sometimes, i think about dying | Sundance Short Film About Depression

sometimes, i think about dying | Sundance Short Film About Depression

Short of the Week

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Short of the Week
Short of the Week - 23.10.2019 22:54

Re-uploaded from this morning due to an audio issue! Thanks for the patience 💕

Rosie - 22.08.2023 05:56

"It's my birthday today."
"You wanted to spend it with me?"
" Yeah."
I'm not crying, you're crying! 🥺

Charlie Williamson
Charlie Williamson - 13.08.2023 13:47

I adore that hes more open over texting and that they both are. Im the same way. Its always easier to be up front through a device ig

Miss Red Wine
Miss Red Wine - 07.07.2023 17:31

Is this movie about "Just Pearly Things?" 😂😂

Northern Highland Mist
Northern Highland Mist - 13.05.2023 23:49

Wow that was really PAINFUL to watch - in a good way! Great acting on both actors!

touta - 10.03.2023 09:34

Maybe Robert is projection of her rumination he doesn't.exist in real life ...maybe a fantasy story she made up in her head . she couldn't tell the difference between reality and make belief..she did say she likes to tell her self stories in the beginning...on certain pjases durinf depression this happens

Jaz Who
Jaz Who - 08.03.2023 14:34

The ending is genius. True human connections are the most beautiful and healing thing. And it's becoming more and more rare because everyone is depressed.

Veer Chasm
Veer Chasm - 26.01.2023 02:47

The Office without the documentary crew…

Veer Chasm
Veer Chasm - 26.01.2023 02:43

Putting periods at the ends of texts…that’s like a movie using a 555 phone number

Daniel wonderley
Daniel wonderley - 25.01.2023 21:01

I thought Daisy Ridley is meant to be in that!

Plutonis - 24.01.2023 09:12

Only now am I discovering this film, but it's quite relatable. Having battled depression myself, what Fran thinks about, and how she thinks about them, are similar to how I've felt in the past. The overall awkwardness is also familiar. I applaud the team for showing depression in such a candid and raw manner, as it's not often that I see films tackle this subject with the kind of honesty displayed here, particularly the part where she breaks down into tears at the end at the realization that, yes, someone actually cares about her and wants to be with her despite how she sees herself. This hits close to home and is so well acted, staged, and presented. My compliments to all of the crew and cast.

Maria Raquel
Maria Raquel - 23.01.2023 02:50

The thing about being a serious, depressing(/ed), quiet woman is that men think we are mysterious and interesting. But when they start to know us they realize we are boring common women and we don't have some different, weird, strange secret, we are just that: serious, depressing and quiet. When they understand this, they ghost.
Maybe that's why we think about death so much. It's better than to keep thinking how inadequate we are to be romantic loved

JamesJoyce12 - 21.01.2023 05:19

he clearly wanted to spend his bday with the star wars chick

Sun Shine
Sun Shine - 28.12.2022 03:10

Surprised to see Jim Sarbh here ✌️❤️

applesauce - 15.12.2022 07:59

that was so good omg wow

Joanie Tristine
Joanie Tristine - 10.12.2022 07:55

I have never felt more connected to someone then watching this. I have never seen another redhead with blonde eyelashes and eyebrows, that is also funny and thinks about dying at every moment.

Heaven Phillips
Heaven Phillips - 29.11.2022 21:23

I think about it everyday, every other thought, sometimes one right after the other. All I need is one person to show me this kind of care.

Karen Lima
Karen Lima - 17.10.2022 07:05

I'm tired of being Robert

Read my ABOUT section
Read my ABOUT section - 10.10.2022 09:20

"A human being can survive almost anything, as long as they can see the end in sight. But depression is so insidious, and it compounds daily, that its impossible to ever see the end."
- Elizabeth Wurtzel

Símplí Abigail
Símplí Abigail - 09.10.2022 13:41

Great movie. But I think this hardly happens in real life. Which guy in 2022 would be attracted to a sad, mute woman? My depressed self would sabotage every love attempt anyone made towards me, because I'd think they're just acting nice out of pity.

Se'Moria R. Gibson 💗
Se'Moria R. Gibson 💗 - 20.09.2022 04:18

This is beautiful

MFK - 10.09.2022 02:13

This was a very beautiful film

Sassy Nana
Sassy Nana - 26.08.2022 19:10

Wow! Great acting. I want to hug Fran until she relaxes into herself.

lenore delore
lenore delore - 16.07.2022 09:51

Thank you for making this film. You don't know what it means to me

X - 16.06.2022 09:18

I understand what's it's like to be shy and socially awkward. This film captures that brilliantly. It also shows that sometimes there IS a person out there for us that sees what others overlook. Robert was very sweet and kind. I was so happy they found eachother.

