Being a Night Owl  and Embracing Night Time Routine

Being a Night Owl and Embracing Night Time Routine

Victoria Terekhina

6 месяцев назад

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@xymonau2468 - 09.12.2023 23:08

If you can buy or make some stretchy synthetic bags with zips, you can separate the clothing that pills (the correct word for the little balls) and anything you don't want other fliff on, and put them in the wash with the other clothing. It works for me.

@mariainman3618 - 09.12.2023 07:09

awwwww❤❤❤❤kitty.... you could never be a failure. You always do so well and take such good of your children and your husband and friends you even moved in a different country to make a better life for them and yourself ❤

@christineb8148 - 08.12.2023 17:34

I grew up on kefir, even more than yogurt. It's the easiest to make! I love it. It kind of feels like a treat even if it is good for you. I'm wondering if you ever deal with SAD in the winter when there is not much light in the northern hemisphere. When I moved to the NE USA, it is much much darker in the winter and I noticed less energy and my sleep was worse (I have always been a night owl but this was a lot worse) so I started using a therapy light for 20-25 minutes in the morning and it has helped a lot.

@hebbbby - 08.12.2023 17:15

The little fabric balls we call pilling 😊

@hebbbby - 08.12.2023 17:07

Hehe I worked in a summer camp in Siberia for a few months and every single night we had kefir and bulochka before bed ❤

@anetabml - 07.12.2023 12:09

I have the same fabric shaver and agree that it's the best thing ever! I can make the clothes look like new again

@elenamilena7247 - 03.12.2023 22:12

How have you managed to learn English so good?

@AlaskanCam - 03.12.2023 20:16

I’ve always been a mix of night owl and early bird, this video is so calming. Love from Alaska! ❤️

@caroleberreur9585 - 02.12.2023 19:07

Am is night (after midnight) and up until lunch time. Pm is post lunch. I remember it as I’m French and A for me stands for ‘avant’ (or before lunch) and pm, post lunch. 😅

@mancaratkovic878 - 02.12.2023 17:36

How do you survive with less sleeping? My baby is falling asleep at 7pm and waking up at 6am. With several waking ups in between. Im so tired 😢

@katherineafzal2315 - 01.12.2023 23:07

They have Kifer here at the grocery stores in the US. They have the plain ones as well as fruit flavored. I like the plain ones, because growing up I drank dough. It is a middle easter drink similar to Kefir. Dough is a carbonated sour/salty yogurt drink (not sweet at all). My husband on the other hand prefers the flavored Kifer.

@elizabethwidlund3859 - 01.12.2023 08:17

My husband and I are both night owls, I've always been one, even as a small girl. He works afternoons/evenings, so we get up around 11 and go to bed between 2 and 3. I work from home so that helps. You're right, getting up earlier doesn't help, there's nothing virtuous about it if you're exhausted.

@Javainthebox - 30.11.2023 03:23

What a great video and I love seeing your kitties. I’ve made my own raw milk kefir for years. Here in the USA, it’s considered a drinkable yogurt. It’s amazing for digestive and immune health…so great for your health.

@Falcone737 - 30.11.2023 01:28

iam night owl but im just kinda on a lil extreme side of it , sometimes my girlfriend gets pissed off about it specially when we go traveling

@suewilkinson910 - 29.11.2023 22:21

We night owls kept the rest of our sleeping community safe at night and kept the fire burning back in the days of cave dwelling. Then in the daytime the refreshed sleepers would go out foraging for food and share it with us after we had slept. We are valuable in our own right. We just don't fit into modern schedules. .

@olar.7903 - 29.11.2023 00:40

I’m a night owl myself but I have to go to bed at a certain time otherwise I won’t be able to fall asleep. I’m curious- were you able to sleep well after staying up until 1:30 AM?

@liz8382 - 28.11.2023 22:55

We have kefir in the US too

@ellatabitha4154 - 28.11.2023 21:03

The light on windows, you get black out blinds that stick to the windows

@Husmoder - 28.11.2023 18:01

"It's not that late actually" - girl, I'm dying at 9pm

@Monika0035 - 28.11.2023 16:37

Where i live we call that milk 'amasi' i like it alot , its also nice with grated ginger , lemon , honey or even mint - i like how real you keep things like keeping the part where the "baby safety"? Plug fall out ... :)

@eileenweeks1815 - 28.11.2023 10:05

I stay up until 3 am about every night. Then I take a sleeping pill and I'm go to go until l wake up at about 10:30 am. 😊😊😊

@EpyonRoyal - 28.11.2023 02:48


@NiinaSKlove - 27.11.2023 23:10

My grandmother and I used to drink Kefir (with sugar) as a kid. It is such a precious childhood memory! <3 I love Kefir!

@Tanya_Offscript - 27.11.2023 01:10

I can't believe how long your hair has gotten! It seems only last week you cut it short. Gives me hope my hair will grow out quickly too lol

(BTW, the little fabric balls are called "pilling". Like the clothing is covered in little fabric pills) 😁

@bintlooda - 26.11.2023 20:51

I was a night owl until i did two things : started not opening any bright lights ( just candles and night stand lamp ) and leaving the windows without a curtain or shatter.. so within one year my body learned to wake up with sunrise and start to get sleepy with sunset

@yellowblue9052 - 26.11.2023 13:08

I always suffered from insomnia all my life and the bad thoughts were hunting me all night my mind just doesnt calm down and it gets worse as the hours go until one day i decided that since i dont talk to anyone and i just overthink im gonna start sleeping before midnight mostly 22h or 23h it was a miracle because aint in no way someone would have convince me and i tried for years i just dont know what happened that just like saying thats enough i could change or deblock something in my head now i cant stay up after midnight i am so happy it was lufe changing and i am also more stable mentally not completely but mostly

@jonathanj3862 - 26.11.2023 08:32

Just finished drinking blueberry Kefir right before I watched this! Pretty common in the USA from what I have seen.

