These maps explain why Putin is invading Ukraine

These maps explain why Putin is invading Ukraine


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David Howse
David Howse - 16.09.2023 02:08

I think it is high time Russia came into the 21st century and realised the argument about the potential for invasion belonged back in history. It is anachronistic thinking. Look at the actions of a country to judge threat. Most of Europe, NATO within Europe, were cutting their military spending to the bone after the cold war was thought to be ended. Russia was never to be invaded again. What is said is that the USSR had an empire and superpower status, and Russia should get that status back, by retaking the lands of the former USSR.

Dump Trump
Dump Trump - 31.08.2023 23:40

The #1 fault at the heart of the Russian thinking outlined here, namely that the Western approaches to Russia need to be dominated, is that was something to fear. There wasn't. Western military strength, especially in Europe, has been falling & what resources that are devoted are mainly toward small scale, anti terrorist operations & intervening in local conflicts around the globe. Large scale conflicts, where major industrial powers face off against each other, are a thing of the past, consigned to history. And those who study history KNOW that the #1 piece of advice is "You don't invade Russia!" IMO this invasion is more like Hitler's Sudetenland/Czech invasion, where he was convinced that The West was weak & wasn't going to intervene after decades of Post Great War military budget spending reductions (not that any of the major European powers could have done anything to prevent it, Czechoslovakia wasn't anywhere near where they could project power).

IMO Putin gambled that no one would do anything for Ukraine & he's lost that gamble. Today's Europe isn't the same as in the1930s &, although forces are cash strapped, mobility is very high precisely because of the small scale/anti terrorist slant of todays military. Why he invaded might be better explained by simply providing an easy victory that shore up his popularity (think of what the despised military Junta tried with the Argentinian invasion of the Falklands) & another, previously unspoiled economy that can be milked through corruption.

Upgrade 101
Upgrade 101 - 24.08.2023 11:09

Oh yeah I’m going to trust this reason for…. Reasons hahahahah thanks CNN

LJT - 24.08.2023 10:11

Completely didn't mention the fact that most indoctrinated Russians hate Ukrainians and refer to them in dehumanising slang terms long before this invasion.

For most Russians its a loss they cannot stomach since independence and the Ukrainians are held fully responsible.
It even manifests as a toxic relationship between families living opposite sides of the border.

Merion - 24.07.2023 13:20

The language of the video should be declared in its properties to make it have subtitles and thus be able to processed by translator etc. functions.

Love Peace
Love Peace - 24.07.2023 11:49

This is the Pro West CIA perspective on the matter, it is mostly misleading and false.

FreedomFox1 - 21.07.2023 04:22

This is not an accurate description of Putin’s essay. He said Russia and Ukraine have cultural and historical ties, but that Ukraine is politically independent. But don’t take my word for it… go read Putin’s writings and speeches for yourself.

naco nacotroll
naco nacotroll - 03.07.2023 23:30

This is such BS. They found massive oil reserves in 2013 in Ukraine and would make Ukraine one of the biggest producer of natural gas. In 2014 Russia annex Crimea. Look it up 2013 they found massive oil in eastern part of Ukraine

Christopher Hunt
Christopher Hunt - 28.06.2023 08:16

Really insightful video - and fair and balanced.

cohen - 27.06.2023 13:21

Lol the tv CIA arnchair operative

Andy Fr
Andy Fr - 27.06.2023 00:11

Before Napoleon and Germans the Poles invaded Russia and occupied Moscow, even the zar was polish begin 17th century. The Ukraine belongs to Poland-Lithuanian commonwealth too at that time.
Russians don’t know the real history of their country too… they need Ukraine to be a super power again. Russia has still an imperial government.. still not educated to democratic world like did Germany or Japan after 2nd WW.

Cole Howe
Cole Howe - 24.06.2023 14:36

Very clear and helpful. Thank you! Would love to see more of these.

Robson293 - 24.06.2023 02:28

And that is why Georgia is lucky to be separated by mountains from Russia

Deegii Bayar
Deegii Bayar - 22.06.2023 13:13

new now ukraine world map super good

Jack Reacher
Jack Reacher - 20.06.2023 17:16

Fanciful nonsense.

Barry Shaw
Barry Shaw - 20.06.2023 00:49

The West looting natural resources is the cause, same everywhere they go, war profiteering criminals. Keep it simple and use a little common sense, Bingo!!

Ge Ral
Ge Ral - 19.06.2023 17:31

And what a way, ruzzians have to show their "love" !!!

Yar - 11.06.2023 20:00

well, it still doesn't mean that we want to be russians.

Knofi - 10.06.2023 12:50

It is so easy. If you make friends with your neighbors, you don't have to fear them.

