Why Genshin Impact's Banner/Gacha System Is Ruining The Game

Why Genshin Impact's Banner/Gacha System Is Ruining The Game

Vars II

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The Az Ranger
The Az Ranger - 11.09.2023 10:52

As a mostly f2p player I find it extremely frustrating when a 5 star I don't want or already have comes as a rerun cuz i gotta save my premos for the characters I want so I just sit there knowing I'm not getting any new characters 4 or 5 star for 3 weeks 💀

tr_walkway - 08.09.2023 10:20

I think genshin should have an event similar to Fate Grand Order's anniversary or milestone events, where on special occasions there will be a set period of time where tons of previous 5 stars are available. How it works in FGO is that for a few weeks, the banner changes every other day, cycling through sets of 1-3 different 5 star banners. Considering that for most players, genshin isn't a game that you can just log in on your phone unlike FGO, each banner would last around 2-3 days instead. Maybe even every other week, in the course of a 4 week month.

Another idea stolen from FGO is the Lucky Bag banner, a purely spender-only banner. How it works is that you're guaranteed to get at least one 5 star in a variety of characters (around 4-9 five stars per), and that it would cycle through along with the normal banners. The thing is, you can only pull on this type of banner once in the entire event, and you can only pull on them if you use paid Saint Quartz (or Genesis Crystals for genshin) This gives a chance for low spenders to make their money more worth.

Vollie D
Vollie D - 07.09.2023 04:50

As someone who plays great games who rival genshins sales, like Fate Grand Order and Blue Archive both games have what we call a GSSR or guranteed super special rare banner, when you pull on it you're guranteed 1 5star character out of a selective pool of characters, fgo doing this better than any other game that does by limiting multiple banners to pools of 3-7 characters typically either based off gender, date of release, or release year and also set to classes so you can choose a class/es you need and attempt to roll for said characters.
While yes its a paid system it's very cheap for a guranteed banner.
Fgo & BA does these every new years and anniversary event so twice a year you can pay for 2 attempts at a character you really want, to be fair I've only nailed a character I wanted once out of 6 years of FGO but that's the name of the game, except for cleopatra I've never been disappointed on what I got, god cleo needs buffs but hey at least I know they'll happen in fgo unlike in genshin.
Genshin also desperately needs to add what fgo calls interludes and ranks ups, basically you have interludes it's a story quest with huge lore about the characters however in fgo they're typically topped off with a skill or ultimate buff that massively increases their usability and almost always makes them playable in the current meta, fgo has 0-5 star characters and some of the best characters are free 2 stars who have tons of buffs over the 6 years.
I wish genshin would do this for amber Lisa kaeya, childe, keqing, exc exc they need buffs so bad but for some reason genshin only cares about money and not making a great game I'm convinced the devs I knew in alpha either quit or where beaten down til they stopped caring cuz the game is almost unrecognizable

HenriqueRJchiki - 06.09.2023 20:39


Dragolectron - 06.09.2023 15:12

Hello, I am studying computer science for two semesters + 2 years before I got to university.
I know some stuff about C++, Java and other computer languages.
And I approve on the fact that anyone with similar knowledge can just make a list and do this easily.

ItzRealNiKz - 06.09.2023 13:59

For everyone saying they could be sued for false advertising, just remember of Dehya.

Cassini 7
Cassini 7 - 06.09.2023 03:31

In the end really hate this system colleting primos from dailys, event even low spending still not enough or too difficult and somestimes feels stupid spending just for datas??? "Chars XD" and mobile games/like online games wont last long too better paying singleplayer/coop video games and get everything no microtransuckshit yeahh like playing in consoles/switch and pc steam/gog

ErenYT⅄ - 05.09.2023 23:46

I absolutely agree. I will stop supporting the company and the game, I would rather put my money somewhere else's. This pulling system is just not fair

Rukia Kuchiki
Rukia Kuchiki - 05.09.2023 18:03

Honestly I think one thing they can do to temporarily fix this is for 3rd anniversary make it to if you are ar 25 or 35 you can choose a free 5 star of whatever you want I just think it's something that could help increase player amount and possible spenders

Shinon’s Pantry
Shinon’s Pantry - 03.09.2023 22:42

I saw a brave frontier clip in here. It literally made my day, since i miss that game so much.

BP - 03.09.2023 21:14

Re: working towards a unit, Honkai Impact 3rd has a system like that to a tee. Yknow, the game Genshin impact literally stole the main character from in-universe.

lXlDarKSuoLlXl - 01.09.2023 19:17

Hoyo isn't lazy in genshin, they're greedy, they do the most pointless things that hardly anyone would notice, but they won't give us quality of life improvements.

