that God's technology is infinitely beyond ours, why is it so difficult to believe that God has created the world in 6 days? After all, He didn't have to use a hammer or a chisel for his work, He merely speak and it was done. Jesus did the same when He was on earth. For example, He merely spoke and the storm was calmed. He said 'arise' and the dead came back to life. Etc. Etc. The bottom line is, do you believe that our God is ALMIGHTY and that He can do anything?

@kurtdejgaard - 12.01.2024 08:55

"Yay - I found a "hole" in science. So this means that the Earth is 6 thousand years old, because science is wrong because I found a hole somewhere". Ehm - no. That's not how it works.

@suzanneholdbrook9972 - 20.01.2024 16:06

Yes I agree, that’s why it’s so refreshing and inspiring when you hear John Lennox talking about his belief being a professor of mathematics at Oxford university plus his use of science in his narrative.

@robertulrich3964 - 23.01.2024 08:06

first evolutionists had to explain away laws of thermodynamics for universe creation, then they had to explain away soft tissue in dinosaurs. its true for them if they ignore science and replace it with their Naturalism god.

@eddiewiest2014 - 24.01.2024 22:26

Science is revealing the truth of the literal truth of the Bible. A day is a day is a day…. 24 hours….. 7,000 years….

@refuse2bdcvd324 - 03.02.2024 22:35

Facts, facts and more FACTS!

@senatorjosephmccarthy2720 - 05.02.2024 21:17

Mhhhm. Mhhhm. Umhhm. Right. Muhhm. Umhm. Umhmm. Mhm. Umhhm... right. umhmm... umhm...

@clair9167 - 22.02.2024 06:54

Excellent explanations that I could follow. Thank you so much.

@OutisYT - 29.02.2024 05:59

When you said people should believe in all of the Bible, not just some of it, I couldn't help but wonder if you include the the book of Enoch?

@dominict9418 - 03.03.2024 04:01

These comments are absurd and udderly ridiculous.

@aclp003 - 08.03.2024 18:18

Thank you for this sharing! Thoroughly enjoyed listening to Dr Thomas. Didnt know tt the 1700s top scientists kinda sealed the deal on millions, billions year old earth. Didnt comprehend about isotopes too as a student but found Dr Thomas's explanation of the variables helpful in grasping the sketchy idea of isotopes. And to think tt we were and still are tested on such bonkers theories. Now as a Christian teacher, I struggle with how I should teach the concept of fossils to my students with secular background. Anyways, I think it takes more faith to believe tt God took just tt 24 hours to create earth and the sun and the moon... incredible, but Almighty God can do anything by just speaking it to life! Instant. I have a question though, where are the human remains from Noah's flooding?

@cynthiachoate2536 - 10.03.2024 23:24

This guy explains it perfectly !

@tombob5990 - 26.03.2024 17:09

The truth will be revealed.
Challenge the world!

@jeffreyk5734 - 27.03.2024 10:08

No mention of Mud Fossils, but I think we are getting closer to that based on what I heard here. They are an undeniable reality and completely change the game.

@stevenspeakman5363 - 27.03.2024 16:14

"We fill our minds with what we want to hear". His words not mine. As an open minded atheist I listened to this conversation carefully. I accepted many of the points mentioned. What is never shown on these religious videos is a discussion between a panel of creationist scientists and conventional "old earth" scientists. We can watch and listen to both sides of the argument putting forward there theories and dismantling their oppenents. I challenge you to organise this.

@jimksa67 - 30.04.2024 12:02

You need to brighten your studio up some- its kinda blah.

@mrb.8389 - 26.05.2024 10:34

How is there intermittent globally devastating volcanic and meteoric layers across the world, with combinations of sedimentary layers in between (including their different orientations and erosion before new layers etc) since Noah’s flood???
These layers only containing “kinds” of life (including as small and boyant as spores and pollens) only in certain earlier layers. Also confirmed in ice layers counting far older than biblical creation with same volcanic ash, spores, pollens etc.
There is no record of any globally devastating volcanic or meteoric events since Noah’s flood (or creation) in the bible, or from any civilisation. No big meteoric, and only a few significant (but non-globally devastating) volcanic events

@mrb.8389 - 26.05.2024 10:38

Even mainstream churches admit bible lies, particularly Genesis and Old Testament creation... They admit the earth is not flat or covered by a firmament, and not the centre of the universe or solar system. And that all life (including us) evolved over the billions of years they admit the earth has existed.

@djsarg7451 - 28.05.2024 03:38

The earth is not 6,000 years old and the Bible does not teach this. Hebrews 4:9-10: "There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his." This tells us that the 7th day has not ended. Thus day 7 is a long time span, thus day 1 to 6 must be a long time span. Each believer are to enter into day 7. Also there no "evening and morning" for the 7th day. As day 7 as not ended. Biblical Hebrew has a limited vocabulary, with fewer words compared to other languages, such as English or Spanish. This means words often have multiple meanings determined by context. Day - yom is commonly rendered as day in English translations, but the word yom can be used in different ways to refer to different time spans thus literally is:
Sunrise to sunset
Sunset to next sunset
Time period of unspecified length. (long time span ).

@mrazyone - 03.06.2024 04:25

I disagree with the timeline. Lots of biblical evidence the earth isnt 6000 years. It's not millions either

@Stormsurvivor9 - 10.06.2024 03:07

Awesome interview.

@brianjongeling8126 - 19.06.2024 08:36

Remember, foszils are bones like stone. Modern skeLeton is not.

@M00nGlitz - 05.07.2024 06:40

This is so sad to watch young earth creationists making the same ridiculously flawed arguments they were making back in the 70s and 80s when I was young. You simply dismiss the well understood and proven field of radiometric dating with the simple statement "It doesn't work." Ironically, when a laboratory purported to date the Shroud of Turin to the first century AD many Christian scientists rushed to get on board.

@educacionvirtualsendaalta5432 - 08.07.2024 05:30

Gracias por la excelente presentación. Aquí en Bolivia, en el museo paleontológico de la Universidad en Tarija, tienen unos restos de "huesos" a los que llaman fósiles. Discutí con el guía y le dije que un hueso no puede ser un fósil. Pero él definió el hueso como teniendo miles de años y 'por eso' eran fósiles. Un ejemplo claro de lo que yo llamaría un proceso de "fosilizacion ideológica" Es decir, la ideología esta definiendo las cosas, no los hechos concretos. Es lo mismo que ocurre con la idlg de gner y tantas otras imposiciones de los caprichos humanos sobre una realidad, supuestamente fluida.
Pienso que se debe desmantelar esta tendencia, de otro modo, la ciencia entrará en un oscurantismo.

@iambarks2814 - 13.07.2024 02:41

There is no science anywhere that confirms scripture - scripture is a human invented story made up by ancient people trying to exert control over others. Oh, and here are the modern versions attempting to do exactly the same thing!
