Why Japanese Wives Hate Foreign Husbands

Why Japanese Wives Hate Foreign Husbands

Paolo fromTOKYO

1 год назад

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@reestyfarts - 05.02.2024 01:53

Married to a girl from Shikoku for 24 years living in the US. We agree on 95% of issues. The other 5% is compromise. Good system.

@Jersey2WorldTravels - 05.02.2024 01:40

I can get on board almost all except the sitting down to pee thing. I am an adult and can aim/clean after myself. Men are built different and it is better to stand for this.

@TocoBear_Studios - 05.02.2024 00:57

I don't care what country you from if you're a man or you're married to a pointer and your wife doesn't adapt to your customs you're in the wrong marriage.

@kylemarsun - 05.02.2024 00:53

They sound like American women. Nag nag nag.

@barkingmouse8152 - 04.02.2024 22:06

No big. I'm sure the wives will let them know what they're doing wrong. At great length and in iiiiiimense detail.

@QuantenMagier - 04.02.2024 19:53

Those are all so minor things, getting divorced because of them there must have been something wrong with your love in the first place.. xD

@user-do8oj1qv5u - 04.02.2024 18:48

lol Japanese women hate any man, have you peeped their birth rates the last 40 years ?? lmao

@celebezz - 04.02.2024 17:49

they love my big dick

@noahbrown2100 - 04.02.2024 14:09

Perhaps you need to educate your partner on the frozen food details . She obviously has incorrect info , and that’s really wasteful

@MegaBladerunner007 - 04.02.2024 04:59

Respect to this guy but Jeez, I'll pass and get a Filipina instead 😂

@icenote1591 - 04.02.2024 03:26

Where did you meet your wife? Lets start with step one first. 😭

@armartin0003 - 03.02.2024 22:48

Watching this video I feel like a dirty barbarian. Ug.

@briankleinschmidt3664 - 03.02.2024 20:03

It's not true. Wives love their husbands. This is true across every culture and even in other species.

@Nagytika - 03.02.2024 16:36

I imagine a bunch of happily married japanese wives with japanese husbands, gets together in a community center and begins to slander foreign husbands...

@RottenWrldMelting - 03.02.2024 14:48

I am almost sure I started following paolo in some account I have but in my head Paolo were speaking japanese not english ... I will have to check the rest

@joat_dad4090 - 03.02.2024 07:55

I live in the US with my Japanese wife..the take off your shoes rule is annoying..eg. when you're BBQ-ing outside and need to take a tray of meat into the house, you have to put the tray down and take off the shoes..Doing home improvement or garden work outside, you have to take off your boots, then have to bend over to put them on again..on some tasks I wear sandals now, which is somewhat unsafe when you're doing construction work.

@flamerollerx01 - 03.02.2024 04:52

90% of these wouldn't be a problem for me at all. Sitting down to pee would be the hardest one to get used to, but no big deal to begin the acclimation process. I understand the logic and agree that it would make for a much easier time cleaning.

@josephyeo6966 - 03.02.2024 00:35

My wife is ethnic chinese from Singapore and all of the above is true for us including no eating of durians at home and banana skins has to be disposed of outside. Clothes that you wear outside are not to be hung in the bedroom. Brush your teeth before breakfast and after every meal.

@benibluefoe - 02.02.2024 22:46

Because he peed on the toilet, splattered the wall and cabinet, and dripped on the floor then left the mess for me to clean...I moved out. Living in my own home was a vast improvement. He wasn't allowed to use my bathrooms. After 4 years of the best arrangement for us, he finally admitted I was right to protest. Had I not moved to my own home, we would have divorced. Males are dirty, have dirty habits, and make almost no effort to be a partner in a relationship. Males want mama to care for them but with some added benefits that (hopefully) mama doesn't do.

@fred0356 - 02.02.2024 22:32

damn some of these its like the men cant man the f* ^ck up

@meskisz - 02.02.2024 21:01

Not related to japanese women and can be applied all across the world. Wtf?

@nononnomonohjghdgdshrsrhsjgd - 02.02.2024 12:30


@APlayOfHopesAndFears - 02.02.2024 11:36

I ALWAYS sit down, even when living on my own. Why would I want to clean up the inevitable pee spray? Nothing especially "manly" about a dirty toilet.

