You're #Writ of #Possession is Judicial Victory

You're #Writ of #Possession is Judicial Victory

Ernie Garcia, Landlord Attorney

2 года назад

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@Chantel-c1m - 20.02.2025 17:07

What type of emergency would be suitable to the courts to stall the Writ. Im on state assistance. They were helping me to pay for my rent. So I feel kind of robbed like it wasn't my fault that im in this situation in the first place. Because If I were to get extra money from another source(such as a job) to help me pay towards my rent than I would lose my housing assistance .when I moved into my place I was able to afford the rent but it went passed what I ws able to receive from the state .So now im being evicted unfairly.All in all I feel all of this is happening all of a sudden and im rendered helpless.what can i do to stop this from happening?

@JulieHF-w9d - 14.11.2024 05:16


@jillybeanfortnite - 06.09.2024 03:55

Can you pay the judgement when getting the writ of posession

@davidhernandez-gq4fw - 21.08.2024 23:43

how many days do I have to file a writ of possession?

@vitticus - 18.08.2024 15:33

I'm a landlord in Tarrant County. I just received favorable judgment and tenant has 5 days to appeal. I drove by the property and have enough hints that the tenants have moved out but I'm not 100% sure. I don't know if I'm allowed to step on the property during this 5 day appeal process to ascertain that they moved out. But I have suspicion that one of their homeless friends saw the property was vacant and is probably sleeping inside. If I can ascertain that the tenant has moved out, can I take the property now or do I need to wait out the appeal process? And if there are homeless people sleeping in my property, can I just go in and tell them to get out myself or should I file the writ of possession?

@crand20033 - 28.07.2024 01:52

My tenant is two months behind on rent, he didn't pay June or July rent. I won an eviction in court in July. If I file for a writ on July 30th, and he pays rent august first, can I accept rent payment on August first, apply it toward the June's rent that he didn't pay and still let the sheriff come out and evict him?

@ericwilliams9898 - 22.04.2024 13:37

I know this from a year ago but i have a question im in Houston texas and i just got a writ filed on me friday how long do it take for the constable to come serve the writ??:

@gustavofuchs2365 - 15.04.2024 06:38

I won the original hearing by default but on April 4th. but my Tenant appealed (as per law) and was given until yesterday April, 13 2024 to pay the 1 month rent into the JP Court's registry here in Fort Worth, TX. Today is Sunday, April 14 and I won't know until tomorrow (Monday) morning when I call the Court to find out if the Tenant made the payment as stablished on the Judgement. My question is... can I go head an e-file the Wit of Possession today (Sunday) or should I wait until tomorrow to do it once I find out whether or not the Tenant paid? What would happen if I pay for the Wit of Possession and I find out later that the Tenant did make a payment into the Court's Registry? I would I lose the money or would it get reimbursed?

@SonataBlue177 - 11.04.2024 15:31

We have a crazy woman that has been given the writ of possession but hasn't left yet. I. A resident and all residents here have endured verbal abuse from this woman fir months and she has destroyed her own property and made death threats to staff and residents. They say they are waiting on the sheriff but I cant take another month of this. Can't relax in my own house,have company visit or work from home because of her. I pray she leaves asap! We are all so over it!

@KingNez89 - 04.03.2024 07:59

Mr Garcia, I have a property here in Houston. My issue is that I have to keep turning down new tenent prospect's because the unit that im evicting the tenant from, is the only one I will have available....I go to get my writ of possession on tuesday, how long realistically will it take to get the tenant out after that? Can it be done this week afttet the writ or is that a unrealistic expectation?

@lauradavannna8283 - 12.01.2024 03:05

Can I efile the writ of possession? Or do I have to absolutely go in person?

@CurserTV - 03.01.2024 18:51

If I apply for writ today how soon will tenant get served

@jhill6033 - 26.12.2023 19:35

So my tenant has rented from me since 2020 and after that first year, I refused to give her another yearly lease because she had been problematic with late rent. So she is moth to month and now two months behind. Could I get a writ of possession on the fact she is month to month and I no longer want to extend, or would it still take as long as nonpayment of rent?

@naturgrel - 23.12.2023 11:27

Tenant thinks I have to purchase the writ of possession even though he left voluntarily and turned in his keys on the day of judgment in the county court.

