The 5 Stages of Vim

The 5 Stages of Vim


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@matopuk123 - 27.12.2023 11:34

I sucked long enough in University. I hated math, but still went for Applied informatics. I thought it's about programming not about math.. Boy I was wrong, each semester two math courses. After sucking at matg for 5 years I can do crypto analytics. Also I started sucking at emacs btw.

@user-xg5oq2ks6z - 27.12.2023 12:23

What is this motion he's talking about? "Vf{%d" ?

@marshmutiso - 27.12.2023 13:30

I still love netbeans to this day.

@Sverdiyev - 27.12.2023 13:47

Hey Prime!
Could you please look into your kinesis coupon - seems it does not work anymore?

@AfternoonLemon - 27.12.2023 14:18

The only time I use Vim is on a Git Rebase. Tempted to learn more of it though.

@MrAbrazildo - 27.12.2023 15:51

Problem is that those Vim videos are about people who only moves by mouse, don't know any key shortcuts. Doesn't VS Code has any of these?

@Shaker-Hamdi - 27.12.2023 16:02

"You gotta suck long enough to see the results" --ThePrimeagen (December 26, 2023)

@abdulmuhaimin346 - 27.12.2023 16:19

I'm in stage 3 😵‍💫

@LaughingOrange - 27.12.2023 17:03

How long should I suck at vim before I can say it isn't for me? I know I'm not there yet, but how much time should I dedicate to learning vim?

@demolazer - 27.12.2023 17:26

I've just got through to enlightenment. It is starting to become way too much fun, like playing a video game.

@Monster_Rancher - 27.12.2023 18:20


@kittel-dev - 27.12.2023 18:44

I go with jetbrains ide's, because i have no time and no interesst to learn neovim or vim.

@Salloom99 - 27.12.2023 19:06

Flip deserves a raise 🔥

@merouanebenderradji1582 - 27.12.2023 22:08

about the sucking guys he's not gay he just sucks toes

@hectororopesa001 - 28.12.2023 07:37

great video!

@junaidiqbal4104 - 28.12.2023 08:50

Exactly my Case, thanks for sharing this kinda stuff !!!!!!! Love you from Lahore Pakistan, <3

@BrazilMentionedHueHue - 28.12.2023 22:07

Giga Randy

@jojowolf6826 - 29.12.2023 14:29

I’ve really come to love the idea of Vim, especially it’s motions.

But my current situation just doesn’t work with it. I‘m on Windows 10 and migrating to anything else would be an absolute nightmare (even though I‘ve come to love Linux and use Bash wherever I can).
Trying to run Vim inside of Windows would be too.
(I tried both before)

The month-long breaks from programming, really wouldn’t make switching to Vim any easier.

Sticking to the simplicity and out-of-the-box versatility of VS Code is just the easiest and most straight-forward solution for me atm.

I think, I will learn Vim motions, because they‘re just objectively way faster and way more fun to use. In fact I already learned the basics.
But It‘ll be a few years, before I shall start an attempt at setting up that monster of an editor, you call „Vim“ to be used for more than editing files on my home server.

@xolvum - 29.12.2023 16:02

that's it. i will start and suck long enough, i just hope i will see the results

@jordantrizz - 30.12.2023 15:00

For someone that works on a lot of remote systems, is there a portable method of using neovim with plugins versus doing local distribution installs?

@AnindoSarker - 30.12.2023 18:17

I'm still stuck on denial

@bnorrish - 31.12.2023 03:14

Vim is like wine. No one tries it for the first time and says “hey this is actually pretty nice.”

@NeoShameMan - 31.12.2023 23:32

So vim is blender before 3.0? 😂

@dreamhollow - 01.01.2024 19:37

I feel weird because I took to Vim like a fish to water.
There are a lot of commands I still need to learn, but I love how versatile it is.

@RenderingUser - 03.01.2024 04:30

i had no idea about t or f in vim....

ive now made a new breakthrough. thanks prime

@infastin3795 - 09.01.2024 21:33

I hate Prime for not highlighting sentences completely.