An example of this is: on the jade chamber quest you need to find a rock that makes vision shine and hum, but archons visions (those that have fake visions) don't shine. They waste time coding that crap but they "can't" code raiden triggering beidou's ulti. They can't rise the resin cap. They can't give us load outs. They can't give us decent anniversary rewards (which costs them nothing since whales are going to whale anyway, it's fake money, it doesn't hurts them).

They give most of the improvements we've been asking forever in other games, if that's not mocking us I don't know what is.

And man, the divine path on the weapon banners is a scam, they'd turn a guaranteed from 160 to a whooping 240 , it won't hurt their bottom line, it'd hurt OUR bottom line... 😅

Dok Champa
Dok Champa - 31.08.2023 15:51

it is a basic fact of life that any gacha game could be vastly improved if the gacha elements were removed

Liviu Bostan
Liviu Bostan - 31.08.2023 14:09

The 50/50 system is a heartbreaking,game quitting system.
It should have never been in the game.

Darrio Travis
Darrio Travis - 31.08.2023 02:51

kinda sad that no one is giving mihoyo any pushing back. Its like all of the fans of this game have given up and are ok with spending hundreds of dollars or worse hundreds of hours for a single unit . no matter how you slice it all roads lead to how greedy that company is. i do understand that that everyone loves the games they love. its just funny that mihoyo was fucking the player base over with greed at first. but now as i look at the community now, its consentual yall are ok with being breathing wallets. but as i said you love what you love. yall have fun.

Distasion - 30.08.2023 08:26

yeah but in that 6-8 week period a f2p is only getting the pity for one 5* anyway if even that. Even if old characters were added to the standard banner there's no guarantee unless you whale... I don't see a problem I joined 3-4 months ago and already have a good roster that I enjoy and can clear endgame content. Gacha games require long term investment anyway, play like Sisyphus: knowing that you will never reach your goal but enjoying the process of moving forward anyway. It's like Ninnguang says “Even if an antique is priceless, the happiness it brings lasts for only the moment you obtain it.”

Athena Matthews
Athena Matthews - 29.08.2023 18:45

I really want qiqi bit I already did a 50 and a 10 pull, if you guys have an idea on how to get qiqi, let me know please

catzee - 29.08.2023 10:02

Still crazy to me that there's no Geo 5-stro on the standard banner. Maybe Albedo would be a good fit?

Gavin - 28.08.2023 12:41

Specifically targetable banners would be a pretty cool work around. Totally unrealistic, but it would be bad ass to have a banner that lets you dictate which 5 star is the banner unit - bonus points for the 4 stars too

Jeijard45 - 28.08.2023 01:04

I deleted the game today because I lost 5 50/50 in a row, all on soft pity 👍

charziz - 27.08.2023 21:15

If they do rotation on the standard banner it should be faster than the limited banner like once a week and outside of hoyo’s control to prevent character bias.

Dark Shadow
Dark Shadow - 27.08.2023 19:28

i really like eula but i couldnt play when she was on banner now i cant get her for another year funnyyyyyyyyy

Hyein Nava
Hyein Nava - 27.08.2023 02:36

One thing that I absolutely HATE Abt the event banners,is that they put standard characters/characters that aren't even on the banner,like imagine grinding for months and then you don't even get the five star characters you wanted,like they need to remove the five star standard characters from the event banners and just keep them on the standard banner. Cause its so annoying when you just wasted all your hard earn primogems just to lose the 50/50,idk why no one is talking Abt this tbh,like are y'all not gonna tell the company this good suggestion??!?! Cause we f2p players are tired and almost wanna delete this game everytime we don't get the characters we want. Like all the primogems and hours just wasted like that.......

The One Eyed Owl
The One Eyed Owl - 27.08.2023 02:16

I've been wanting mona for years now and i just wont get her😭😭😭😭😭😭

BuiltSimilar - 27.08.2023 01:13

They better not add it to the standard banner, makes it impossible to collect a specific character you need

RVM - 26.08.2023 20:10

This game is SO amazingly great and SO amazingly draining and overwhelming at the same time. It truly is a love/hate relationship. If Hoyoverse simplified the approach to character development and story dialogues the game would feel so light and fun. When you've been playing for a while it starts to feel like a job because there's a lot of things you have to invest so much time and effort in to be able to keep up with it just to end up asking yourself why are you really doing it. So many details could be simplified. Like... let the map be automatically visible and fully accesible straight away, pin point lost oculus directly into the map, don't limit the amount of farming you can do by resin quantity or days of the week, reduce the amount of variables that need to be upgraded to build a character, give the opportunity to enjoy the experience for people that can't invest thousands of dollars in a game... just to name a few. I hope that Hoyoverse can listen to their audience and make some changes so that the players don't experience such an intense burnout. Although something tells me they purposely want to make the game feel overwhelming... it's this whole 'effort culture' type of thing, which is a great mindset for real life.. but with a game you just want to make it feel fun and light.