@dominictagoe1513 - 01.12.2023 08:50

In los Angeles last Wednesday November 22nd I had a writ of possession in the mail only and not taped to the door. In the unit, we have 3 shaft gates. My expires on November 24th

@jamesgamble5250 - 20.11.2023 23:33

My tenant appealed a judgment against him to a superior court. He has not paid rent since August. Our court date is set for December. We will be requesting an writ from from the Judge. My Property will be Representing me.. I'm in the State of Georgia. Do I need more than my lease.

@MariaSantana-r9t - 17.11.2023 07:22

I had my unlawful detainer court trial today
My tenant lost the case
I was awarded writ of possession, their going to mail the papers ...
Writ of possession is faster in California, maybe 2 weeks..
Tenant was order by judge to move out, he didn't award me the back rent 3 months, I'm not sure why, but that's ok
I just want this tenant out, he was also selling drugs from my property
And NU executed search warrant a week before trial, so it help to get him out for illegal drug sales...

Great video thank you
Is very informative.
God bless..

@Rawr-r-a-w-r - 31.10.2023 09:32

Hi, I have a question. My rental home is in Dallas, TX. I won the eviction trial for nonpayment (partial August, full rent Sept and Oct) on October 25th. The judgement amount was $5k plus, and I still have to wait 5 days period. The earliest date I can get writ of possession is November 1st. However, the constable in my area has 1 to 57 days after he delivers the writ of possession to forcefully remove the tenants out of the premises per the judge. The tenants contact me today to pay for 1 month rent (November rent they said ) so that they can find new place to move out. If I accept their rent, can I apply the amount to the judgement they owed me, and in case they don’t move out as they promised by end of November, can I still request the constable to remove them from my rental property with the writ of execution? I’ll make sure I have writ of possession in hand. The only thing I’m doubtful is if I accept the payment, will I need to restart the process with NTV. Thank you for your advice.

@scoody07 - 09.09.2023 18:22

Writ of ejectment ?

@wlsn20 - 08.08.2023 09:30

What if it said No writ of possession

@bobfrankel1234 - 25.02.2023 09:42

So here is a good one. The sheriff office here in Georgia has a 3 month wait time until they can have a sheriff come out. Is there any other option?

@travillucky - 20.02.2023 12:11

I truly appreciate this information, sadly there is not enough about the writ process for the landlord.

@milagrolakeland1753 - 17.02.2023 20:59

so complicated, it should be quicker, how is it fair for the landlord to be out of rent money, dirty property, out of filing money and on top waiting for so long.

@kevinsamuelsfans1190 - 13.02.2023 01:34


@alices8568 - 18.01.2023 20:53

My case is handle by a lawyer and he got final judgment for the case. Now he is not returning my call. My tanent is still there. So can I go to the court apply for the writ of possession?

@heightsgolan8742 - 04.01.2023 23:45

went to court and won. judgement is for $2600. the renter says she will appeal. The judge said she has a 5 day window to file the appeal. The judge set bond at $1500 for the appeal. my question is, is that 5 days , or 5 business days.

@rosenaandre7147 - 23.12.2022 04:50

Can a tenant apeal after their 14 days to vacate has expire

@MariainesVargas-km2fx - 03.12.2022 02:02

puede un orden de posesion ser parada?

@monabellzapata6826 - 21.09.2022 00:22

I just paid $280

@DivaRacers - 22.08.2022 06:24

Can the writ be applied?

@janjoy9759 - 11.08.2022 07:49

I am landlord in little elm, Texas (dallas area).

My tenant moved in May 21. I renewed my rental permit late, July 27. My tenant has not paid rent for August so after an extensive grace period I issued notice to vacate.

He emailed me a nasty message saying I rented him an unlawful rental property because of the permit issue I just mentioned above.

Can I still evict him? Or can he end up squatting? Would my case still hold up in court?

@WHATYACOOKING - 05.08.2022 10:34

Is a write of possession valid with someones else's name on it instead of the landlord who evicted u?

@andymalanga - 04.08.2022 22:55

A Writ of Possession is a court order to give the owner of record back his property after the City of Los Angeles has illegally given it to someone else.
