Star Wars: How to Capture a Star Destroyer | Battle Plan - Spacedock Short

Star Wars: How to Capture a Star Destroyer | Battle Plan - Spacedock Short


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falcon 0262
falcon 0262 - 13.08.2023 13:29

The fact that the general points of this strategy became cannon in Star Wars Squadrons is awesome

Vinemaple - 03.08.2023 08:11

One of the things I really like about your channel is how you're not afraid to state that the cool scenario or ship you're featuring is, when viewed realistically, or even with full evaluation of the canon, a really, really bad ship or idea.

It's been 5 years, have you done anything like the missions SG-1 and other Tauri forces used to destroy or disable Ha'tak vessels? Perhaps either a basic outline of anti-Ha'tak tactics and procedures, or perhaps your own plan for capturing a Ha'tak in a timeline where Prometheus and the production-model, Asgard-inspired Tauri vessels are not going to be built. Less practical, but not quite the madness of this lovely little scenario!

Krzosu - 06.06.2023 21:02

after dumping their troops the cr-75 should just jump away - there is no need for them to hang in the battle after that point. so jumping away is the smartest thing to do on top of that i would use 3 cr-75 for even more troops after all ISD had quite large both crew and storm trooper complements. i would even issue some rocket launchers to void troops so they could come on top of the hull then blast some of those turbolaser batteries if they started to deal damage to other ships - say on the side which was facing most of the rebel ships (there is no need to blast the ones on the other side).

as for stealing an ISD - ISD in itself is not a good target but it carries massive amounts of guns and supplies - heck they could probably even steal their shield banks and use them on other ships, stealing the vechicles like at-at at-st and other transports might be also worth it. ISD has everything , food , medicines ,arms ,proton bombs and other munitions - its literally a treasure trove and it carries enormous amounts of fuel as well.

So rob it blind then smash it onto some imperial outpost or world just for show to make a huge embarassment for the empire and enorumous sign of weakness.

Justin 127 :)
Justin 127 :) - 01.06.2023 13:01

Disabling life support is cruel💀

Terminator T
Terminator T - 07.05.2023 09:07

Up next: How to capture a Resurgent class Star destroyer.

(Seriously though, I’m curious to see this)

Bubba Gump
Bubba Gump - 28.04.2023 20:43

The real plan would be to use the captured Imperial ship to get a large bomb inside the ISD and heavily damage or destroy it!

Polarwhisper6 - 21.04.2023 15:17

Fuck your plan

SL Rivi
SL Rivi - 08.04.2023 08:00

Star wars squadrons :- You son of bitch im in. 😂😂

kaixian tv
kaixian tv - 14.03.2023 15:12

capture multiple TIE fighters and act like they are being chased to let the empire consentrate on attacking the ships and the rebel on the TIE would go and sabotage the whole system. Route hangar to main cargo to everywhere.

Sean Murphy
Sean Murphy - 19.02.2023 04:27

Can’t find a flaw and your dead on with all of this. Would bordering and scuttling the I SD be more reasonable

Ben Lieberman
Ben Lieberman - 17.02.2023 19:58

Most of the fleet is usually gonna be in maintenance at a shipyard or port. The vast majority of modern navies only have a fraction of their fleet deployed at one time as it costs far greater to deploy and actively crew a warship then to keep it tied up on a dock. I'd say their best chance is to hit a Star Destroyer making a port call to an Outer Rim shipyard, most likely a large orbital space station of some kind. The ship would have just a skeleton crew on board at that time so you won't face thousands of stormtroopers.

mmarsh1972 - 11.02.2023 19:16

The Rebels did capture ISD right after the battle of Endor (or shortly thereafter) such as the ISD Accuser and ISD Tyrant. There were others as well hose names escape me.
Weapons of war ALWAYS find their way into their enemies hands no matter who it is, that includes Star Destroyers.

Deathwing-Y2K - 15.01.2023 17:09

A pretty realistic plan. I feel like the boarding team might have needed to be larger, given massive size of the garrison aboard the ship. Happy to see the Flurry in here though.

David Hacking-Bonilla
David Hacking-Bonilla - 04.01.2023 17:01

The plan deals with careful timing and luck and that is not a solid plan and no matter what type of plan we have it will result is heavy deaths on the rebels side and possible failure and all for a ISD and I personally do not see that it is worth it to be honest.

But seeing how your mind works in battle tactics in fictional universes is very interesting.

Cole - 28.12.2022 02:37

There are honestly 3 ways I would capture an ISD. Disable it and use the starhawk as a “tow”, or somewhat do this plan. Fueling stations are a great way to capture one and they cannot move or just flat out repair yards as there wouldn’t be many storm troopers in there

Barney Taylor
Barney Taylor - 10.12.2022 14:46

I just cannot get past "why?"

Fulcrum - 04.12.2022 16:13

There are thousands of troops on a Star Destroyer.