Mag Mag
Mag Mag - 08.05.2022 04:16

I wonder where he's taking me, maybe he wants to kill me, maybe he knows how much I want to be killed.
I just finished watching the movie, the scenario was really good. we can't actually control our thoughts.

Paul Loo
Paul Loo - 02.04.2022 04:00

Wow! ..

sayulita lyfe
sayulita lyfe - 15.03.2022 00:38

Calling all pedophiles
Sterling Gray Van Wagenen friends need your kids. He wasnt the only one. Sundance the home of pedophilia. I bet those kids molested wanted to die as well

Dale Wikfors
Dale Wikfors - 05.03.2022 17:55

I have a rope in my car. There are 7 oak trees at my work. I often look for the right branch...the one under the Boulder would do just fine...I have children. And dogs. They all need me...still. I look for the right branch.

Maria Hanczewska
Maria Hanczewska - 20.01.2022 21:34

Her thoughts "does he want to kill me?", "does he know how much I want to be killed?" hit me. I want someone to kill me too, because I don't have the guts to do it myself.
Yeah, I know- I'm attention w*ore, coward, hysteric... I know, I know...

saf - 20.12.2021 15:21

this movie feels like how the last 3 months have felt like. ive been in a terrible depressive episode and i find it so difficult to engage w others and even reply to them whenever they talk to me. but at the same time there was this girl that was interested in me which i kept pushing away thinking that id deal w her after i got a little btter from my episode, which of course never happened cuz things only keep getting worse. theres no point to this story. it just goes to show that things dont really happen like in this short unfortunately. when you have depression its easy to ruin a lot of good things for yourself without even realising. then the bad things just keep piling up and its like youre buried underneath all of the things you hate abt yourself and cant seem to get on the surface. ppl dont really care fore you when you have depression especially if your depression makes you kinda quiet. they take ur unwillingness to talk and engage w them so personally like im over here trying not to kill myself chill lol👹

Muhammad Umar Al Hanbali
Muhammad Umar Al Hanbali - 11.12.2021 14:48

This movie all about "PREPOSITIONS"

Jeniffer Michael
Jeniffer Michael - 26.11.2021 15:57

If you can't find a Robert, be a Robert to others

Brina O
Brina O - 21.11.2021 02:20

Thank you🥺

Sam Elis
Sam Elis - 10.11.2021 13:50

Hello Robert, are you out there? I need help

Deer Heart
Deer Heart - 07.11.2021 14:07

Omg I relate to this so much

PaK_Wagen - 23.10.2021 01:10


TUK TUK - 21.10.2021 14:31

Everything is accurate but that Robert part doesn't really happen.

Ninja - 19.10.2021 23:58

A really interesting film

Hippy Trippy
Hippy Trippy - 18.10.2021 09:29

Being anxious and depressed ➕ introverted . I always think about dying

Noel Paganotti
Noel Paganotti - 18.10.2021 07:46

Amazing film!

I had the chance of seeing it play in sundance! And I remember it made me want to go out and make a film! I am still inspired until today about this short film, and remember seeing the two main actors and the director standing right there at the front.

If I'm not wrong they said this is a proof of concept for a bigger film. I hope they got it, but all I know is that this film taught me and showed me what an amazing short film is, and I now got short film going around in festivals!

B-612 - 15.10.2021 13:18

I met a girl once at a midnight party in the woods…she just watched it all from behind a tree on the periphery. I kept watching her watching the fire and people and me…the dancing flickering shadows on her face. I came over to her and asked if she would like to talk for a bit…she took me to her old car on the edge of the field and opened the door. Her car was filled with old books, of all shapes and sizes and colors and thicknesses, every nook and cranny was filled with words and dust.
We never spoke, yet I have never felt closer to anyone since, in that tonight of flickering shadows and books.

Isabel Lengruber
Isabel Lengruber - 13.10.2021 03:19

i wonder what mental disorder she has, this was a great experience tho

Marie A
Marie A - 08.08.2021 23:03

“What do you do apart from work?”
“I don’t really do anything” this is me 😭

isa belle
isa belle - 25.07.2021 00:08

jim sarbh is simply amazing

Fedia Ahmad
Fedia Ahmad - 19.06.2021 02:06


Naela Omar
Naela Omar - 02.05.2021 18:28

I wish to ask if it’s ok to paste this short on my channel. I wish to translate it to Arabic. And I care about copy rights. So, is it ok?

Thanks in advance

MicTache - 09.04.2021 00:31


gok ram
gok ram - 17.03.2021 17:26

I wish I meet the female equivalent of Robert ..

Ananda Nur Maghfira
Ananda Nur Maghfira - 11.03.2021 04:21

my world is in a universe my country is in a world. my state is in a country. my city is in a state. ok its not a city its a town. my road is in a town. my house is on a road. i lie in my bed. my self isn't a bed in a room