satya yana
satya yana - 26.08.2023 13:58

what i hate abt genshin banner :
-zhongli banner up
-i get golden gacha glow
-but its mona

yatorayeager - 26.08.2023 08:33

Literally saved for a weapon and got a weapon I already had… HAVENT played in 3 months lol

Anon Akkor
Anon Akkor - 26.08.2023 02:47


Harlow Dreemurr
Harlow Dreemurr - 26.08.2023 00:50

Well I thought about another solution,just an extra spice on top of all these...
What about wish prices? Instead of 160,it would be a just 100 for being able to have more wishes per primo...it would be amazing though
and the oldest characters,excluding archons,adding to standart banner is an amazing idea

For example,Xiao,Kokomi,Albedo etc.

Byda - 25.08.2023 17:40

I would like if they had regional banners for instance Mondstadt banner with Mondstadt characters, Inazuma with Inazuma characters etc. New characters or character that are involved in a new event or promotion can be on a separate banner named "promo" banner or something like that.

Charus - 25.08.2023 17:05

In my opinion, they need to scrap the standard banner entirely, and replace it with so that in every patch or so, there is 1 to 3 five-star characters from the different regions available to pull (Like 1 to 3 Monstadt characters available to pull, 1 to 3 characters from Liyue, 1 or 2 characters available from Inazuma, and so on...) so that it is easier to obtain potentialy older characters that you missed and want to get. It would be even better that the 5-star character banners from different regions would only be available if you reach that region.

There, problem solved, not only it would be a god-send for people who skipped characters they wanted to get, but this will also be very helpful for new players who will need strong characters for the current region they have reached so far, so they wont be burden with a late-story character and they wont be able to obtain their resources to upgrade/enchance said late-game character from a region they didnt reach yet and make it collect dust.

Femboy Addict
Femboy Addict - 25.08.2023 08:20

It's so annoying how Honkai Impact 3rd has a better battle pass, it gives a S- tier character (best rating) that's decently old and not only that but it lets you buy either a signature weapon or a stigma once you fully finish the bp.

BNuts - 25.08.2023 01:03

A possible solution to this lies with the Honkai team: Firstly, the gacha banners in Honkai Impact 3rd , Expansion Supply for characters and Focus Supply for gear, does not have a 50/50 to lose. Old S-rank battlesuits have gone into the standard Dorm Supply, and I believe the newest one there is Herrscher of Thunder. There can also be a number of event-specific banners, including for the more unique weapons and costumes, as well as for the 'Equipment: Living Forms,' which are basically combat Paimons.

When a new battlesuit gets released, there's often some sort of give-back deal embedded into the Supply to encourage Captains to pull more. This could take the form of additional fragments for rank-up, gear choice boxes, and even Focus Supply Cards for more gear pulls. But say you missed a number of new-release banners because you didn't have enough crystals for the pull (Pity is at 100 due to the lack of a 50/50, and it generally costs 280 crystals per pull, but the Honkai team has gotten a lot more generous with sources for crystals).

One thing is that newly-released battlesuits often have a rerun Supply one or two patches later. Another is that the Honkai team puts in special, fast-rotation EXPA and FOCA Supply something like 2-3 times a year, including around the time of the anniversary. These fast-rotation banners last less than a week, but you get to choose from 4-5 battlesuits on the EXPA, and their gear on the FOCA, to be your rate-up target, and you have a limited number of rate-up resets per rotational season. The choices are always announced, so players can plan who to choose. This means that someone with enough resources could fill out their roster quite nicely in a couple weeks. It's even more essential to have the right teams in HI3 because the endgame modes have 'weathers' that promote certain types of damage, and because certain enemies are completely immune to Elemental or Physical DMG. As well, the meta promotes building teams for Fire, Lightning, and Ice DMG on one hand, Physical DMG on another, and within Physical you also need Bleed DMG and Shield Break teams -- and then there's the current Main Trio team. It's the only one designed specifically to work for battlesuits that do different elements of DMG, and two of them, Herrscher of Truth and Herrscher or Origin, are designed specifically to support the third, Herrscher of Finality. HoFi can also be the Main DPS for Fire Teams, but she won't reach her peak damage without those two. But HoTr is special because not only can she be Ice DPS, but Support for Fire or Lightning teams as well. The meta continues to be pretty nuts with the introduction of Herrscher of Rebirth, so the EXPA and FOCA fast rotations become hugely helpful for any players who can't just drop huge amounts of cash for every banner.

Ivan Grcevic
Ivan Grcevic - 24.08.2023 12:57

I see one problem with the first solution you propose: wishes for the standard banner are rare. And buying them using primo gems is not ideal.

That’s why I like the second idea you presented. Something that you can work towards and once you get the required resources you can exchange them for a character. Also they are already doing it in Star Rail.

