Top 13 Lost Horror Films | blameitonjorge

Top 13 Lost Horror Films | blameitonjorge


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blameitonjorge - 27.10.2018 19:26

Re-edit is a hard word to say. Haha hope you guys all have a safe, but spooky Halloween! Shoutouts to Cinemassacre for helping me wrap my head around The Phantom of the Opera. Godamn is that one mess of a film

Flaky - 13.10.2023 21:04

Frankenstein was restored in 2018

Sailorjerry 666
Sailorjerry 666 - 25.09.2023 07:39

Have you seen this man is gunna be a movie starring Nick cage. Same plot.

Miles M.
Miles M. - 13.09.2023 01:19

There's a new Nicolas Cage movie coming out, Dream Scenario, whose premise sounds a lot like the concept of "Ever Dreamed This Man?".

Doctor, The
Doctor, The - 10.09.2023 21:04

saw a guy with a tattoo of This Man on his arm a few weeks ago on the train. bizarre experience.

Paola Córdova
Paola Córdova - 08.07.2023 20:23

Lets Read Lets Goooooo🎉

Fritz Pollard
Fritz Pollard - 05.05.2023 09:32

To say Hollywood excluded by race implies that other countries didn’t. In fact in French German and England whose governments controlled the industry have zero silent films or any specifically produced created or performed by any cast that wasn’t headlined by all white stars until the 60’s. These old US filmed were made at many Hollywood studios and the reason they are unknown today is the black executives directors actors felt exactly like their white counterparts that there would be no cross over demand so they didn’t bother to market them to the others audience.

Izzy Ornitier
Izzy Ornitier - 23.04.2023 23:43

who does the narration for The Monster Of Frankenstein here?

starry eyes
starry eyes - 18.04.2023 21:04

Context aside, the idea of one character “speaking” silently through title cards while everyone else talks normally with their voices is actually a pretty cool idea for a surreal film.

xabungle - 17.04.2023 21:56

The lack of evidence for the existence of Las Noches del Hombre Lobo is overwhelming, but I don't understand why Paul Naschy would need to bulk up his resume. He was the definitive horror actor of the era working in Spanish. It would be like Christopher Lee fabricating movies to fill in his resume - both men were churning out horror films and had long, very active careers.

Miles The Peaceful Inkling
Miles The Peaceful Inkling - 17.04.2023 05:17

In The Mind of The Damned is already found now!

Itz_lol9618 - 10.02.2023 19:32

The "This Man" movie was unmade. It's not lost.

Gamers against Lean Alberta 2007
Gamers against Lean Alberta 2007 - 03.02.2023 12:52

I think I've seen "The Golem and how he came into this world" or at least a similar film which is not lost. I could be wrong about this though. I saw something Golem related from The German Expressionist Movement though.

RaiderJohnTheMadBomber - 03.02.2023 06:56

I worked on the Universal lot in 79 and 80. Soundstage 13 was built for the Phantom and is known to be haunted. Happy Halloween!

RaiderJohnTheMadBomber - 03.02.2023 06:52

In the late 70s I haunted the drive ins in and around Tampa Fl. I saw many "B" and below flicks. I can't recall any titles and I'm certain they would be on this list if any pieces of them remained.

RaiderJohnTheMadBomber - 16.12.2022 01:42

Universal built a (sound ) stage specifically for this movie. Having been in the studio I can tell you that it is significantly different than any other.

RaiderJohnTheMadBomber - 16.12.2022 01:33

I'm impressed with the level of research.

The Drag Dive
The Drag Dive - 04.12.2022 17:55

The person who reads the Monster of Frankenstein section has a truly iconic narrator voice.

s p
s p - 12.11.2022 05:43

Well, I think the 2nd werewolf film is a bit of a stretch. Even if it was in color, it's extremely common for television and movie production stills and photos to be in black and white even if the production itself was in color. I mean, even Thomas & Friends has black and white production stills from the first season's production in 1983 and 84, long after color came to television.

Budget is likely the reason. In the 60's in America, even though color was spreading rapidly, colored cameras were still rather expensive compared to black and white ones. I don't know if the actor really did confuse the two or if he was really in 2 werewolf movies, one of which got lost, but disproving the 1st entirely because of the fact the photos were black and white while the film was colored definitely is a stretch.

