I BUILT A MODEL FOR THE TANK MUSEUM!!! AFV Club 1/35 Churchill MK VI Tank Model, Full Build.

I BUILT A MODEL FOR THE TANK MUSEUM!!! AFV Club 1/35 Churchill MK VI Tank Model, Full Build.

Champion Scale Modelling

3 года назад

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@kenkarns2272 - 05.02.2022 22:31

Great episode! So much enjoy your segments and your top of the list of video sites I subscribe to.

@beehivescalemodels - 06.02.2022 02:24

I live in a village 5 minutes away from the tank museum and I pop down almost weekly! Bringing my dad along to the model show in a couple of weeks for his birthday so will certainly pop over and say hello! Thanks for another great video 😊

@henrysanchez4810 - 06.02.2022 07:16

Looks great.

@riptidegaming8876 - 06.02.2022 09:06


@riptidegaming8876 - 06.02.2022 09:26

I loved making the churchill, didnt have to paint rubber on the wheels XD

@markIburgess - 06.02.2022 09:52

Great work Jason. Might try to get down for the show but it's pushing a 2 hour drive each way.

@mitchyoung3642 - 06.02.2022 12:03

Great build with some useful info and like many of the comments on here I like to support the tank museum shop and to that end I was interested in the discount code being offered but I can't seem to see any links? Is this due to I don't watch on a computer as I just use tablet or phone.

@shealey9763 - 06.02.2022 21:12

I've used the model store at Bovington a few times too, their selection is great, and in all honesty with Covid etc it seemed a good way to support them.

@peterhammond1186 - 06.02.2022 21:59

Spent more than I intended in the model shop, it’s an Alladin’s cave for modellers. A shame it’s such a long way from Manchester. Almost finished the AFV Club Churchill AVRE I bought.

@neboskii8756 - 07.02.2022 03:07

Looks amazing

@taco6658 - 07.02.2022 06:54

Great job, but I think the turret could have used a bit more dust to match the hull.

@Emtbtoday - 07.02.2022 13:46

I built the Dieppe raid one I used that humbrol liquid mask for the rubber waterproofing it works fantastic! I was given the brass rivets and a brass barrel from my model shop for free to use with it what a difference them side rivets made mine is in display in my local hobby shop maybe not a museum but still feels good to be asked to build something for them to show eh! I had both the bands and individual links in my Dieppe kit ever there new mk7 kit doesn't have them! There fantastic there like the mk4 ww1 tracks just clipped together all workable! I've got the Snake and the one with the casemate to build next but need tracks now as only then horrible bands !

@Emtbtoday - 07.02.2022 14:06

Think alot of us still use the dust coat it's a great wee technique! I was shown it from an old skool modeller I use it I've passed it on to new modeller's who come in the shop etc keep it going!

@Emtbtoday - 07.02.2022 14:21

Thought that was like a thing with modeller's never use museums for your references!? It is with us in our club! It's funny when you see kit's done with museum mistakes like hobby bosses wee panzer 2 the unarmoured kit the boxes on its fender edge were from the inside of the real thing getting worked on in the museum they added it to the fender! Trumpeter are known for it as are Dragon on some kit's! Yeah it's not the best idea that to use museums! You'd have a blue and yellow matilda on your shelf for one with golden Miller but they now have that other one with the correct caunter scheme i saw just in October it looks great to see done right!

@michaelhazell4251 - 07.02.2022 20:38

The IPMS Churchill SIG will be in attendance, come pay us a visit

@polishmodels - 08.02.2022 00:24

i like it btw do you know what camera u use?

@HydroSnips - 08.02.2022 02:50

I bought an AFV Club AVRE (Mk.IV) at the tank museum - an excellent shop to go with an excellent museum (also near me) - I found the suspension & running gear generally a total slog and an exercise in patience. Thought the model is a tad over-engineered but you do get a great-looking Churchill out of it and it’s quite satisfying to finally complete. Did modify the turret somewhat to add the cast texture like you did (also a big weld seam) but other than that a nice (tricky) model out of the box. Did pay an extra visit to the museum just to photo their AVRE from every angle too :D

@stephenmcdonald7908 - 08.02.2022 03:21

Excellent job of the weathering.

@Kettleman1.0 - 09.02.2022 23:22

I'm getting a Model Maus soon from their shop a I'm really exited.

@timothybogans3905 - 10.02.2022 02:14

Great modeling, great video, i enjoyed this very much, subscribed, thank you for sharing

@lehagusev583 - 10.02.2022 15:40


@strydyrhellzrydyr1345 - 13.02.2022 18:05

They look like rivets. Not so much bolt heads

@strydyrhellzrydyr1345 - 13.02.2022 18:10

Huh... This is a little odd.. I'd say it's decent.. but needs some work.. the actual model parts I'm saying

@strydyrhellzrydyr1345 - 13.02.2022 18:18

What... Why... Huh.. I wouldn't have put that silver on... Noway..

@strydyrhellzrydyr1345 - 13.02.2022 18:20

Gosh. Can see a lot of glue streaks all across the top of the tank .. all those doors... That's a bummer.

@tallismaryward - 13.02.2022 23:10

Coming down from Diss. See you there

@foreverplastickits138 - 14.02.2022 01:44

Congrats, it's a lovely model! 👍👏

@AdamMGTF - 15.02.2022 12:41

I think the word you were searching for is "mudguard".
Fenders are guitars. Unless your an unwashed colonial.
Found your channel from the tank museum, bovington. Very glad I did. I enjoyed this video a lot!