Cardboard - 18.09.2022 04:02

Better plan:

Step 1- go to bracca
step 2- find functional venator
step 3- steal it instead

Keilerbie - 11.08.2022 23:07

Sure it's impractical but imagine the utility of a million-ton battering ram, the battle of Scarif would have been over before it even begun if they had one of those laying around.

Furballproto - 20.07.2022 09:14

What do you use to make these diagrams Ive seen so many people use it and Ive been trying to figure it out

VerbalDysjunction - 20.06.2022 10:57

Better to do it as a commando exclusive mission when it was in drydock for repairs with minimal crew. Like the attempt to steal Razor's Kiss. But as for stealing one in operation... This is probably the cleanest plan you can get

Felix Tsang
Felix Tsang - 31.05.2022 19:49

I would probably load the decoy ship with ion explosives and start with launching Ion torpedoes to disable every ship, assuming all systems are temporary offline. Take the opportunity to destroy any other escort and board as soon as possible with engineer standby in the boarding party to recover the ship from the ion blast.

Mildcat1043 - 28.05.2022 02:51

Instead of losing valuable flight crews aboard those GR-75s, since they don't need to be in system after their troops board, why not have them get clear of the engagement and jump to lightspeed?

Daniel Korladis
Daniel Korladis - 24.05.2022 11:09

Better objective: capture an old Venator.

Danny H.S.
Danny H.S. - 09.05.2022 16:41

How would the rebels capture a Imperial Venator?

SeaSideTapes - 30.04.2022 03:27

this happened in squadrons with u wings xwings and ywings

jeyfromnowhere - 27.04.2022 23:26

Literally crawling up the ISD's asshole.

Samniss Arandeen
Samniss Arandeen - 08.04.2022 03:50

May I suggest the boarding parties also send a detachment to Aft Damage Control to have access to the master switches for venting compartments to space? Maybe upload a computer virus to the Star Destroyer to disable it so the defenders are left in the dark with a ship the CO and his crew can't operate?

Going this route, I may also suggest the starboard hangar as the entry point.

MegaBlast Productions
MegaBlast Productions - 21.03.2022 02:09

How did you do this animation?

Exarch - 19.03.2022 00:49

Well someone played Star Wars Squadrons.

Rusher_2048 - 13.03.2022 21:11

I would have just taken the Arquintens, it is much more powerful than most of the ships that the rebels had (except for the Home One and Quasar), it is much smaller (about 1/5 of the size of an ISD) (which in this case means that it is also faster) and it is much less crew intensive than an ISD.

Sean Carney
Sean Carney - 01.03.2022 06:19

It would be criminal to not try stowing a slicer and/or an astro mech droid off the Gozanti (as stealthily as possible) before blowing it to bits, then the alliance could wreck havoc from within the ISD before troops come aboard. We all know how terrible the empire is at cyber security.

ole andre _
ole andre _ - 25.02.2022 01:53

What I would rather go for is taking over a light cruiser instead of a isd because
1. Smaller and therefore doesn’t bring as much attention as a hole stardestroyer getting stolen.
2. Fits more with rebel tactics as it is more mobile than a stardestroyer.
3. Doesn’t need more than 200 crew to operate as a ghost shell crew.
4. Still packs a lot of firepower
This is somewhat based of how moff gideon has his fleet during the mandolorian, smaller ship few people.

Freedom Star
Freedom Star - 16.02.2022 00:46

The rebels would probably use the star destroyer as a capital ship or something.

Fine, I'll Do It Myself
Fine, I'll Do It Myself - 15.02.2022 01:03

Okay, I have a suggestion. This is assuming that the imperials can be counted on to be arrogant that a star destroyer is pretty much invincible against any type of incursion.

Increase your number of the boarding party to 500. Split them into two groups one 250 the other 250. Have 250 of them enter through the back end where the trash door is, and then have every single Y wing and A wing available blow the hell out of the bridge, with the other ships attracting the fire of that one cruiser? Was that the one imperial ship other than the Star destroyer that has offensive capabilities? Anyway, blow that ship to smithereens, and if the main bridge is completely destroyed, we can assume that the auxiliary bridge is probably not manned.

Due to Imperial arrogance!

It's okay to blow the hell out of the main bridge if the ship can be controlled by the auxiliary bridge.

That should be the first place the first 250 troops take over. The auxiliary bridge!

The other 250 squirm their way through the wreckage of the main bridge, and it's with these 250 that you need your Imperial defectors, to help the troops inside the Star destroyer enter and direct them to whatever targets might be necessary to destroy.

All rebel troops need to be wearing heavy armor and space suits so that whenever all of the doors are opened and evacuated the space, they won't need to handle that because they're wearing spacesuits already.

And they need magnetic boots too, so that if they are in a situation where they could be blown into space, well the magnetic boots will prevent that.

So, you're not deploying enough ships for this mission. You need to deploy just about everything the rebel fleet has and throw it at that one star destroyer. After all, if you're going to take down the star destroyer, you need to increase your own chances to a level which almost guarantees securing the star destroyer.