@bnooshabdi3692 - 26.11.2023 03:25

Just a quick tip on using the lint remover: try not to use it on delicate clothes, or if you do, be very gentle. Also be careful not to accidentally touch your skin with it. Thanks for the videos…greetings from UK.🌹

@janeburton2557 - 26.11.2023 02:50

Hi Victoria - I’m also a night owl but I have insomnia. It started when I was my late husband’s caregiver during the time he was sick from his lung cancer. I had to give him various prescribed meds during the night hours - help him to the washroom - and make sure he didn’t go outside in the cold in his pyjamas. The cancer had affected his mind (like some people who have dementia) and he wanted to go outside in the dark. Though this was several years ago - I still have it plus my brain won’t shut down at normal bedtime. I don’t want to take drugs in case I have to wake up in a hurry. I enjoy your interesting videos as they are about everyday life. Take care. Cheers from 🇨🇦🍁

@bethanywicker8990 - 26.11.2023 02:33

Lint is what some call the little fabric balls.

@rebekahkrause4458 - 25.11.2023 23:40

Fellow mom and night owl here, and I totally get you on doing stuff at night. I've tried to be a morning person and it just doesn't work for me either. I'm most productive at night plus it's nice to have the alone time.

@jenniferkirkland1002 - 25.11.2023 19:52

Signing in as a night owl too!

@xxx041189xxx - 25.11.2023 16:21

Oh my, I am also a night owl girl, married to an early bird boy! It is sometimes difficult to have such different rhythms, but we've also found it handy for dividing work between us! The society generally treats night owls as lazy (and this is very stupid), but I have also been a night owl ever since I was little and so was my mum. I did a gene test on 23andMe recently and I felt really validated - it showed that I am genetically as night owl as you can be! So I do not fight with biology, but use it to my advantage and work when others (the non-lazy ones!) are snoring in their beds!

@An__- - 25.11.2023 16:18

Kefir sounds like buttermilk. I used to like buttermilk when I was younger but I don't know if I could drink it anymore. I should try sometime

@Elizabethvaughan1 - 25.11.2023 08:45

Laughing because here I am watching this about 1 am . My husband is also a morning person and I am a night owl . We have been married for 41 years . My most productive time is between 12-3 am . Especially when my 3 kids were small . I love your content Vika !

@jeanaallison7236 - 25.11.2023 08:37


@MM-ey8zs - 25.11.2023 06:32

the cats are soooooo cute

@melaniev4390 - 25.11.2023 04:05

I could never get up early at your age. I even worked night shift. Now I am older and I wake up very early on my own, no alarm clock! It is 7pm here and I can't wait for bedtime, 😂

@ginger1549 - 25.11.2023 02:08

I usually go to bed around 1AM then get up at 7AM - set my alarm. I generally end up taking a nap in the afternoon.It's easy to get a lot done after husband goes to bed.

@pamelabodley - 25.11.2023 01:03

We’re those orbs flying around you at the end???

@n.d.7931 - 24.11.2023 21:31

Its so refreshing (and validating) to see other night people proclaiming as such. I think by now society needs to change their views toward those that arent ready to hit the ground running at 7am for a day job along with the 'early bird gets the worm' mentality. Night ppl are far from lazy. Its just biological. Also i highly commend your considerate behavior towards neighbors. Here in the US esp in multi cultural city environments-NOBODY respects the right to live peacefully.

@darrylodare6168 - 24.11.2023 11:00

Cats and rats 🤣🤣

@OhDarling1982 - 24.11.2023 08:48

I'm just a mom of little ones, watching this vlog at midnight 😁 It's so nice and peaceful when everyone else is asleep!

@bellespunkk - 24.11.2023 04:17

Oh I love Kefir!! I have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), so I constantly am looking out for food/drinks that rich in probiotics.
Sometimes I add salt to it so it can taste similar to the Turkish aryan drink (salty yogurt drink)... which I find is really refreshing in the summer!

@madonnadove - 24.11.2023 03:44

I’ve made Kefir. It’s fermented dairy. You can even make it with water. Great for digestion and tasty with overnight oats. I used to be a night 🦉 owl, but that switched in my forties. Now, I’m up with the birds and I love going to bed.

@cdh2328 - 24.11.2023 00:22

You could also use those throw away razors for depilling your clothes.

@Robynqsims - 23.11.2023 23:39

South African name is mague. Like sour joghurt. I do enjoy it a lot.

@monicaale231 - 23.11.2023 22:37

Conheci seu canal essa semana..sou do 🇧🇷 Brasil..estou amando sua simplicidade. Seus vídeos. Tô vendo desde o primeiro 🤦🏻‍♀️. Parabéns pelos vídeos. Que seu canal continue crescendo. 🤗

@adrianr650 - 23.11.2023 21:38

Thank you for sharing that time with you. We have kefir sometimes there is a slight fizzy taste. I wish all occupants of apartments were as thoughtful about their neighbours as you as noise pollution is a huge problem. Bless you and family.

@JessStaysHome - 23.11.2023 19:25

I also like kefir! My husband on the other hand, he once told me... "babe, I think the yogurt you bought has gone bad" hahah I said, "no, it's supposed to taste like that" 😂
