Klax School Berlin: Trailer

Klax School Berlin: Trailer


2 года назад

40,182 Просмотров

We see ourselves as an inclusive and cosmopolitan school community. Many of our students and teachers have an international background. We are involved in numerous European projects within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme and have been designated as a school without racism. In addition to our bilingual branch in German/English, we offer German as a foreign or second language.


#Klax #Klax_GmbH #Klax_Gruppe #Klax_Krippe #Klax_Kita #Klax_Kindergarten #Klax_Schule #Klax_Grundschule #Klax_Sekundarschule #Klax_Erfahrungen #Klax_Institut #Klax_Weiterbildung #Antje_Bostelmann
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