Do You Fear Going To The Dentist? | Embarrassing Bodies | E4

Do You Fear Going To The Dentist? | Embarrassing Bodies | E4


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@sonia15702 - 19.12.2023 22:02

Man up and face your fear. Maybe if you brushed and flossed you wouldn't have this issue

@robproductions2599 - 03.07.2023 22:40

normal teeh for bri ish people

@WorldsWorstBoy - 07.06.2023 02:57

My teeth has effected my social life badly.
I just got 3 root canals and im finally feeling comfortable enough to date.

@iamcxncept2230 - 29.04.2023 09:47

For some reason I thought I was just messed up. I'm just now at this moment realizing after doing some additional web search I'm suffering severely from dental phobia. I didn't realize this was real I thought I was just partly in denial and embarrassed but I swear everytime I think of it I always say I'm going I'm going to drive to one and try and get in. I'm going to call just to hang up the mere though terrifies me and it felt so irrational to myself to have this sudden fear. I've lost 1 tooth completely and 3 have basically craters. My 2 front are broken and frail and it's hard to admit I feel like I look like I'm just trash no matter how I look otherwise and I never cared for appearing any particular way before. Thank you for your story.

@Hitomiaka - 17.01.2023 22:32

I wish we could have seen more of his journey. I'm in a similar position. I have an appointment next week to have surgery on a tooth and I'm so afraid

@d.k.1394 - 09.01.2023 10:41


@treshcoon1824 - 03.12.2022 15:55

Courageous man ❤️

@purplevibes999 - 28.11.2022 07:46

I want my teeth paper white i brush floss use mouth wash 2 times daily but there not white like paper towels there not fake bright white so I want to get mine pulled out and get implants in for something different because i am no satisfied with the whiteness of my teeth

@abundantcreative3307 - 24.06.2022 00:15

I love that he conquered his fear!
