Do Kettlebells REALLY Work? [YES! But Only If You Do These 2 Things...] | Coach MANdler

Do Kettlebells REALLY Work? [YES! But Only If You Do These 2 Things...] | Coach MANdler

Chandler Marchman

1 год назад

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@ryanyoung4938 - 25.01.2024 07:48

“Sacrifice comfort for gains.” This basic principle has helped me progress in so many aspects of life. I truly believe that eating good things for your body and coupling kettlebell workouts with body weight exercises will get you absolutely shredded if you commit fully to the process. Thank you coach Chandler for this timeless wisdom and all of the fantastic workout videos💪🏼💥

@toddknode752 - 23.09.2023 23:36

the many things you can do with kettlebells greatly outweighs the few things you cannot do with them.

@handsomejack5787 - 12.08.2023 21:38

I’ve found kettlebells make me feel healthier than barbells and dumb bells alone.

@ThurmanWorsley-hh8ty - 31.07.2023 23:16

Thanks for that..highly motivational in training and in life.

@kelleebolden7936 - 02.07.2023 16:44

Thank you coach!

@swoosh2835 - 02.07.2023 10:17

I used to be a barbell guy for years and years - never got the kind of results from barbells both from an aesthetics and athleticism/performance perspective as I have with kettlebells the last 3 years. The biggest misconception I’ve seen from skeptics is that they think that the swing is the only exercise to do with them or you have to limit yourself to single kettlebell exercises. I’m living proof that it can for sure take you further than any other resistance tool you may have tried.

@rootd22 - 01.07.2023 16:57

Was going to comment sooner, this video came out at perfect time. I was looking at your website for the same information. Thanks Coach!

@byronalimbuyao3515 - 30.06.2023 00:10

A couple months ago, i had an emergency surgery due to a freak accident. I was on a 12 week Squat and Bench routine that had to come to an end at Week 8. Post surgery, i had to take a month off to recover. Right after that month i bought a ton of bells that went up to 88 lbs and have been doing kettlebell strength and conditioning work 2 to 3x a week depending on how busy my schedule looks since i have a baby that's turning 2 in a few months. I'm on Week 4 with Kettlebells and i feel like I've gained more size, power, endurance, and mobility with 15-30 mins of KB work versus an hour to an hour and a half of barbell training. My plan was to do KBs for a month to rebuild everything....but i may stick to KBs this entire summer...because outdoor workouts are THE BEST.

@timulewicz466 - 29.06.2023 17:55

Awesome video Coach, As alway bringing the inspiration in stacks! love it 😎👊

@TheRafalblog - 29.06.2023 16:40

I like the way you said that. Success has many fathers but failure is an orphan. Very often people out there looking for something without giving a damn. No pain no gain kettlebell is the best thing I have met but in fact, I have been avoiding a long time. 10 minutes of workout and I feel the body burns.

@hirschcola1 - 29.06.2023 09:43

This real Bodys are an great inspiration. It feels like i follow your trainings since years and it keeps me motivated. It has changed my training habbits from 90% Dumbell & Barbell Training into 90% Kettlebell & Bodyweight with honestly some better results. One of the biggest benefits, i can do my training on the outside area with no need to stay in my gym with all the equipment. If someone asked me today what is necessary to get in a good shape ? I would recomend : Get some Kettlebells, a skiping rope, maybe a set of Dip Bars and watch Coach Mandler. The rest is a question of motivation and how hard you want it.

@dundee1080 - 29.06.2023 09:02

Mark Rippetoe has left that chat. lol As always - great video, coach!

@justjacqueline2004 - 29.06.2023 08:47

At 65 years old we both have been using Kettlebell for three years now,not exclusively, but have been a huge benefit to out workouts as they have challenged us out of our rut which we had embraced. The KBs were and are a challenge and a great way to work up a sweat and build muscle even at our age. Very inspiring athletes,thanks coach.Keep them coming.

@elMusico78 - 29.06.2023 06:29

Great message. Thanks for continually inspiring us!

@veinspect - 29.06.2023 04:07

Never give up, keep showing up!

@welshmogsy - 29.06.2023 02:43

Just using says, standing in front of a squat rack and plates🤔

@Matt-Glover - 29.06.2023 02:34

I was doing great for eight months with kettlebells. I had to go in for an emergency surgery and was unable to lift for two weeks. Two weeks turned into seven months I was gaining weight and falling into a bad mental state. Through discipline I'm returning to an old friend. Even bought a new kettlebell for my birthday to get back into it.

@michaelbattle7477 - 29.06.2023 01:54

Spoken like a Leader!
Lead on!

@sherifeltouny2920 - 29.06.2023 00:51

I’m 45 yrs old and getting into kettlebells just now I hope to lose weight and gain muscle I don’t care about being massive I just want to be lean
My workouts
Are thrusters, cleans, clean and press, snatch, deadlift, overhead press, and swings

@prnicho - 28.06.2023 23:45

“Focus on progress more than perfection”. I am making that my new life mantra 👍

@kris4786 - 28.06.2023 23:40

@CoachMANdler Started watching your channel during covid 2021. I couldn't squat down to pick up my kids or tie my shoe my knees where so bad. Getting up out of a chair was a noisy event. I was stuck at home and bored. Decided its going to hurt, suck it up. I started with a 10 lbs bell I had bought for the wife that she didn't use. Got the forms down and even that little wt. will tire you out after awhile. Got some heavier weights. I lost 20 lbs of fat and packed in some muscle to look like I just retired from active duty. 45 years old, 222 lbs. 5'11" and look like I'm ready for a cage fight. I am strong again, can squat with weights all the way down with very little pain. I had an injury that forced me out and the Marines never cared to fix. Strong muscles and tendons make for better knees now. Back and core are stronger and that made the back pain go away. No more insomnia for me exercise is the solution. 30 min in the living room ,five nights a week while watching TV after the kids go to bed. Full body circuit 3-4 rounds 10 exercises. It's not hard just make the decision "I will do it". I hope this encourages a few people.

@thecoolj45221 - 28.06.2023 23:15


@fullmetal71481 - 28.06.2023 22:48

Yes, yes they do. Thanks for putting this video out there Coach!