@harveyking5038 - 02.02.2024 10:23

the why marry an outsider??? for money???

@miorosa318 - 02.02.2024 03:14

I mean most of these are cultural and preferences so If you weren't prepared for them or can't adjust to them as of any kind of cultural difference in marriage than you probably shouldn't have done it. Very educational thank you!

@robtsteiner - 02.02.2024 01:33

simple solution, man stand to pee, then take toilet paper and wipe the bowl of splashed liquid. simple!!

@CelesteOnYoutube - 01.02.2024 23:56

I'm not japanese and I agree with the peeing while sitting; way better and cleaner.

@AlexSkylark - 01.02.2024 18:49

I don't see why the whole "pee sitting down" is such an issue to people. It's much less prone to splashing and overall better. I do it normally wihtout nobody ever telling me to.

@jeffreytan-yf6qt - 01.02.2024 17:45

Rubbish. Electricity is too expensive, simple as that!

@waltermattei5994 - 01.02.2024 10:03

Sounds like oriental wives are awesome. Smart and wise. Worth the relationship

@AwesomesMan - 01.02.2024 07:03

I mean I already live like this as a single guy living in the U.S. These are all pretty reasonable. Apart from standing up peeing, the dryer and the bowls which may be a little harder to change.

@spoddie - 01.02.2024 05:43

I'm married to a SE Asian woman, I have the opposite problem with aircon!

@ducatipainting6414 - 01.02.2024 04:35

Great, good for you, I’m married to a american woman and the kid is a pig , for real

@davebellamy4867 - 01.02.2024 02:37

Many of these customs are like older English customs. Like hanging clothes out to dry. On the clothes line outside. Plus Friday night is bath night! That was when you got 1 bath per week though!!😂 At the end I mostly bathed at night since I was a kid. Or shower. It always used to be too cold in the morning to do that before there was central heating. Plus men used to work in manufacturing and mining and got dirty at work instead of being in some call centre, so they needed to get clean when they got home. Now the custom has switched here for many and people bath and shower in the morning so they can smell good in the office.😂 then they bring all the city dirt and germs home at night.😳🙄 Plus of course they will be sweating like mad while commuting on the tube or stuck in a traffic jam while commuting thus cancelling out their bath before they even get to work! 😂😅🤣

@WilliamScavengerFish - 01.02.2024 01:52

When it is hot/humid, it makes sense to save bathing for before bedtime.

@s7r49 - 01.02.2024 00:49

Men tend to not fully drain their bladder when sitting down. It's actually better for them to stand. That said I'm lazy and prefer to sit.

@NightmareCrab - 01.02.2024 00:22

she hates you cause you're a manchild that puts #1 (and this whole list in general) something as stupid as how you pee and other small issues. You're not a man, that's why she hates you.

@joanc120 - 31.01.2024 23:44

jesus christ, if people hate each other for these minor details they are either inmature or naively thought everyone in the world must be "normal" as they are... You must be exaggerating, right? (happily married to a Japanese for 15+ years)

@AmericanEmperor - 31.01.2024 23:39

Foreign husbands are demented and depraved so there are plenty of reasons to hate em.

@theveganflower5135 - 31.01.2024 22:58

As a texan no ac is a sin 😅

@TokyoCraftsman - 31.01.2024 20:38

Number 7, the clothes dryer, at first my wife was not keen on the gas dryer, but now, you would have to take that dryer from her cold dead hands LOL.
Otherwise, 30+ years of marriage and 33+ years of living in Japan and none of the other things you mentioned are problems.

@mrmaster8884 - 31.01.2024 19:51

Because their penises hurt them...

@Jackcaos - 31.01.2024 16:07

most of the points sound more like " things you need to be aware of when marriing an US person" to me
the Japan points mostly make more sense

@odins_claw - 31.01.2024 15:35

Wow, it never occurred to me that sitting down while you piss is cleaner. Statistically it has to be even if you're very diligent.

@maxuzb - 31.01.2024 14:45

I guess the most popular social fetish is CleanTok...omfg

@blunttalkingoffspring - 31.01.2024 05:05


@user-tc3tn9jj8g - 30.01.2024 19:51

What a load of petty bs man the fu