Whitney Ochs
Whitney Ochs - 28.10.2022 21:02

I know this wishful thinking but I really hope London After Midnight is somehow found one day

Nightspawn Son-of-luna
Nightspawn Son-of-luna - 04.10.2022 02:39

An important side note that you didn't mention about London After Midnight...

Lon Cheney's makeup for that film is what inspired the Danny Devito Penguin in Batman Returns...

So in a way part of that movie lives on

Repent, Jesus Christ loves you ! Repent and turn !
Repent, Jesus Christ loves you ! Repent and turn ! - 01.09.2022 16:12

Another one … All American Massacre, the third and the last part of the original The Texas Chainsaw Massacre trilogy. As the movie wasn’t released other directors took advantage to make Texas Chainsaw a money making machine, spawning 7 horrible movies.
RIP All American Massacre
RIP Tobe Hooper, my fave horror director

Bianca Portillo
Bianca Portillo - 30.07.2022 20:59

i really don’t know anything about movies and films but there’s something so sad about silent movies and early movies being lost forever. the artistry of set designs, costumes, makeup at that time just seemed so beautiful i can’t believe we’ll never get to enjoy it. it also just makes me feel strange when i think of all those actors and actresses working hard on making a film that they maybe thought would be enjoyed for generations to come, but sadly that never happened.

TheGameWolf - 20.07.2022 20:46

Phantom of the opera is even confusing to hear

SaintGreen86 - 25.06.2022 15:14

I love the concept of "this man". So many directions that idea could go in

Virgil Roberts Jr
Virgil Roberts Jr - 18.06.2022 21:45

I remember as a child seeing tv reruns and snippets of the silent version of, "The Phantom of the Opera" and it was truly terrifying and that's saying the least!
Excellent Review!

Chris Hickory
Chris Hickory - 16.06.2022 20:50

What about 'Fury of the Demon' 1897?

sunk - 11.06.2022 02:21

Just imagine there's copy of London after midnight that's buried underwater

SGP Productions
SGP Productions - 07.06.2022 09:12

'This Man' is literally just Andrew Lloyd Webber's face lmao

Kristine Temblador
Kristine Temblador - 30.05.2022 18:59

🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 f u

Arman27 - 25.05.2022 22:10


Jose Garcia
Jose Garcia - 19.05.2022 08:54

this man...........i like it

Gamers against Lean Alberta 2007
Gamers against Lean Alberta 2007 - 17.05.2022 09:40

Any similar lost films to Last House on Dead End Street?

ChrisE827 - 06.05.2022 01:36

A lot of old movies in color have black and white photos so I’m pretty sure the werewolf movie is not lost and is just under a different title.

Seth Tyrssen
Seth Tyrssen - 17.04.2022 03:16

Thomas Edison made the first film based on Frankenstein,

Mary Chouvarda
Mary Chouvarda - 17.04.2022 00:34

From the way he talked about the Phantom of the Opera,he sounds like he is shocked and frustrated of the complicated story of its re-edits.

XK 113 TT AD
XK 113 TT AD - 13.04.2022 13:56


XK 113 TT AD
XK 113 TT AD - 13.04.2022 08:19


M H T - 08.04.2022 19:34

As someone who has been interested in lost films, and searching for lost films (which can be quite the exercise), I have shared in the joy in the rediscovery of one of these films, its restoration, and availability for public viewing. Thank you for this video!

fearlessjoebanzai - 29.03.2022 18:19

The This Man character was due to be played by Kevin Spacey, hence why it was dropped from production - it hit a little too close to Hollywood homes.

Party Dude 17
Party Dude 17 - 19.03.2022 06:28

Speaking of lost Phantom of the operas, there is also supposedly a completely different silent Phantom of the opera film released 9 years earlier in 1916 that is lost in it's entirety with only some promotional artwork still existing

Henry Guckes
Henry Guckes - 01.03.2022 19:09

the golem didnt actually originate from a book, its just like an old folk tale

Caleb Thornblad
Caleb Thornblad - 16.02.2022 02:53

Prett sure they actually found London after midnight

JestersAreAwesome - 26.01.2022 07:37

Every time I feel uneasy when watching this video. Idk why, maybe it’s just the depressing fact that these films are lost, maybe the images kind of creep me out or maybe it’s just Let’s Read’s voice.

Or maybe I’m just a wuss, Idk.