LDelEdgar - 09.06.2023 13:20

Why? Because it BELONGS TO RUSSIA!!!

Arngeir's Bro
Arngeir's Bro - 07.06.2023 18:08

I think the map that better explains russion invasion is map of russian empire, russian government still sees those lands that where part of russian empire as rightfully russian and wants to join them back to russia. And russia isn't afraid of invasion they have numerous army an nukes😒

Raymond Rothstein
Raymond Rothstein - 07.06.2023 09:53

That was more informative than anything Russia could come up with for reasons of invading.. putin can't stand the fact that the birthplace of Russia is distanced itself from the autocratic regime it turned into.. but now, as ukraine rises, the collective west needs to remind ukraine to never grow into a new Russia after the war is over, peace and trade grows a country, military dominance never ends well. People say the USA is a military dominance, yet look at ukraine, we are not directly involved, we just support their choice to be free, like many other nations we aid, to protect prosperity and free trade.

Tito B. Yotoko Jr.
Tito B. Yotoko Jr. - 06.06.2023 13:45

You sound as delusional as Putin because you fail to consider that Ukraine and the Ukrainians exist and do not want to be Russians or part of Russia.

TheDesertPooch - 06.06.2023 02:48

Russia has always been an expansionist power and they want to hide it under the guise of a foreign threat. Also, doesn't Ukrainian will count? In a referendum they voted to join the EU and Russia got butt hurt!

David Brown
David Brown - 05.06.2023 13:47

The Volga - Don River system services 80% of Russian civilisation. The Route from the Nth in St Petersburg through the Sea of Azov through to the Black sea to Istanbul is the most important route for the vast majority of Russian Trade. Sticking a NATO base - as the US would like to do, so near to the port of Rostov on Don is an existential threat to the Russian state- they have always said that Ukraine as a NATO member is a "Red Line"- and they weren't joking. The Baltic sea is surrounded in the North and the only way to guarantee their security is for the South warm water port is in Russian hands. It's been their Archilles Heel for hundreds of years and Every Russian understands this, Putin doesn't have to convince them of anything, they already know and they will fight to the death to defend themselves. But they don't want all of Ukraine- Just the East- and Zelensky is telling lies and scaring people with old witches tales about Russia wanting to take over the whole of Europe. It's just a load of BS

In WWII Russians killed 5 out 6 German troops and lost more people in Stalingrad than the UK and the US lost for the entire Second World War- and you want to pick a fight with them?.... that sounds just plain daft to me.

bruce bird
bruce bird - 05.06.2023 03:56

This explanation ignores Russia's real geopolitical threat - China. The threat from Ukraine and Europe is democracy, freedoms, and clamping down on corruption; these were the things that the Ukrainians wanted and want by integrating into the European Union. That is the real "threat" that Russia senses from Ukraine, not a military one. Putin and his minions don't want the internal opposition. They want to continue with their corrupt autocratic ways.

Bull sitting
Bull sitting - 04.06.2023 21:34

China is going to make all the mountains flat but first China will hit all the Disney lands

Dennis Sherman
Dennis Sherman - 04.06.2023 17:17


Peter Andersson
Peter Andersson - 04.06.2023 09:40

Don’t forget Putin is a very bad person in that’s all we the people need to know

Chon Wayne
Chon Wayne - 04.06.2023 07:57

I am sure the discovery that Ukraine holds the 2nd largest proven oil and natural gas reserves in Europe (only behind Norway) just weeks before all this began in 2012. Funny thing, nearly all of it was either in the Donbas or the Sea of Azov. Too bad Russia took Crimea right as the Ukrainian government made a deal to extract the oil from the Sea of Azov, preventing Ukraine from withdrawing the oil. I am sure "europe's gas station" had absolutely no interest in maintaining a monopoly on oil and natural gas. Putin is such a nice and friendly person he would never invade a country just because they threatened his stranglehold on Europe.

tankt3489 - 04.06.2023 00:58

You are looking in the wrong direction. russians are barbarians, barbarians will take everything they were let to.
That is it. He wants Ukraine because he thought he could take it. He also wants Poland, but he knew he won't be let to take it.
Thats not about putin, every russian is the same way of thinking. Any person abroad who had a russian neighbor knows what I am talking about.

Lisa Grobbelaar
Lisa Grobbelaar - 04.06.2023 00:02

Uhkraine Should get a place in Nato

Danilo Cribas
Danilo Cribas - 03.06.2023 22:50

🤣 comic .Rusa invade Ucrania because .usa and nato .want to invade Rusia and steal oil and gas

Nicolai Ene
Nicolai Ene - 02.06.2023 18:52

No, thats the explanation of his propaganda reasoning, whereas what he actually wants is just power, oil and land.