Having such a small group of troops, just 180? Having just 180 troops for your main incursion group is just not enough. That star destroyer is manned with thousands of people. Or aliens, I don't know if the Imperial Star destroyers let aliens on board to handle their operations.

That doesn't matter one whit.

What matters is overwhelming force. I mean, if you really do wind up in a situation where there's only one star destroyer with two escorts responding to this trap with the injured ship, then this is your best chance to take a star destroyer, so you need overwhelming force!


You've dictated a situation in which a star destroyer is at its weakest. But a Star destroyer isn't a weak ship.

So deploying merely one carrier, well that's just not enough. You need to employ every fighter with hyperspace capabilities too. I mean everything.


If you're going to do this, you got to do it right. It's a one in a million chance, happening upon a Star destroyer so lightly defended.

Fine, I'll Do It Myself
Fine, I'll Do It Myself - 15.02.2022 00:43


Hell yeah, tear down the entire notion of the plan before you even get to the plan!

NeidalRuekk - 06.02.2022 17:19

In Legends, the Rebels stole a small number of Victory Star Destroyers, good but not great. During the Bacta War, at least two ISDs were captured, one becoming the Errant Venture, the only civilian owned ISD in the galaxy (although greatly stripped down). At least one other ISD was captured by the ship's captain being executed by his second in command and the ship being surrendered on the condition the crew were released, but this was very much an exception.

Parker Bond
Parker Bond - 31.01.2022 19:32

Couldn't you just hide your boarding party on board the ship in distress instead of a bomb?

Yes Way
Yes Way - 15.01.2022 09:46


Philip Salama
Philip Salama - 12.01.2022 07:20

The rebels are technically terrorists, after all. If I were them, I wouldn't use the captured ISD in battle, but use it as a battering ram - send it crashing into some high value Imperial facility.

Another reason to capture an ISD could be to assassinate/capture high ranking Imperial officers.

Maurice Barlow
Maurice Barlow - 09.01.2022 23:53

Yes I have a plan the Han Solo approach one squadron of yt 2400 attach to the back of the Isd when they dump the garbage dump the imperials and no damag to the ship also request Commander wolf and the Jedi erza who was still around and request obi wan Kenobi from bail organa behave easier with a Jedi and may the force be with you .

jayvhon calma
jayvhon calma - 30.12.2021 14:30

Daniel if you're intention is to scrap the captured ISD for it's durasteel plating and it's octuple barbett turrets it wouldn't be a complete lost

LemonGecko - 30.10.2021 23:43

I would have tried to secure an informant and or get the command crew who wants to defect. This would help the rebels in securing vital areas and maybe taking out the rest of the ship. I would also take a few R2 units with me as part of the boarding party.

Thanks for entering space, I’m unsure of the rebels have the capability but I would’ve jammed her signal so they would be prevented and sending a distress call.

Chaotic Squirrel
Chaotic Squirrel - 16.10.2021 12:29

I would bring in a whole attack force after the bomb went off, and keep the boarding transports on standby until the force had hit the ISD escorts' weapons system and taken it out. Then I'd drop the boarding transports out of hyperspace at the stern of the ISD so that troop movement is as fast as possible then I'd have them jump off again as soon as the troops were on board. Right after the Ys had hit the weapon systems I'd bring them back around for a second run at the shields which should cripple them enough for the X-wings (assuming the accompanying starfighters are X-wings seeing as they're the most comparable in speed) to clean up the bridge on each escort. As soon as the escort's are all down all Rebel forces get the heck out of dodge and it's mission accomplished. Done. Also I was able to save the transports, I thought they were too good to lose and it would make no sense for them to send them out to die before cleaning up the forces seeing as it would have no proper way to defend itself. The assumption is that it would drop in after the Ys made the pass at the garbage disposal at the aft and gave the all clear for the transports. This would ensure the least causalities, though all in all this is really stupid and unless they were going up against an Executor and needed fire power from multiple ISDs (Though I'm not sure even then) there is no reason to do anything this risky or stupid, it's hard enough taking out ISDs (just play squadrons even on lower tier matches, you'll see) without adding "Oh, we can't hurt it too much" to the mix.

GRoss - 12.10.2021 02:08

Love your content!!

Kommandant Galileo
Kommandant Galileo - 10.10.2021 11:03

What do you know, this plan was implemented in Star Wars: Squadrons

Drew Jackson
Drew Jackson - 22.09.2021 17:32

All too easy. Perhaps the star destroyer isn't as powerful as the emporer thought.

G G - 10.09.2021 05:54

In this case, I would just destroy the ISD and not bother losing a single ship. Those are the odds the Rebels will take any parsecs.

SIERRA075 - 30.08.2021 14:52

Looks at star wars squadrons

Nicholas Grant
Nicholas Grant - 27.08.2021 12:09

Alternate plan: the boarding team, some in stolen Imperial uniforms, are aboard the Gozanti and then board the destroyer that way to sow confusion.