Haodong Sun
Haodong Sun - 24.08.2023 00:43

The reason for all this shit that mihoyo is giving us is because they don't have competition, if there was they would have made decisions to not lose player base, there was Tower of fantasy but the ones handling it are pretty trash. We just need to wish for games like wuthering waves that can create a strong competition.

RovingWind - 23.08.2023 18:08

Any of these improvements would be great. I've seen several characters I'd love be featured but since I didn't have hundreds of dollars to throw at the banner, I didn't get them. I've been playing for a year now and pulling two 10x wishes per month. I still don't have a 5 star or any constelations.

Breadyboi - 23.08.2023 13:17

MiHoYo seems to respond well to review bombs

Charis Leath
Charis Leath - 21.08.2023 09:27

Genshin should bring in what HI3 does. You can farm character shards for certain characters and when you have enough you can unlock the character.

тωιℓιgнт - 21.08.2023 00:39

Just copy honkai impact gacha system it's just that simple

MattK - 19.08.2023 01:44

How about regional standard banners that get added once a region is fully released? You could have a Mondstadt banner, for example, with more regional 5-stars like Klee or Albedo, and maybe save special 5-stars like Venti for temporary event banner re-runs.

DakovChan - 19.08.2023 00:01

Shoutout to brave frontier. I fucking loved that game i blame brave frontier for me being adicted to gachas

citicomvee - 18.08.2023 13:28

I mean yes, the Gacha system sucks, but I am actually not sure if changing it, really would increase the players happiness... Yes, its helpful for new players. But i think its actually contraproductive for old players, since i think wanting certain characters is also a big big reason that keeps players... If Genshin makes the limited characters too available, you will have all the characters you want pretty pretty fast. I am not a fan of waiting, but i actually feel much more joy, if i waited for the character, saved my primos and then get it after a few months of waiting, then just joining the game, get all the good characters directly and then have no reason to continue. Because even if genshins story is dope and the areas and regions are so beautiful, that wouldn't be enough to keep players on the longterm. And yes, areas expand, but it always takes a long time and you wont explore it and do all the quests, if yu dont have a reason, cause i think for a lot of players curiosity about the story wont be enough. Espacially if its just a random NPC Quest... So yes, Genshin should change the Gacha System, but they shouldn't make too big changes. Rerunning their characters more often or the weapon banner system for the character banners would be nice, but i think adding the limited chars to the standard banner or be too "friendly" with the banners won't help the game...

Idiot Sandwich
Idiot Sandwich - 13.08.2023 13:12

In my opinion, a new way to kind of implement a way to get older characters would be like on a banner with a hydro character if you lose a 50/50 you get another hydro character or the same whatever weapon type the featured character had. So it could be like a banner of a character would have the chance of a similar character if you lose the 50/50. I think that would be an interesting idea

ByeGuys Sry
ByeGuys Sry - 12.08.2023 20:55

I feel like there's another very common method of rerunning more characters: anniversary events or other similar events. PGR does this, rerunning all old characters during their anniversary. Honkai Impact also somewhat does this, rerunning 9 different characters (and 15 sets of weapons) during various special events (Honkai Impact also makes old characters farmable, give them out for free, or at least chuck them into the battle pass or add them to the "ADV banner" which are both inaccessible to F2Ps, one because it's physically inaccessible and one because its rates are lower and old characters are, naturally, worse, but at least it's there. Meanwhile PGR also periodically gives out character selectors which let you choose any decently old character, which is also pretty common, though PGR is the only one I know that gives them for free).

AlienatedIllusions - 12.08.2023 17:14

The only real solution I see is a better standard banner. It would be nice if 5star characters that were older than 1 full version of the game would be added. (So as of 4.0, any character featured BEFORE 3.0 would be available. The next part would be a reduction to the primo gems needed to perform a Standard pull. Instead of 1600 make it only 1000 primos. This would make Standard more appealing for F2P or lower budget players like myself.
As it currently stands there isn’t a single benefit to drawing from the standard banner.

Hiro the God
Hiro the God - 10.08.2023 07:35

My problem with the banners is that they always have TERRIBLE units as 4 stars. Edit: I might add that your idea is brilliant. Make a choice ticket. Add some kind of content in the game where upon completion, you get a choice ticket. 10 ticket 🎫 and boom you get to choose a 5 star.

#1 Collei fan
#1 Collei fan - 10.08.2023 00:23

I dont think hoyoverse can legally add current characters to standard

Ryobei Yamaoka
Ryobei Yamaoka - 09.08.2023 12:30

I don't have a problem with limited banners. But they should rerun more often. I'm sure you guys have seen these leakers telling everyone "Oh, 3 banners per iterration are coming!!" Never happend. But I wish it would.
