SQL query to get the string before or after any specific character (Substring, Charindex)

SQL query to get the string before or after any specific character (Substring, Charindex)

VBA Automation tutorial point

1 год назад

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local local
local local - 05.11.2023 07:18

Nice explanation

Bruce Barrett
Bruce Barrett - 14.07.2023 15:52

Thank you so much for the great example! Once thing I noticed - I don't think you need the -1 in the 3rd select. If you leave it off it would display the entire last part of the field which in this example is 'com'

Cory Bullard
Cory Bullard - 05.07.2023 20:18

Is there a way to pull a word that falls in between ‘Type:’ and ‘Cuff:’

sharpazn - 21.03.2023 00:43

Subscribed!!!! Thank you for your explanation! Gonna check your other SQL videos!