@AM-yk5yd - 10.01.2024 09:05

Two stages of VIM-mode in code:
1) "I need :s, % motion, * motion, if I had it it would be so much easier" (install code)
2) "noooo, the myriad of clipboards [dd/ctrl-x/ctrl-v/shift-del/shift-ins"+p] bit my shiny one yet another time"

(I rarely use hjkl, mostly when joing lines so I can do jJjjJjjJ)

@thehelderheid - 10.01.2024 15:04

When i got forced to learn how to use bare minimum vim/nvim to configure a server through ssh on a console, i somehow unironically liked it a bit. Now i got to customizing how my terminal looks like 😂 this new year be doing weird things

@mathiaslui9193 - 12.01.2024 17:14

Hmm every time I see someone showing off how fast and productive vim is, I think you can do that faster in code
But I can see it must be very useful if you only have SSH

@hayyanhami6826 - 14.01.2024 17:54

Wtf I just found a new world

@mo.G_2020 - 25.01.2024 01:01

I am in stage three now, I just finished vimtutor

@lucaxtshotting2378 - 03.02.2024 02:31

someone should've told scott he can run applications pressing f5

@joshuaclarkson8777 - 04.02.2024 08:41

I hate myself for learning vim and rust beacuse of you. Now I'm in my lowest point of my life.

@febranom3567 - 04.02.2024 12:12

"I know someone like that, Its Me"

@sergeykolesnik1171 - 15.02.2024 13:08

There's no success without succ

@MrSlowestD16 - 23.02.2024 12:46

If your productivity is tied to your editor, then your editor isn't the problem.
Vim is good if you don't like taking your hands off the keyboard, very efficient in that department. Otherwise? GUI's can always present more data to you in parallel. Whether that's tool tips, or overlays, or whatever, it's way more efficient to consume data.

I went down the vim path a few times, all the times I've kinda came up with the same results. A lot of the plugins that people swear by like nerdtree are half baked, vim chokes hard on large files that something like sublime or NP++ can handle without issue, tagging mechanisms like ctags for C/C++ are kinda shit, and if you prefer a mouse it's inefficient in vim. The big selling point is supposedly it's flexibility, but 99% of the options you'd want to change in vim are modifiable in VS Code or sublime or whatever, so it doesn't really win that. So as I originally said: Good if you only want to use the keyboard. Otherwise? Doesn't really offer anything that other programs don't have as well with better polish.

I end up using vim for quick edits, like if I know I have to replace one line in a file or comment something out or something, but otherwise? Been using sublime for awhile, it's pretty excellent. Wish somebody would make an OSS clone, but I'm not hellbent on shit being OSS.

@Nandafirmans - 02.03.2024 13:15

I'm at the stage buying split keyboard

@bombrman1994 - 11.03.2024 22:32

the author sounds like a long time prime fan, or its prime on a burner account

@Codigger-br2rt - 20.03.2024 09:50

Liked, subscribed and saved to my playlist. Currently trying my best to learn vim keybindings, tmux, shell scripting while juggling through college courses.
I couldn't be more thankful for this video. Hope you upload as frequently as possible. Cheers!

@burlak3182 - 28.04.2024 21:35

I never liked vim. I do use vim as my main editor, but mostly because I'm too old and too lazy to learn something new. But oh boy when I saw what VS code does. it's like a magic.
And yes, you can also put million plugins to the vim, customize it. but then you have to learn how to use those plugins, and don't let me start on how whole ecosystem is fragmented, and even maintaining your vimrc and plugins is pain.
In years using vim I learned that removed line from vimrc is better than adding one.

And I totally hate neovim, there might be some stuff better there but it has same major flaws as vim itself. one day when I'll feel like switching editor, I would probably switch to kakoune, it's kinda like vim, but lot of things is done better, and it has great server-client model, and all your instances are aware of each other.

oh, and why I don't wanna switch to modern editor like zed or/and vs code? I would love to, it's just... I'm addicted to tmux, I can't imagine life without it, and GUI editor it's breaking my workflow. that's why I'm suffering with vim.

@CoderDBF - 01.05.2024 20:29

I’m still in the denial stage.
I use sublime text and it works for me. Tried NeoVim a few times, it’s the least intuitive application that I have ever seen.

@briancook6875 - 31.05.2024 05:36

literally randy

@billalexander949 - 11.07.2024 22:59

This is such a great video on MANY levels! Obstacles and adversity are the reasons we grow...if we step up to the challenge and refuse to quit. Here's reality; If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do succeed! It has proven to be true in so many ways. Thanks for this video.

@sweetshit4931 - 28.07.2024 00:40

I'm using emacs.

@Arcane_Ayush - 17.08.2024 08:54

it's the exact same for me ( ThePrimeagen was the catalyst for me too ) and my journey was exactly the same except at stage 3 it was shorter for me but devastating at the same time XD

@ml_serenity - 05.09.2024 22:34

It makes me sic when people make a cult out of anything. Vim(nvim) has definitely many merits, but also downsides. Just fucking STOP making a cult out of it!