@liamailiam - 16.02.2022 20:42

stop doing that annoying clicking shit with your mouth. disliked

@Wheatley101 - 16.02.2022 21:50

Last time I was at Bovington there were a couple of fellas showing off their models in the same room as the famous Tiger. Their models and dioramas were very high quality and I chatted to each of them for a while.

@derekbaker3279 - 17.02.2022 08:58

Fantastic work! I have no idea why, but I had been (inadvertently) unsubscribed, so I just saw this video. And, I just have to say, "What a great video!". I have seen a few on YT that gave me a strong impression that the AFV Churchills are a pain in the arse to build, but you demonstrated that just a bit of patience pays off, so I will be getting one of these Churchill kits soon!

FWIW, the Churchill has always been near & dear to my heart. Not only does it have an imposing 'prehistoric' look to it, but the Churchill was a much valued AFV for the Canadians who fought in WWII (and even in Korea, believe it or not!). FYI, I grew up in (and still live in) a Canadian City that had its beloved regiment slaughtered at Dieppe (Royal Hamilton Light Infantry...'the RHLI'), alongside the Churchills of the Fort Garry Horse that could not navigate the stone shingle that covered the beach & became sitting ducks. Nevertheless, I think I'll choose a post D-Day Churchill, because they were a key part of the Canadian forces that fought their way from Juno Beach, to Caen, to joining the 1st Polish Armoured Div as the 'cork' that plugged the Falaise Gap, then (...with a rebuilt RHLI...) slogged their way up the French & Belgian coast to Dieppe, to the Scheldt & Antwerp, then liberating the Netherlands & ending the war in northern Germany.

So, needless to say, after success at the Falaise Gap, the Canadians , Poles & Brits, with their Shermans & Churchills, spent a lot of cold, wet days in the mud & intentionally flooded fields of NW Europe. That means that the spectacular weathering you did on your Churchill is serious inspiration for when I build my first Churchill. FWIW, I have seen enough photos & film of the battles in N. France, Belgium, the Netherlands & NW Germany to confirm that the splatters on the top of the hull you created would not have been unrealistic & I'm sure the turret became quite a mess too! One can only imagine what the tops & sides of the hull & turret would have looked like, with day after day involving platoons of Churchills picking up infantry, pushing through the quagmire toward the next objective, then stopping to allowing the infantry to jump off....all the while having German artillery & mortar shells exploding around the tanks! I would think the entire Churchill, with its large flat upper hull & angular turret would be covered in gunk! lol


@richardbaxter2057 - 20.02.2022 01:23

Loving this vid as I do love a Churchill and I have two of AFV Clubs Models, this one and the AVRE!
Watching your build of the suspension was fab! It does look a bit daunting but your vid took the sting out of it, so thanks very much!
A great tank for upgrading, as in extra “track armour” crew kit, etc.....a model with its own personality! Well done with yours!

@mkennedy7431 - 21.02.2022 04:42

Hi can you tell me where I can buy the stiplex you added to the turret

@ryanlewington6 - 22.02.2022 14:35

Went to the museum on Sunday for the model show and picked up some nice kits for the stash :-)
1/35 dragon battle of the bulge King tiger
1/76 fujimi M4a1 sherman
1/72 caesar miniatures modern US tank crew
1/72 Dragon LCM(3) Landing craft

@normanlong2191 - 23.02.2022 01:59

Nice build !!

@flack2998 - 23.03.2022 04:48

wow! the tank museum! very cool.

@flack2998 - 23.03.2022 05:02

sadly i can’t go because i live in the US. But i wish i could go. Seems like a very interesting place for tank lovers,

@razif6916 - 15.05.2022 16:48

Awesome build mate..well infomative aswell

@sierrahobbys1883 - 12.07.2022 02:33

Excellent work. I've always been put off building a Churchill because there are so many wheels.

@markbarratt1453 - 14.08.2022 19:59

Jason - building the AFV mk vii - is the Churchill Tank Owners' Workshop Manual a good investment - I am trying to establish the engine and component colors?

@georgewilson5303 - 13.09.2022 04:51

Hey my friend how are you doing. I started to look for Mr surfacer 1200. It all says white liquid . Is that the right one. It is the only one I can find. No mater what brand. Can you please help me

@georgewilson5303 - 13.09.2022 04:55

Did you ever hear of the British black queen. I seen it a tank show.

@georgewilson5303 - 13.09.2022 05:13

You are a specialist. When it comes to paint and the effects. I love watching you. You help me with my modeling. You give confidence in what I am trying to do. Thank you so much

@BrokenIET - 02.01.2023 23:18

its a nice kit except for the rubber tracks in my opinion

@michaelbenjmitchell1 - 10.01.2023 07:43

I have the AFV Club MkVII kit and I'm wondering if you can remove the rockers from the upper suspension assembly in order to glue the assembly to the sponson then re-install the rockers so you don't need to struggle to get it in place.

@allanstott6999 - 15.07.2023 12:12

Can I ask which thinners you used for the brown wash, and also for fixing the pigments? I'm about to start this kit and you've given me many ideas.

@miksstudio - 16.12.2023 20:39

Awesome job, my grandfather worked at Vauxhall's during the war helping to build these tanks.

@arturasaranauskas6386 - 17.01.2024 16:34

Very nice work, brilliant explanation. Enjoyed watching and listening.
Good luck with a feature project. Looking forward to see.

@mikeharbour835 - 25.04.2024 09:30

why don't you mount the hull and turret onto a handle...its so much easier...excellent build btw...
