1/6 Scale Figure News. Fallout, Hot Toys Batman, Batgirl, Death Trooper, Mondo, Asmus, Eartha Kitt

1/6 Scale Figure News. Fallout, Hot Toys Batman, Batgirl, Death Trooper, Mondo, Asmus, Eartha Kitt

The Figure Zone

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@justinblong2003 - 28.09.2024 16:54

3 thumbs up

@justinblong2003 - 28.09.2024 16:54

I like the baseball in the zombie head idea

@hudson3838 - 28.09.2024 17:26

My thoughts are considering a life of crime so l can buy that awesome hot toys batman returns figure, see what you doing to me hot toys you turning me into a bad guy so l can afford a good guy, and as for statue of the day no thanks! l be caught red handed and red faced every time : )

@mpac3602 - 28.09.2024 18:29

Thank you for making your thumbnails the figures you talk about in the video, instantly clicked the vid when I saw Lucy MacLean 😅

@daviddaniels9551 - 28.09.2024 19:35

Jirai-Chan "Please spank me, Sir!" figure.
One more for the locked closet showroom. 😋

@dsanchez9703 - 28.09.2024 20:01

That Batman Beyond bŕo!💥

@MikeNElio - 28.09.2024 20:16

Please don’t mention integrity toys here. Unless you are a fashion doll channel leave that trash brand out of your videos. The quality of integrity toys is garbage and the price is too high. Talking about a glorified Barbie with an East 59Th st body and a bricked face is not the tea. Do better

@ljkelty1766 - 28.09.2024 20:26

Cool stuff. Zombie Death Trooper and Batgirl have been PO'd. I'm not a Mondo fan, but I am trying to resist their animated Spidey. Thankfully the ltd ver didn't include anything essential.

@jarellano1014 - 29.09.2024 19:17

I think the Mondo 1/6 are overpriced But I did get the Rogue on a payment plan and will get a Jean Grey if they ever make one!

@markmcg.5641 - 30.09.2024 00:32

That's hilarious about the digi statue showing where you've touched it. That could be pretty embarrassing if you get too handsy with your statues 🤣
As for the death trooper, is he basically a zombie? Was that an actual character in one of the shows, because I don't recall it? Mind you, with some of the dreg they've been putting out, I don't watch a lot of the shows anymore, so not an expert. It does look cool, but seems more like a cash grab, like the gold batman you mentioned at the start.
Speaking of Batman's , that Michael Keaton headsculpt looks pretty good, but really, how many more Batman's do we need ( or Heath Ledger jokers for that matter!) . Between them and the Iron Man's, I freakin' lose it when I see another one come out - Enough already!🙄

@dollplexus74 - 30.09.2024 05:32

so cool you mentioned integrity toys .

@YoureNotThatGuy69 - 30.09.2024 09:18

I wish the Asmus zombies actually looked as good as the previews. Unfortunately there’s a pretty big difference. They still aren’t bad but it’s like Hot Toys or Threezero makes one for pictures then third party mass produces it