Rahmatilla Mirzaev
Rahmatilla Mirzaev - 02.06.2023 17:15

Do you know how Ukraine was founded?
How can you give your opinion? Crimea was not Ukraine's at all.
It is not difficult to mislead Americans, because they are not tought World history in American schools.

Alex Biktimirkin
Alex Biktimirkin - 02.06.2023 13:13

If you actually went to Russia and talked to random people on the streets, you'd quickly realize no one really cares about Kiev being the mother of whatever. Kiev was the heart of the Kievan Rus' about 1000 years ago. Nowadays, it's just a foreign capital city. I'm telling you this as somebody who has lived in Russia for 37 years. Experts use this argument again and again, but truth is it doesn't hold water.

Douglas McGinity
Douglas McGinity - 02.06.2023 04:48

Oh wow, some thing based in reality and truth and understanding, on CNN shocking rare moment

Heriberto Hernandez
Heriberto Hernandez - 01.06.2023 23:03

whoa and I thought woke where confused. If that place was the capital why destroy such a historic place? It doesn't make sense😢

Oleksandr Budnytskyy
Oleksandr Budnytskyy - 01.06.2023 22:22

It is too complicated for Russia Federation and just help to explain and to justify russian aggression agains Ukraine. The matter is significantly easier. Russia stuck in 19th century, Putin want to be a tsar - the leader of absolute monarhy and the big perentage of russian accept his intention appeals to imperial tethis about 'strong hand'. The reason of Putin not the geography or strategy - it just the fear, that Ukrainian aspiration to european values jeapardize the absolute power of Putin and his surrounding, grievance to the fact that ukrainian people got rid off his protegge and criminal person Yanukowitch.

Mateo Steinhardt
Mateo Steinhardt - 01.06.2023 18:44

NATO took Kaliningrad???

Bob Woods
Bob Woods - 01.06.2023 18:21

I guess as a Canadian I`ll just have to sit and wait for England to decide it want's it's empire back.

Bob Woods
Bob Woods - 01.06.2023 18:11

I guess the only problem for Russia when it comes to occupying the flat ground is that the flat ground is in another country.

ron black
ron black - 01.06.2023 11:33

this is all bullshit. russia was not founded in kyiv . russia is muscovy not russia . russia is a fake name used by peter the first to make it seem like his backwater has been around for much longer than it was.
and the wat has nothing to do with nato. it's a pure land grad by despot putin.

Ming Mongo
Ming Mongo - 01.06.2023 08:13

Doesn't mention oil, natural gas, pipelines... hmmm.

Christina marie
Christina marie - 01.06.2023 05:38

Was that it? That was the whole clip?

The Nomad
The Nomad - 01.06.2023 04:27

Why would Ukraine want to ally with Russia? No freedom of speech…. Dissenters are thrown out of windows, and the government is a mafia state .

Raf Stary
Raf Stary - 31.05.2023 12:48

Only two maps are needed to explain why this imperialist attacked an innocent country.
1. Map of the Russian Empire
2. Map of NATO

Nicolas Cacace
Nicolas Cacace - 31.05.2023 10:51

Rubbish - Russia's SOLE export is fossil fuel. The whole world is trying to move to renewables and in 50 years nobody will want Russia's fossil fuels.
By taking Ukraine Putin will take all its Metallurgic Industries, rare earth metals used to make microchips and wheat. If the west denies Russia Microchips then Putin can take away the rare earth metals and metallurgy it needs for its microchips and its Nuclear power plants AND he will starve them of wheat - it's THAT basic.
Super Yachts and Palaces cost money - Nothing to do with wanting to revive Russia's past or being afraid of a land assault from Nato. This is all just distraction and misdirection - the sizzle to sell the steak.

Sally Ramage
Sally Ramage - 31.05.2023 09:46

I feel it in my bones that that Zelensky is a dangerous, deceptive, self-preserving, untruthful pushy little man who wants to be world leader in a hurry. Him and his band of computer hacking and monitoring bandits. See history relate this finally. He lives like a king in palatial wealth; ordering the world's top nations to give him money and arms. Ukraine has a dark web market-who knows-half the arms may be being resold on the DARK WEB and MONEY TURNED INTO INTERNET CURRENCY OFFSHORE. What does he have over USA? He has the fact that he was allowing unethical wmd research for them in Ukraine. PUSHY UPSTART!

grr lgd
grr lgd - 30.05.2023 23:19

No wrong. The flat lands etc was maybe true before but now we live in the age on the bomb. Nobody is attacking Russia. Who is attacking Russia across the flatlands when they have the worlds biggest arsenal of nuclear weapons. Just plain wrong
